30 research outputs found

    Fast and accurate Slicewise OutLIer Detection (SOLID) with informed model estimation for diffusion MRI data

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    The accurate characterization of the diffusion process in tissue using diffusion MRI is greatly challenged by the presence of artefacts. Subject motion causes not only spatial misalignments between diffusion weighted images, but often also slicewise signal intensity errors. Voxelwise robust model estimation is commonly used to exclude intensity errors as outliers. Slicewise outliers, however, become distributed over multiple adjacent slices after image registration and transformation. This challenges outlier detection with voxelwise procedures due to partial volume effects. Detecting the outlier slices before any transformations are applied to diffusion weighted images is therefore required. In this work, we present i) an automated tool coined SOLID for slicewise outlier detection prior to geometrical image transformation, and ii) a framework to naturally interpret data uncertainty information from SOLID and include it as such in model estimators. SOLID uses a straightforward intensity metric, is independent of the choice of the diffusion MRI model, and can handle datasets with a few or irregularly distributed gradient directions. The SOLID-informed estimation framework prevents the need to completely reject diffusion weighted images or individual voxel measurements by downweighting measurements with their degree of uncertainty, thereby supporting convergence and well-conditioning of iterative estimation algorithms. In comprehensive simulation experiments, SOLID detects outliers with a high sensitivity and specificity, and can achieve higher or at least similar sensitivity and specificity compared to other tools that are based on more complex and time-consuming procedures for the scenarios investigated. SOLID was further validated on data from 54 neonatal subjects which were visually inspected for outlier slices with the interactive tool developed as part of this study, showing its potential to quickly highlight problematic volumes and slices in large population studies. The informed model estimation framework was evaluated both in simulations and in vivo human data.Peer reviewe

