276 research outputs found

    Resource management for extreme scale high performance computing systems in the presence of failures

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    2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.High performance computing (HPC) systems, such as data centers and supercomputers, coordinate the execution of large-scale computation of applications over tens or hundreds of thousands of multicore processors. Unfortunately, as the size of HPC systems continues to grow towards exascale complexities, these systems experience an exponential growth in the number of failures occurring in the system. These failures reduce performance and increase energy use, reducing the efficiency and effectiveness of emerging extreme-scale HPC systems. Applications executing in parallel on individual multicore processors also suffer from decreased performance and increased energy use as a result of applications being forced to share resources, in particular, the contention from multiple application threads sharing the last-level cache causes performance degradation. These challenges make it increasingly important to characterize and optimize the performance and behavior of applications that execute in these systems. To address these challenges, in this dissertation we propose a framework for intelligently characterizing and managing extreme-scale HPC system resources. We devise various techniques to mitigate the negative effects of failures and resource contention in HPC systems. In particular, we develop new HPC resource management techniques for intelligently utilizing system resources through the (a) optimal scheduling of applications to HPC nodes and (b) the optimal configuration of fault resilience protocols. These resource management techniques employ information obtained from historical analysis as well as theoretical and machine learning methods for predictions. We use these data to characterize system performance, energy use, and application behavior when operating under the uncertainty of performance degradation from both system failures and resource contention. We investigate how to better characterize and model the negative effects from system failures as well as application co-location on large-scale HPC computing systems. Our analysis of application and system behavior also investigates: the interrelated effects of network usage of applications and fault resilience protocols; checkpoint interval selection and its sensitivity to system parameters for various checkpoint-based fault resilience protocols; and performance comparisons of various promising strategies for fault resilience in exascale-sized systems

    DRackSim: Simulator for Rack-scale Memory Disaggregation

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    Memory disaggregation has emerged as an alternative to traditional server architecture in data centers. This paper introduces DRackSim, a simulation infrastructure to model rack-scale hardware disaggregated memory. DRackSim models multiple compute nodes, memory pools, and a rack-scale interconnect similar to GenZ. An application-level simulation approach simulates an x86 out-of-order multi-core processor with a multi-level cache hierarchy at compute nodes. A queue-based simulation is used to model a remote memory controller and rack-level interconnect, which allows both cache-based and page-based access to remote memory. DRackSim models a central memory manager to manage address space at the memory pools. We integrate community-accepted DRAMSim2 to perform memory simulation at local and remote memory using multiple DRAMSim2 instances. An incremental approach is followed to validate the core and cache subsystem of DRackSim with that of Gem5. We measure the performance of various HPC workloads and show the performance impact for different nodes/pools configuration

    Runtime Power Allocation Based on Multi-GPU utilization in GAMESS

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    To improve the power consumption of parallel applications at the runtime, modern processors provide frequency scaling and power limiting capabilities. In this work, a runtime strategy is proposed to maximize performance under a given power budget by distributing the available power according to the relative GPU utilization. Time series forecasting methods were used to develop workload prediction models that provide accurate prediction of GPU utilization during application execution. Experiments were performed on a multi-GPU computing platform DGX-1 equipped with eight NVIDIA V100 GPUs used for quantum chemistry calculations in the GAMESS package. For a limited power budget, the proposed strategy may deliver as much as hundred times better GAMESS performance than that obtained when the power is distributed equally among all the GPUs


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    Phase Change Memory (PCM) is an emerging non-volatile memory technology that could either replace or augment DRAM and NAND flash that are hindered by scalability challenges. PCM suffers from a limited endurance problem that needs to be alleviated before it can be endorsed into the memory stack. This thesis is based on the observation that the endurance problem and its ramification depend on the write data. Accordingly, a data-aware approach is applied to salvage the endurance of PCM at three different stages: pre-write fault avoidance, post-write fault tolerance and post-failure recovery. The pre-write fault avoidance stage aims at reducing the endurance cost of servicing write requests. To this end, Cost Aware Flip Optimization (CAFO) is presented as an efficient technique to lessen the endurance degradation. Essentially, CAFO relies on a cost model that captures the endurance cost of programming memory cells based on their already stored values. Subsequently,the write data is encoded into a form that incurs a lower endurance cost than the original write data. Overall, CAFO is capable of reducing the endurance cost by up to 65% more than the existing schemes. Worn out PCM cells exhibit a stuck-at fault model which makes the manifestation of errors dependent on the values that cells are stuck at. When a write fails, the data is rewritten inverted. This dissertation shows that applying data inversion at the post-write fault tolerance stage exploits the data dependent nature of errors which enables ECCs to tolerate faults up to double their nominal capability. Furthermore, extensions to RDIS which is an ECC designed specifically for the stuck-at fault model are presented. At the post-failure recovery stage, Data Dependent Sparing is presented to manage bad blocks in PCM. Departing from the observation that defective blocks in the context of the stuck-at fault model still exhibit a low write failure probability due to the data dependent nature of errors, this thesis takes the approach of reusing blocks that are defective yet better-than-bad through a dynamic management of the reserve spare space. Data Dependent Sparing is capable of increasing the lifetime of PCM by up to 18%

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Reliable Design of Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits

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    Semiconductor Memory Applications in Radiation Environment, Hardware Security and Machine Learning System

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    abstract: Semiconductor memory is a key component of the computing systems. Beyond the conventional memory and data storage applications, in this dissertation, both mainstream and eNVM memory technologies are explored for radiation environment, hardware security system and machine learning applications. In the radiation environment, e.g. aerospace, the memory devices face different energetic particles. The strike of these energetic particles can generate electron-hole pairs (directly or indirectly) as they pass through the semiconductor device, resulting in photo-induced current, and may change the memory state. First, the trend of radiation effects of the mainstream memory technologies with technology node scaling is reviewed. Then, single event effects of the oxide based resistive switching random memory (RRAM), one of eNVM technologies, is investigated from the circuit-level to the system level. Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) has been widely investigated as a promising hardware security primitive, which employs the inherent randomness in a physical system (e.g. the intrinsic semiconductor manufacturing variability). In the dissertation, two RRAM-based PUF implementations are proposed for cryptographic key generation (weak PUF) and device authentication (strong PUF), respectively. The performance of the RRAM PUFs are evaluated with experiment and simulation. The impact of non-ideal circuit effects on the performance of the PUFs is also investigated and optimization strategies are proposed to solve the non-ideal effects. Besides, the security resistance against modeling and machine learning attacks is analyzed as well. Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown remarkable improvements in various intelligent applications such as image classification, speech classification and object localization and detection. Increasing efforts have been devoted to develop hardware accelerators. In this dissertation, two types of compute-in-memory (CIM) based hardware accelerator designs with SRAM and eNVM technologies are proposed for two binary neural networks, i.e. hybrid BNN (HBNN) and XNOR-BNN, respectively, which are explored for the hardware resource-limited platforms, e.g. edge devices.. These designs feature with high the throughput, scalability, low latency and high energy efficiency. Finally, we have successfully taped-out and validated the proposed designs with SRAM technology in TSMC 65 nm. Overall, this dissertation paves the paths for memory technologies’ new applications towards the secure and energy-efficient artificial intelligence system.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201
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