260 research outputs found

    Hierarchical fault tolerance in wireless networked control systems

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    Wireless Networked Control Systems (WNCS) have recently emerged as a replacement for wired control networks. Wireless networked control systems are more suitable for environments that require higher flexibility and robustness. In previous literature a wireless manufacturing line was proposed. The work-cells communication was through IEEE 802.11 technologies and a switched Ethernet backbone. This thesis is aiming to improve the current solution by adding a supervisor to the existing system. The supervisor could be either in passive or active mode. Passive supervisor would intervene when all controllers in the network fail, while active supervisor would act once any controller on the line fail. The system was simulated using OPNET software with 95% confidence analysis. The ability of the system to withstand external interference was assessed through adding a single band jammer to the OPNET simulation. The system was able to hold up to 8KB interfering file sent from a single band jammer affecting the full Wi-Fi spectrum. All results were subjected to a 95% confidence analysis The performability of passive and active supervisor systems was compared. A Markov model of both systems was built. It was shown that by time, the performability of a passive supervisor system is enhanced while that of an active supervisor system degraded. However, the active supervisor showed a better performability in all cases

    Networked control systems for intelligent transportation systems and industrial automation

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    This thesis presents a study of two different applications of Networked Control Systems. The first is: Ethernet Networked Control System On-board of Train-wagons. An Ethernet backbone is shared between control and entertainment. The wagon contains a dedicated control server and a dedicated entertainment server, which act as fault-tolerant machines for one another. In the event of a server failure, the remaining machine can serve both entertainment and/or control. The study aims at enhancing system design in order to maximize the tolerable entertainment load in the event of a control/entertainment server failure, while not causing any control violations. This fault-tolerant system is mathematically analyzed using a performability model to relate failure rates, enhancements and rewards. The model is taken further to test two identical wagons, with a total of four fault-tolerant servers. All possible failure sequences are simulated and a different communication philosophy is tested to further minimize the degradation of the entertainment load supported during the failure of up to three of the four servers. The system is shown to be capable of operating with minimal degradation with one out of four servers. The second is: Wireless Networked Control Systems (WNCS) for Industrial Automation. A WNCS using standard 802.11 and 802.3 protocols for communication is presented. Wireless Interface for Sensors and Actuators (WISA) by ABB is used as a benchmark for comparison. The basic unit is a single workcell, however, there is a need to cascade several cells along a production line. Simulations are conducted and a nontraditional allocation scheme is used to ensure correct operation under the effect of co-channel interference and network congestion. Next, fault-tolerance at the controller level is investigated due to the importance of minimizing downtime resulting from controller failure. Two different techniques of interconnecting neighboring cells are investigated. The study models both a two and three-cell scenario, and all systems show that fault-tolerance is achievable. This is mathematically studied using a performability analysis to relate failure rates with rewards at each failure state. All simulations are conducted on OPNET Network Modeler and results are subjected to a 95% confidence analysis

    Dual protocol performance using WiFi and ZigBee for industrial WLAN

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    The purpose of this thesis is to study the performance of a WNCS based on utilizing IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 in meeting industrial requirements as well as the extent of improvement on the network level in terms of latency and interference tolerance when using the two different protocols, namely WiFi and ZigBee, in parallel. The study evaluates the optimum performance of WNCS that utilizes only IEEE 802.15.4 protocol (which ZigBee is based on) without modifications as an alternative that is low cost and low power compared to other wireless technologies. The study also evaluates the optimum performance of WNCS that utilizes only the IEEE 802.11 protocol (WiFi) without modifications as a high bit network. OMNeT++ simulations are used to measure the end-to-end delay and packet loss from the sensors to the controller and from the controller to the actuators. It is demonstrated that the measured delay of the proposed WNCS including all types of transmission, encapsulation, de-capsulation, queuing and propagation, meet real-time control network requirements while guaranteeing correct packet reception with no packet loss. Moreover, it is shown that the demonstrated performance of the proposed WNCS operating redundantly on both networks in parallel is significantly superior to a WNCS operating on either a totally wireless ZigBee or WiFi network individually in terms of measured delay and interference tolerance. This proposed WNCS demonstrates the combined advantages of both the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol (which ZigBee is based on) without modifications being low cost and low power compared to other wireless technologies as well the advantages of the IEEE 802.11 protocol (WiFi) being increased bit rate and higher immunity to interference. All results presented in this study were based on a 95% confidence analysis

