552 research outputs found

    Adaptive multichannel control of time-varying broadband noise and vibrations

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    This paper presents results obtained from a number of applications in which a recent adaptive algorithm for broadband multichannel active noise control is used. The core of the algorithm uses the inverse of the minimum-phase part of the secondary path for improvement of the speed of convergence. A further improvement of the speed of convergence is obtained by using double control filters for elimination of adaptation loop delay. Regularization was found to be necessary for robust operation. The regularization technique which is used preserves the structure to eliminate the adaptation loop delay. Depending on the application at hand, a number of extensions are used for this algorithm. For an application with rapidly changing disturbance spectra, the core algorithm was extended with an iterative affine projection scheme, leading to improved convergence rates as compared to the standard nomalized lms update rules. In another application, in which the influence of the parametric uncertainties was critical, the core algorithm was extended with low authority control loops operating at high sample rates. In addition, results of other applications are given, such as control of acoustic energy density and control of time-varying periodic and non-periodic vibrations

    Estimation-based synthesis of H∞-optimal adaptive FIR filtersfor filtered-LMS problems

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    This paper presents a systematic synthesis procedure for H∞-optimal adaptive FIR filters in the context of an active noise cancellation (ANC) problem. An estimation interpretation of the adaptive control problem is introduced first. Based on this interpretation, an H∞ estimation problem is formulated, and its finite horizon prediction (filtering) solution is discussed. The solution minimizes the maximum energy gain from the disturbances to the predicted (filtered) estimation error and serves as the adaptation criterion for the weight vector in the adaptive FIR filter. We refer to this adaptation scheme as estimation-based adaptive filtering (EBAF). We show that the steady-state gain vector in the EBAF algorithm approaches that of the classical (normalized) filtered-X LMS algorithm. The error terms, however, are shown to be different. Thus, these classical algorithms can be considered to be approximations of our algorithm. We examine the performance of the proposed EBAF algorithm (both experimentally and in simulation) in an active noise cancellation problem of a one-dimensional (1-D) acoustic duct for both narrowband and broadband cases. Comparisons to the results from a conventional filtered-LMS (FxLMS) algorithm show faster convergence without compromising steady-state performance and/or robustness of the algorithm to feedback contamination of the reference signal

    Adaptive signal processing for multichannel sound using high performance computing

