35 research outputs found

    Faster tuple lattice sieving using spherical locality-sensitive filters

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    To overcome the large memory requirement of classical lattice sieving algorithms for solving hard lattice problems, Bai-Laarhoven-Stehl\'{e} [ANTS 2016] studied tuple lattice sieving, where tuples instead of pairs of lattice vectors are combined to form shorter vectors. Herold-Kirshanova [PKC 2017] recently improved upon their results for arbitrary tuple sizes, for example showing that a triple sieve can solve the shortest vector problem (SVP) in dimension dd in time 20.3717d+o(d)2^{0.3717d + o(d)}, using a technique similar to locality-sensitive hashing for finding nearest neighbors. In this work, we generalize the spherical locality-sensitive filters of Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven [SODA 2016] to obtain space-time tradeoffs for near neighbor searching on dense data sets, and we apply these techniques to tuple lattice sieving to obtain even better time complexities. For instance, our triple sieve heuristically solves SVP in time 20.3588d+o(d)2^{0.3588d + o(d)}. For practical sieves based on Micciancio-Voulgaris' GaussSieve [SODA 2010], this shows that a triple sieve uses less space and less time than the current best near-linear space double sieve.Comment: 12 pages + references, 2 figures. Subsumed/merged into Cryptology ePrint Archive 2017/228, available at https://ia.cr/2017/122

    Tradeoffs for nearest neighbors on the sphere

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    We consider tradeoffs between the query and update complexities for the (approximate) nearest neighbor problem on the sphere, extending the recent spherical filters to sparse regimes and generalizing the scheme and analysis to account for different tradeoffs. In a nutshell, for the sparse regime the tradeoff between the query complexity nρqn^{\rho_q} and update complexity nρun^{\rho_u} for data sets of size nn is given by the following equation in terms of the approximation factor cc and the exponents ρq\rho_q and ρu\rho_u: c2ρq+(c21)ρu=2c21.c^2\sqrt{\rho_q}+(c^2-1)\sqrt{\rho_u}=\sqrt{2c^2-1}. For small c=1+ϵc=1+\epsilon, minimizing the time for updates leads to a linear space complexity at the cost of a query time complexity n14ϵ2n^{1-4\epsilon^2}. Balancing the query and update costs leads to optimal complexities n1/(2c21)n^{1/(2c^2-1)}, matching bounds from [Andoni-Razenshteyn, 2015] and [Dubiner, IEEE-TIT'10] and matching the asymptotic complexities of [Andoni-Razenshteyn, STOC'15] and [Andoni-Indyk-Laarhoven-Razenshteyn-Schmidt, NIPS'15]. A subpolynomial query time complexity no(1)n^{o(1)} can be achieved at the cost of a space complexity of the order n1/(4ϵ2)n^{1/(4\epsilon^2)}, matching the bound nΩ(1/ϵ2)n^{\Omega(1/\epsilon^2)} of [Andoni-Indyk-Patrascu, FOCS'06] and [Panigrahy-Talwar-Wieder, FOCS'10] and improving upon results of [Indyk-Motwani, STOC'98] and [Kushilevitz-Ostrovsky-Rabani, STOC'98]. For large cc, minimizing the update complexity results in a query complexity of n2/c2+O(1/c4)n^{2/c^2+O(1/c^4)}, improving upon the related exponent for large cc of [Kapralov, PODS'15] by a factor 22, and matching the bound nΩ(1/c2)n^{\Omega(1/c^2)} of [Panigrahy-Talwar-Wieder, FOCS'08]. Balancing the costs leads to optimal complexities n1/(2c21)n^{1/(2c^2-1)}, while a minimum query time complexity can be achieved with update complexity n2/c2+O(1/c4)n^{2/c^2+O(1/c^4)}, improving upon the previous best exponents of Kapralov by a factor 22.Comment: 16 pages, 1 table, 2 figures. Mostly subsumed by arXiv:1608.03580 [cs.DS] (along with arXiv:1605.02701 [cs.DS]

    A new Lenstra-type Algorithm for Quasiconvex Polynomial Integer Minimization with Complexity 2^O(n log n)

