8 research outputs found

    Convolutional Neural Network Using Kalman Filter for Human Detection and Tracking on RGB-D Video

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    The computer ability to detect human being by computer vision is still being improved both in accuracy or computation time. In low-lighting condition, the detection accuracy is usually low. This research uses additional information, besides RGB channels, namely a depth map that shows objects’ distance relative to the camera. This research integrates Cascade Classifier (CC) to localize the potential object, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) technique to identify the human and nonhuman image, and the Kalman filter technique to track human movement. For training and testing purposes, there are two kinds of RGB-D datasets used with different points of view and lighting conditions. Both datasets have been selected to remove images which contain a lot of noises and occlusions so that during the training process it will be more directed. Using these integrated techniques, detection and tracking accuracy reach 77.7%. The impact of using Kalman filter increases computation efficiency by 41%

    Detection of abnormal passenger behaviors on ships, using RGBD cameras

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fin de Máster (TFM) es el diseño, implementación, y evaluación de un sistema inteligente de videovigilancia, que permita la detección, seguimiento y conteo de personas, así como la detección de estampidas, para grandes embarcaciones. El sistema desarrollado debe ser portable, y funcionar en tiempo real. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio de las tecnologías disponibles en sistemas embebidos, para elegir las que mejor se adecúan al objetivo del TFM. Se ha desarrollado un sistema de detección de personas basado en una MobileNet-SSD, complementado con un banco de filtros de Kalman para el seguimiento. Además, se ha incorporado un detector de estampidas basado en el análisis de la entropía del flujo óptico. Todo ello se ha implementado y evaluado en un dispositivo embebido que incluye una unidad VPU. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido validar la propuesta.The aim of this Final Master Thesis (TFM) is the design, implementation and evaluation of an intelligent video surveillance system that allows the detection, monitoring and counting of people, as well as the detection of stampedes, for large ships. The developed system must be portable and work in real time. To this end, a study has been carried out of the technologies available in embedded systems, in order to choose those that best suit the objective of the TFM. A people detection system based on a MobileNetSSD has been developed, complemented by a Kalman filter bank for monitoring. In addition, a stampede detector based on optical flow entropy analysis has been incorporated. All this has been implemented and evaluated in an embedded device that includes a Vision Processing Unit (VPU) unit. The results obtained have allowed the validation of the proposal.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (M125

    A Mobile Robot System for Ambient Intelligence

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    Over the last years, Ambient Intelligence (AmI) has been pointed out as an alternative to current practices in home care. AmI supports the concept of Ambient Assisted Living, which aims to allow older people to remain independent at their own homes for longer. The integration of a mobile robot into a database-centric platform for Ambient Assisted Living is described in this thesis. The robot serves as a rst-aid agent to respond to emergencies, such as a fall, detected by the intelligent environment. To accomplish that the robot must 1) be able to receive tasks from intelligent environment; 2) execute the task; 3) report the progress and the result of the task back to the intelligent environment. The system of the robot is built on top of the Robot Operating System, while the existing intelligent environment on a PostgreSQL database. To receive tasks from the intelligent environment, the robot maintains an active connection with the database and subscribes to specic tasks. A task, for example, is to nd a person in the environment, which includes asking if the person is doing well. To nd a person a map-based approach and a face recognition are used. The robot can interact with people in the environment using text-to-speech and speech recognition. The active connection with the database enables the robot to report back about the execution of a task and to receive new or abort tasks. As a conclusion, together with an AAL system, mobile robots can support people living alone. The system has been implemented and successfully tested at Halmstad University on a Turtlebot 2. The code is available on Github

    Fast Human Detection for Indoor Mobile Robots Using Depth Images

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    A human detection algorithm running on an indoor mobile robot has to address challenges including occlusions due to cluttered environments, changing backgrounds due to the robot’s motion, and limited on-board computational resources. We introduce a fast human detection algorithm for mobile robots equipped with depth cameras. First, we segment the raw depth image using a graph-based segmentation algorithm. Next, we apply a set of parameterized heuristics to filter and merge the segmented regions to obtain a set of candidates. Finally, we compute a Histogram of Oriented Depth (HOD) descriptor for each candidate, and test for human presence with a linear SVM. We experimentally evaluate our approach on a publicly available dataset of humans in an open area as well as our own dataset of humans in a cluttered cafe environment. Our algorithm performs comparably well on a single CPU core against another HOD-based algorithm that runs on a GPU even when the number of training examples is decreased by half. We discuss the impact of the number of training examples on performance, and demonstrate that our approach is able to detect humans in different postures (e.g. standing, walking, sitting) and with occlusions

    Autonomous Operation and Human-Robot Interaction on an Indoor Mobile Robot

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    MARVIN (Mobile Autonomous Robotic Vehicle for Indoor Navigation) was once the flagship of Victoria University’s mobile robotic fleet. However, over the years MARVIN has become obsolete. This thesis continues the the redevelopment of MARVIN, transforming it into a fully autonomous research platform for human-robot interaction (HRI). MARVIN utilises a Segway RMP, a self balancing mobility platform. This provides agile locomotion, but increases sensor processing complexity due to its dynamic pitch. MARVIN’s existing sensing systems (including a laser rangefinder and ultrasonic sensors) are augmented with tactile sensors and a Microsoft Kinect v2 RGB-D camera for 3D sensing. This allows the detection of the obstacles often found in MARVIN’s unmodified office-like operating environment. These sensors are processed using novel techniques to account for the Segway’s dynamic pitch. A newly developed navigation stack takes the processed sensor data to facilitate localisation, obstacle detection and motion planning. MARVIN’s inherited humanoid robotic torso is augmented with a touch screen and voice interface, enabling HRI. MARVIN’s HRI capabilities are demonstrated by implementing it as a robotic guide. This implementation is evaluated through a usability study and found to be successful. Through evaluations of MARVIN’s locomotion, sensing, localisation and motion planning systems, in addition to the usability study, MARVIN is found to be capable of both autonomous navigation and engaging HRI. These developed features open a diverse range of research directions and HRI tasks that MARVIN can be used to explore

