24 research outputs found

    Deterministic Maximum Flows in Simple Graphs

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    In this paper we are interested in deterministically computing maximum flows in undirected simple graphs where edges have unit capacities. When the input graph has n vertices and m edges, and the maximum flow is known to be upper bounded by ? as prior knowledge, our algorithm has running time O?(m + n^{5/3}?^{1/2}); in the extreme case where ? = ?(n), our algorithm has running time O?(n^{2.17}). This always improves upon the previous best deterministic upper bound O?(n^{9/4}?^{1/8}) by [Duan, 2013]. Furthermore, when ? ? n^{0.67} our algorithm is faster than a classical upper bound of O(m + n?^{3/2}) by [Karger and Levin, 1998]

    Faster Algorithms for Rooted Connectivity in Directed Graphs

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    We consider the fundamental problems of determining the rooted and global edge and vertex connectivities (and computing the corresponding cuts) in directed graphs. For rooted (and hence also global) edge connectivity with small integer capacities we give a new randomized Monte Carlo algorithm that runs in time O~(n2)\tilde{O}(n^2). For rooted edge connectivity this is the first algorithm to improve on the Ω(n3)\Omega(n^3) time bound in the dense-graph high-connectivity regime. Our result relies on a simple combination of sampling coupled with sparsification that appears new, and could lead to further tradeoffs for directed graph connectivity problems. We extend the edge connectivity ideas to rooted and global vertex connectivity in directed graphs. We obtain a (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-approximation for rooted vertex connectivity in O~(nW/ϵ)\tilde{O}(nW/\epsilon) time where WW is the total vertex weight (assuming integral vertex weights); in particular this yields an O~(n2/ϵ)\tilde{O}(n^2/\epsilon) time randomized algorithm for unweighted graphs. This translates to a O~(κnW)\tilde{O}(\kappa nW) time exact algorithm where κ\kappa is the rooted connectivity. We build on this to obtain similar bounds for global vertex connectivity. Our results complement the known results for these problems in the low connectivity regime due to work of Gabow [9] for edge connectivity from 1991, and the very recent work of Nanongkai et al. [24] and Forster et al. [7] for vertex connectivity

    Spectral Sparsification via Bounded-Independence Sampling

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    We give a deterministic, nearly logarithmic-space algorithm for mild spectral sparsification of undirected graphs. Given a weighted, undirected graph GG on nn vertices described by a binary string of length NN, an integer klognk\leq \log n, and an error parameter ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, our algorithm runs in space O~(klog(Nwmax/wmin))\tilde{O}(k\log (N\cdot w_{\mathrm{max}}/w_{\mathrm{min}})) where wmaxw_{\mathrm{max}} and wminw_{\mathrm{min}} are the maximum and minimum edge weights in GG, and produces a weighted graph HH with O~(n1+2/k/ϵ2)\tilde{O}(n^{1+2/k}/\epsilon^2) edges that spectrally approximates GG, in the sense of Spielmen and Teng [ST04], up to an error of ϵ\epsilon. Our algorithm is based on a new bounded-independence analysis of Spielman and Srivastava's effective resistance based edge sampling algorithm [SS08] and uses results from recent work on space-bounded Laplacian solvers [MRSV17]. In particular, we demonstrate an inherent tradeoff (via upper and lower bounds) between the amount of (bounded) independence used in the edge sampling algorithm, denoted by kk above, and the resulting sparsity that can be achieved.Comment: 37 page

    Isolating Cuts, (Bi-)Submodularity, and Faster Algorithms for Connectivity

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    Li and Panigrahi [Jason Li and Debmalya Panigrahi, 2020], in recent work, obtained the first deterministic algorithm for the global minimum cut of a weighted undirected graph that runs in time o(mn). They introduced an elegant and powerful technique to find isolating cuts for a terminal set in a graph via a small number of s-t minimum cut computations. In this paper we generalize their isolating cut approach to the abstract setting of symmetric bisubmodular functions (which also capture symmetric submodular functions). Our generalization to bisubmodularity is motivated by applications to element connectivity and vertex connectivity. Utilizing the general framework and other ideas we obtain significantly faster randomized algorithms for computing global (and subset) connectivity in a number of settings including hypergraphs, element connectivity and vertex connectivity in graphs, and for symmetric submodular functions

    Scalable Auction Algorithms for Bipartite Maximum Matching Problems

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