297 research outputs found

    Input Prioritization for Testing Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are increasingly being adopted for sensing and control functions in a variety of safety and mission-critical systems such as self-driving cars, autonomous air vehicles, medical diagnostics, and industrial robotics. Failures of such systems can lead to loss of life or property, which necessitates stringent verification and validation for providing high assurance. Though formal verification approaches are being investigated, testing remains the primary technique for assessing the dependability of such systems. Due to the nature of the tasks handled by DNNs, the cost of obtaining test oracle data---the expected output, a.k.a. label, for a given input---is high, which significantly impacts the amount and quality of testing that can be performed. Thus, prioritizing input data for testing DNNs in meaningful ways to reduce the cost of labeling can go a long way in increasing testing efficacy. This paper proposes using gauges of the DNN's sentiment derived from the computation performed by the model, as a means to identify inputs that are likely to reveal weaknesses. We empirically assessed the efficacy of three such sentiment measures for prioritization---confidence, uncertainty, and surprise---and compare their effectiveness in terms of their fault-revealing capability and retraining effectiveness. The results indicate that sentiment measures can effectively flag inputs that expose unacceptable DNN behavior. For MNIST models, the average percentage of inputs correctly flagged ranged from 88% to 94.8%

    Universal Adversarial Perturbations Through the Lens of Deep Steganography: Towards A Fourier Perspective

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    The booming interest in adversarial attacks stems from a misalignment between human vision and a deep neural network (DNN), i.e. a human imperceptible perturbation fools the DNN. Moreover, a single perturbation, often called universal adversarial perturbation (UAP), can be generated to fool the DNN for most images. A similar misalignment phenomenon has recently also been observed in the deep steganography task, where a decoder network can retrieve a secret image back from a slightly perturbed cover image. We attempt explaining the success of both in a unified manner from the Fourier perspective. We perform task-specific and joint analysis and reveal that (a) frequency is a key factor that influences their performance based on the proposed entropy metric for quantifying the frequency distribution; (b) their success can be attributed to a DNN being highly sensitive to high-frequency content. We also perform feature layer analysis for providing deep insight on model generalization and robustness. Additionally, we propose two new variants of universal perturbations: (1) Universal Secret Adversarial Perturbation (USAP) that simultaneously achieves attack and hiding; (2) high-pass UAP (HP-UAP) that is less visible to the human eye.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 202

    Non-acted multi-view audio-visual dyadic interactions. Project master thesis: multitask learning for facial attributes analysis

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    Treballs finals del Màster de Fonaments de Ciència de Dades, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2019, Tutor: Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Cristina Palmero i Julio C. S. Jacques Junior[en] In this thesis we explore the use of Multitask Learning for improving performance in facial attributes tasks such as gender, age and ethnicity prediction. These tasks, along with emotion recognition will be part of a new dyadic interaction dataset which was recorded during the development of this thesis. This work includes the implementation of two state of the art multitask deep learning models and the discussion of the results obtained from these methods in a preliminary dataset, as well as a first evaluation in a sample of the dyadic interaction dataset. This will serve as a baseline for a future implementation of Multitask Learning methods in the fully annotated dyadic interaction dataset

    A Survey on Fairness-aware Recommender Systems

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    As information filtering services, recommender systems have extremely enriched our daily life by providing personalized suggestions and facilitating people in decision-making, which makes them vital and indispensable to human society in the information era. However, as people become more dependent on them, recent studies show that recommender systems potentially own unintentional impacts on society and individuals because of their unfairness (e.g., gender discrimination in job recommendations). To develop trustworthy services, it is crucial to devise fairness-aware recommender systems that can mitigate these bias issues. In this survey, we summarise existing methodologies and practices of fairness in recommender systems. Firstly, we present concepts of fairness in different recommendation scenarios, comprehensively categorize current advances, and introduce typical methods to promote fairness in different stages of recommender systems. Next, after introducing datasets and evaluation metrics applied to assess the fairness of recommender systems, we will delve into the significant influence that fairness-aware recommender systems exert on real-world industrial applications. Subsequently, we highlight the connection between fairness and other principles of trustworthy recommender systems, aiming to consider trustworthiness principles holistically while advocating for fairness. Finally, we summarize this review, spotlighting promising opportunities in comprehending concepts, frameworks, the balance between accuracy and fairness, and the ties with trustworthiness, with the ultimate goal of fostering the development of fairness-aware recommender systems.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Reviewer Integration and Performance Measurement for Malware Detection

