5,172 research outputs found

    Time-Space Efficient Regression Testing for Configurable Systems

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    Configurable systems are those that can be adapted from a set of options. They are prevalent and testing them is important and challenging. Existing approaches for testing configurable systems are either unsound (i.e., they can miss fault-revealing configurations) or do not scale. This paper proposes EvoSPLat, a regression testing technique for configurable systems. EvoSPLat builds on our previously-developed technique, SPLat, which explores all dynamically reachable configurations from a test. EvoSPLat is tuned for two scenarios of use in regression testing: Regression Configuration Selection (RCS) and Regression Test Selection (RTS). EvoSPLat for RCS prunes configurations (not tests) that are not impacted by changes whereas EvoSPLat for RTS prunes tests (not configurations) which are not impacted by changes. Handling both scenarios in the context of evolution is important. Experimental results show that EvoSPLat is promising. We observed a substantial reduction in time (22%) and in the number of configurations (45%) for configurable Java programs. In a case study on a large real-world configurable system (GCC), EvoSPLat reduced 35% of the running time. Comparing EvoSPLat with sampling techniques, 2-wise was the most efficient technique, but it missed two bugs whereas EvoSPLat detected all bugs four times faster than 6-wise, on average.Comment: 14 page

    When a Patch is Not Enough - HardFails: Software-Exploitable Hardware Bugs

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    In this paper, we take a deep dive into microarchitectural security from a hardware designer's perspective by reviewing the existing approaches to detect hardware vulnerabilities during the design phase. We show that a protection gap currently exists in practice that leaves chip designs vulnerable to software-based attacks. In particular, existing verification approaches fail to detect specific classes of vulnerabilities, which we call HardFails: these bugs evade detection by current verification techniques while being exploitable from software. We demonstrate such vulnerabilities in real-world SoCs using RISC-V to showcase and analyze concrete instantiations of HardFails. Patching these hardware bugs may not always be possible and can potentially result in a product recall. We base our findings on two extensive case studies: the recent Hack@DAC 2018 hardware security competition, where 54 independent teams of researchers competed world-wide over a period of 12 weeks to catch inserted security bugs in SoC RTL designs, and an in-depth systematic evaluation of state-of-the-art verification approaches. Our findings indicate that even combinations of techniques will miss high-impact bugs due to the large number of modules with complex interdependencies and fundamental limitations of current detection approaches. We also craft a real-world software attack that exploits one of the RTL bugs from Hack@DAC that evaded detection and discuss novel approaches to mitigate the growing problem of cross-layer bugs at design time

    Further Investigation of the Survivability of Code Technical Debt Items

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    Context: Technical Debt (TD) discusses the negative impact of sub-optimal decisions to cope with the need-for-speed in software development. Code Technical Debt Items (TDI) are atomic elements of TD that can be observed in code artefacts. Empirical results on open-source systems demonstrated how code-smells, which are just one type of TDIs, are introduced and "survive" during release cycles. However, little is known about whether the results on the survivability of code-smells hold for other types of code TDIs (i.e., bugs and vulnerabilities) and in industrial settings. Goal: Understanding the survivability of code TDIs by conducting an empirical study analysing two industrial cases and 31 open-source systems from Apache Foundation. Method: We analysed 133,670 code TDIs (35,703 from the industrial systems) detected by SonarQube (in 193,196 commits) to assess their survivability using survivability models. Results: In general, code TDIs tend to remain and linger for long periods in open-source systems, whereas they are removed faster in industrial systems. Code TDIs that survive over a certain threshold tend to remain much longer, which confirms previous results. Our results also suggest that bugs tend to be removed faster, while code smells and vulnerabilities tend to survive longer.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSME

    Improving software quality with programming patterns

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    Software systems and services are increasingly important, involving and improving the work and lives of billions people. However, software development is still human-intensive and error-prone. Established studies report that software failures cost the global economy $312 billion annually and software vendors often spend 50-75% of the total development cost for finding and fixing bugs, i.e. subtle programming errors that cause software failures. People rarely develop software from scratch, but frequently reuse existing software artifacts. In this dissertation, we focus on programming patterns, i.e. frequently occurring code resulted from reuse, and explore their potential for improving software quality. Specially, we develop techniques for recovering programming patterns and using them to find, fix, and prevent bugs more effectively. This dissertation has two main contributions. One is Graph-based Object Usage Model (GROUM), a graph-based representation of source code. A GROUM abstracts a fragment of code as a graph representing its object usages. In a GROUM, nodes correspond to the function calls and control structures while edges capture control and data relationships between them. Based on GROUM, we developed a graph mining technique that could recover programming patterns of API usage and use them for detecting bugs. GROUM is also used to find similar bugs and recommend similar bug fixes. The other main contribution of this dissertation is SLAMC, a Statistical Semantic LAnguage Model for Source Code. SLAMC represents code as sequences of code elements of different roles, e.g. data types, variables, or functions and annotate those elements with sememes, a text-based annotation of their semantic information. SLAMC models the regularities over the sememe sequences code-based factors like local code context, global concerns, and pair-wise associations, thus, implicitly captures programming idioms and patterns as sequences with high probabilities. Based on SLAMC, we developed a technique for recommending most likely next code sequences, which could improve programming productivity and might reduce the odds of programming errors. Empirical evaluation shows that our approaches can detect meaningful programming patterns and anomalies that might cause bugs or maintenance issues, thus could improve software quality. In addition, our models have been successfully used for several other problems, from library adaptation, code migration, to bug fix generation. They also have several other potential applications, which we will explore in the future work

