8,801 research outputs found

    T-spline based unifying registration procedure for free-form surface workpieces in intelligent CMM

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    With the development of the modern manufacturing industry, the free-form surface is widely used in various fields, and the automatic detection of a free-form surface is an important function of future intelligent three-coordinate measuring machines (CMMs). To improve the intelligence of CMMs, a new visual system is designed based on the characteristics of CMMs. A unified model of the free-form surface is proposed based on T-splines. A discretization method of the T-spline surface formula model is proposed. Under this discretization, the position and orientation of the workpiece would be recognized by point cloud registration. A high accuracy evaluation method is proposed between the measured point cloud and the T-spline surface formula. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method has the potential to realize the automatic detection of different free-form surfaces and improve the intelligence of CMMs

    3D environment mapping using the Kinect V2 and path planning based on RRT algorithms

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    This paper describes a 3D path planning system that is able to provide a solution trajectory for the automatic control of a robot. The proposed system uses a point cloud obtained from the robot workspace, with a Kinect V2 sensor to identify the interest regions and the obstacles of the environment. Our proposal includes a collision-free path planner based on the Rapidly-exploring Random Trees variant (RRT*), for a safe and optimal navigation of robots in 3D spaces. Results on RGB-D segmentation and recognition, point cloud processing, and comparisons between different RRT* algorithms, are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Navigace mobilních robotů v neznámém prostředí s využitím měření vzdáleností

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    The ability of a robot to navigate itself in the environment is a crucial step towards its autonomy. Navigation as a subtask of the development of autonomous robots is the subject of this thesis, focusing on the development of a method for simultaneous localization an mapping (SLAM) of mobile robots in six degrees of freedom (DOF). As a part of this research, a platform for 3D range data acquisition based on a continuously inclined laser rangefinder was developed. This platform is presented, evaluating the measurements and also presenting the robotic equipment on which the platform can be fitted. The localization and mapping task is equal to the registration of multiple 3D images into a common frame of reference. For this purpose, a method based on the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm was developed. First, the originally implemented SLAM method is presented, focusing on the time-wise performance and the registration quality issues introduced by the implemented algorithms. In order to accelerate and improve the quality of the time-demanding 6DOF image registration, an extended method was developed. The major extension is the introduction of a factorized registration, extracting 2D representations of vertical objects called leveled maps from the 3D point sets, ensuring these representations are 3DOF invariant. The extracted representations are registered in 3DOF using ICP algorithm, allowing pre-alignment of the 3D data for the subsequent robust 6DOF ICP based registration. The extended method is presented, showing all important modifications to the original method. The developed registration method was evaluated using real 3D data acquired in different indoor environments, examining the benefits of the factorization and other extensions as well as the performance of the original ICP based method. The factorization gives promising results compared to a single phase 6DOF registration in vertically structured environments. Also, the disadvantages of the method are discussed, proposing possible solutions. Finally, the future prospects of the research are presented.Schopnost lokalizace a navigace je podmínkou autonomního provozu mobilních robotů. Předmětem této disertační práce jsou navigační metody se zaměřením na metodu pro simultánní lokalizaci a mapování (SLAM) mobilních robotů v šesti stupních volnosti (6DOF). Nedílnou součástí tohoto výzkumu byl vývoj platformy pro sběr 3D vzdálenostních dat s využitím kontinuálně naklápěného laserového řádkového scanneru. Tato platforma byla vyvinuta jako samostatný modul, aby mohla být umístěna na různé šasi mobilních robotů. Úkol lokalizace a mapování je ekvivalentní registraci více 3D obrazů do společného souřadného systému. Pro tyto účely byla vyvinuta metoda založená na algoritmu Iterative Closest Point Algorithm (ICP). Původně implementovaná verze navigační metody využívá ICP s akcelerací pomocí kd-stromů přičemž jsou zhodnoceny její kvalitativní a výkonnostní aspekty. Na základě této analýzy byly vyvinuty rozšíření původní metody založené na ICP. Jednou z hlavních modifikací je faktorizace registračního procesu, kdy tato faktorizace je založena na redukci dat: vytvoření 2D „leveled“ map (ve smyslu jednoúrovňových map) ze 3D vzdálenostních obrazů. Pro tuto redukci je technologicky i algoritmicky zajištěna invariantnost těchto map vůči třem stupňům volnosti. Tyto redukované mapy jsou registrovány pomocí ICP ve zbylých třech stupních volnosti, přičemž získaná transformace je aplikována na 3D data za účelem před-registrace 3D obrazů. Následně je provedena robustní 6DOF registrace. Rozšířená metoda je v disertační práci v popsána spolu se všemi podstatnými modifikacemi. Vyvinutá metoda byla otestována a zhodnocena s využitím skutečných 3D vzdálenostních dat naměřených v různých vnitřních prostředích. Jsou zhodnoceny přínosy faktorizace a jiných modifikací ve srovnání s původní jednofázovou 6DOF registrací, také jsou zmíněny nevýhody implementované metody a navrženy způsoby jejich řešení. Nakonec následuje návrh budoucího výzkumu a diskuse o možnostech dalšího rozvoje.

    A General Framework for Flexible Multi-Cue Photometric Point Cloud Registration

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    The ability to build maps is a key functionality for the majority of mobile robots. A central ingredient to most mapping systems is the registration or alignment of the recorded sensor data. In this paper, we present a general methodology for photometric registration that can deal with multiple different cues. We provide examples for registering RGBD as well as 3D LIDAR data. In contrast to popular point cloud registration approaches such as ICP our method does not rely on explicit data association and exploits multiple modalities such as raw range and image data streams. Color, depth, and normal information are handled in an uniform manner and the registration is obtained by minimizing the pixel-wise difference between two multi-channel images. We developed a flexible and general framework and implemented our approach inside that framework. We also released our implementation as open source C++ code. The experiments show that our approach allows for an accurate registration of the sensor data without requiring an explicit data association or model-specific adaptations to datasets or sensors. Our approach exploits the different cues in a natural and consistent way and the registration can be done at framerate for a typical range or imaging sensor.Comment: 8 page

    Video Registration in Egocentric Vision under Day and Night Illumination Changes

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    With the spread of wearable devices and head mounted cameras, a wide range of application requiring precise user localization is now possible. In this paper we propose to treat the problem of obtaining the user position with respect to a known environment as a video registration problem. Video registration, i.e. the task of aligning an input video sequence to a pre-built 3D model, relies on a matching process of local keypoints extracted on the query sequence to a 3D point cloud. The overall registration performance is strictly tied to the actual quality of this 2D-3D matching, and can degrade if environmental conditions such as steep changes in lighting like the ones between day and night occur. To effectively register an egocentric video sequence under these conditions, we propose to tackle the source of the problem: the matching process. To overcome the shortcomings of standard matching techniques, we introduce a novel embedding space that allows us to obtain robust matches by jointly taking into account local descriptors, their spatial arrangement and their temporal robustness. The proposal is evaluated using unconstrained egocentric video sequences both in terms of matching quality and resulting registration performance using different 3D models of historical landmarks. The results show that the proposed method can outperform state of the art registration algorithms, in particular when dealing with the challenges of night and day sequences