205 research outputs found

    Implementation and evaluation of improved Gaussian sampling for lattice trapdoors

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    We report on our implementation of a new Gaussian sampling algorithm for lattice trapdoors. Lattice trapdoors are used in a wide array of lattice-based cryptographic schemes including digital signatures, attributed-based encryption, program obfuscation and others. Our implementation provides Gaussian sampling for trapdoor lattices with prime moduli, and supports both single- and multi-threaded execution. We experimentally evaluate our implementation through its use in the GPV hash-and-sign digital signature scheme as a benchmark. We compare our design and implementation with prior work reported in the literature. The evaluation shows that our implementation 1) has smaller space requirements and faster runtime, 2) does not require multi-precision floating-point arithmetic, and 3) can be used for a broader range of cryptographic primitives than previous implementations

    Integral Matrix Gram Root and Lattice Gaussian Sampling without Floats

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    Many advanced lattice based cryptosystems require to sample lattice points from Gaussian distributions. On

    Sampling From Arbitrary Centered Discrete Gaussians For Lattice-Based Cryptography

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    Non-Centered Discrete Gaussian sampling is a fundamental building block in many lattice-based constructions in cryptography, such as signature and identity-based encryption schemes. On the one hand, the center-dependent approaches, e.g. cumulative distribution tables (CDT), Knuth-Yao, the alias method, discrete Zigurat and their variants, are the fastest known algorithms to sample from a discrete Gaussian distribution. However, they use a relatively large precomputed table for each possible real center in [0,1) making them impracticable for non-centered discrete Gaussian sampling. On the other hand, rejection sampling allows to sample from a discrete Gaussian distribution for all real centers without prohibitive precomputation cost but needs costly floating-point arithmetic and several trials per sample. In this work, we study how to reduce the number of centers for which we have to precompute tables and propose a non-centered CDT algorithm with practicable size of precomputed tables as fast as its centered variant. Finally, we provide some experimental results for our open-source C++ implementation indicating that our sampler increases the rate of Peikert’s algorithm for sampling from arbitrary lattices (and cosets) by a factor 3 with precomputation storage up to 6.2 MB

    On Rejection Sampling Algorithms for Centered Discrete Gaussian Distribution over Integers

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    Lattice-based cryptography has been accepted as a promising candidate for public key cryptography in the age of quantum computing. Discrete Gaussian sampling is one of fundamental operations in many lattice-based cryptosystems. In this paper, we discuss a sub-problem of discrete Gaussian sampling, which is to sample from a centered discrete Gaussian distribution over the integers with positive standard deviation and zero center. We propose three alternative rejection sampling algorithms for centered discrete Gaussian distributions with standard deviation in two specific forms. The first algorithm is designed for the case where the standard deviation is an positive integer, and it requires neither pre-computation storage nor floating-point arithmetic. While the other two algorithms are fit for a standard deviation that is an integer multiple of a fixed real number (approximately equal to 0.849). These two algorithms require fixed look-up tables of very small size (e.g. 128 bits and 320 bits respectively), but they are much more efficient than the first algorithm. The experimental results show that our algorithms have better performance than that of two rejection sampling algorithms proposed by Karney in 2016 and by Ducas et al.\ in 2013 respectively. The expected numbers of random bits used in our algorithms are significantly smaller than that of random bits used in Karney\u27s rejection sampling algorithm

    Implementation and Performance Evaluation of RNS Variants of the BFV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme

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    Homomorphic encryption is an emerging form of encryption that provides the ability to compute on encrypted data without ever decrypting them. Potential applications include aggregating sensitive encrypted data on a cloud environment and computing on the data in the cloud without compromising data privacy. There have been several recent advances resulting in new homomorphic encryption schemes and optimized variants. We implement and evaluate the performance of two optimized variants, namely Bajard-Eynard-Hasan-Zucca (BEHZ) and Halevi-Polyakov-Shoup (HPS), of the most promising homomorphic encryption scheme in CPU and GPU. The most interesting (and also unexpected) result of our performance evaluation is that the HPS variant in practice scales significantly better (typically by 15%-30%) with increase in multiplicative depth of the computation circuit than BEHZ, implying that the HPS variant will always outperform BEHZ for most practical applications. For the multiplicative depth of 98, our fastest GPU implementation performs homomorphic multiplication in 51 ms for 128-bit security settings, which is faster by two orders of magnitude than prior results and already practical for cloud environments supporting GPU computations. Large multiplicative depths supported by our implementations are required for applications involving deep neural networks, logistic regression learning, and other important machine learning problems

