77 research outputs found

    Underwater Localization in a Confined Space Using Acoustic Positioning and Machine Learning

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    Localization is a critical step in any navigation system. Through localization, the vehicle can estimate its position in the surrounding environment and plan how to reach its goal without any collision. This thesis focuses on underwater source localization, using sound signals for position estimation. We propose a novel underwater localization method based on machine learning techniques in which source position is directly estimated from collected acoustic data. The position of the sound source is estimated by training Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Feedforward Neural Network (FNN), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). To train these data-driven methods, data are collected inside a confined test tank with dimensions of 6m x 4.5m x 1.7m. The transmission unit, which includes Xilinx LX45 FPGA and transducer, generates acoustic signal. The receiver unit collects and prepares propagated sound signals and transmit them to a computer. It consists of 4 hydrophones, Red Pitay analog front-end board, and NI 9234 data acquisition board. We used MATLAB 2018 to extract pitch, Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC), and spectrogram from the sound signals. These features are used by MATLAB Toolboxes to train RF, SVM, FNN, and CNN. Experimental results show that CNN archives 4% of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) in the test tank. The finding of this research can pave the way for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) navigation in underwater open spaces

    Recognition of vessel acoustic signatures using non-linear teager energy based features

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    This paper proposes a vessel recognition and classification system based on vessel acoustic signatures. Teager Energy Operator (TEO) based Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) are used for the first time in Underwater Acoustic Signal Recognition (UASR) to identify platforms the acoustic noise they generate. TEO based MFCC (TEO-MFCC), being more robust in noisy conditions than conventional MFCC, provides a better estimation platform energy. Conventionally, acoustic noise is recognized by sonar oper-ators who listen to audio signals received by ship sonars. The aim of this work is to replace this conventional human-based recognition system with a TEO-MFCC features-based classification system. TEO is applied to short-time Fourier transform (STFT) of acoustic signal frames and Mel-scale filter bank is used to obtain Mel Teager-energy spectrum. The feature vector is constructed by discrete cosine transform (DCT) of logarithmic Mel Teager-energy spectrum. Obtained spectrum is transformed into cepstral coefficients that are labeled as TEO-MFCC. This analysis and implementation are carried out with datasets of 24 different noise recordings that belong to 10 separate classes of vessels. These datasets are partially provided by National Park Service (NPS). Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are used as a classification method. Experimental results demonstrate that TEO-MFCC achieves 99.5% accuracy in classification of vessel noises. © 2016 IEEE

    A survey on artificial intelligence-based acoustic source identification

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    The concept of Acoustic Source Identification (ASI), which refers to the process of identifying noise sources has attracted increasing attention in recent years. The ASI technology can be used for surveillance, monitoring, and maintenance applications in a wide range of sectors, such as defence, manufacturing, healthcare, and agriculture. Acoustic signature analysis and pattern recognition remain the core technologies for noise source identification. Manual identification of acoustic signatures, however, has become increasingly challenging as dataset sizes grow. As a result, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques for identifying noise sources has become increasingly relevant and useful. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of AI-based acoustic source identification techniques. We analyze the strengths and weaknesses of AI-based ASI processes and associated methods proposed by researchers in the literature. Additionally, we did a detailed survey of ASI applications in machinery, underwater applications, environment/event source recognition, healthcare, and other fields. We also highlight relevant research directions

    Integrated optimization of underwater acoustic ship-radiated noise recognition based on two-dimensional feature fusion

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    Abstract(#br)Feature fusion methods are introduced to ship-radiated noise recognition in this paper. Wavelet packet (WP) decomposition is used to decompose the ship-radiated noise into multiple different subbands. By considering the features extracted from the different subbands reflecting different characteristics of the ship-radiated noise, a two-dimensional feature fusion (2DFF) scheme is proposed to fuse the features extracted from the different subbands. Principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA) are used in the 2DFF scheme. Then, a so-called discriminative ability improving (DAI) strategy is proposed to improve the discriminative ability of the extracted features. Starting at the 2DFF, a processing chain of feature fusion and ship-radiated noise recognition is designed and jointly optimized to the task. The 2DFF scheme and DAI strategy are tested on real ship-radiated noise data recorded. Experimental results indicate that compared with the baseline, the 2DFF scheme can improve 7.25% of recognition accuracy. Experimental results also show that the DAI strategy can further improve the recognition accuracy of 13.10%

