38 research outputs found


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    The increasingly important role of Long Term Evolution (LTE) has increased security concerns among the service providers and end users and made security of the network even more indispensable. The main thrust of this thesis is to investigate if the LTE signal can be broken down in a methodical way to obtain information that would otherwise be private; e.g., the Global Positioning System (GPS) location of the user equipment/base station or identity (ID) of the user. The study made use of signal simulators and software to analyze the LTE signal to develop a method to remove noise, breakdown the LTE signal and extract desired information. From the simulation results, it was possible to extract key information in the downlink like the Downlink Control Information (DCI), Cell-Radio Network Temporary Identifier (C-RNTI) and physical Cell Identity (Cell-ID). This information can be modified to cause service disruptions in the network within a reasonable amount of time and with modest computing resources.Defence Science and Technology Agency, SingaporeApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Heterogeneous LTE/ Wi-Fi architecture for intelligent transportation systems

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) make use of advanced technologies to enhance road safety and improve traffic efficiency. It is anticipated that ITS will play a vital future role in improving traffic efficiency, safety, comfort and emissions. In order to assist the passengers to travel safely, efficiently and conveniently, several application requirements have to be met simultaneously. In addition to the delivery of regular traffic and safety information, vehicular networks have been recently required to support infotainment services. Previous vehicular network designs and architectures do not satisfy this increasing traffic demand as they are setup for either voice or data traffic, which is not suitable for the transfer of vehicular traffic. This new requirement is one of the key drivers behind the need for new mobile wireless broadband architectures and technologies. For this purpose, this thesis proposes and investigates a heterogeneous IEEE 802.11 and LTE vehicular system that supports both infotainment and ITS traffic control data. IEEE 802.11g is used for V2V communications and as an on-board access network while, LTE is used for V2I communications. A performance simulation-based study is conducted to validate the feasibility of the proposed system in an urban vehicular environment. The system performance is evaluated in terms of data loss, data rate, delay and jitter. Several simulation scenarios are performed and evaluated. In the V2I-only scenario, the delay, jitter and data drops for both ITS and video traffic are within the acceptable limits, as defined by vehicular application requirements. Although a tendency of increase in video packet drops during handover from one eNodeB to another is observed yet, the attainable data loss rate is still below the defined benchmarks. In the integrated V2V-V2I scenario, data loss in uplink ITS traffic was initially observed so, Burst communication technique is applied to prevent packet losses in the critical uplink ITS traffic. A quantitative analysis is performed to determine the number of packets per burst, the inter-packet and inter-burst intervals. It is found that a substantial improvement is achieved using a two-packet Burst, where no packets are lost in the uplink direction. The delay, jitter and data drops for both uplink and downlink ITS traffic, and video traffic are below the benchmarks of vehicular applications. Thus, the results indicate that the proposed heterogeneous system offers acceptable performance that meets the requirements of the different vehicular applications. All simulations are conducted on OPNET Network Modeler and results are subjected to a 95% confidence analysis

    Selected FCC Docket Summaries, 2005-2006

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    Auto configuration dans LTE : procédés de mesure de l’occupation du canal radio pour une utilisation optimisée du spectre

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    Projecte final de carrera realitzat en col.laboració amb el centre INP Grenoble - ENSIMAG. École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble i Alcatel-Lucent Bell LabsLong Term Evolution (LTE) est la quatrième génération de technologies radio qui est conçue afin de fournir des débits de données élevés aux mobiles, offrir une faible latence et permettre une flexibilité accrue dans l'attribution du spectre de fréquence. Les techniques de réutilisation du spectre permettent ainsi de faire face à la demande croissante en bande passante des utilisateurs. Nous nous concentrons sur le cas où toutes les cellules partagent la même bande de fréquence (frequency reuse-1). Ces cellules ainsi déployées peuvent générer des niveaux d’interférence intra-canal importants, ce qui affecte considérablement les performances du réseau. Le but de ce stage est de développer des méthodes de sensing du spectre permettant de caractériser les cellules qui partagent les mêmes ressources radio. En utilisant des informations telles que nombre de cellules en compétition notamment, les mécanismes d’allocation des ressources radio peuvent être optimisés, améliorent ainsi la performance du réseau. Les méthodes ainsi étudiées exploitent les propriétés d’orthogonalité des canaux de contrôle tels que signaux de synchronisation diffusés par chaque station de base. Une première étape du stage a ainsi consisté à mettre en place des méthodes de synchronisation fiables en ‘frequency reuse-1’ et d’en étudier les performances. Au cours de la deuxième partie du stage, une méthode d’identification du nombre de cellules en compétition sur un même canal est proposée. Cette méthode repose sur l’utilisation des canaux de synchronisation. Le stage a lieu sur le site de Villarceaux d’ Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs et s’est intégré aux projets de recherche sur l'auto-configuration des cellules dans un réseau LTE. Ce rapport présente les travaux réalisés pendant le stage. Celui-ci s’est concentré sur la procédure réalisée par les mobiles afin de se synchroniser au réseau. Dans cette optique,nous avons proposé une méthode pour trouver le nombre des cellules en compétition, afin de caractériser l'occupation du spectre

