813 research outputs found

    Fault detection and isolation in a networked multi-vehicle unmanned system

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    Recent years have witnessed a strong interest and intensive research activities in the area of networks of autonomous unmanned vehicles such as spacecraft formation flight, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles, automated highway systems and multiple mobile robots. The envisaged networked architecture can provide surpassing performance capabilities and enhanced reliability; however, it requires extending the traditional theories of control, estimation and Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI). One of the many challenges for these systems is development of autonomous cooperative control which can maintain the group behavior and mission performance in the presence of undesirable events such as failures in the vehicles. In order to achieve this goal, the team should have the capability to detect and isolate vehicles faults and reconfigure the cooperative control algorithms to compensate for them. This dissertation deals with the design and development of fault detection and isolation algorithms for a network of unmanned vehicles. Addressing this problem is the main step towards the design of autonomous fault tolerant cooperative control of network of unmanned systems. We first formulate the FDI problem by considering ideal communication channels among the vehicles and solve this problem corresponding to three different architectures, namely centralized, decentralized, and semi-decentralized. The necessary and sufficient solvability conditions for each architecture are also derived based on geometric FDI approach. The effects of large environmental disturbances are subsequently taken into account in the design of FDI algorithms and robust hybrid FDI schemes for both linear and nonlinear systems are developed. Our proposed robust FDI algorithms are applied to a network of unmanned vehicles as well as Almost-Lighter-Than-Air-Vehicle (ALTAV). The effects of communication channels on fault detection and isolation performance are then investigated. A packet erasure channel model is considered for incorporating stochastic packet dropout of communication channels. Combining vehicle dynamics and communication links yields a discrete-time Markovian Jump System (MJS) mathematical model representation. This motivates development of a geometric FDI framework for both discrete-time and continuous-time Markovian jump systems. Our proposed FDI algorithm is then applied to a formation flight of satellites and a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) helicopter problem. Finally, we investigate the problem of fault detection and isolation for time-delay systems as well as linear impulsive systems. The main motivation behind considering these two problems is that our developed geometric framework for Markovian jump systems can readily be applied to other class of systems. Broad classes of time-delay systems, namely, retarded, neutral, distributed and stochastic time-delay systems are investigated in this dissertation and a robust FDI algorithm is developed for each class of these systems. Moreover, it is shown that our proposed FDI algorithms for retarded and stochastic time-delay systems can potentially be applied in an integrated design of FDI/controller for a network of unmanned vehicles. Necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability of the fundamental problem of residual generation for linear impulsive systems are derived to conclude this dissertation

    Adaptive Estimation and Detection Techniques with Applications

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    Hybrid systems have been identified as one of the main directions in control theory and attracted increasing attention in recent years due to their huge diversity of engineering applications. Multiplemodel (MM) estimation is the state-of-the-art approach to many hybrid estimation problems. Existing MM methods with fixed structure usually perform well for problems that can be handled by a small set of models. However, their performance is limited when the required number of models to achieve a satisfactory accuracy is large due to time evolution of the true mode over a large continuous space. In this research, variable-structure multiple model (VSMM) estimation was investigated, further developed and evaluated. A fundamental solution for on-line adaptation of model sets was developed as well as several VSMM algorithms. These algorithms have been successfully applied to the fields of fault detection and identification as well as target tracking in this thesis. In particular, an integrated framework to detect, identify and estimate failures is developed based on the VSMM. It can handle sequential failures and multiple failures by sensors or actuators. Fault detection and target maneuver detection can be formulated as change-point detection problems in statistics. It is of great importance to have the quickest detection of such mode changes in a hybrid system. Traditional maneuver detectors based on simplistic models are not optimal and are computationally demanding due to the requirement of batch processing. In this presentation, a general sequential testing procedure is proposed for maneuver detection based on advanced sequential tests. It uses a likelihood marginalization technique to cope with the difficulty that the target accelerations are unknown. The approach essentially utilizes a priori information about the accelerations in typical tracking engagements and thus allows improved detection performance. The proposed approach is applicable to change-point detection problems under similar formulation, such as fault detection

    Adaptive Estimation and Detection Techniques with Applications

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    Hybrid systems have been identified as one of the main directions in control theory and attracted increasing attention in recent years due to their huge diversity of engineering applications. Multiplemodel (MM) estimation is the state-of-the-art approach to many hybrid estimation problems. Existing MM methods with fixed structure usually perform well for problems that can be handled by a small set of models. However, their performance is limited when the required number of models to achieve a satisfactory accuracy is large due to time evolution of the true mode over a large continuous space. In this research, variable-structure multiple model (VSMM) estimation was investigated, further developed and evaluated. A fundamental solution for on-line adaptation of model sets was developed as well as several VSMM algorithms. These algorithms have been successfully applied to the fields of fault detection and identification as well as target tracking in this thesis. In particular, an integrated framework to detect, identify and estimate failures is developed based on the VSMM. It can handle sequential failures and multiple failures by sensors or actuators. Fault detection and target maneuver detection can be formulated as change-point detection problems in statistics. It is of great importance to have the quickest detection of such mode changes in a hybrid system. Traditional maneuver detectors based on simplistic models are not optimal and are computationally demanding due to the requirement of batch processing. In this presentation, a general sequential testing procedure is proposed for maneuver detection based on advanced sequential tests. It uses a likelihood marginalization technique to cope with the difficulty that the target accelerations are unknown. The approach essentially utilizes a priori information about the accelerations in typical tracking engagements and thus allows improved detection performance. The proposed approach is applicable to change-point detection problems under similar formulation, such as fault detection

