106 research outputs found

    Fault tolerant clos network

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    Multistage interconnection networks, or MINs, provide paths between functional modules in multiprocessor systems. The MINs are usually segmented into several stages. Each stage connects inputs to appropriate links of the next stage so that the cumulative effect of all the stages satisfies input-output connection requirements. This thesis deals with a fault tolerant Clos network. The fault tolerance technique involves addition of extra switches per stage to compensate for any switch failure The reliability analysis of both ordinary and fault tolerant Clos networks is presented. The optimal number of extra switches required to get the best reliability results has been analyzed

    Speeding-up the fault-tolerance analysis of interconnection networks

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksAnalyzing the fault-tolerance of interconnection networks implies checking the connectivity of each sourcedestination pair. The size of the exploration space of such operation skyrockets with the network size and with the number of link faults. However, this problem is highly parallelizable since the exploration of each path between a source–destination pair is independent of the other paths. This paper presents an approach to analyze the fault-tolerance degree of multistage interconnection networks using GPUs in order to speed-up it. This approach uses CUDA as parallel programming tool on a GPU in order to take advantage of all available cores. Results show that the execution time of the fault-tolerance exploration can be significantly reduced.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2012-38341-C04-01.Bermúdez Garzón, DF.; Gómez Requena, C.; López Rodríguez, PJ.; Gómez Requena, ME. (2015). Speeding-up the fault-tolerance analysis of interconnection networks. IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/HPCSim.2015.7237035

    A Family of Fault-Tolerant Efficient Indirect Topologies

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.On the one hand, performance and fault-tolerance of interconnection networks are key design issues for high performance computing (HPC) systems. On the other hand, cost should be also considered. Indirect topologies are often chosen in the design of HPC systems. Among them, the most commonly used topology is the fat-tree. In this work, we focus on getting the maximum benefits from the network resources by designing a simple indirect topology with very good performance and fault-tolerance properties, while keeping the hardware cost as low as possible. To do that, we propose some extensions to the fat-tree topology to take full advantage of the hardware resources consumed by the topology. In particular, we propose three new topologies with different properties in terms of cost, performance and fault-tolerance. All of them are able to achieve a similar or better performance results than the fat-tree, providing also a good level of fault-tolerance and, contrary to most of the available topologies, these proposals are able to tolerate also faults in the links that connect to end nodes.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2012-38341-C04-01.Bermúdez Garzón, DF.; Gómez Requena, C.; Gómez Requena, ME.; López Rodríguez, PJ.; Duato Marín, JF. (2016). A Family of Fault-Tolerant Efficient Indirect Topologies. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 27(4):927-940. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2015.2430863S92794027

    New Fault Tolerant Multicast Routing Techniques to Enhance Distributed-Memory Systems Performance

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    Distributed-memory systems are a key to achieve high performance computing and the most favorable architectures used in advanced research problems. Mesh connected multicomputer are one of the most popular architectures that have been implemented in many distributed-memory systems. These systems must support communication operations efficiently to achieve good performance. The wormhole switching technique has been widely used in design of distributed-memory systems in which the packet is divided into small flits. Also, the multicast communication has been widely used in distributed-memory systems which is one source node sends the same message to several destination nodes. Fault tolerance refers to the ability of the system to operate correctly in the presence of faults. Development of fault tolerant multicast routing algorithms in 2D mesh networks is an important issue. This dissertation presents, new fault tolerant multicast routing algorithms for distributed-memory systems performance using wormhole routed 2D mesh. These algorithms are described for fault tolerant routing in 2D mesh networks, but it can also be extended to other topologies. These algorithms are a combination of a unicast-based multicast algorithm and tree-based multicast algorithms. These algorithms works effectively for the most commonly encountered faults in mesh networks, f-rings, f-chains and concave fault regions. It is shown that the proposed routing algorithms are effective even in the presence of a large number of fault regions and large size of fault region. These algorithms are proved to be deadlock-free. Also, the problem of fault regions overlap is solved. Four essential performance metrics in mesh networks will be considered and calculated; also these algorithms are a limited-global-information-based multicasting which is a compromise of local-information-based approach and global-information-based approach. Data mining is used to validate the results and to enlarge the sample. The proposed new multicast routing techniques are used to enhance the performance of distributed-memory systems. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms

