1,169 research outputs found

    Fast spin +-2 spherical harmonics transforms and application in cosmology

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    A fast and exact algorithm is developed for the spin +-2 spherical harmonics transforms on equi-angular pixelizations on the sphere. It is based on the Driscoll and Healy fast scalar spherical harmonics transform. The theoretical exactness of the transform relies on a sampling theorem. The associated asymptotic complexity is of order O(L^2 log^2_2(L)), where 2L stands for the square-root of the number of sampling points on the sphere, also setting a band limit L for the spin +-2 functions considered. The algorithm is presented as an alternative to existing fast algorithms with an asymptotic complexity of order O(L^3) on other pixelizations. We also illustrate these generic developments through their application in cosmology, for the analysis of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization data.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures. Version accepted for publication in J. Comput. Phys

    Fast directional correlation on the sphere with steerable filters

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    A fast algorithm is developed for the directional correlation of scalar band-limited signals and band-limited steerable filters on the sphere. The asymptotic complexity associated to it through simple quadrature is of order O(L^5), where 2L stands for the square-root of the number of sampling points on the sphere, also setting a band limit L for the signals and filters considered. The filter steerability allows to compute the directional correlation uniquely in terms of direct and inverse scalar spherical harmonics transforms, which drive the overall asymptotic complexity. The separation of variables technique for the scalar spherical harmonics transform produces an O(L^3) algorithm independently of the pixelization. On equi-angular pixelizations, a sampling theorem introduced by Driscoll and Healy implies the exactness of the algorithm. The equi-angular and HEALPix implementations are compared in terms of memory requirements, computation times, and numerical stability. The computation times for the scalar transform, and hence for the directional correlation, of maps of several megapixels on the sphere (L~10^3) are reduced from years to tens of seconds in both implementations on a single standard computer. These generic results for the scale-space signal processing on the sphere are specifically developed in the perspective of the wavelet analysis of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature (T) and polarization (E and B) maps of the WMAP and Planck experiments. As an illustration, we consider the computation of the wavelet coefficients of a simulated temperature map of several megapixels with the second Gaussian derivative wavelet.Comment: Version accepted in APJ. 14 pages, 2 figures, Revtex4 (emulateapj). Changes include (a) a presentation of the algorithm as directly built on blocks of standard spherical harmonics transforms, (b) a comparison between the HEALPix and equi-angular implementation

    An Optimal-Dimensionality Sampling for Spin-ss Functions on the Sphere

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    For the representation of spin-ss band-limited functions on the sphere, we propose a sampling scheme with optimal number of samples equal to the number of degrees of freedom of the function in harmonic space. In comparison to the existing sampling designs, which require 2L2{\sim}2L^2 samples for the representation of spin-ss functions band-limited at LL, the proposed scheme requires No=L2s2N_o=L^2-s^2 samples for the accurate computation of the spin-ss spherical harmonic transform~(ss-SHT). For the proposed sampling scheme, we also develop a method to compute the ss-SHT. We place the samples in our design scheme such that the matrices involved in the computation of ss-SHT are well-conditioned. We also present a multi-pass ss-SHT to improve the accuracy of the transform. We also show the proposed sampling design exhibits superior geometrical properties compared to existing equiangular and Gauss-Legendre sampling schemes, and enables accurate computation of the ss-SHT corroborated through numerical experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    A novel sampling theorem on the rotation group

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    We develop a novel sampling theorem for functions defined on the three-dimensional rotation group SO(3) by connecting the rotation group to the three-torus through a periodic extension. Our sampling theorem requires 4L34L^3 samples to capture all of the information content of a signal band-limited at LL, reducing the number of required samples by a factor of two compared to other equiangular sampling theorems. We present fast algorithms to compute the associated Fourier transform on the rotation group, the so-called Wigner transform, which scale as O(L4)O(L^4), compared to the naive scaling of O(L6)O(L^6). For the common case of a low directional band-limit NN, complexity is reduced to O(NL3)O(N L^3). Our fast algorithms will be of direct use in speeding up the computation of directional wavelet transforms on the sphere. We make our SO3 code implementing these algorithms publicly available.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, minor changes to match version accepted for publication. Code available at http://www.sothree.or