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    [EN] The field of audio signal processing has undergone a major development in recent years. Both the consumer and professional marketplaces continue to show growth in audio applications such as immersive audio schemes that offer optimal listening experience, intelligent noise reduction in cars or improvements in audio teleconferencing or hearing aids. The development of these applications has a common interest in increasing or improving the number of discrete audio channels, the quality of the audio or the sophistication of the algorithms. This often gives rise to problems of high computational cost, even when using common signal processing algorithms, mainly due to the application of these algorithms to multiple signals with real-time requirements. The field of High Performance Computing (HPC) based on low cost hardware elements is the bridge needed between the computing problems and the real multimedia signals and systems that lead to user's applications. In this sense, the present thesis goes a step further in the development of these systems by using the computational power of General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) to exploit the inherent parallelism of signal processing for multichannel audio applications. The increase of the computational capacity of the processing devices has been historically linked to the number of transistors in a chip. However, nowadays the improvements in the computational capacity are mainly given by increasing the number of processing units and using parallel processing. The Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), which have now thousands of computing cores, are a representative example. The GPUs were traditionally used to graphic or image processing, but new releases in the GPU programming environments such as CUDA have allowed the use of GPUS for general processing applications. Hence, the use of GPUs is being extended to a wide variety of intensive-computation applications among which audio processing is included. However, the data transactions between the CPU and the GPU and viceversa have questioned the viability of the use of GPUs for audio applications in which real-time interaction between microphones and loudspeakers is required. This is the case of the adaptive filtering applications, where an efficient use of parallel computation in not straightforward. For these reasons, up to the beginning of this thesis, very few publications had dealt with the GPU implementation of real-time acoustic applications based on adaptive filtering. Therefore, this thesis aims to demonstrate that GPUs are totally valid tools to carry out audio applications based on adaptive filtering that require high computational resources. To this end, different adaptive applications in the field of audio processing are studied and performed using GPUs. This manuscript also analyzes and solves possible limitations in each GPU-based implementation both from the acoustic point of view as from the computational point of view.[ES] El campo de procesado de señales de audio ha experimentado un desarrollo importante en los últimos años. Tanto el mercado de consumo como el profesional siguen mostrando un crecimiento en aplicaciones de audio, tales como: los sistemas de audio inmersivo que ofrecen una experiencia de sonido óptima, los sistemas inteligentes de reducción de ruido en coches o las mejoras en sistemas de teleconferencia o en audífonos. El desarrollo de estas aplicaciones tiene un propósito común de aumentar o mejorar el número de canales de audio, la propia calidad del audio o la sofisticación de los algoritmos. Estas mejoras suelen dar lugar a sistemas de alto coste computacional, incluso usando algoritmos comunes de procesado de señal. Esto se debe principalmente a que los algoritmos se suelen aplicar a sistemas multicanales con requerimientos de procesamiento en tiempo real. El campo de la Computación de Alto Rendimiento basado en elementos hardware de bajo coste es el puente necesario entre los problemas de computación y los sistemas multimedia que dan lugar a aplicaciones de usuario. En este sentido, la presente tesis va un paso más allá en el desarrollo de estos sistemas mediante el uso de la potencia de cálculo de las Unidades de Procesamiento Gráfico (GPU) en aplicaciones de propósito general. Con ello, aprovechamos la inherente capacidad de paralelización que poseen las GPU para procesar señales de audio y obtener aplicaciones de audio multicanal. El aumento de la capacidad computacional de los dispositivos de procesado ha estado vinculado históricamente al número de transistores que había en un chip. Sin embargo, hoy en día, las mejoras en la capacidad computacional se dan principalmente por el aumento del número de unidades de procesado y su uso para el procesado en paralelo. Las GPUs son un ejemplo muy representativo. Hoy en día, las GPUs poseen hasta miles de núcleos de computación. Tradicionalmente, las GPUs se han utilizado para el procesado de