    A multiple-bus, active backplane architecture for multiprocessor systems

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    This research investigates several problems associated with current multiprocessor interconnection networks, focusing primarily on general-purpose, shared-memory configurations. The project deals with all aspects of the interconnection, from the architectural level to the physical backplane. A bus-based architecture is presented as an alternative to the limitations of current schemes. This dissertation will focus on the physical layer implementation;For increased reliability, performance and scalability, a multiple-bus architecture is proposed. Each bus uses a word-serial approach to keep the total number of bus signals manageable. A source-synchronous transfer protocol allows data to be streamed at a high rate, thus increasing the pin-efficiency of the bus. The control acquisition scheme combines collision detection and priority arbitration to minimize bus access time without requiring additional signal lines. Cache coherence, message passing, and synchronization primitives are provided within the bus protocol to support multiple-processor systems;To reduce the capacitive loading on the bus, an active backplane is employed. This moves the transceiver and bus interface unit from the plug-in module down to the backplane. In addition to increasing the characteristic impedance of the bus, it also reduces the end-to-end propagation delay. Another advantage of moving the bus transceivers to the backplane is the uniform load presented to the bus, regardless of whether a slot is populated;Due to the reduction in drive current required, a custom CMOS transceiver, suitable for VLSI implementation, is used. It incorporates the collision detection circuitry required for the control acquisition scheme. Initial transceiver prototypes have been designed and fabricated in 2-[mu]m CMOS. These have been successfully tested at transfer rates in excess of 50MHz

    Optimizing hardward granularity in parallel systems

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    Small-world interconnection networks for large parallel computer systems

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    The use of small-world graphs as interconnection networks of multicomputers is proposed and analysed in this work. Small-world interconnection networks are constructed by adding (or modifying) edges to an underlying local graph. Graphs with a rich local structure but with a large diameter are shown to be the most suitable candidates for the underlying graph. Generation models based on random and deterministic wiring processes are proposed and analysed. For the random case basic properties such as degree, diameter, average length and bisection width are analysed, and the results show that a fast transition from a large diameter to a small diameter is experienced when the number of new edges introduced is increased. Random traffic analysis on these networks is undertaken, and it is shown that although the average latency experiences a similar reduction, networks with a small number of shortcuts have a tendency to saturate as most of the traffic flows through a small number of links. An analysis of the congestion of the networks corroborates this result and provides away of estimating the minimum number of shortcuts required to avoid saturation. To overcome these problems deterministic wiring is proposed and analysed. A Linear Feedback Shift Register is used to introduce shortcuts in the LFSR graphs. A simple routing algorithm has been constructed for the LFSR and extended with a greedy local optimisation technique. It has been shown that a small search depth gives good results and is less costly to implement than a full shortest path algorithm. The Hilbert graph on the other hand provides some additional characteristics, such as support for incremental expansion, efficient layout in two dimensional space (using two layers), and a small fixed degree of four. Small-world hypergraphs have also been studied. In particular incomplete hypermeshes have been introduced and analysed and it has been shown that they outperform the complete traditional implementations under a constant pinout argument. Since it has been shown that complete hypermeshes outperform the mesh, the torus, low dimensional m-ary d-cubes (with and without bypass channels), and multi-stage interconnection networks (when realistic decision times are accounted for and with a constant pinout), it follows that incomplete hypermeshes outperform them as well

    Parallel Architectures and Parallel Algorithms for Integrated Vision Systems

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    Computer vision is regarded as one of the most complex and computationally intensive problems. An integrated vision system (IVS) is a system that uses vision algorithms from all levels of processing to perform for a high level application (e.g., object recognition). An IVS normally involves algorithms from low level, intermediate level, and high level vision. Designing parallel architectures for vision systems is of tremendous interest to researchers. Several issues are addressed in parallel architectures and parallel algorithms for integrated vision systems

    Fault diagnosis of distributed systems : analysis, simulation and performance measurement.

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    Fault diagnosis forms an essential component in the design of highly reliable distributed computing systems. Early models for diagnosis require a global observer, whereas the diagnosis is shared between the systems nodes in later models. These models are reviewed and their different diagnosability properties reconciled. The design of improved fault diagnosis algorithms for systems without a global observer provides the main motivation for the thesis. The modified algorithm SELF3 [Hoss88] is taken as a starting point. A number of communication architectures used in distributed systems are reviewed. The properties of diagnosis algorithms depend strongly on the testing graph. A general class of testing graphs, designated as H-graphs, (which are a generalization of Dꞩṭ graphs introduced in [Prep67]), are investigated and their diagnostic properties determined. A software simulator for distributed systems has been written as the main investigative tool for diagnosis algorithms. The design and structure of the simulator are described. The diagnosis process is measured in terms of diagnostic time and number of messages produced, and the factors upon which these quantities depend are identified. The results of simulation of a number of systems are given under various fault conditions. A modified way of routing diagnosis messages, which, especially in large system s, results in a reduction in both the number of diagnosis messages and the time required to perform diagnosis, is presented. The thesis also contains a number of specific recommendations for improving existing self-diagnosis algorithms