    Polarized wavelets and curvelets on the sphere

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    The statistics of the temperature anisotropies in the primordial cosmic microwave background radiation field provide a wealth of information for cosmology and for estimating cosmological parameters. An even more acute inference should stem from the study of maps of the polarization state of the CMB radiation. Measuring the extremely weak CMB polarization signal requires very sensitive instruments. The full-sky maps of both temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB to be delivered by the upcoming Planck Surveyor satellite experiment are hence being awaited with excitement. Multiscale methods, such as isotropic wavelets, steerable wavelets, or curvelets, have been proposed in the past to analyze the CMB temperature map. In this paper, we contribute to enlarging the set of available transforms for polarized data on the sphere. We describe a set of new multiscale decompositions for polarized data on the sphere, including decimated and undecimated Q-U or E-B wavelet transforms and Q-U or E-B curvelets. The proposed transforms are invertible and so allow for applications in data restoration and denoising.Comment: Accepted. Full paper will figures available at http://jstarck.free.fr/aa08_pola.pd

    3D weak lensing with spin wavelets on the ball

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    We construct the spin flaglet transform, a wavelet transform to analyze spin signals in three dimensions. Spin flaglets can probe signal content localized simultaneously in space and frequency and, moreover, are separable so that their angular and radial properties can be controlled independently. They are particularly suited to analyzing of cosmological observations such as the weak gravitational lensing of galaxies. Such observations have a unique 3D geometrical setting since they are natively made on the sky, have spin angular symmetries, and are extended in the radial direction by additional distance or redshift information. Flaglets are constructed in the harmonic space defined by the Fourier-Laguerre transform, previously defined for scalar functions and extended here to signals with spin symmetries. Thanks to various sampling theorems, both the Fourier-Laguerre and flaglet transforms are theoretically exact when applied to bandlimited signals. In other words, in numerical computations the only loss of information is due to the finite representation of floating point numbers. We develop a 3D framework relating the weak lensing power spectrum to covariances of flaglet coefficients. We suggest that the resulting novel flaglet weak lensing estimator offers a powerful alternative to common 2D and 3D approaches to accurately capture cosmological information. While standard weak lensing analyses focus on either real or harmonic space representations (i.e., correlation functions or Fourier-Bessel power spectra, respectively), a wavelet approach inherits the advantages of both techniques, where both complicated sky coverage and uncertainties associated with the physical modeling of small scales can be handled effectively. Our codes to compute the Fourier-Laguerre and flaglet transforms are made publicly available.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, version accepted for publication in PR

    Fast and Exact Spin-s Spherical Harmonic Transforms

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    We demonstrate a fast spin-s spherical harmonic transform algorithm, which is flexible and exact for band-limited functions. In contrast to previous work, where spin transforms are computed independently, our algorithm permits the computation of several distinct spin transforms simultaneously. Specifically, only one set of special functions is computed for transforms of quantities with any spin, namely the Wigner d-matrices evaluated at {\pi}/2, which may be computed with efficient recursions. For any spin the computation scales as O(L^3) where L is the band-limit of the function. Our publicly available numerical implementation permits very high accuracy at modest computational cost. We discuss applications to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and gravitational lensing.Comment: 22 pages, preprint format, 5 figure

    Complex data processing: fast wavelet analysis on the sphere

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    In the general context of complex data processing, this paper reviews a recent practical approach to the continuous wavelet formalism on the sphere. This formalism notably yields a correspondence principle which relates wavelets on the plane and on the sphere. Two fast algorithms are also presented for the analysis of signals on the sphere with steerable wavelets.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, JFAA style, paper invited to J. Fourier Anal. and Appli