16 research outputs found

    Fault diagnosis on electrical distribution systems based on fuzzy logic

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    he occurrence of faults in distribution systems has a negative impact on society, and their effects can be reduced by fast and accurate diagnostic systems that allow to identify, locate, and correct the failures. Since the 1990s, fuzzy logic and other artificial intelligence techniques have been implemented to identify faults in distribution systems. The main objective of this paper is to perform fault diagnoses based on fuzzy logic. For conducting the study, the IEEE 34-Node Radial Test Feeder is used. The data was obtained from ATPDraw-based fault simulation on different nodes of the circuit considering three different fault resistance values of 0, 5, and 10 ohms. The fuzzy rules to identify the type of fault are defined using the magnitudes of the phase and neutral currents. All measurements are taken at the substation, and the results show that the proposed technique can perfectly identify and locate the type of failure

    Electrical consumption patterns through machine learning

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    Electricity distribution companies have been incorporating new technologies that allow them to obtain complete information in real time about their customers´ consumption. Thus, a new concept called "Smart Metering" has been adopted, giving way to new types of meters that interact in an interconnected system. This will allow to make data analysis, accurate forecasts and detecting consumption patterns that will be relevant for the decision-making process. This research focuses on discovering common patterns among customers from data collected by smart meters

    Forecasting electric load demand through advanced statistical techniques

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    Traditional forecasting models have been widely used for decision-making in production, finance and energy. Such is the case of the ARIMA models, developed in the 1970s by George Box and Gwilym Jenkins [1], which incorporate characteristics of the past models of the same series, according to their autocorrelation. This work compares advanced statistical methods for determining the demand for electricity in Colombia, including the SARIMA, econometric and Bayesian methods

    Temporary variables for predicting electricity consumption through data mining

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    In the new global and local scenario, the advent of intelligent distribution networks or Smart Grids allows real-time collection of data on the operating status of the electricity grid. Based on this availability of data, it is feasible and convenient to predict consumption in the short term, from a few hours to a week. The hypothesis of the study is that the method used to present time variables to a prediction system of electricity consumption affects the results

    Intelligent model for electric power management: patterns

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    When talking about electric power, the first thing to think about is whether enough electrical energy is generated to use without paying attention to it, similar to thinking that water will never runs out, but when faced with extreme droughts, people think that water can be depleted and they must save. In this sense, electrical energy must be saved and used completely and that is why the term energy efficiency is born. This new trend seeks to save electric power to avoid electricity supply shortages, as when countries face phenomena such as El Niño that generate droughts in some areas and rains in others. So, saving energy is a trend because it is important to be prepared for these phenomena, and guaranteeing a sustainable country. This document shows the importance of energy savings, as well as the need to design intelligent models that help to support the reduction of the problem of excessive consumption of electricity

    Análisis multicriterio para la selección óptima de conductores en instalaciones eléctricas en medio y bajo voltaje considerando criterios económicos, de calidad y eficiencia de la potencia eléctrica

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    El presente artículo establece una metodología genérica para la selección óptima de conductores, el principal objetivo es determinar un conductor óptimo, el cual mantenga un nivel de voltaje adecuado, reduzca pérdidas de potencia y sea lo más económico posible. Para efecto se empleó una metodología multicriterio, la cual se basó en el método CRITIC para relacionar los criterios calculados, el método atribuye ponderaciones o grados de importancia a cada criterio. Los casos de estudio fueron el sistema IEEE 4 y IEEE 13, cada uno con 24 escenarios. Para el cálculo de los criterios analizados, así como el algoritmo de decisión se usó la herramienta computacional Matlab. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos se resaltan una notable mejora en los perfiles de voltaje, las pérdidas de potencia en los conductores disminuyeron, se estableció una relación costo-beneficio entre el costo del conductor y cada criterio analizado. Con lo expuesto anteriormente se pretende dar una solución adecuada para la selección de conductores, en sistemas de distribución.This article establishes a generic methodology for the optimal selection of conductors, the main objective is to determine an optimal conductor, which maintains an adequate voltage level, reduces power losses and is as economical as possible. For this purpose, a multi criteria methodology was used, which was based on the CRITIC method to relate the calculated criteria, the method attributes weights or degrees of importance to each criterion. The case studies were the IEEE 4 and IEEE 13 system, each with 24 scenarios. For the calculation of the analyzed criteria, as well as the decision algorithm, the Matlab computational tool was used. Among the main results obtained, a notable improvement in the voltage profiles stands out, the power losses in the conductors decreased, a cost-benefit relationship was established between the cost of the conductor and each criterion analyzed. With the above, it is intended to provide an adequate solution for the selection of conductors, in distribution systems