    5G: 2020 and Beyond

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    The future society would be ushered in a new communication era with the emergence of 5G. 5G would be significantly different, especially, in terms of architecture and operation in comparison with the previous communication generations (4G, 3G...). This book discusses the various aspects of the architecture, operation, possible challenges, and mechanisms to overcome them. Further, it supports users? interac- tion through communication devices relying on Human Bond Communication and COmmunication-NAvigation- SENsing- SErvices (CONASENSE).Topics broadly covered in this book are; • Wireless Innovative System for Dynamically Operating Mega Communications (WISDOM)• Millimeter Waves and Spectrum Management• Cyber Security• Device to Device Communicatio

    5G: 2020 and Beyond

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    The future society would be ushered in a new communication era with the emergence of 5G. 5G would be significantly different, especially, in terms of architecture and operation in comparison with the previous communication generations (4G, 3G...). This book discusses the various aspects of the architecture, operation, possible challenges, and mechanisms to overcome them. Further, it supports users? interac- tion through communication devices relying on Human Bond Communication and COmmunication-NAvigation- SENsing- SErvices (CONASENSE).Topics broadly covered in this book are; • Wireless Innovative System for Dynamically Operating Mega Communications (WISDOM)• Millimeter Waves and Spectrum Management• Cyber Security• Device to Device Communicatio

    Estrutura hierárquica de células para transmissão MBMS

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma nova topologia de rede de modo a viabilizar a introdução da nova funcionalidade MBMS (Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service) no sistema UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) do futuro. Alguns dos principais desafios referentes à implementação do MBMS prendem-se essencialmente ao nível da rede de acesso rádio, onde obstáculos como a elevada potência de transmissão, necessária para garantir a qualidade e cobertura dos serviços, se torna num aspecto limitativo em relação à capacidade da rede onde são esperados múltiplos e variados serviços. O objectivo principal deste trabalho consiste em prever e analisar a melhoria de cobertura e throughput associada a duas novas topologias nomeadamente, Topologia Real e Topologia de Estrutura Hierárquica de Células e tendo como referência a Topologia Macrocelular. Para se atingir esse objectivo, teve que se implementar (utilizando como ferramenta o JAVA) as novas topologias, onde também se utilizaram diversas técnicas que permitem reduzir a potência de transmissão sem que isso afecte a cobertura e o serviço recebido pelos UEs (User Equipment), nomeadamente, sistemas MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) e sistemas de Macro diversidade. Os resultados deste trabalho provêem de um simulador ao nível de Ligação (MATLAB) interligado com um simulador RNS (Radio Network Subsystem) ao nível de sistema (JAVA).This work presents a roll of solutions to realize the introduction of the new MBMS (Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service) functionality in the future UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) network. Some of the most difficult challenges regarding the implementation of the MBMS relies mostly at the radio access network, where obstacles like the high transmission power necessary to guarantee the quality and the coverage of the MBMS services makes it a limitative aspect in relation to the overall network capacity where it is expected the transmission of multiple and diverse services. The main objective of this work consists of predicting and analyzing the coverage and throughput improvements associated to two new topologies namely, Real Topology and Hierarchical Cell Structure Topology, and having the Macrocell Topology as a reference. To reach that goal, it was necessary to implement the new topologies (using JAVA tool), where several techniques were used to reduce the transmission power without affecting the coverage and de service received by UEs, namely, MIMO and Macro diversity systems. The results of this work were based on a Link Level Simulator (MATLAB) interconnected with a RNS (Radio Network Subsystem) System Level Simulator (JAVA)