    Using Machine Learning to Infer Constraints for Product Lines

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    Variability intensive systems may include several thousand features allowing for an enormous number of possible configurations, including wrong ones (e.g. the derived product does not compile). For years, engineers have been using constraints to a priori restrict the space of possible configurations, i.e. to exclude configurations that would violate these constraints. The challenge is to find the set of constraints that would be both precise (allow all correct configurations) and complete (never allow a wrong configuration with respect to some oracle). In this paper, we propose the use of a machine learning approach to infer such product-line constraints from an oracle that is able to assess whether a given product is correct. We propose to randomly generate products from the product line, keeping for each of them its resolution model. Then we classify these products accord-ing to the oracle, and use their resolution models to infer crosstree constraints over the product-line. We validate our approach on a product-line video generator, using a simple computer vision algorithm as an oracle. We show that an interesting set of cross-tree constraint can be generated, with reasonable precision and recall


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    In real-world software development, maintenance plays a major role and developers spend 50-80% of their time in maintenance-related activities. During software maintenance, a significant amount of effort is spent on ending and fixing bugs. In some cases, the fix does not completely eliminate the buggy behavior; though it addresses the reported problem, it fails to account for conditions that could lead to similar failures. There could be many possible reasons: the conditions may have been overlooked or difficult to reproduce, e.g., when the components that invoke the code or the underlying components it interacts with can not put it in a state where latent errors appear. We posit that such latent errors can be discovered sooner if the buggy section can be tested more thoroughly in a separate environment, a strategy that is loosely analogous to the medical procedure of performing a biopsy where tissue is removed, examined and subjected to a battery of tests to determine the presence of a disease. In this thesis, we propose a process in which the buggy code is extracted and isolated in a test framework. Test drivers and stubs are added to exercise the code and observe its interactions with its dependencies. We lay the groundwork for the creation of an automated tool for isolating code by studying its feasibility and investigating existing testing technologies that can facilitate the creation of such drivers and stubs. We investigate mocking frameworks, symbolic execution and model checking tools and test their capabilities by examining real bugs from the Apache Tomcat project. We demonstrate the merits of performing unit-level symbolic execution and model checking to discover runtime exceptions and logical errors. The process is shown to have high coverage and able to uncover latent errors due to insufficient fixes

    A Framework for Seamless Variant Management and Incremental Migration to a Software Product-Line

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    Context: Software systems often need to exist in many variants in order to satisfy varying customer requirements and operate under varying software and hardware environments. These variant-rich systems are most commonly realized using cloning, a convenient approach to create new variants by reusing existing ones. Cloning is readily available, however, the non-systematic reuse leads to difficult maintenance. An alternative strategy is adopting platform-oriented development approaches, such as Software Product-Line Engineering (SPLE). SPLE offers systematic reuse, and provides centralized control, and thus, easier maintenance. However, adopting SPLE is a risky and expensive endeavor, often relying on significant developer intervention. Researchers have attempted to devise strategies to synchronize variants (change propagation) and migrate from clone&own to an SPL, however, they are limited in accuracy and applicability. Additionally, the process models for SPLE in literature, as we will discuss, are obsolete, and only partially reflect how adoption is approached in industry. Despite many agile practices prescribing feature-oriented software development, features are still rarely documented and incorporated during actual development, making SPL-migration risky and error-prone.Objective: The overarching goal of this PhD is to bridge the gap between clone&own and software product-line engineering in a risk-free, smooth, and accurate manner. Consequently, in the first part of the PhD, we focus on the conceptualization, formalization, and implementation of a framework for migrating from a lean architecture to a platform-based one.Method: Our objectives are met by means of (i) understanding the literature relevant to variant-management and product-line migration and determining the research gaps (ii) surveying the dominant process models for SPLE and comparing them against the contemporary industrial practices, (iii) devising a framework for incremental SPL adoption, and (iv) investigating the benefit of using features beyond PL migration; facilitating model comprehension.Results: Four main results emerge from this thesis. First, we present a qualitative analysis of the state-of-the-art frameworks for change propagation and product-line migration. Second, we compare the contemporary industrial practices with the ones prescribed in the process models for SPL adoption, and provide an updated process model that unifies the two to accurately reflect the real practices and guide future practitioners. Third, we devise a framework for incremental migration of variants into a fully integrated platform by exploiting explicitly recorded metadata pertaining to clone and feature-to-asset traceability. Last, we investigate the impact of using different variability mechanisms on the comprehensibility of various model-related tasks.Future work: As ongoing and future work, we aim to integrate our framework with existing IDEs and conduct a developer study to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of using our framework. We also aim to incorporate safe-evolution in our operators