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    We present and evaluate a large-scale malware detection system integrating machine learning with expert reviewers, treating reviewers as a limited labeling resource. We demonstrate that even in small numbers, reviewers can vastly improve the system's ability to keep pace with evolving threats. We conduct our evaluation on a sample of VirusTotal submissions spanning 2.5 years and containing 1.1 million binaries with 778GB of raw feature data. Without reviewer assistance, we achieve 72% detection at a 0.5% false positive rate, performing comparable to the best vendors on VirusTotal. Given a budget of 80 accurate reviews daily, we improve detection to 89% and are able to detect 42% of malicious binaries undetected upon initial submission to VirusTotal. Additionally, we identify a previously unnoticed temporal inconsistency in the labeling of training datasets. We compare the impact of training labels obtained at the same time training data is first seen with training labels obtained months later. We find that using training labels obtained well after samples appear, and thus unavailable in practice for current training data, inflates measured detection by almost 20 percentage points. We release our cluster-based implementation, as well as a list of all hashes in our evaluation and 3% of our entire dataset.Comment: 20 papers, 11 figures, accepted at the 13th Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA 2016

    Learning Domain Invariant Representations by Joint Wasserstein Distance Minimization

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    Domain shifts in the training data are common in practical applications of machine learning, they occur for instance when the data is coming from different sources. Ideally, a ML model should work well independently of these shifts, for example, by learning a domain-invariant representation. Moreover, privacy concerns regarding the source also require a domain-invariant representation. In this work, we provide theoretical results that link domain invariant representations -- measured by the Wasserstein distance on the joint distributions -- to a practical semi-supervised learning objective based on a cross-entropy classifier and a novel domain critic. Quantitative experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach is indeed able to practically learn such an invariant representation (between two domains), and the latter also supports models with higher predictive accuracy on both domains, comparing favorably to existing techniques.Comment: 20 pages including appendix. Under Revie

    OmniDet: Surround View Cameras based Multi-task Visual Perception Network for Autonomous Driving

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    Surround View fisheye cameras are commonly deployed in automated driving for 360\deg{} near-field sensing around the vehicle. This work presents a multi-task visual perception network on unrectified fisheye images to enable the vehicle to sense its surrounding environment. It consists of six primary tasks necessary for an autonomous driving system: depth estimation, visual odometry, semantic segmentation, motion segmentation, object detection, and lens soiling detection. We demonstrate that the jointly trained model performs better than the respective single task versions. Our multi-task model has a shared encoder providing a significant computational advantage and has synergized decoders where tasks support each other. We propose a novel camera geometry based adaptation mechanism to encode the fisheye distortion model both at training and inference. This was crucial to enable training on the WoodScape dataset, comprised of data from different parts of the world collected by 12 different cameras mounted on three different cars with different intrinsics and viewpoints. Given that bounding boxes is not a good representation for distorted fisheye images, we also extend object detection to use a polygon with non-uniformly sampled vertices. We additionally evaluate our model on standard automotive datasets, namely KITTI and Cityscapes. We obtain the state-of-the-art results on KITTI for depth estimation and pose estimation tasks and competitive performance on the other tasks. We perform extensive ablation studies on various architecture choices and task weighting methodologies. A short video at https://youtu.be/xbSjZ5OfPes provides qualitative results.Comment: Camera ready version accepted for RA-L and ICRA 2021 publicatio
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