    Application-driven data processing in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are composed of spatially distributed, low-cost, low-power, resource-constrained devices using sensors and actuators to cooperatively monitor and operate into the environment. These systems are being used in a wide range of applications. The design and implementation of an effective WSN requires dealing with several challenges involving multiple disciplines, such as wireless communications and networking, software engineering, embedded systems and signal processing. Besides, the technical solutions found to these issues are closely interconnected and determine the capability of the system to successfully fulfill the requirements posed by each application domain. The large and heterogeneous amount of data collected in a WSN need to be efficiently processed in order to improve the end-user comprehension and control of the observed phenomena. The thesis focuses on a) the development of centralized and distributed data processing methods optimized for the requirements and characteristics of the considered application domains, and b) the design and implementation of suitable system architectures and protocols with respect to critical application-specific parameters. The thesis comprehends a summary and nine publications, equally divided over three different application domains, i.e. wireless automation, structural health monitoring (SHM) and indoor situation awareness (InSitA). In the first one, a wireless joystick control system for human adaptive mechatronics is developed. Also, the effect of packet losses on the performance of a wireless control system is analyzed and validated with an unstable process. A remotely reconfigurable, time synchronized wireless system for SHM enables a precise estimation of the modal properties of the monitored structure. Furthermore, structural damages are detected and localized through a distributed data processing method based on the Goertzel algorithm. In the context of InSitA, the short-time, low quality acoustic signals collected by the nodes composing the network are processed in order to estimate the number of people located in the monitored indoor environment. In a second phase, text- and language-independent speaker identification is performed. Finally, device-free localization and tracking of the movements of people inside the monitored indoor environment is achieved by means of distributed processing of the radio signal strength indicator (RSSI) signals. The results presented in the thesis demonstrate the adaptability of WSNs to different application domains and the importance of an optimal co-design of the system architecture and data processing methods

    Driver drowsiness detection using Gray Wolf Optimizer based on voice recognition

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    Globally, drowsiness detection prevents accidents. Blood biochemicals, brain impulses, etc., can measure tiredness. However, due to user discomfort, these approaches are challenging to implement. This article describes a voice-based drowsiness detection system and shows how to detect driver fatigue before it hampers driving. A neural network and Gray Wolf Optimizer are used to classify sleepiness automatically. The recommended approach is evaluated in alert and sleep-deprived states on the driver tiredness detection voice real dataset. The approach used in speech recognition is mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) and linear prediction coefficients (LPCs). The SVM algorithm has the lowest accuracy (71.8%) compared to the typical neural network. GWOANN employs 13-9-7-5 and 30-20-13-7 neurons in hidden layers, where the GWOANN technique had 86.96% and 90.05% accuracy, respectively, whereas the ANN model achieved 82.50% and 85.27% accuracy, respective

    Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Gray Wolf Optimizer Based on Voice Recognition

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    Globally, drowsiness detection prevents accidents. Blood biochemicals, brain impulses, etc., can measure tiredness. However, due to user discomfort, these approaches are challenging to implement. This article describes a voice-based drowsiness detection system and shows how to detect driver fatigue before it hampers driving. A neural network and Gray Wolf Optimizer are used to classify sleepiness automatically. The recommended approach is evaluated in alert and sleep-deprived states on the driver tiredness detection voice real dataset. The approach used in speech recognition is mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) and linear prediction coefficients (LPCs). The SVM algorithm has the lowest accuracy (71.8%) compared to the typical neural network. GWOANN employs 13-9-7-5 and 30-20-13-7 neurons in hidden layers, where the GWOANN technique had 86.96% and 90.05% accuracy, respectively, whereas the ANN model achieved 82.50% and 85.27% accuracy, respectively