    Integral Matrix Gram Root and Lattice Gaussian Sampling Without Floats

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    Many advanced lattice based cryptosystems require to sample lattice points from Gaussian distributions. One challenge for this task is that all current algorithms resort to floating-point arithmetic (FPA) at some point, which has numerous drawbacks in practice: it requires numerical stability analysis, extra storage for high-precision, lazy/backtracking techniques for efficiency, and may suffer from weak determinism which can completely break certain schemes. In this paper, we give techniques to implement Gaussian sampling over general lattices without using FPA. To this end, we revisit the approach of Peikert, using perturbation sampling. Peikert’s approach uses continuous Gaussian sampling and some decomposition Σ= A At of the target covariance matrix Σ. The suggested decomposition, e.g. the Cholesky decomposition, gives rise to a square matrix A with real (not integer) entries. Our idea, in a nutshell, is to replace this decomposition by an integral one. While there is in general no integer solution if we restrict A to being a square matrix, we show that such a decomposition can be efficiently found by allowing A to be wider (say n × 9n). This can be viewed as an extension of Lagrange’s four-square theorem to matrices. In addition, we adapt our integral decomposition algorithm to the ring setting: for power-of-2 cyclotomics, we can exploit the tower of rings structure for improved complexity and compactness

    Sampling the Integers with Low Relative Error

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    Randomness is an essential part of any secure cryptosystem, but many constructions rely on distributions that are not uniform. This is particularly true for lattice based cryptosystems, which more often than not make use of discrete Gaussian distributions over the integers. For practical purposes it is crucial to evaluate the impact that approximation errors have on the security of a scheme to provide the best possible trade-off between security and performance. Recent years have seen surprising results allowing to use relatively low precision while maintaining high levels of security. A key insight in these results is that sampling a distribution with low relative error can provide very strong security guarantees. Since floating point numbers provide guarantees on the relative approximation error, they seem a suitable tool in this setting, but it is not obvious which sampling algorithms can actually profit from them. While previous works have shown that inversion sampling can be adapted to provide a low relative error (Pöppelmann et al., CHES 2014; Prest, ASIACRYPT 2017), other works have called into question if this is possible for other sampling techniques (Zheng et al., Eprint report 2018/309). In this work, we consider all sampling algorithms that are popular in the cryptographic setting and analyze the relationship of floating point precision and the resulting relative error. We show that all of the algorithms either natively achieve a low relative error or can be adapted to do so

    Memory-Constrained Implementation of Lattice-based Encryption Scheme on the Standard Java Card Platform

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    Memory-constrained devices, including widely used smart cards, require resisting attacks by the quantum computers. Lattice-based encryption scheme possesses high efficiency and reliability which could run on small devices with limited storage capacity and computation resources such as IoT sensor nodes or smart cards. We present the first implementation of a lattice-based encryption scheme on the standard Java Card platform by combining number theoretic transform and improved Montgomery modular multiplication. The running time of decryption is nearly optimal (about 7 seconds for 128-bit security level). We also optimize discrete Ziggurat algorithm and Knuth-Yao algorithm to sample from prescribed probability distributions on the Java Card platform. More importantly, we indicate that polynomial multiplication can be performed on Java Card efficiently even if the long integers are not supported, which makes running more lattice-based cryptosystems on smart cards achievable

    Lattice-based digital signature and discrete gaussian sampling

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    Lattice-based cryptography has generated considerable interest in the last two decades due toattractive features, including conjectured security against quantum attacks, strong securityguarantees from worst-case hardness assumptions and constructions of fully homomorphicencryption schemes. On the other hand, even though it is a crucial part of many lattice-basedschemes, Gaussian sampling is still lagging and continues to limit the effectiveness of this newcryptography. The first goal of this thesis is to improve the efficiency of Gaussian sampling forlattice-based hash-and-sign signature schemes. We propose a non-centered algorithm, with aflexible time-memory tradeoff, as fast as its centered variant for practicable size of precomputedtables. We also use the RĂ©nyi divergence to bound the precision requirement to the standarddouble precision. Our second objective is to construct Falcon, a new hash-and-sign signaturescheme, based on the theoretical framework of Gentry, Peikert and Vaikuntanathan for latticebasedsignatures. We instantiate that framework over NTRU lattices with a new trapdoor sampler
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