    Supervisory Wireless Control for Critical Industrial Applications

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    Active Fault-Tolerance in Wireless Networked Control Systems

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    In a Wireless Networked Control System (WNCS), several nodes or components of the system may communicate over the common network that connects them together. Thus, there may be communication taking place between the sensors and the controller nodes, among the controllers themselves, among the sensors themselves, among the actuator themselves, and between the controller and the actuator nodes. The purpose of this communication is to improve the performance of the control system. The performance may be a measurable quantity defined in terms of a performance criterion, as in the case of optimal control or estimation, or it may be a qualitative measure described as a desired behaviour. Each node of the WNCS may act as a decision maker, making control as well as communication decisions. The presence of a network brings in constraints in the design of the control system, as information between the various decision makers must be exchanged according to the rules and dynamics of the network. Our goal is to quantify some of these constraints, and design the control system together with the communication system so as both do their best given the constraints. This work in no way attempts to suggest the best way to design a communication network that suits the needs of a particular control system, but some of the results obtained here may be used in conjunction with other results in forming an understanding as to how to proceed in the design of such systems in the future. The work proposes a novel real-time communication protocol based on the Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) strategy, which has built-in tolerance against the network-induced effects like lost packets, assuring a highly deterministic and reliable behaviour of the overall networked control system, thus allowing the use of classical control design methods with WNCS. Determinism in the transmission times, for sending and for receiving, is assured by a communication schedule that is dynamically updated based on the conditions of the network and the propagation environment. An advanced experimentation platform has been developed, called WiNC, which demonstrates the efficiency of the protocol with two well-known laboratory benchmarks that have very different dynamics, namely the three-tank system and the inverted pendulum system. Wireless nodes belonging to both systems are coordinated and synchronized by a master node, namely the controller node. The WiNC platform uses only open source software and general-purpose (commercial, off-the shelf) hardware, thus making it with a minimal investment (low cost) a flexible and easily extendable research platform for WNCS. And considering the general trend towards the adoption of Linux as a real-time operating system for embedded system in automation, the developed concepts and algorithms can be ported with minimum effort to the industrial embedded devices which already run Linux

    Communication protocols, queuing and scheduling delay analysis in CANDU SCWR hydrogen co-generation model

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    Industrial dynamical, Networked Control Systems (NCSs) are controlled over a communication network. We study a continuous-time CANada Deuterium Uranium-Super Critical Water Reactor (CANDU-SCWR) hydrogen plant and a discrete-time controller, sensor and actuator block, that are connected via a communication network, such as e.g. controller area network (CAN), Ethernet or wireless networks. Issues associated with NCSs are time-varying delays, timevarying sampling intervals and loss of data due to packet drop outs. Delays are also associated with software chosen, control system architecture and computation load. CANDU-SCWR hydrogen co-generation model reliability can be analyzed by dynamic flow graph methodology. We have analyzed the CANDU-SCWR feed water integration with the oxygen unit of copper chloride cycle and also conducted an analytical review of the current networked control system delays

    Wireless Sensor Networks for Networked Manufacturing Systems

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    Quality-of-service in wireless sensor networks: state-of-the-art and future directions

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are one of today’s most prominent instantiations of the ubiquituous computing paradigm. In order to achieve high levels of integration, WSNs need to be conceived considering requirements beyond the mere system’s functionality. While Quality-of-Service (QoS) is traditionally associated with bit/data rate, network throughput, message delay and bit/packet error rate, we believe that this concept is too strict, in the sense that these properties alone do not reflect the overall quality-ofservice provided to the user/application. Other non-functional properties such as scalability, security or energy sustainability must also be considered in the system design. This paper identifies the most important non-functional properties that affect the overall quality of the service provided to the users, outlining their relevance, state-of-the-art and future research directions