151 research outputs found

    The Picture of Smartphones at School is Not a Dire One and the Picture of Student Competence is a Bright One

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    In the United States, where I am based, one would get the impression that smartphones are a dangerous drug. Adults worry about smartphone addiction, the correlation of depression with smartphone usage, and an excess amount of screen time (e.g., Elhai, Levine, Dvorak, & Hall, 2016; Duke & Montag, 2017; Škařupová, Ólafsson, & Blinka, 2017). News headlines appear about technology moguls who will not allow their own children to have their own mobile device despite they themselves being the leaders in smartphone products and services. This then evokes guilt and causes anxiety for all the other American adults who are not multimillionaires from the tech industry yet allow their own children to use mobile devices. These alarmist headlines appear in regard to smartphone use in discretionary time. One could imagine the fear and angst that might result from headlines about research on permitted mobile phone use in the classroom. Fortunately, various researchers from Nordic countries have done some of that research and provided empirically grounded arguments for what happens when smartphones are actually used in classrooms. They did so across two countries and with clever instrumentation that could capture what students were seeing on their phones in a way that gave options for students to choose what not to disclose to the research team. Americans can breathe a sigh of relief and look to this special issue for signs of what happens

    Implikasi Fear of Missing Out terhadap Perilaku Phubbing (Studi Kasus Anak Remaja)

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implikasi hubungan antara fear of missing out (FoMO) dan perilaku phubbing. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan sampel anak usia remaja (N = 54) mahasiswa Universitas PGRI Silampari Kota Lubuklinggau. Hasil penelitian dari analisis data dengan menggunakan program Smart-PLS.4 menunjukkan bahwa fear of missing out memprediksi kuat perilaku phubbing. Simpulan penelitian ini bahwa terdapat beberapa rekomendasi untuk mengelola dampak FoMO terhadap phubbing yaitu, kesadaran diri, tetap hadir, atur bahasa, komunikasi terbuka, dan aktifitas alternatif.   Kata Kunci: Fear of Missing Out, Perilaku Phubbin

    Fear Of Missing Out ditinjau dari Big Five Personality

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    Media sosial membantu individu mendapatkan informasi yang diinginkan dan ini memberikan efek ketagihan. Efek ketagihan ini akan membuat penggunanya mengalami fear of missing out ditandai oleh individu dengan keingintahuan terhadap aktivitas dan atau terhubung dengan orang lain. Setiap individu dengan kepribadian memberikan dampak berbeda pula pada munculnya FoMO. Penelitian ini menggagas asumsi hubungan big five personality dengan FoMO. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 204 orang diambil menggunakan quota sampling. Penelitian menggunakan skala big five inventory dan skala FoMO. Temuan penelitian mengungkap bahwa kepribadian agreeableness memiliki korelasi dengan FoMO (sig =0,015; p<0,05). Namun, tidak ada korelasi antara extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness maupun openness, terhadap FoMO pada masyarakat Pekanbaru. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk hubungan antara permasalahan penggunaan smartphone dengan gejala gangguan kecemasan remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif, dengan subjek penelitian merupakan anak dan remaja berusia 13 – 18 tahun sejumlah 515 orang yang dipilih dengan metode simple random sampling. Adapun skala yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADs) dan Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale (MPPUS-10. Analisis data yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini menggunakan korelasi pearson product moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara permasalahan penggunaan smartphone dengan gejala gangguan kecemasan (0,130; p<0,05), yang berarti bahwa semakin tinggi penggunaan smartphone, maka semakin tinggi gejala gangguan kecemasan yang dialami remaja


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    In this  article, the authors argue that professional experts are necessary who should also be educators, since they should work inside the school. Accordingly, cyber safety competencies should be included in the curriculum of school social workers in the same way as are competencies to sustain children with behavioral disturbance, support students with cultural and economic difficulties, provide the school community with psycho-social counselling, implement educational policies, etc. From the experience of running a training course for social workers in Poland on cyber threats, and from an ongoing research concerning digital social innovation within two EU funded projects, a preliminary portfolio of competencies has been defined and presented