gráficos o imágenes. Sin embargo, la aparición de entornos sencillos de programación GPU, como por ejemplo CUDA, han permitido el uso de las GPU para aplicaciones de procesado general. De ese modo, el uso de las GPU se ha extendido a una amplia variedad de aplicaciones que requieren cálculo intensivo. Entre esta gama de aplicaciones, se incluye el procesado de señales de audio. No obstante, las transferencias de datos entre la CPU y la GPU y viceversa pusieron en duda la viabilidad de las GPUs para aplicaciones de audio en las que se requiere una interacción en tiempo real entre micrófonos y altavoces. Este es el caso de las aplicaciones basadas en filtrado adaptativo, donde el uso eficiente de la computación en paralelo no es sencillo. Por estas razones, hasta el comienzo de esta tesis, había muy pocas publicaciones que utilizaran la GPU para implementaciones en tiempo real de aplicaciones acústicas basadas en filtrado adaptativo. A pesar de todo, esta tesis pretende demostrar que las GPU son herramientas totalmente válidas para llevar a cabo aplicaciones de audio basadas en filtrado adaptativo que requieran elevados recursos computacionales. Con este fin, la presente tesis ha estudiado y desarrollado varias aplicaciones adaptativas de procesado de audio utilizando una GPU como procesador. Además, también analiza y resuelve las posibles limitaciones de cada aplicación tanto desde el punto de vista acústico como desde el punto de vista computacional.[CA] El camp del processament de senyals d'àudio ha experimentat un desenvolupament important als últims anys. Tant el mercat de consum com el professional segueixen mostrant un creixement en aplicacions d'àudio, com ara: els sistemes d'àudio immersiu que ofereixen una experiència de so òptima, els sistemes intel·ligents de reducció de soroll en els cotxes o les millores en sistemes de teleconferència o en audiòfons. El desenvolupament d'aquestes aplicacions té un propòsit comú d'augmentar o millorar el nombre de canals d'àudio, la pròpia qualitat de l'àudio o la sofisticació dels algorismes que s'utilitzen. Això, sovint dóna lloc a sistemes d'alt cost computacional, fins i tot quan es fan servir algorismes comuns de processat de senyal. Això es deu principalment al fet que els algorismes se solen aplicar a sistemes multicanals amb requeriments de processat en temps real. El camp de la Computació d'Alt Rendiment basat en elements hardware de baix cost és el pont necessari entre els problemes de computació i els sistemes multimèdia que donen lloc a aplicacions d'usuari. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi va un pas més enllà en el desenvolupament d'aquests sistemes mitjançant l'ús de la potència de càlcul de les Unitats de Processament Gràfic (GPU) en aplicacions de propòsit general. Amb això, s'aprofita la inherent capacitat de paral·lelització que posseeixen les GPUs per processar senyals d'àudio i obtenir aplicacions d'àudio multicanal. L'augment de la capacitat computacional dels dispositius de processat ha estat històricament vinculada al nombre de transistors que hi havia en un xip. No obstant, avui en dia, les millores en la capacitat computacional es donen principalment per l'augment del nombre d'unitats de processat i el seu ús per al processament en paral·lel. Un exemple molt representatiu són les GPU, que avui en dia posseeixen milers de nuclis de computació. Tradicionalment, les GPUs s'han utilitzat per al processat de gràfics o imatges. No obstant, l'aparició d'entorns senzills de programació de la GPU com és CUDA, han permès l'ús de les GPUs per a aplicacions de processat general. D'aquesta manera, l'ús de les GPUs s'ha estès a una àmplia varietat d'aplicacions que requereixen càlcul intensiu. Entre aquesta gamma d'aplicacions, s'inclou el processat de senyals d'àudio. No obstant, les transferències de dades entre la CPU i la GPU i viceversa van posar en dubte la viabilitat de les GPUs per a aplicacions d'àudio en què es requereix la interacció en temps real de micròfons i altaveus. Aquest és el cas de les aplicacions basades en filtrat adaptatiu, on l'ús eficient de la computació en paral·lel no és senzilla. Per aquestes raons, fins al començament d'aquesta tesi, hi havia molt poques publicacions que utilitzessin la GPU per implementar en temps real aplicacions acústiques basades en filtrat adaptatiu. Malgrat tot, aquesta tesi pretén demostrar que les GPU són eines totalment vàlides per dur a terme aplicacions d'àudio basades en filtrat adaptatiu que requereixen alts recursos computacionals. Amb aquesta finalitat, en la present tesi s'han estudiat i desenvolupat diverses aplicacions adaptatives de processament d'àudio utilitzant una GPU com a processador. A més, aquest manuscrit també analitza i resol les possibles limitacions de cada aplicació, tant des del punt de vista acústic, com des del punt de vista computacional.Lorente Giner, J. (2015). Adaptive signal processing for multichannel sound using high performance computing [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58427TESI

