14 research outputs found

    A Review on Advanced Decision Trees for Efficient & Effective k-NN Classification

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    K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) strategy is a notable classification strategy in data mining and estimations in light of its direct execution and colossal arrangement execution. In any case, it is outlandish for ordinary KNN strategies to select settled k esteem to all tests. Past courses of action assign different k esteems to different test tests by the cross endorsement strategy however are typically tedious. This work proposes new KNN strategies, first is a KTree strategy to learn unique k esteems for different test or new cases, by including a training arrange in the KNN classification. This work additionally proposes a change rendition of KTree technique called K*Tree to speed its test organize by putting additional data of the training tests in the leaf node of KTree, for example, the training tests situated in the leaf node, their KNNs, and the closest neighbor of these KNNs. K*Tree, which empowers to lead KNN arrangement utilizing a subset of the training tests in the leaf node instead of all training tests utilized in the recently KNN techniques. This really reduces the cost of test organize

    Real time ear recognition using deep learning

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    Automatic identity recognition of ear images represents an active area of interest within the biometric community. The human ear is a perfect source of data for passive person identification. Ear images can be captured from a distance and in a covert manner; this makes ear recognition technology an attractive choice for security applications and surveillance in addition to related application domains. Differing from other biometric modalities, the human ear is neither affected by expressions like faces are nor do need closer touching like fingerprints do. In this paper, a deep learning object detector called faster region based convolutional neural networks (Faster R-CNN) is used for ear detection. A convolutional neural network (CNN) is used as feature extraction. principal component analysis (PCA) and genetic algorithm are used for feature reduction and selection respectively and a fully connected artificial neural network as a matcher. The testing proved the accuracy of 97.8% percentage of success with acceptable speed and it confirmed the accuracy and robustness of the proposed system

    Effective Discriminative Feature Selection with Non-trivial Solutions

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    Feature selection and feature transformation, the two main ways to reduce dimensionality, are often presented separately. In this paper, a feature selection method is proposed by combining the popular transformation based dimensionality reduction method Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and sparsity regularization. We impose row sparsity on the transformation matrix of LDA through 2,1{\ell}_{2,1}-norm regularization to achieve feature selection, and the resultant formulation optimizes for selecting the most discriminative features and removing the redundant ones simultaneously. The formulation is extended to the 2,p{\ell}_{2,p}-norm regularized case: which is more likely to offer better sparsity when 0<p<10<p<1. Thus the formulation is a better approximation to the feature selection problem. An efficient algorithm is developed to solve the 2,p{\ell}_{2,p}-norm based optimization problem and it is proved that the algorithm converges when 0<p20<p\le 2. Systematical experiments are conducted to understand the work of the proposed method. Promising experimental results on various types of real-world data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm

    Visibility Restoration for Single Hazy Image Using Dual Prior Knowledge

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    Single image haze removal has been a challenging task due to its super ill-posed nature. In this paper, we propose a novel single image algorithm that improves the detail and color of such degraded images. More concretely, we redefine a more reliable atmospheric scattering model (ASM) based on our previous work and the atmospheric point spread function (APSF). Further, by taking the haze density spatial feature into consideration, we design a scene-wise APSF kernel prediction mechanism to eliminate the multiple-scattering effect. With the redefined ASM and designed APSF, combined with the existing prior knowledge, the complex dehazing problem can be subtly converted into one-dimensional searching problem, which allows us to directly obtain the scene transmission and thereby recover visually realistic results via the proposed ASM. Experimental results verify that our algorithm outperforms several state-of-the-art dehazing techniques in terms of robustness, effectiveness, and efficiency

    Local feature extraction in images

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    The methods of the local feature point extraction are analyzed. The analysis shows that the most effective detectors are based on the brightness gradient determination. They usually use the Harris angle detector, which is complex in calculations. The algorithm complexity minimization contradicts both the detector effectiveness and to the high dynamic range of the analyzed image. As a result, the high-speed methods could not recognize the feature points in the heavy luminance conditions. The modification of the high dynamic range (HDR) image compression algorithm based on the Retinex method is proposed. It contains an adaptive filter, which preserves the image edges. The filter is based on a set of feature detectors performing the Harris-Laplace transform which is much simpler than the Harris angle detector. A prototype of the HDR video camera is designed which provides sharp images. Its structure simplifies the design of the artificial intelligence engine, which is implemented in FPGA of medium or large size

    The application of visual saliency models in objective image quality assessment: a statistical evaluation

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    Advances in image quality assessment have shown the potential added value of including visual attention aspects in its objective assessment. Numerous models of visual saliency are implemented and integrated in different image quality metrics (IQMs), but the gain in reliability of the resulting IQMs varies to a large extent. The causes and the trends of this variation would be highly beneficial for further improvement of IQMs, but are not fully understood. In this paper, an exhaustive statistical evaluation is conducted to justify the added value of computational saliency in objective image quality assessment, using 20 state-of-the-art saliency models and 12 best-known IQMs. Quantitative results show that the difference in predicting human fixations between saliency models is sufficient to yield a significant difference in performance gain when adding these saliency models to IQMs. However, surprisingly, the extent to which an IQM can profit from adding a saliency model does not appear to have direct relevance to how well this saliency model can predict human fixations. Our statistical analysis provides useful guidance for applying saliency models in IQMs, in terms of the effect of saliency model dependence, IQM dependence, and image distortion dependence. The testbed and software are made publicly available to the research community