    Compensación VOLT-VAR mediante despacho óptimo de generación en microrredes eléctricas con alta penetración de generación distribuida

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    En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un modelo de compensación de potencia activa y reactiva, en una microrred eléctrica a la que se implementó un flujo óptimo de potencia, para un análisis preciso del flujo que circula por la microrred, favoreciendo la integración de fuentes de generación de origen renovable. El método propuesto es por programación lineal entera mixta (MILP), al que se incorporó generación distribuida (GD) en una o varias barras establecidas. El algoritmo calcula una solución óptima, que satisface los requerimientos necesarios para garantizar fiabilidad y calidad en la microrred; desarrollado en la herramienta GAMS minimizando costos operativos en el sistema como función objetivo. Como análisis final se realizó una comparación de datos del sistema sin GD y con GD destacando una mejoría de los perfiles de voltaje, reducción de las pérdidas de potencia activa en las líneas, una mejora en el factor de potencia y comportamiento angular; que cumple con las restricciones planteadas a un mínimo costo de operación. Para el modelamiento del problema se utilizó el sistema de 9 barras de la IEEE.In the present work, an active and reactive power compensation model was developed, in an electric microgrid to which an optimal power flow was implemented, for a precise analysis of the flow circulating through the microgrid, favoring the integration of generation sources of renewable origin. The proposed method is by mixed integer linear programming (MILP), to which distributed generation (GD) was incorporated in one or more established bars. The algorithm calculates an optimal solution, which satisfies the necessary requirements to guarantee reliability and quality in the microgrid; developed in the GAMS tool minimizing operating costs in the system as an objective function. As a final analysis, a comparison of data from the system without GD and with GD was carried out, highlighting an improvement in the voltage profiles, reduction of the losses of active power in the lines, an improvement in the power factor and angular behavior; that complies with the restrictions set forth at a minimum operating cost. To model the problem, the IEEE 9-bar system was used

    “Detección de fallas en sistemas de distribución a partir de señales con pérdida de información por medio de metodologías de reconstrucción de señales dispersas”

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    La necesidad imperiosa por detectar fallas en sistemas de distribución es aún un desafío para las empresas distribuidoras en todo el mundo, sin embargo, la existencia de mejores tecnologías de comunicación y almacenamiento podrían facilitar la tarea antes mencionada, por otro lado, el almacenar grandes cantidades de datos puede significar un problema en sistemas donde el espacio tanto físico como virtual o en la nube son limitados. Para lidiar con este problema se propone en la necesidad de un método que permita adquirir menores cantidades de datos para luego por medio de técnicas de reconstrucción de señales la información recolectada puede ser fácilmente reconstruida y aquellas señales reconstruidas pueden ser sometidas a diversas técnicas de análisis que a la postre arrojan información sobre la existencia de fallas además de caracterizar las mismas. La presente investigación trabaja en la reconstrucción de señales dispersas y en un método para la detección de fallas además de caracterizar las mismas, al mismo tiempo ejecuta un análisis comparativo frente a diversa cantidad de datos utilizados para la tarea mencionada. Finalmente, el documento valida el uso de la metodología planteada haciendo uso de señales reales de un sistema de distribución local.The imperative need to detect faults in distribution systems is still a challenge for distribution companies around the world, however, the existence of better communication and storage technologies could facilitate the aforementioned task, on the other hand, storing large quantities of data can mean a problem in systems where both physical and virtual space or in the cloud are limited. To deal with this problem, the need for a method that allows to acquire smaller amounts of data is proposed and then by means of signal reconstruction techniques, the collected information can be easily reconstructed and those reconstructed signals can be subjected to various analysis techniques that in the end they provide information on the existence of faults in addition to characterizing them. The present investigation works in the reconstruction of dispersed signals and in a method for the detection of faults in addition to characterizing them, at the same time it executes a comparative analysis against the diverse amount of data used for the aforementioned task. Finally, the document validates the use of the proposed methodology using real signals from a local distribution system