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    We study the integer minimization of a quasiconvex polynomial with quasiconvex polynomial constraints. We propose a new algorithm that is an improvement upon the best known algorithm due to Heinz (Journal of Complexity, 2005). This improvement is achieved by applying a new modern Lenstra-type algorithm, finding optimal ellipsoid roundings, and considering sparse encodings of polynomials. For the bounded case, our algorithm attains a time-complexity of s (r l M d)^{O(1)} 2^{2n log_2(n) + O(n)} when M is a bound on the number of monomials in each polynomial and r is the binary encoding length of a bound on the feasible region. In the general case, s l^{O(1)} d^{O(n)} 2^{2n log_2(n) +O(n)}. In each we assume d>= 2 is a bound on the total degree of the polynomials and l bounds the maximum binary encoding size of the input.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Fast optimization algorithms and the cosmological constant

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    Denef and Douglas have observed that in certain landscape models the problem of finding small values of the cosmological constant is a large instance of an NP-hard problem. The number of elementary operations (quantum gates) needed to solve this problem by brute force search exceeds the estimated computational capacity of the observable universe. Here we describe a way out of this puzzling circumstance: despite being NP-hard, the problem of finding a small cosmological constant can be attacked by more sophisticated algorithms whose performance vastly exceeds brute force search. In fact, in some parameter regimes the average-case complexity is polynomial. We demonstrate this by explicitly finding a cosmological constant of order 1012010^{-120} in a randomly generated 10910^9-dimensional ADK landscape.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Approximate Voronoi cells for lattices, revisited

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    We revisit the approximate Voronoi cells approach for solving the closest vector problem with preprocessing (CVPP) on high-dimensional lattices, and settle the open problem of Doulgerakis-Laarhoven-De Weger [PQCrypto, 2019] of determining exact asymptotics on the volume of these Voronoi cells under the Gaussian heuristic. As a result, we obtain improved upper bounds on the time complexity of the randomized iterative slicer when using less than 20.076d+o(d)2^{0.076d + o(d)} memory, and we show how to obtain time-memory trade-offs even when using less than 20.048d+o(d)2^{0.048d + o(d)} memory. We also settle the open problem of obtaining a continuous trade-off between the size of the advice and the query time complexity, as the time complexity with subexponential advice in our approach scales as dd/2+o(d)d^{d/2 + o(d)}, matching worst-case enumeration bounds, and achieving the same asymptotic scaling as average-case enumeration algorithms for the closest vector problem.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    The nearest-colattice algorithm

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    In this work, we exhibit a hierarchy of polynomial time algorithms solving approximate variants of the Closest Vector Problem (CVP). Our first contribution is a heuristic algorithm achieving the same distance tradeoff as HSVP algorithms, namely βn2βcovol(Λ)1n\approx \beta^{\frac{n}{2\beta}}\textrm{covol}(\Lambda)^{\frac{1}{n}} for a random lattice Λ\Lambda of rank nn. Compared to the so-called Kannan's embedding technique, our algorithm allows using precomputations and can be used for efficient batch CVP instances. This implies that some attacks on lattice-based signatures lead to very cheap forgeries, after a precomputation. Our second contribution is a proven reduction from approximating the closest vector with a factor n32β3n2β\approx n^{\frac32}\beta^{\frac{3n}{2\beta}} to the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) in dimension β\beta.Comment: 19 pages, presented at the Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS 2020

    Solving the Closest Vector Problem in 2n2^n Time--- The Discrete Gaussian Strikes Again!

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    We give a 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}-time and space randomized algorithm for solving the exact Closest Vector Problem (CVP) on nn-dimensional Euclidean lattices. This improves on the previous fastest algorithm, the deterministic O~(4n)\widetilde{O}(4^{n})-time and O~(2n)\widetilde{O}(2^{n})-space algorithm of Micciancio and Voulgaris. We achieve our main result in three steps. First, we show how to modify the sampling algorithm from [ADRS15] to solve the problem of discrete Gaussian sampling over lattice shifts, LtL- t, with very low parameters. While the actual algorithm is a natural generalization of [ADRS15], the analysis uses substantial new ideas. This yields a 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}-time algorithm for approximate CVP for any approximation factor γ=1+2o(n/logn)\gamma = 1+2^{-o(n/\log n)}. Second, we show that the approximate closest vectors to a target vector tt can be grouped into "lower-dimensional clusters," and we use this to obtain a recursive reduction from exact CVP to a variant of approximate CVP that "behaves well with these clusters." Third, we show that our discrete Gaussian sampling algorithm can be used to solve this variant of approximate CVP. The analysis depends crucially on some new properties of the discrete Gaussian distribution and approximate closest vectors, which might be of independent interest