    Affine Projection Algorithm Over Acoustic Sensor Networks for Active Noise Control

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    [EN] Acoustic sensor networks (ASNs) are an effective solution to implement active noise control (ANC) systems by using distributed adaptive algorithms. On one hand, ASNs provide scalable systems where the signal processing load is distributed among the network nodes. On the other hand, their noise reduction performance is comparable to that of their respective centralized processing systems. In this sense, the distributed multiple error filtered-x least mean squares (DMEFxLMS) adaptive algorithm has shown to obtain the same performance than its centralized counterpart as long as there are no communications constraints in the underlying ASN. Regarding affine projection (AP) adaptive algorithms, some distributed approaches that are approximated versions of the multichannel filtered-x affine projection (MFxAP) algorithm have been previously proposed. These AP algorithms can efficiently share the processing load among the nodes, but at the expense of worsening their convergence properties. In this paper we develop the exact distributed multichannel filtered-x AP (EFxAP) algorithm, which obtains the same solution as that of the MFxAP algorithm as long as there are no communications constraints in the underlying ASN. In the EFxAP algorithm each node can compute a part or the entire inverse matrix needed by the centralized MFxAP algorithm. Thus, we propose three different strategies that obtain significant computational saving: 1) Gauss Elimination, 2) block LU factorization, and 3) matrix inversion lemma. As a result, each node computes only between 25%¿60% of the number of multiplications required by the direct inversion of the matrix. Regarding the performance in transient and steady states, the EFxAP exhibits the fastest convergence and the highest noise level reduction for any size of the acoustic network and any projection order of the AP algorithm compared to the DMEFxLMS and two previously reported distributed AP algorithms.This work was supported by EU together with Spanish Government through RTI2018-098085B-C41 (MINECO/FEDER) and Generalitat Valenciana through PROMETEO/2019/109.Ferrer Contreras, M.; Diego Antón, MD.; Piñero, G.; Gonzalez, A. (2021). Affine Projection Algorithm Over Acoustic Sensor Networks for Active Noise Control. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing. 29:448-461. https://doi.org/10.1109/TASLP.2020.3042590S4484612

    Review of active noise control techniques with emphasis on sound quality enhancement

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    The traditional active noise control design aims to attenuate the energy of residual noise, which is indiscriminative in the frequency domain. However, it is necessary to retain residual noise with a specified spectrum to satisfy the requirements of human perception in some applications. In this paper, the evolution of active noise control and sound quality are briefly discussed. This paper emphasizes on the advancement of active noise control method in the past decades in terms of enhancing the sound quality

    Mode Domain Spatial Active Noise Control Using Sparse Signal Representation

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    Active noise control (ANC) over a sizeable space requires a large number of reference and error microphones to satisfy the spatial Nyquist sampling criterion, which limits the feasibility of practical realization of such systems. This paper proposes a mode-domain feedforward ANC method to attenuate the noise field over a large space while reducing the number of microphones required. We adopt a sparse reference signal representation to precisely calculate the reference mode coefficients. The proposed system consists of circular reference and error microphone arrays, which capture the reference noise signal and residual error signal, respectively, and a circular loudspeaker array to drive the anti-noise signal. Experimental results indicate that above the spatial Nyquist frequency,our proposed method can perform well compared to a conventional methods. Moreover, the proposed method can even reduce the number of reference microphones while achieving better noise attenuation.Comment: to appear at ICASSP 201

    Development of Novel Techniques to Study Nonlinear Active Noise Control

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    Active noise control has been a field of growing interest over the past few decades. The challenges thrown by active noise control have attracted the notice of the scientific community to engage them in intense level of research. Cancellation of acoustic noise electronically in a simple and efficient way is the vital merit of the active noise control system. A detailed study about existing strategies for active noise control has been undertaken in the present work. This study has given an insight regarding various factors influencing performance of modern active noise control systems. The development of new training algorithms and structures for active noise control are active fields of research which are exploiting the benefits of different signal processing and soft- computing techniques. The nonlinearity contributed by environment and various components of active noise control system greatly affects the ultimate performance of an active noise canceller. This fact motivated to pursue the research work in developing novel architectures and algorithms to address the issues of nonlinear active noise control. One of the primary focus of the work is the application of artificial neural network to effectively combat the problem of active noise control. This is because artificial neural networks are inherently nonlinear processors and possesses capabilities of universal approximation and thus are well suited to exhibit high performance when used in nonlinear active noise control. The present work contributed significantly in designing efficient nonlinear active noise canceller based on neural network platform. Novel neural filtered-x least mean square and neural filtered-e least mean square algorithms are proposed for nonlinear active noise control taking into consideration the nonlinear secondary path. Employing Legendre neural network led the development of a set new adaptive algorithms such as Legendre filtered-x least mean square, Legendre vi filtered-e least mean square, Legendre filtered-x recursive least square and fast Legendre filtered-x least mean square algorithms. The proposed algorithms outperformed the existing standard algorithms for nonlinear active noise control in terms of steady state mean square error with reduced computational complexity. Efficient frequency domain implementation of some the proposed algorithms have been undertaken to exploit its benefits. Exhaustive simulation studies carried out have established the efficacy of the proposed architectures and algorithms

