8 research outputs found

    A New Ranking Approach and a Revisited Ratio Test for Improving Content-Based Image Retrieval

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    Geometric Verification (GV) is the last step for most visual search systems. It consists of two parts: first, ratio test is used to find matches between feature descriptors; second, a geometric consistency check is applied. Both steps are computationally expensive, but all the attempts made to speed up the process deal with the geometric check part only. In this work, we focus indeed on ratio test. Using simple PCA and other tricks, a speed-up of an order of magnitude is achieved preserving good retrieval accuracy. Moreover, we propose a modified ranking approach which exploits distance information between descriptors and further improves retrieval performance

    Enhanced rotational feature points matching using orientation correction

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    In matching between images, several techniques have been developed particularly for estimating orientation assignment in order to make feature points invariant to rotation. However, imperfect estimation of the orientation assignment may lead to feature mismatching and a low number of correctly matched points. Additionally, several possible candidates with high correlation values for one feature in the reference image may lead to matching confusion. In this paper, we propose a post-processing matching technique that will not only increase the number of correctly matched points but also manage to solve the above mentioned two issues. The key idea is to modify feature orientation based on the relative rotational degree between two images, obtained by taking the difference between the major correctly matched points in the first matching cycle. From the analysis, our proposed method shows that the number of detected points correctly matched with the reference image can be increased by up to 50%. In addition, some mismatched points due to similar correlation values in the first matching round can be corrected. Another advantage of the proposed algorithm it that it can be applied to other state-of-the-art orientation assignment techniques

    Enhanced rotational feature points matching using orientation correction

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    In matching between images, several techniques have been developed particularly for estimating orientation assignment in order to make feature points invariant to rotation. However, imperfect estimation of the orientation assignment may lead to feature mismatching and a low number of correctly matched points. Additionally, several possible candidates with high correlation values for one feature in the reference image may lead to matching confusion. In this paper, we propose a post-processing matching technique that will not only increase the number of correctly matched points but also manage to solve the above mentioned two issues. The key idea is to modify feature orientation based on the relative rotational degree between two images, obtained by taking the difference between the major correctly matched points in the first matching cycle. From the analysis, our proposed method shows that the number of detected points correctly matched with the reference image can be increased by up to 50%. In addition, some mismatched points due to similar correlation values in the first matching round can be corrected. Another advantage of the proposed algorithm it that it can be applied to other state-of-the-art orientation assignment techniques

    Sparse Binary Features for Image Classification

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    In this work a new method for automatic image classification is proposed. It relies on a compact representation of images using sets of sparse binary features. This work first evaluates the Fast Retina Keypoint binary descriptor and proposes improvements based on an efficient descriptor representation. The efficient representation is created using dimensionality reduction techniques, entropy analysis and decorrelated sampling. In a second part, the problem of image classification is tackled. The traditional approach uses machine learning algorithms to create classifiers, and some works already propose to use a compact image representation using feature extraction as preprocessing. The second contribution of this work is to show that binary features, while being very compact and low dimensional (compared to traditional representation of images), still provide a very high discriminant power. This is shown using various learning algorithms and binary descriptors. These years a scheme has been widely used to perform object recognition on images, or equivalently image classification. It is based on the concept of Bag of Visual Words. More precisely, an image is described using an unordered set of visual words, that are generally represented by feature descriptions. The last contribution of this work is to use binary features with a simple Bag of Visual Words classifier. Tests of performance for the image classification are performed on a large database of images

    Large-scale interactive exploratory visual search

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    Large scale visual search has been one of the challenging issues in the era of big data. It demands techniques that are not only highly effective and efficient but also allow users conveniently express their information needs and refine their intents. In this thesis, we focus on developing an exploratory framework for large scale visual search. We also develop a number of enabling techniques in this thesis, including compact visual content representation for scalable search, near duplicate video shot detection, and action based event detection. We propose a novel scheme for extremely low bit rate visual search, which sends compressed visual words consisting of vocabulary tree histogram and descriptor orientations rather than descriptors. Compact representation of video data is achieved through identifying keyframes of a video which can also help users comprehend visual content efficiently. We propose a novel Bag-of-Importance model for static video summarization. Near duplicate detection is one of the key issues for large scale visual search, since there exist a large number nearly identical images and videos. We propose an improved near-duplicate video shot detection approach for more effective shot representation. Event detection has been one of the solutions for bridging the semantic gap in visual search. We particular focus on human action centred event detection. We propose an enhanced sparse coding scheme to model human actions. Our proposed approach is able to significantly reduce computational cost while achieving recognition accuracy highly comparable to the state-of-the-art methods. At last, we propose an integrated solution for addressing the prime challenges raised from large-scale interactive visual search. The proposed system is also one of the first attempts for exploratory visual search. It provides users more robust results to satisfy their exploring experiences

    Fast geometric re-ranking for image-based retrieval

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