    Featured Anomaly Detection Methods and Applications

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    Anomaly detection is a fundamental research topic that has been widely investigated. From critical industrial systems, e.g., network intrusion detection systems, to people’s daily activities, e.g., mobile fraud detection, anomaly detection has become the very first vital resort to protect and secure public and personal properties. Although anomaly detection methods have been under consistent development over the years, the explosive growth of data volume and the continued dramatic variation of data patterns pose great challenges on the anomaly detection systems and are fuelling the great demand of introducing more intelligent anomaly detection methods with distinct characteristics to cope with various needs. To this end, this thesis starts with presenting a thorough review of existing anomaly detection strategies and methods. The advantageous and disadvantageous of the strategies and methods are elaborated. Afterward, four distinctive anomaly detection methods, especially for time series, are proposed in this work aiming at resolving specific needs of anomaly detection under different scenarios, e.g., enhanced accuracy, interpretable results, and self-evolving models. Experiments are presented and analysed to offer a better understanding of the performance of the methods and their distinct features. To be more specific, the abstracts of the key contents in this thesis are listed as follows: 1) Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) is investigated as a primary method to fulfill accurate anomaly detection. The applicability of SVDD over noisy time series datasets is carefully examined and it is demonstrated that relaxing the decision boundary of SVDD always results in better accuracy in network time series anomaly detection. Theoretical analysis of the parameter utilised in the model is also presented to ensure the validity of the relaxation of the decision boundary. 2) To support a clear explanation of the detected time series anomalies, i.e., anomaly interpretation, the periodic pattern of time series data is considered as the contextual information to be integrated into SVDD for anomaly detection. The formulation of SVDD with contextual information maintains multiple discriminants which help in distinguishing the root causes of the anomalies. 3) In an attempt to further analyse a dataset for anomaly detection and interpretation, Convex Hull Data Description (CHDD) is developed for realising one-class classification together with data clustering. CHDD approximates the convex hull of a given dataset with the extreme points which constitute a dictionary of data representatives. According to the dictionary, CHDD is capable of representing and clustering all the normal data instances so that anomaly detection is realised with certain interpretation. 4) Besides better anomaly detection accuracy and interpretability, better solutions for anomaly detection over streaming data with evolving patterns are also researched. Under the framework of Reinforcement Learning (RL), a time series anomaly detector that is consistently trained to cope with the evolving patterns is designed. Due to the fact that the anomaly detector is trained with labeled time series, it avoids the cumbersome work of threshold setting and the uncertain definitions of anomalies in time series anomaly detection tasks

    Deep Learning for Decision Making and Autonomous Complex Systems

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    Deep learning consists of various machine learning algorithms that aim to learn multiple levels of abstraction from data in a hierarchical manner. It is a tool to construct models using the data that mimics a real world process without an exceedingly tedious modelling of the actual process. We show that deep learning is a viable solution to decision making in mechanical engineering problems and complex physical systems. In this work, we demonstrated the application of this data-driven method in the design of microfluidic devices to serve as a map between the user-defined cross-sectional shape of the flow and the corresponding arrangement of micropillars in the flow channel that contributed to the flow deformation. We also present how deep learning can be used in the early detection of combustion instability for prognostics and health monitoring of a combustion engine, such that appropriate measures can be taken to prevent detrimental effects as a result of unstable combustion. One of the applications in complex systems concerns robotic path planning via the systematic learning of policies and associated rewards. In this context, a deep architecture is implemented to infer the expected value of information gained by performing an action based on the states of the environment. We also applied deep learning-based methods to enhance natural low-light images in the context of a surveillance framework and autonomous robots. Further, we looked at how machine learning methods can be used to perform root-cause analysis in cyber-physical systems subjected to a wide variety of operation anomalies. In all studies, the proposed frameworks have been shown to demonstrate promising feasibility and provided credible results for large-scale implementation in the industry

    Impact Assessment, Detection, and Mitigation of False Data Attacks in Electrical Power Systems