    Active Control of Sound based on Diagonal Recurrent Neural Network

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    Linear and nonlinear room compensation of audio rendering systems

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    [EN] Common audio systems are designed with the intent of creating real and immersive scenarios that allow the user to experience a particular acoustic sensation that does not depend on the room he is perceiving the sound. However, acoustic devices and multichannel rendering systems working inside a room, can impair the global audio effect and thus the 3D spatial sound. In order to preserve the spatial sound characteristics of multichannel rendering techniques, adaptive filtering schemes are presented in this dissertation to compensate these electroacoustic effects and to achieve the immersive sensation of the desired acoustic system. Adaptive filtering offers a solution to the room equalization problem that is doubly interesting. First of all, it iteratively solves the room inversion problem, which can become computationally complex to obtain when direct methods are used. Secondly, the use of adaptive filters allows to follow the time-varying room conditions. In this regard, adaptive equalization (AE) filters try to cancel the echoes due to the room effects. In this work, we consider this problem and propose effective and robust linear schemes to solve this equalization problem by using adaptive filters. To do this, different adaptive filtering schemes are introduced in the AE context. These filtering schemes are based on three strategies previously introduced in the literature: the convex combination of filters, the biasing of the filter weights and the block-based filtering. More specifically, and motivated by the sparse nature of the acoustic impulse response and its corresponding optimal inverse filter, we introduce different adaptive equalization algorithms. In addition, since audio immersive systems usually require the use of multiple transducers, the multichannel adaptive equalization problem should be also taken into account when new single-channel approaches are presented, in the sense that they can be straightforwardly extended to the multichannel case. On the other hand, when dealing with audio devices, consideration must be given to the nonlinearities of the system in order to properly equalize the electroacoustic system. For that purpose, we propose a novel nonlinear filtered-x approach to compensate both room reverberation and nonlinear distortion with memory caused by the amplifier and loudspeaker devices. Finally, it is important to validate the algorithms proposed in a real-time implementation. Thus, some initial research results demonstrate that an adaptive equalizer can be used to compensate room distortions.[ES] Los sistemas de audio actuales están diseñados con la idea de crear escenarios reales e inmersivos que permitan al usuario experimentar determinadas sensaciones acústicas que no dependan de la sala o situación donde se esté percibiendo el sonido. Sin embargo, los dispositivos acústicos y los sistemas multicanal funcionando dentro de salas, pueden perjudicar el efecto global sonoro y de esta forma, el sonido espacial 3D. Para poder preservar las características espaciales sonoras de los sistemas de reproducción multicanal, en esta tesis se presentan los esquemas de filtrado adaptativo para compensar dichos efectos electroacústicos y conseguir la sensación inmersiva del sistema sonoro deseado. El filtrado adaptativo ofrece una solución al problema de salas que es interesante por dos motivos. Por un lado, resuelve de forma iterativa el problema de inversión de salas, que puede llegar a ser computacionalmente costoso para los métodos de inversión directos existentes. Por otro lado, el uso de filtros adaptativos permite seguir las variaciones cambiantes de los efectos de la sala de escucha. A este respecto, los filtros de ecualización adaptativa (AE) intentan cancelar los ecos introducidos por la sala de escucha. En esta tesis se considera este problema y se proponen esquemas lineales efectivos y robustos para resolver el problema de ecualización mediante filtros adaptativos. Para conseguirlo, se introducen diferentes esquemas de filtrado adaptativo para AE. Estos esquemas de filtrado se basan en tres estrategias