    Personenwiedererkennung mittels maschineller Lernverfahren für öffentliche Einsatzumgebungen

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    Die erscheinungsbasierte Personenwiedererkennung in öffentlichen Einsatzumgebungen ist eines der schwierigsten, noch ungelösten Probleme der Bildverarbeitung. Viele Teilprobleme können nur gelöst werden, wenn Methoden des maschinellen Lernens mit Methoden der Bildverarbeitung kombiniert werden. In dieser Arbeit werden maschinelle Lernverfahren eingesetzt, um alle Abarbeitungsschritte einer erscheinungsbasierten Personenwiedererkennung zu verbessern: Mithilfe von Convolutional Neural Networks werden erscheinungsbasierte Merkmale gelernt, die eine Wiedererkennung auf menschlichem Niveau ermöglichen. Für die Generierung des Templates zur Beschreibung der Zielperson wird durch Einsatz maschineller Lernverfahren eine automatische Auswahl personenspezifischer, diskriminativer Merkmale getroffen. Durch eine gelernte Metrik können beim Vergleich von Merkmalsvektoren szenariospezifische Umwelteinflüsse kompensiert werden. Eine Fusion komplementärer Merkmale auf Score Level steigert die Wiedererkennungsleistung deutlich. Dies wird vor allem durch eine gelernte Gewichtung der Merkmale erreicht. Das entwickelte Verfahren wird exemplarisch anhand zweier Einsatzszenarien - Videoüberwachung und Robotik - evaluiert. Bei der Videoüberwachung ermöglicht die Wiedererkennung von Personen ein kameraübergreifendes Tracking. Dies hilft menschlichen Operateuren, den Aufenthaltsort einer gesuchten Person in kurzer Zeit zu ermitteln. Durch einen mobilen Serviceroboter kann der aktuelle Nutzer anhand einer erscheinungsbasierten Wiedererkennung identifiziert werden. Dies hilft dem Roboter bei der Erfüllung von Aufgaben, bei denen er den Nutzer lotsen oder verfolgen muss. Die Qualität der erscheinungsbasierten Personenwiedererkennung wird in dieser Arbeit anhand von zwölf Kriterien charakterisiert, die einen Vergleich mit biometrischen Verfahren ermöglichen. Durch den Einsatz maschineller Lernverfahren wird bei der erscheinungsbasierten Personenwiedererkennung in den betrachteten unüberwachten, öffentlichen Einsatzfeldern eine Erkennungsleistung erzielt, die sich mit biometrischen Verfahren messen kann.Appearance-based person re-identification in public environments is one of the most challenging, still unsolved computer vision tasks. Many sub-tasks can only be solved by combining machine learning with computer vision methods. In this thesis, we use machine learning approaches in order to improve all processing steps of the appearance-based person re-identification: We apply convolutional neural networks for learning appearance-based features capable of performing re-identification at human level. For generating a template to describe the person of interest, we apply machine learning approaches that automatically select person-specific, discriminative features. A learned metric helps to compensate for scenario-specific perturbations while matching features. Fusing complementary features at score level improves the re-identification performance. This is achieved by a learned feature weighting. We deploy our approach in two applications, namely surveillance and robotics. In the surveillance application, person re-identification enables multi-camera tracking. This helps human operators to quickly determine the current location of the person of interest. By applying appearance-based re-identification, a mobile service robot is able to keep track of users when following or guiding them. In this thesis, we measure the quality of the appearance-based person re-identification by twelve criteria. These criteria enable a comparison with biometric approaches. Due to the application of machine learning techniques, in the considered unsupervised, public fields of application, the appearance-based person re-identification performs on par with biometric approaches.Die erscheinungsbasierte Personenwiedererkennung in öffentlichen Einsatzumgebungen ist eines der schwierigsten, noch ungelösten Probleme der Bildverarbeitung. Viele Teilprobleme können nur gelöst werden, wenn Methoden des maschinellen Lernens mit Methoden der Bildverarbeitung kombiniert werden. In dieser Arbeit werden maschinelle Lernverfahren eingesetzt, um alle Abarbeitungsschritte einer erscheinungsbasierten Personenwiedererkennung zu verbessern, sodass eine Wiedererkennung auf menschlichem Niveau ermöglicht wird. Das entwickelte Verfahren wird anhand zweier Einsatzszenarien — Videoüberwachung und Robotik — evaluiert. Bei der Videoüberwachung ermöglicht die Wiedererkennung von Personen ein kameraübergreifendes Tracking um den Aufenthaltsort einer gesuchten Person in kurzer Zeit zu ermitteln. Durch einen mobilen Serviceroboter kann der aktuelle Nutzer anhand einer erscheinungsbasierten Wiedererkennung identifiziert werden. Dies hilft dem Roboter beim Lots