    From Diffusion to Tracts

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    Diffusion of water molecules within the brain tissue can be used to modulate the nuclear magnetic resonance signal that is used to form magnetic resonance images (MRI). As the signal itself can be noisy and its meaning challenging to interpret, mathematical models are generally fitted to these measurements to obtain the more accurate characterization of the brain microstructure. This, of course, requires that the mathematical model itself is sound in respect to the measurement setup. This dissertation focuses on the extensively used tensor models as they have been shown to unravel details of the physical diffusion phenomena along with various applications in the basic neuroscience, the clinical research, and even in the neurosurgery. One of the greatest challenges in the diffusion weighted MRI measurements is subject motion during the image acquisition as that can cause a complete loss of the measurement which is especially highlighted in ill or uncooperative patients studies. Due to the used acquisition technique, this loss extends to multiple measurements simultaneously resulting in an enormous gap in the sampling. Such gaps can be problematic for any model fitting, even for the currently available robust means developed to exclude outlier measurements from affecting the estimate. Hence in this dissertation, a tool coined as SOLID was developed to detect these outliers and to robustly process them during the tensor based model estimation. SOLID was implemented as a part of the widely used ExploreDTI toolbox to allow the rapid international distribution of the tool. Unfortunately, any reduction in the measurement sampling will lead to increasing error propagation during the model estimation. Mathematically this is detailed in terms of a condition number for the matrix inversion in the linear least squares fitting. Previously, the condition number has been used to optimize the diffusion weighted MRI acquisition gradient scheme but in this dissertation it was renovated into a novel quality control tool. The condition number of the matrix inversion that provides the model estimate can be calculated after the outliers are excluded to assess spatially and directionally varying error propagation to obviate any bias in subject or population studies. To motivate the importance of the robust methods and diffusion weighted MRI at large, neurocognitive studies with neonates’ visual abilities and bilinguals’ acquisition age of the second language were conducted as a part of this thesis. The findings in these studies indicated that premature birth affects the white matter structures across the brain whereas the age of acquisition of the second language affects only the speech related brain structures.Aivojen rakenteessa tapahtuvien muutosten mittaaminen on avainasemassa tutkittaessa esimerkiksi keskosena syntyneen lapsen kehitystä tai uusien taitojen, kuten kielten, oppimista. Ihmisaivojen tutkiminen on aiemmin rajoittunut aivojen toiminnan arviointiin aivosähkökäyrän ja neurokognitiivisten testien avulla. Viime vuosikymmenten kehitys magneettikuvaustekniikassa on tuonut mahdollisuuden tutkia kajoamattomasti myös aivojen rakennetta ja jopa seurata sen muutosta lapsen kasvaessa tai ihmisen oppiessa uusia taitoja. Yksi lupaavimmista aivojen tutkimusmenetelmistä on diffuusiopainotettu magneettikuvaus, jolle on löytynyt lukuisia käyttökohteita niin neurotieteessä, lääketieteellisissä tutkimuksissa kuin neurokirurgiassakin. Menetelmä perustuu vesimolekyylien lämpöliikkeen mittaamiseen aivoissa. Molekyylien liike on vapaata muun muassa valkean aineen rakenteiden myötäisesti, mutta lähes mahdotonta kohtisuoraan niiden lävitse. Jäljittämällä nämä reitit voidaan muodostaa tarkka malli aivojen rakenteesta. Mallin pohjalta on mahdollista laskea kuvaavia arvoja, jotka auttavat esimerkiksi määrittämään aivovaurion astetta. Diffuusiopainotetun magneettikuvauksen suurin haaste on menetelmän monimutkaisuus sekä mittauksen että analyysin osalta. Vain hyvin yksinkertaisissa tapauksissa asiantuntija voi arvioida suoraan diffuusiopainotetusta magneettikuvasta poikkeamia aivoissa. Yleensä käytetään matemaattisia menetelmiä kuvan tarkempaan analysointiin. Tällöin keskeistä on inversio-ongelman ratkaisu, missä potilaasta tehdyt mittaukset sovitetaan aivoja kuvaavaan matemaattiseen malliin. Sopivan mallin valinnalla on siis suuri vaikutus lopputuloksen hyödyllisyyteen. Diffuusiopainotettu magneettikuvaus on myös häiriöherkkä ja mittaukset sisältävät luonnostaan paljon kohinaa, jonka vaikutusta vähennetään tekemällä toistomittauksia. Toistomittaukset pidentävät kuvausaikaa, joka puolestaan voi olla haasteellinen potilaalle, koska potilaan pitää olla liikkumatta koko kuvauksen ajan. Potilaan pään pienikin liike voi johtaa huomattaviin mittavirheisiin, koska menetelmällä mitataan vesimolekyylien liikettä, jonka suuruus on vain kymmenien mikrometrien luokkaa. Tässä fysiikan väitöskirjassa keskityttiin diffuusiopainotetun magneettikuvauksen mallintamismenetelmien kehitystyöhön ja niiden käyttöönottoon Helsingin yliopistollisessa sairaalassa. Kehitimme kansainvälistä huomiota herättäneen SOLID-työkalun, jolla voidaan havaita sekä korjata potilaan liikkeestä aiheutuvia virheitä mittaustuloksissa. Tämän lisäksi esitimme laadunvalvonta menetelmän, jolla voidaan arvioida esimerkiksi potilaiden välisten mallinnustulosten vertailukelpoisuutta. Kehitettyjä menetelmiä testattiin ja sovellettiin kahdessa tutkimuksessa: Osoitimme, että vastasyntyneen lapsen kyky seurata katseellaan liikkuvaa kohdetta liittyy laaja-alaisiin muutoksiin aivojen valkean aineen rakenteessa. Lisäksi näytimme, että toisen kielen oppimisajankohta vaikuttaa aivojen puheentuottoon liittyvien aivorakenteiden muodostumiseen

    Incorporating outlier information into diffusion-weighted MRI modeling for robust microstructural imaging and structural brain connectivity analyses

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    A B S T R A C T The white matter structures of the human brain can be represented using diffusion-weighted MRI tractography. Unfortunately, tractography is prone to find false-positive streamlines causing a severe decline in its specificity and limiting its feasibility in accurate structural brain connectivity analyses. Filtering algorithms have been pro-posed to reduce the number of invalid streamlines but the currently available filtering algorithms are not suitable to process data that contains motion artefacts which are typical in clinical research. We augmented the Con-vex Optimization Modelling for Microstructure Informed Tractography (COMMIT) algorithm to adjust for these signals drop-out motion artefacts. We demonstrate with comprehensive Monte-Carlo whole brain simulations and in vivo infant data that our robust algorithm is capable of properly filtering tractography reconstructions despite these artefacts. We evaluated the results using parametric and non-parametric statistics and our results demonstrate that if not accounted for, motion artefacts can have severe adverse effects in human brain structural connectivity analyses as well as in microstructural property mappings. In conclusion, the usage of robust filtering methods to mitigate motion related errors in tractogram filtering is highly beneficial, especially in clinical stud-ies with uncooperative patient groups such as infants. With our presented robust augmentation and open-source implementation, robust tractogram filtering is readily available.Peer reviewe

    Deep learning‐based method for reducing residual motion effects in diffusion parameter estimation