    Terminal LTE flexível

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    Mstrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAs redes móveis estão em constante evolução. A geração atual (4G) de redes celulares de banda larga e representada pelo standard Long Term Evolution (LTE), definido pela 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). Existe uma elevada procura/uso da rede LTE, com um aumento exponencial do número de dispositivos móveis a requerer uma ligação à Internet de alto débito. Isto pode conduzir à sobrelotação do espetro, levando a que o sinal tenha que ser reforçado e a cobertura melhorada em locais específicos, tal como em grandes conferências, festivais e eventos desportivos. Por outro lado, seria uma vantagem importante se os utilizadores pudessem continuar a usar os seus equipamentos e terminais em situações onde o acesso a redes 4G é inexistente, tais como a bordo de um navio, eventos esporádicos em localizações remotas ou em cenários de catástrofe, em que as infraestruturas que permitem as telecomunicações foram danificadas e a cobertura temporária de rede pode ser decisiva em processos de salvamento. Assim sendo, existe uma motivação clara por trás do desenvolvimento de uma infraestrutura celular totalmente reconfigurável e que preencha as características mencionadas anteriormente. Uma possível abordagem consiste numa plataforma de rádio definido por software (SDR), de código aberto, que implementa o standard LTE e corre em processadores de uso geral (GPPs), tornando possível construir uma rede completa investindo somente em hardware - computadores e front-ends de radiofrequência (RF). Após comparação e análise de várias plataformas LTE de código aberto foi selecionado o OpenAirInterface (OAI) da EURECOM, que disponibiliza uma implementação compatível com a Release 8.6 da 3GPP (com parte das funcionalidades da Release 10). O principal objectivo desta dissertação é a implementação de um User Equipment (UE) flexível, usando plataformas SDR de código aberto que corram num computador de placa única (SBC) compacto e de baixa potência, integrado com um front-end de RF - Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP). A transmissão de dados em tempo real usando os modos de duplexagem Time Division Duplex (TDD) e Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) é suportada e a reconfiguração de certos parâmetros é permitida, nomeadamente a frequência portadora, a largura de banda e o número de Resource Blocks (RBs) usados. Além disso, é possível partilhar os dados móveis LTE com utilizadores que estejam próximos, semelhante ao que acontece com um hotspot de Wi-Fi. O processo de implementação é descrito, incluindo todos os passos necessários para o seu desenvolvimento, englobando o port do UE de um computador para um SBC. Finalmente, a performance da rede é analisada, discutindo os valores de débitos obtidos.Mobile networks are constantly evolving. 4G is the current generation of broadband cellular network technology and is represented by the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard, de ned by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). There's a high demand for LTE at the moment, with the number of mobile devices requiring an high-speed Internet connection increasing exponentially. This may overcrowd the spectrum on the existing deployments and the signal needs to be reinforced and coverage improved in speci c sites, such as large conferences, festivals and sport events. On the other hand, it would be an important advantage if users could continue to use their equipment and terminals in situations where cellular networks aren't usually available, such as on board of a cruise ship, sporadic events in remote locations, or in catastrophe scenarios in which the telecommunication infrastructure was damaged and the rapid deployment of a temporary network can save lives. In all of these situations, the availability of exible and easily deployable cellular base stations and user terminals operating on standard or custom bands would be very desirable. Thus, there is a clear motivation for the development of a fully recon gurable cellular infrastructure solution that ful lls these requirements. A possible approach is an open-source, low-cost and low maintenance Software-De ned Radio (SDR) software platform that implements the LTE standard and runs on General Purpose Processors (GPPs), making it possible to build an entire network while only spending money on the hardware itself - computers and Radio-Frequency (RF) front-ends. After comparison and analysis of several open-source LTE SDR platforms, the EURECOM's OpenAirInterface (OAI) was chosen, providing a 3GPP standard-compliant implementation of Release 8.6 (with a subset of Release 10 functionalities). The main goal of this dissertation is the implementation of a exible opensource LTE User Equipment (UE) software radio platform on a compact and low-power Single Board Computer (SBC) device, integrated with an RF hardware front-end - Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP). It supports real-time Time Division Duplex (TDD) and Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) LTE modes and the recon guration of several parameters, namely the carrier frequency, bandwidth and the number of LTE Resource Blocks (RB) used. It can also share its LTE mobile data with nearby users, similarly to a Wi-Fi hotspot. The implementation is described through its several developing steps, including the porting of the UE from a regular computer to a SBC. The performance of the network is then analysed based on measured results of throughput