
Adaptive multichannel control of time-varying broadband noise and vibrations


This paper presents results obtained from a number of applications in which a recent adaptive algorithm for broadband multichannel active noise control is used. The core of the algorithm uses the inverse of the minimum-phase part of the secondary path for improvement of the speed of convergence. A further improvement of the speed of convergence is obtained by using double control filters for elimination of adaptation loop delay. Regularization was found to be necessary for robust operation. The regularization technique which is used preserves the structure to eliminate the adaptation loop delay. Depending on the application at hand, a number of extensions are used for this algorithm. For an application with rapidly changing disturbance spectra, the core algorithm was extended with an iterative affine projection scheme, leading to improved convergence rates as compared to the standard nomalized lms update rules. In another application, in which the influence of the parametric uncertainties was critical, the core algorithm was extended with low authority control loops operating at high sample rates. In addition, results of other applications are given, such as control of acoustic energy density and control of time-varying periodic and non-periodic vibrations

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