    An intelligent strategy for faults location in distribution networks with distributed generation

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    The exact location of faults in the electrical distribution systems is a problem that affects not only the users, but also the companies providing the electric service. With greater time invested in this period, the losses due to unbilled energy and inconvenience to users increases, thus decreasing the quality of service. One of the causes of the growth in time is the misunderstanding that might exist in the localization systems that act under the presence of distributed generation sources in the distribution networks. In this sense, the present research develops an intelligent diagnosis of faults in distribution systems with distributed generation. Three stages are defined: Identification of the type of fault, the location of the zone, and the exact point of fault. A mixed method based on artificial intelligence and mathematical algorithms is applied. Eleven different types of faults that can occur in a distribution system are considered with six different values of fault resistances ranging from 5 to 30 . The errors found are less than 2% in the location of the fault point with robustness to variations in the load and the penetration of distributed generation

    Análisis del comportamiento de microredes eléctricas ante perturbaciones con control convencional primario

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    Una microrred eléctrica es una pequeña central de generación de energía compuesta por fuentes conectadas en paralelo para abastecer de energía eléctrica a las cargas también llamadas consumidores finales, siendo estas renovables como aerogeneradores, paneles fotovoltaicos, entre otros y generación no renovable como las máquinas a diésel. En el siguiente documento se analiza el comportamiento del sistema ante perturbaciones las cuales afectan directamente a las variables primarias como la tensión y la frecuencia, con el fin de obtener el control más eficiente. Un controlador Proporcional-Integral es implementado para observar su respuesta en estado estable y transitorio, un sistema de excitación para mantener los valores de tensión en los terminales y un método de ángulo de inclinación para estabilizar la frecuencia, para analizar su respuesta. Primero se muestran los resultados de una microrred sin control, segundo con control y ganancia K de referencia, tercero con control propuesto y K modificada y cuarto con perturbaciones provocadas intencionalmente como, el aumento y disminución de la carga, desconexión de las líneas del tendido eléctrico y la variación de la velocidad de viento que entra en las aspas del aerogenerador. Los resultados de este comportamiento muestran un cambio satisfactorio. Al modificar la ganancia K del controlador se puede reducir los tiempos de subida y de estabilización los cuales para las variables de tensión y frecuencia son los más importantes.Electric Microgrid is a small power generation plant composed of sources connected in parallel to supply electrical power in the loads can also be used as wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, among others as diesel machines, in the following document analyzes the behavior of the system with disturbances, which are directly the primary variables such as voltage and frequency, in order to obtain the most efficient control a proportional-integral controller is implemented to observe its response in steady state and transient, excitation system to maintain the voltage values in the terminals and the angle of inclination method to stabilize the frequency, to analyze the results of a non-controlled micro-network, second with control and reference gain K, third with proposed control and modified K and fourth with intentionally caused disturbances such as the increase and decrease of the load, disconnection of power lines and variation of the wind speed that enters the blades of the wind turbine. The results of this behavior show a satisfactory change, by modifying the K gain of the controller it is possible to reduce the rise and stabilization times which for the voltage and frequency variables are the most important