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    PURPOSE: Conventional motion-correction techniques for diffusion MRI can introduce motion-level-dependent bias in derived metrics. To address this challenge, a deep learning-based technique was developed to minimize such residual motion effects. METHODS: The data-rejection approach was adopted in which motion-corrupted data are discarded before model-fitting. A deep learning-based parameter estimation algorithm, using a hierarchical convolutional neural network (H-CNN), was combined with motion assessment and corrupted volume rejection. The method was designed to overcome the limitations of existing methods of this kind that produce parameter estimations whose quality depends strongly on a proportion of the data discarded. Evaluation experiments were conducted for the estimation of diffusion kurtosis and diffusion-tensor-derived measures at both the individual and group levels. The performance was compared with the robust approach of iteratively reweighted linear least squares (IRLLS) after motion correction with and without outlier replacement. RESULTS: Compared with IRLLS, the H-CNN-based technique is minimally sensitive to motion effects. It was tested at severe motion levels when 70% to 90% of the data are rejected and when random motion is present. The technique had a stable performance independent of the numbers and schemes of data rejection. A further test on a data set from children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder shows the technique can potentially ameliorate spurious group-level difference caused by head motion. CONCLUSION: This method shows great potential for reducing residual motion effects in motion-corrupted diffusion-weighted-imaging data, bringing benefits that include reduced bias in derived metrics in individual scans and reduced motion-level-dependent bias in population studies employing diffusion MRI

    Impact of b-value on estimates of apparent fibre density

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    Recent advances in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) analysis techniques have improved our understanding of fibre-specific variations in white matter microstructure. Increasingly, studies are adopting multi-shell dMRI acquisitions to improve the robustness of dMRI-based inferences. However, the impact of b-value choice on the estimation of dMRI measures such as apparent fibre density (AFD) derived from spherical deconvolution is not known. Here, we investigate the impact of b-value sampling scheme on estimates of AFD. First, we performed simulations to assess the correspondence between AFD and simulated intra-axonal signal fraction across multiple b-value sampling schemes. We then studied the impact of sampling scheme on the relationship between AFD and age in a developmental population (n=78) aged 8-18 (mean=12.4, SD=2.9 years) using hierarchical clustering and whole brain fixel-based analyses. Multi-shell dMRI data were collected at 3.0T using ultra-strong gradients (300 mT/m), using 6 diffusion-weighted shells ranging from 0 – 6000 s/mm2. Simulations revealed that the correspondence between estimated AFD and simulated intra-axonal signal fraction was improved with high b-value shells due to increased suppression of the extra-axonal signal. These results were supported by in vivo data, as sensitivity to developmental age-relationships was improved with increasing b-value (b=6000 s/mm2, median R2 = .34; b=4000 s/mm2, median R2 = .29; b=2400 s/mm2, median R2 = .21; b=1200 s/mm2, median R2 = .17) in a tract-specific fashion. Overall, estimates of AFD and age-related microstructural development were better characterised at high diffusion-weightings due to improved correspondence with intra-axonal properties

    Strong diffusion gradients allow the separation of intra- and extra-axonal gradient-echo signals in the human brain

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    The quantification of brain white matter properties is a key area of application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), with much effort focused on using MR techniques to quantify tissue microstructure. While diffusion MRI probes white matter (WM) microstructure by characterising the sensitivity of Brownian motion of water molecules to anisotropic structures, susceptibility-based techniques probe the tissue microstructure by observing the effect of interaction between the tissue and the magnetic field. Here, we unify these two complementary approaches by combining ultra-strong () gradients with a novel Diffusion-Filtered Asymmetric Spin Echo (D-FASE) technique. Using D-FASE we can separately assess the evolution of the intra- and extra-axonal signals under the action of susceptibility effects, revealing differences in the behaviour in different fibre tracts. We observed that the effective relaxation rate of the ASE signal in the corpus callosum decreases with increasing b-value in all subjects (from at to at ), while this dependence on b in the corticospinal tract is less pronounced (from at to at ). Voxelwise analysis of the signal evolution with respect to b-factor and acquisition delay using a microscopic model demonstrated differences in gradient echo signal evolution between the intra- and extra-axonal pools