ya usadas en la literatura: la combinación convexa de filtros, el sesgado de los coeficientes del filtro y el filtrado basado en bloques. Más especificamente y motivado por la naturaleza dispersiva de las respuestas al impulso acústicas y de sus correspondientes filtros inversos óptimos, se presentan diversos algoritmos adaptativos de ecualización específicos. Además, ya que los sistemas de audio inmersivos requieren usar normalmente múltiples trasductores, se debe considerar también el problema de ecualización multicanal adaptativa cuando se diseñan nuevas estrategias de filtrado adaptativo para sistemas monocanal, ya que éstas deben ser fácilmente extrapolables al caso multicanal. Por otro lado, cuando se utilizan dispositivos acústicos, se debe considerar la existencia de no linearidades en el sistema elactroacústico, para poder ecualizarlo correctamente. Por este motivo, se propone un nuevo modelo no lineal de filtrado-x que compense a la vez la reverberación introducida por la sala y la distorsión no lineal con memoria provocada por el amplificador y el altavoz. Por último, es importante validar los algoritmos propuestos mediante implementaciones en tiempo real, para asegurarnos que pueden realizarse. Para ello, se presentan algunos resultados experimentales iniciales que muestran la idoneidad de la ecualización adaptativa en problemas de compensación de salas.[CA] Els sistemes d'àudio actuals es dissenyen amb l'objectiu de crear ambients reals i immersius que permeten a l'usuari experimentar una sensació acústica particular que no depèn de la sala on està percebent el so. No obstant això, els dispositius acústics i els sistemes de renderització multicanal treballant dins d'una sala poden arribar a modificar l'efecte global de l'àudio i per tant, l'efecte 3D del so a l'espai. Amb l'objectiu de conservar les característiques espacials del so obtingut amb tècniques de renderització multicanal, aquesta tesi doctoral presenta esquemes de filtrat adaptatiu per a compensar aquests efectes electroacústics i aconseguir una sensació immersiva del sistema acústic desitjat. El filtrat adaptatiu presenta una solució al problema d'equalització de sales que es interessant baix dos punts de vista. Per una banda, el filtrat adaptatiu resol de forma iterativa el problema inversió de sales, que pot arribar a ser molt complexe computacionalment quan s'utilitzen mètodes directes. Per altra banda, l'ús de filtres adaptatius permet fer un seguiment de les condicions canviants de la sala amb el temps. Més concretament, els filtres d'equalització adaptatius (EA) intenten cancel·lar els ecos produïts per la sala. A aquesta tesi, considerem aquest problema i proposem esquemes lineals efectius i robustos per a resoldre aquest problema d'equalització mitjançant filtres adaptatius. Per aconseguir-ho, diferent esquemes de filtrat adaptatiu es presenten dins del context del problema d'EA. Aquests esquemes de filtrat es basen en tres estratègies ja presentades a l'estat de l'art: la combinació convexa de filtres, el sesgat dels pesos del filtre i el filtrat basat en blocs. Més concretament, i motivat per la naturalesa dispersa de la resposta a l'impuls acústica i el corresponent filtre òptim invers, presentem diferents algorismes d'equalització adaptativa. A més a més, com que els sistemes d'àudio immersiu normalment requereixen l'ús de múltiples transductors, cal considerar també el problema d'equalització adaptativa multicanal quan es presenten noves solucions de canal simple, ja que aquestes s'han de poder estendre fàcilment al cas multicanal. Un altre aspecte a considerar quan es treballa amb dispositius d'àudio és el de les no linealitats del sistema a l'hora d'equalitzar correctament el sistema electroacústic. Amb aquest objectiu, a aquesta tesi es proposa una nova tècnica basada en filtrat-x no lineal, per a compensar tant la reverberació de la sala com la distorsió no lineal amb memòria introduïda per l'amplificador i els altaveus. Per últim, és important validar la implementació en temps real dels algorismes proposats. Amb aquest objectiu, alguns resultats inicials demostren la idoneïtat de l'equalització adaptativa en problemes de compensació de sales.Fuster Criado, L. (2015). Linear and nonlinear room compensation of audio rendering systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/5945