2,745 research outputs found

    Learning to automatically detect features for mobile robots using second-order Hidden Markov Models

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    In this paper, we propose a new method based on Hidden Markov Models to interpret temporal sequences of sensor data from mobile robots to automatically detect features. Hidden Markov Models have been used for a long time in pattern recognition, especially in speech recognition. Their main advantages over other methods (such as neural networks) are their ability to model noisy temporal signals of variable length. We show in this paper that this approach is well suited for interpretation of temporal sequences of mobile-robot sensor data. We present two distinct experiments and results: the first one in an indoor environment where a mobile robot learns to detect features like open doors or T-intersections, the second one in an outdoor environment where a different mobile robot has to identify situations like climbing a hill or crossing a rock.Comment: 200

    An Unsupervised Approach for Automatic Activity Recognition based on Hidden Markov Model Regression

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    Using supervised machine learning approaches to recognize human activities from on-body wearable accelerometers generally requires a large amount of labelled data. When ground truth information is not available, too expensive, time consuming or difficult to collect, one has to rely on unsupervised approaches. This paper presents a new unsupervised approach for human activity recognition from raw acceleration data measured using inertial wearable sensors. The proposed method is based upon joint segmentation of multidimensional time series using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) in a multiple regression context. The model is learned in an unsupervised framework using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm where no activity labels are needed. The proposed method takes into account the sequential appearance of the data. It is therefore adapted for the temporal acceleration data to accurately detect the activities. It allows both segmentation and classification of the human activities. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach with respect to standard supervised and unsupervised classification approache

    Maintenance management of tractors and agricultural machinery: Preventive maintenance systems

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    Agricultural machinery maintenance has a crucial role for successful agricultural production.  It aims at guaranteeing the safety of operations and availability of machines and related equipment for cultivation operation.  Moreover, it is one major cost for agriculture operations.  Thus, the increased competition in agricultural production demands maintenance improvement, aiming at the reduction of maintenance expenditures while keeping the safety of operations.  This issue is addressed by the methodology presented in this paper.  So, the aim of this paper was to give brief introduction to various preventive maintenance systems specially condition-based maintenance (CBM) techniques, selection of condition monitoring techniques and understanding of condition monitoring (CM) intervals, advancement in CBM, standardization of CBM system, CBM approach on agricultural machinery, advantages and disadvantages of CBM.  The first step of the methodology consists of concept condition monitoring approach for the equipment preventive maintenance; its purpose is the identification of state-of-the-art in the CM of agricultural machinery, describing the different maintenance strategies, CM techniques and methods.  The second step builds the signal processing procedure for extracting information relevant to targeted failure modes.   Keywords: agricultural machinery, fault detection, fault diagnosis, signal processing, maintenance managemen

    An intelligent information forwarder for healthcare big data systems with distributed wearable sensors

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    © 2016 IEEE. An increasing number of the elderly population wish to live an independent lifestyle, rather than rely on intrusive care programmes. A big data solution is presented using wearable sensors capable of carrying out continuous monitoring of the elderly, alerting the relevant caregivers when necessary and forwarding pertinent information to a big data system for analysis. A challenge for such a solution is the development of context-awareness through the multidimensional, dynamic and nonlinear sensor readings that have a weak correlation with observable human behaviours and health conditions. To address this challenge, a wearable sensor system with an intelligent data forwarder is discussed in this paper. The forwarder adopts a Hidden Markov Model for human behaviour recognition. Locality sensitive hashing is proposed as an efficient mechanism to learn sensor patterns. A prototype solution is implemented to monitor health conditions of dispersed users. It is shown that the intelligent forwarders can provide the remote sensors with context-awareness. They transmit only important information to the big data server for analytics when certain behaviours happen and avoid overwhelming communication and data storage. The system functions unobtrusively, whilst giving the users peace of mind in the knowledge that their safety is being monitored and analysed

    Adaptive Sensing Based on Profiles for Sensor Systems

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    This paper proposes a profile-based sensing framework for adaptive sensor systems based on models that relate possibly heterogeneous sensor data and profiles generated by the models to detect events. With these concepts, three phases for building the sensor systems are extracted from two examples: a combustion control sensor system for an automobile engine, and a sensor system for home security. The three phases are: modeling, profiling, and managing trade-offs. Designing and building a sensor system involves mapping the signals to a model to achieve a given mission

    Increasing the robustness of autonomous systems to hardware degradation using machine learning

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    Autonomous systems perform predetermined tasks (missions) with minimum supervision. In most applications, the state of the world changes with time. Sensors are employed to measure part or whole of the world’s state. However, sensors often fail amidst operation; feeding as such decision-making with wrong information about the world. Moreover, hardware degradation may alter dynamic behaviour, and subsequently the capabilities, of an autonomous system; rendering the original mission infeasible. This thesis applies machine learning to yield powerful and robust tools that can facilitate autonomy in modern systems. Incremental kernel regression is used for dynamic modelling. Algorithms of this sort are easy to train and are highly adaptive. Adaptivity allows for model adjustments, whenever the environment of operation changes. Bayesian reasoning provides a rigorous framework for addressing uncertainty. Moreover, using Bayesian Networks, complex inference regarding hardware degradation can be answered. Specifically, adaptive modelling is combined with Bayesian reasoning to yield recursive estimation algorithms that are robust to sensor failures. Two solutions are presented by extending existing recursive estimation algorithms from the robotics literature. The algorithms are deployed on an underwater vehicle and the performance is assessed in real-world experiments. A comparison against standard filters is also provided. Next, the previous algorithms are extended to consider sensor and actuator failures jointly. An algorithm that can detect thruster failures in an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle has been developed. Moreover, the algorithm adapts the dynamic model online to compensate for the detected fault. The performance of this algorithm was also tested in a real-world application. One step further than hardware fault detection, prognostics predict how much longer can a particular hardware component operate normally. Ubiquitous sensors in modern systems render data-driven prognostics a viable solution. However, training is based on skewed datasets; datasets where the samples from the faulty region of operation are much fewer than the ones from the healthy region of operation. This thesis presents a prognostic algorithm that tackles the problem of imbalanced (skewed) datasets


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    We live in a world where computer systems are omnipresent and are connected to more and more sensors. Ranging from small individual electronic assistants like smartphones to complex autonomous robots, from personal wearable health devices to professional eHealth frameworks, all these systems use the sensors’ data in order to make appropriate decisions according to the context they measure. However, in addition to complete failures leading to the lack of data delivery, these sensors can also send bad data due to influences from the environment which can sometimes be hard to detect by the computer system when checking each sensor individually. The computer system should be able to use its set of sensors as a whole in order to mitigate the influence of malfunctioning sensors, to overcome the absence of data coming from broken sensors, and to handle possible conflicting information coming from several sensors. In this thesis, we propose a computational model based on a two layer software architecture to overcome this challenge. In a first layer, classification algorithms will check for malfunctioning sensors and attribute a confidence value to each sensor. In the second layer, a rule-based proactive engine will then build a representation of the context of the system and use it along some empirical knowledge about the weaknesses of the different sensors to further tweak this confidence value. Furthermore, the system will then check for conflicting data between sensors. This can be done by having several sensors that measure the same parameters or by having multiple sensors that can be used together to calculate an estimation of a parameter given by another sensor. A confidence value will be calculated for this estimation as well, based on the confidence values of the related sensors. The successive design refinement steps of our model are shown over the course of three experiments. The first two experiments, located in the eHealth domain, have been used to better identify the challenges of such multi-sensor systems, while the third experiment, which consists of a virtual robot simulation, acts as a proof of concept for the semi-generic model proposed in this thesis