    High Ringxiety: Attachment Anxiety Predicts Experiences of Phantom Cell Phone Ringing

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    Mobile cell phone users have reported experiencing ringing and/or vibrations associated with incoming calls and messages, only to find that no call or message had actually registered. We believe this phenomenon can be understood as a human signal detection issue, with potentially important influences from psychological attributes. We hypothesized that individuals higher in attachment anxiety would report more frequent phantom cell phone experiences, whereas individuals higher in attachment avoidance would report less frequent experiences. If these experiences are primarily psychologically related to attributes of interpersonal relationships, associations with attachment style should be stronger than for general sensation seeking. We also predicted that certain contexts would interact with attachment style to increase or decrease the likelihood of experiencing phantom cell phone calls and messages. Attachment anxiety directly predicted the frequency of phantom ringing and notification experiences, whereas attachment avoidance and sensation seeking did not directly predict frequency. Attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance interacted with contextual factors (expectations for a call or message and concerned about an issue that one may be contacted about) in the expected directions for predicting phantom cell phone experiences.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140350/1/cyber.2015.0406.pd

    Hubungan Regulasi Diri dengan Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) pada Mahasiswa

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    Social media at this time is no longer a tool to find information, but provides an opportunity for each individual to find out more valuable activities carried out by others compared to the experience they have. Therefore, it causes anxiety and fear when people can't connect with activities that other people do on social media and in everyday life which is called Fear of Missing Out (FoMO). FOMO happen to adult including final year-students. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between self-regulation and Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) in final year students at the Islamic University of Riau. As many as, 118 last year students were taken for research samples using the Convenience Sampling technique. Correlation analysis shows that there is a negative relationship between Self-Regulation and Fear Of Missing Out (FoMO) (r) = -373 with p value = .000 (p &lt; .05), which means that the higher the Self-Regulation, the lower the Fear Of Missing Out (FoMO). On the other hand, the lower the Self-Regulation, the higher the Fear Of Missing Out (FoMO) experienced by final year students

    Correlation Between Fear of Missing Out and Internet Addiction in Students

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    Nowadays, technological advances continue to develop every year. The existence of technology makes it easy for everyone to access the internet anywhere and anytime; everyone can also use the internet at many sources, such as online games, chatting, YouTube, and many others. This research involved business administration students. The significance value (2 tailed) found was 0.000, 0.05, so there was a significant relationship between the fear of missing out (FoMO) variable and internet addiction. In addition, there was a positive correlation and a contribution between FoMO and internet addiction in business administration students with a significance of 0.000 0.05. It signifies that if FoMO increases, internet addiction will also increase. The contribution of internet addiction to the FoMO was 52.8%. The accepted hypothesis in this study revealed that FoMO is one of the factors influencing internet addiction in business administration students

    Investigating Fear of Missing Out: A comparative study of gender, employment status, and social media accounts

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the condition of fear of missing out (FoMO), and to investigate differences in FoMO based on gender, employment status, and number of social media accounts. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of comparative research. Sampling using incidental sampling technique, the sample in this study amounted to 469 respondents (male = 112; female = 357). Data were collected using the FoMO instrument. Data were analyzed using anova with the help of JASP software. The results showed that FoMO conditions were experienced by all respondents, but FoMO in respondents who did not work or students were more worried about not having access to their smart phones. This is of course related to the number of social media accounts and free time (respondents who do not work or students have a lot of free time) to access the internet, because smart phones cannot work optimally when there is no internet access. Another finding is that female students who have two to three social media accounts and even those who have more than three are more dominant in responding to the FoMO instrument compared to male. However, when viewed from the average, men who do not work to experience the highest FoMO condition compared to men who have jobs, even with women who work and those who do not work
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