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    The global energy market has seen a massive increase in investment and capital flow in the last few decades. This has completely transformed the way power grids operate - legacy systems are now being replaced by advanced smart grid infrastructures that attest to better connectivity and increased reliability. One popular example is the extensive deployment of phasor measurement units, which is referred to PMUs, that constantly provide time-synchronized phasor measurements at a high resolution compared to conventional meters. This enables system operators to monitor in real-time the vast electrical network spanning thousands of miles. However, a targeted cyber attack on PMUs can prompt operators to take wrong actions that can eventually jeopardize the power system reliability. Such threats originating from the cyber-space continue to increase as power grids become more dependent on PMU communication networks. Additionally, these threats are becoming increasingly efficient in remaining undetected for longer periods while gaining deep access into the power networks. An attack on the energy sector immediately impacts national defense, emergency services, and all aspects of human life. Cyber attacks against the electric grid may soon become a tactic of high-intensity warfare between nations in near future and lead to social disorder. Within this context, this dissertation investigates the cyber security of PMUs that affects critical decision-making for a reliable operation of the power grid. In particular, this dissertation focuses on false data attacks, a key vulnerability in the PMU architecture, that inject, alter, block, or delete data in devices or in communication network channels. This dissertation addresses three important cyber security aspects - (1) impact assessment, (2) detection, and (3) mitigation of false data attacks. A comprehensive background of false data attack models targeting various steady-state control blocks is first presented. By investigating inter-dependencies between the cyber and the physical layers, this dissertation then identifies possible points of ingress and categorizes risk at different levels of threats. In particular, the likelihood of cyber attacks against the steady-state power system control block causing the worst-case impacts such as cascading failures is investigated. The case study results indicate that false data attacks do not often lead to widespread blackouts, but do result in subsequent line overloads and load shedding. The impacts are magnified when attacks are coordinated with physical failures of generators, transformers, or heavily loaded lines. Further, this dissertation develops a data-driven false data attack detection method that is independent of existing in-built security mechanisms in the state estimator. It is observed that a convolutional neural network classifier can quickly detect and isolate false measurements compared to other deep learning and traditional classifiers. Finally, this dissertation develops a recovery plan that minimizes the consequence of threats when sophisticated attacks remain undetected and have already caused multiple failures. Two new controlled islanding methods are developed that minimize the impact of attacks under the lack of, or partial information on the threats. The results indicate that the system operators can successfully contain the negative impacts of cyber attacks while creating stable and observable islands. Overall, this dissertation presents a comprehensive plan for fast and effective detection and mitigation of false data attacks, improving cyber security preparedness, and enabling continuity of operations

    Impact Assessment, Detection, And Mitigation Of False Data Attacks In Electrical Power Systems

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    The global energy market has seen a massive increase in investment and capital flow in the last few decades. This has completely transformed the way power grids operate - legacy systems are now being replaced by advanced smart grid infrastructures that attest to better connectivity and increased reliability. One popular example is the extensive deployment of phasor measurement units, which is referred to PMUs, that constantly provide time-synchronized phasor measurements at a high resolution compared to conventional meters. This enables system operators to monitor in real-time the vast electrical network spanning thousands of miles. However, a targeted cyber attack on PMUs can prompt operators to take wrong actions that can eventually jeopardize the power system reliability. Such threats originating from the cyber-space continue to increase as power grids become more dependent on PMU communication networks. Additionally, these threats are becoming increasingly efficient in remaining undetected for longer periods while gaining deep access into the power networks. An attack on the energy sector immediately impacts national defense, emergency services, and all aspects of human life. Cyber attacks against the electric grid may soon become a tactic of high-intensity warfare between nations in near future and lead to social disorder. Within this context, this dissertation investigates the cyber security of PMUs that affects critical decision-making for a reliable operation of the power grid. In particular, this dissertation focuses on false data attacks, a key vulnerability in the PMU architecture, that inject, alter, block, or delete data in devices or in communication network channels. This dissertation addresses three important cyber security aspects - (1) impact assessment, (2) detection, and (3) mitigation of false data attacks. A comprehensive background of false data attack models targeting various steady-state control blocks is first presented. By investigating inter-dependencies between the cyber and the physical layers, this dissertation then identifies possible points of ingress and categorizes risk at different levels of threats. In particular, the likelihood of cyber attacks against the steady-state power system control block causing the worst-case impacts such as cascading failures is investigated. The case study results indicate that false data attacks do not often lead to widespread blackouts, but do result in subsequent line overloads and load shedding. The impacts are magnified when attacks are coordinated with physical failures of generators, transformers, or heavily loaded lines. Further, this dissertation develops a data-driven false data attack detection method that is independent of existing in-built security mechanisms in the state estimator. It is observed that a convolutional neural network classifier can quickly detect and isolate false measurements compared to other deep learning and traditional classifiers. Finally, this dissertation develops a recovery plan that minimizes the consequence of threats when sophisticated attacks remain undetected and have already caused multiple failures. Two new controlled islanding methods are developed that minimize the impact of attacks under the lack of, or partial information on the threats. The results indicate that the system operators can successfully contain the negative impacts of cyber attacks while creating stable and observable islands. Overall, this dissertation presents a comprehensive plan for fast and effective detection and mitigation of false data attacks, improving cyber security preparedness, and enabling continuity of operations
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