    Macro- and micro-structural Insights into primary dystonia A UK Biobank study

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    Background Dystonia is a hyperkinetic movement disorder with key motor network dysfunction implicated in pathophysiology. The UK Biobank encompasses > 500,000 participants, of whom 42,565 underwent brain MRI scanning. This study applied an optimized pre-processing pipeline, aimed at better accounting for artifact and improving data reliability, to assess for grey and white matter structural MRI changes between individuals diagnosed with primary dystonia and an unaffected control cohort. Methods Individuals with dystonia (n = 76) were identified from the UK Biobank using published algorithms, alongside an age- and sex-matched unaffected control cohort (n = 311). Grey matter morphometric and diffusion measures were assessed, together with white matter diffusion tensor and diffusion kurtosis metrics using tractography and tractometry. Post-hoc Neurite Orientation and Density Distribution Imaging (NODDI) was also undertaken for tracts in which significant differences were observed. Results Grey matter tremor-specific striatal differences were observed, with higher radial kurtosis. Tractography identified no white matter differences, however segmental tractometry identified localised differences, particularly in the superior cerebellar peduncles and anterior thalamic radiations, including higher fractional anisotropy and lower orientation distribution index in dystonia, compared to controls. Additional tremor-specific changes included lower neurite density index in the anterior thalamic radiations. Conclusions Analysis of imaging data from one of the largest dystonia cohorts to date demonstrates microstructural differences in cerebellar and thalamic white matter connections, with architectural differences such as less orientation dispersion potentially being a component of the morphological structural changes implicated in dystonia. Distinct tremor-related imaging features are also implicated in both grey and white matter

    Dimensionality reduction of diffusion MRI measures for improved tractometry of the human brain

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    Various diffusion MRI (dMRI) measures have been proposed for characterising tissue microstructure over the last 15 years. Despite the growing number of experiments using different dMRI measures in assessments of white matter, there has been limited work on: 1) examining their covariance along specific pathways; and on 2) combining these different measures to study tissue microstructure. Indeed, it quickly becomes intractable for existing analysis pipelines to process multiple measurements at each voxel and at each vertex forming a streamline, highlighting the need for new ways to visualise or analyse such high-dimensional data. In a sample of 36 typically developing children aged 8–18 years, we profiled various commonly used dMRI measures across 22 brain pathways. Using a data-reduction approach, we identified two biologically-interpretable components that capture 80% of the variance in these dMRI measures. The first derived component captures properties related to hindrance and restriction in tissue microstructure, while the second component reflects characteristics related to tissue complexity and orientational dispersion. We then demonstrate that the components generated by this approach preserve the biological relevance of the original measurements by showing age-related effects across developmentally sensitive pathways. In summary, our findings demonstrate that dMRI analyses can benefit from dimensionality reduction techniques, to help disentangling the neurobiological underpinnings of white matter organisation

    Dimensionality reduction of diffusion MRI measures for improved tractometry of the human brain

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    Various diffusion MRI (dMRI) measures have been proposed for characterising tissue microstructure over the last 15 years. Despite the growing number of experiments using different dMRI measures in assessments of white matter, there has been limited work on: 1) examining their covariance along specific pathways; and on 2) combining these different measures to study tissue microstructure. Indeed, it quickly becomes intractable for existing analysis pipelines to process multiple measurements at each voxel and at each vertex forming a streamline, highlighting the need for new ways to visualise or analyse such high-dimensional data. In a sample of 36 typically developing children aged 8–18 years, we profiled various commonly used dMRI measures across 22 brain pathways. Using a data-reduction approach, we identified two biologically-interpretable components that capture 80% of the variance in these dMRI measures. The first derived component captures properties related to hindrance and restriction in tissue microstructure, while the second component reflects characteristics related to tissue complexity and orientational dispersion. We then demonstrate that the components generated by this approach preserve the biological relevance of the original measurements by showing age-related effects across developmentally sensitive pathways. In summary, our findings demonstrate that dMRI analyses can benefit from dimensionality reduction techniques, to help disentangling the neurobiological underpinnings of white matter organisation

    CMC is more than a measure of corticospinal tract integrity in acute stroke patients

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    In healthy subjects, motor cortex activity and electromyographic (EMG) signals from contracting contralateral muscle show coherence in the beta (15-30 Hz) range. Corticomuscular coherence (CMC) is considered a sign of functional coupling between muscle and brain. Based on prior studies, CMC is altered in stroke, but functional significance of this finding has remained unclear. Here, we examined CMC in acute stroke patients and correlated the results with clinical outcome measures and corticospinal tract (CST) integrity estimated with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). During isometric contraction of the extensor carpi radialis muscle, EMG and magneto encephalographic oscillatory signals were recorded from 29 patients with paresis of the upper extremity due to ischemic stroke and 22 control subjects. CMC amplitudes and peak frequencies at 13-30 Hz were compared between the two groups. In the patients, the peak frequency in both the affected and the unaffected hemisphere was significantly (p < 0.01) lower and the strength of CMC was significantly (p < 0.05) weaker in the affected hemisphere compared to the control subjects. The strength of CMC in the patients correlated with the level of tactile sensitivity and clinical test results of hand function. In contrast, no correlation between measures of CST integrity and CMC was found. The results confirm the earlier findings that CMC is altered in acute stroke and demonstrate that CMC is bidirectional and not solely a measure of integrity of the efferent corticospinal tract.Peer reviewe