58 research outputs found


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    4G is the fastest developing system in the history of mobile communication networks. Network connectivity is paramount for all kinds of big enterprises.  4G not only provides super-fast connectivity to millions of users, but can also act as an enterprise network connectivity enabler and it has inherent advantages such as higher bandwidth, low latency, higher spectrum efficiency along with backward compatibility and future proofing. The design of the 4G based Long Term Evolution physical network provides the required flexibility for optimization during the development phase. In this paper LTE Network related supporting simulation tools is presented to demonstrate the need of Hardware co-simulation of the LTE system. After the feasibility analysis, the importance of the model is to be ported Field Programmable Gate Array platform is examined in survey in detail with the supporting inferences along with the comparison of different wireless network simulators suitable for LTE


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    System-on-Chip  (SoC) designs are increasingly becoming more complex. One of the major constraints is the time to market New design methods are necessary, and the tendency is with the integration of the software and hardware parts on the same chip.  Efficient on-chip communication architectures are critical for achieving desired performance in these systems  Thus, the development of codesign’s modern methods and  the appearance of hardware description languages  (HDL) based on C/C++ such as SystemC or specC allowing to employ the same language to describe the software and the hardware, and returning of this fact easier and more effective Co-simulation. These methods would be able to generate an optimal solution starting from a functional specification by reducing the time and the cost of the design. Thus, one of the main objectives of this paper is the development  of  a SystemC  platform  for multiprocessors architectural exploration at  the compromise  level  (TLM) by using SystemC/TLM.  It must  lead  to partition  system  into hw/sw and also  to validate  it by simulation or  to move easily modules from hardware to software (or vice versa) during the architectural exploration. Except for the software task priorities that could be modified, we only need to recompile and simulate 

    A comparison study of co-simulation frameworks for multi-energy systems: the scalability problem

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    The transition to a low-carbon society will completely change the structure of energy systems from a standalone hierarchical centralised vision to cooperative and dis- tributed Multi-Energy Systems. The analysis of these complex systems requires the collaboration of researchers from different disciplines in the energy, ICT, social, economic, and political sectors. Combining such disparate disciplines into a single tool for modeling and analyzing such a complex environment as a Multi-Energy System requires tremendous effort. Researchers have overcome this effort by using co-simulation techniques that give the possibility of integrating existing domain-specific simulators in a single environment. Co-simulation frameworks, such as Mosaik and HELICS, have been developed to ease such integration. In this context, an additional challenge is the different temporal and spatial scales that are involved in the real world and that must be addressed during co-simulation. In particular, the huge number of heterogeneous actors populating the system makes it difficult to represent the system as a whole. In this paper, we propose a comparison of the scalability performance of two major co-simulation frameworks (i.e. HELICS and Mosaik) and a particular implementation of a well-known multi-agent systems library (i.e. AIOMAS). After describing a generic co-simulation framework infrastructure and its related challenges in managing a distributed co-simulation environment, the three selected frameworks are introduced and compared with each other to highlight their principal structure. Then, the scalability problem of co-simulation frameworks is introduced presenting four benchmark configurations to test their ability to scale in terms of a number of running instances. To carry out this comparison, a simplified multi-model energy scenario was used as a common testing environment. This work helps to understand which of the three frameworks and four configurations to select depending on the scenario to analyse. Experimental results show that a Multi-processing configuration of HELICS reaches the best performance in terms of KPIs defined to assess the scalability among the co-simu- lation frameworks

    Frequency Interleaving as a Codesign Scheduling Paradigm

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    ABSTRACT Frequency interleaving is introduced as a means of conceptualizing and co-scheduling hardware and software behaviors so that software models with conceptually unbounded state and execution time are resolved with hardware resources. The novel mechanisms that result in frequency interleaving are a shared memory foundation for all system modeling (from gates to softwareintensive subsystems) and de-coupled, but interrelated time-and state-interleaved scheduling domains. The result for system modeling is greater accommodation of software as a conĂžguration paradigm that loads system resources, a greater accommodation of shared memory modeling, and a greater representation of software schedulers as a system architectural abstraction. The results for system co-simulation are a lessening of the dependence on discrete event simulation as a means of merging physical and non-physical models of computation, and a lessening of the need to partition a system as computation and communication too early in the design. We include an example demonstrating its implementation

    Modélisation à haut niveau d'abstraction pour les systèmes embarqués

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    Modern embedded systems have reached a level of complexity such that it is no longer possible to wait for the first physical prototypes to validate choices on the integration of hardware and software components. It is necessary to use models, early in the design flow. The work presented in this document contribute to the state of the art in several domains. First, we present some verification techniques based on abstract interpretation and SMT-solving for programs written in general-purpose languages like C, C++ or Java. Then, we use verification tools on models written in SystemC at the transaction level (TLM). Several approaches are presented, most of them using compilation techniques specific to SystemC to turn the models into a format usable by existing tools. The second part of the document deal with non-functional properties of models: timing performances, power consumption and temperature. In the context of TLM, we show how functional models can be enriched with non-functional information. Finally, we present contributions to the modular performance analysis (MPA) with real-time calculus (RTC) framework. We describe several ways to connect RTC to more expressive formalisms like timed automata and the synchronous language Lustre. These connections raise the problem of causality, which is defined formally and solved with the new causality closure algorithm.Les systèmes embarqués modernes ont atteint un niveau de complexité qui fait qu'il n'est plus possible d'attendre les premiers prototypes physiques pour valider les décisions sur l'intégration des composants matériels et logiciels. Il est donc nécessaire d'utiliser des modèles, tôt dans le flot de conception. Les travaux présentés dans ce document contribuent à l'état de l'art dans plusieurs domaines. Nous présentons dans un premier temps de nouvelles techniques de vérification de programmes écrits dans des langages généralistes comme C, C++ ou Java. Dans un second temps, nous utilisons des outils de vérification formelle sur des modèles écrits en SystemC au niveau transaction (TLM). Plusieurs approches sont présentées, la plupart d'entre elles utilisent des techniques de compilations spécifiques à SystemC pour transformer le programme SystemC en un format utilisable par les outils. La seconde partie du document s'intéresse aux propriétés non-fonctionnelles des modèles~: performances temporelles, consommation électrique et température. Dans le contexte de la modélisation TLM, nous proposons plusieurs techniques pour enrichir des modèles fonctionnels avec des informations non-fonctionnelles. Enfin, nous présentons les contributions faites à l'analyse de performance modulaire (MPA) avec le calcul temps-réel (RTC). Nous proposons plusieurs connections entre ces modèles analytiques et des formalismes plus expressifs comme les automates temporisés et le langage de programmation Lustre. Ces connexion posent le problème théorique de la causalité, qui est formellement défini et résolu avec un algorithme nouveau dit de " fermeture causale "

    Multimedia terminal system-on-chip design and simulation

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    This paper proposes a design approach based on integrated architectural and system-on-chip (SoC) simulations. The main idea is to have an efficient framework for the design and the evaluation of multimedia terminals, allowing a fast system simulation with a definable degree of accuracy. The design approach includes the simulation of very long instruction word (VLIW) digital signal processors (DSPs), the utilization of a device multiplexing the media streams, and the emulation of the real-time media acquisition. This methodology allows the evaluation of both the multimedia algorithm implementations and the hardware platform, giving feedback on the complete SoC including the interaction between modules and conflicts in accessing either the bus or shared resources. An instruction set architecture (ISA) simulator and an SoC simulation environment compose the integrated framework. In order to validate this approach, the evaluation of an audio-video multiprocessor terminal is presented, and the complete simulation test results are reported
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