6 research outputs found

    Fast generation of dynamic complex networks with underlying hyperbolic geometry

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    Complex networks have become increasingly popular for modeling real-world phenomena, ranging from web hyperlinks to interactions between people. Realistic generative network models are important in this context as they avoid privacy concerns of real data and simplify complex network research regarding data sharing, reproducibility, and scalability studies. We study a geometric model creating unitdisk graphs in hyperbolic space. Previous work provided empirical and theoretical evidence that this model creates networks with a hierarchical structure and other realistic features. However, the investigated networks were small, possibly due to a quadratic running time of a straightforward implementation. We provide a faster generator for a representative subset of these networks. Our experiments indicate a time complexity of O((n+m) log n) for our implementation and thus confirm our theoretical considerations. To our knowledge our implementation is the first one with subquadratic running time. The acceleration stems primarily from the reduction of pairwise distance computations through a polar quadtree newly adapted to hyperbolic space. We also extend the generator to an alternative dynamic model which preserves graph properties in expectation. Finally, we generate and evaluate the largest networks of this model published so far. Our parallel implementation computes networks with billions of edges on a shared-memory server in a matter of few minutes. A comprehensive network analysis shows that important features of complex networks, such as a low diameter, power-law degree distribution and a high clustering coefficient, are retained over different graph sizes and densities

    Computing Top-k Closeness Centrality Faster in Unweighted Graphs. (Technical Report)

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    Centrality indices are widely used analytic measures for the importance of nodes in a network. Closeness centrality is very popular among these measures. For a single node v, it takes the sum of the distances of v to all other nodes into account. The currently best algorithms in practical applications for computing the closeness for all nodes exactly in unweighted graphs are based on breadth-first search (BFS) from every node. Thus, even for sparse graphs, these algorithms require quadratic running time in the worst case, which is prohibitive for large networks. In many relevant applications, however, it is unnecessary to compute closeness values for all nodes. Instead, one requires only the k nodes with the highest closeness values in descending order. Thus, we present a new algorithm for computing this top-k ranking in unweighted graphs. Following the rationale of previous work, our algorithm significantly reduces the number of traversed edges. It does so by computing upper bounds on the closeness and stopping the current BFS search when k nodes already have higher closeness than the bounds computed for the other nodes. In our experiments with real-world and synthetic instances of various types, one of these new bounds is good for small-world graphs with low diameter (such as social networks), while the other one excels for graphs with high diameter (such as road networks). Combining them yields an algorithm that is faster than the state of the art for top-k computations for all test instances, by a wide margin for high-diameter graphs

    Sampling Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs in Linear Time

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    Real-world networks, like social networks or the internet infrastructure, have structural properties such as large clustering coefficients that can best be described in terms of an underlying geometry. This is why the focus of the literature on theoretical models for real-world networks shifted from classic models without geometry, such as Chung-Lu random graphs, to modern geometry-based models, such as hyperbolic random graphs. With this paper we contribute to the theoretical analysis of these modern, more realistic random graph models. Instead of studying directly hyperbolic random graphs, we use a generalization that we call geometric inhomogeneous random graphs (GIRGs). Since we ignore constant factors in the edge probabilities, GIRGs are technically simpler (specifically, we avoid hyperbolic cosines), while preserving the qualitative behaviour of hyperbolic random graphs, and we suggest to replace hyperbolic random graphs by this new model in future theoretical studies. We prove the following fundamental structural and algorithmic results on GIRGs. (1) As our main contribution we provide a sampling algorithm that generates a random graph from our model in expected linear time, improving the best-known sampling algorithm for hyperbolic random graphs by a substantial factor O(n^0.5). (2) We establish that GIRGs have clustering coefficients in {\Omega}(1), (3) we prove that GIRGs have small separators, i.e., it suffices to delete a sublinear number of edges to break the giant component into two large pieces, and (4) we show how to compress GIRGs using an expected linear number of bits.Comment: 25 page

    Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

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    Real-world networks, like social networks or the internet infrastructure, have structural properties such as their large clustering coefficient that can best be described in terms of an underlying geometry. This is why the focus of the literature on theoretical models for real-world networks shifted from classic models without geometry, such as Chung-Lu random graphs, to modern geometry-based models, such as hyperbolic random graphs. With this paper we contribute to the theoretical analysis of these modern, more realistic random graph models. However, we do not directly study hyperbolic random graphs, but replace them by a more general model that we call \emph{geometric inhomogeneous random graphs} (GIRGs). Since we ignore constant factors in the edge probabilities, our model is technically simpler (specifically, we avoid hyperbolic cosines), while preserving the qualitative behaviour of hyperbolic random graphs, and we suggest to replace hyperbolic random graphs by our new model in future theoretical studies. We prove the following fundamental structural and algorithmic results on GIRGs. (1) We provide a sampling algorithm that generates a random graph from our model in expected linear time, improving the best-known sampling algorithm for hyperbolic random graphs by a factor O(n)O(\sqrt{n}), (2) we establish that GIRGs have a constant clustering coefficient, (3) we show that GIRGs have small separators, i.e., it suffices to delete a sublinear number of edges to break the giant component into two large pieces, and (4) we show how to compress GIRGs using an expected linear number of bits

    Algorithms and Software for the Analysis of Large Complex Networks

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    The work presented intersects three main areas, namely graph algorithmics, network science and applied software engineering. Each computational method discussed relates to one of the main tasks of data analysis: to extract structural features from network data, such as methods for community detection; or to transform network data, such as methods to sparsify a network and reduce its size while keeping essential properties; or to realistically model networks through generative models