497 research outputs found

    Challenges and opportunities of implementing a ,mobile bank in Portugal by Altice Group

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    This research intends to provide a deeper overview of the market challenges and opportunities of establishing a mobile bank in Portugal by Altice Group, through the investigation of the main forces that are disrupting the industry, combining with a market research through an online questionnaire that adds evidence in those findings and provides deeper view of the Portuguese market. With this research the company is able to understand how it can add value to the industry and which future business model is proposed

    The Ever-Evolving World of Technology in the Banking Industry

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    Abstract In the current day technology is key and crucial to everything we do. Over the years we have incorporated technology into all we have, for the improvement of a product or to make life more convenient. For example, home appliances, vehicles, TV, electricity, computers, phones and even our financials. In order to evolve with the world, we are living in we must adapt to the technology. Keywords: Innovation of Technology, Customer Service, Security, the future

    A framework to achieve mobile business success

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    Num contexto de sociedade que continua a evoluir cada vez mais rápido, é apenas natural que o comércio acompanhe. Note-se a evolução etimológica que acompanha a palavra inglesa para negócio: business; e-business, m-business. A Internet trouxe um grande leque de possibilidades de sucesso para as organizações, empreendedores, equipas de gestão e consumidores. Em paralelo com a facilidade de acesso que esta nova cultura trouxe, nasce também uma nova personalidade associada aos consumidores, uma personalidade mais exigente. As possibilidades infinitas da Internet faz com que, para empreendedores e equipas de gestão, o estudo de mercado tenha de ser constante. Por isso mesmo, hoje, quais são os fatores chave de sucesso para o m-business? Quais são os fatores mais importantes na mente da amostra considerada neste estudo da comunidade online? Será que esses fatores estão correlacionados? E como? Quais são os fatores a que se deve prestar atenção? Os resultados mostram que há um conjunto de funcionalidades que se agrupam em três fatores principais: “confiança no negócio em si”; serviço ao cliente”; “trabalho de desenvolvimento web”. São ainda apresentadas diferentes correlações entre as variáveis, a ter em conta aquando da entrada no m-business.Following in the footsteps of society’s rapid evolution, business is undergoing a dramatic transformation of its own: from business, to e-business and now, mobile business. The Internet has brought forth a new and broad possibility of success to organizations, business owners, management teams and consumers. Furthermore, the accessibility to information has also created an increasing amount of consumers who are more informed and enlightened, and demand accountability and integrity. The infinite possibilities of the Internet for business entrepreneurs and management teams require more frequent studies for this market. The emerging questions are: what are really the key factors for the success of mobile business? What are the most important factors to a studied sample from the online community? Are any of those factors correlated, and if so, how? What factors should business pay close attention to? The results show that there are three main factors grouping the different features of mobile business and apps: trust for the business itself, costumer care, and web development work. Furthermore, different correlations are presented between the variables, which are essential to consider when entering m-business

    Cashless Society in Progress: Capturing Different Generations’ Perspectives toward External Influence in E-Wallet Usage

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    The use of non-cash transaction, which is currently popular in the public, has made the topic of a cashless society discussed more often. A cashless society is a condition where people transact without using cash money so that it leads to the process from the conventional into the cashless society. In this condition, the involvement of each generation is needed. This study tries to investigate how each generation's perspective—both the younger generation and the older generation, toward the external factors, namely social influence, government support, and network externalities—affect their use of non-cash transactions in the form of e-wallet. The data were collected using focus group discussion (FGD) and a survey of 489 respondents. The data were analyzed using PLS-SEM. This research reveals how different generations have a different perspective on e-wallet and the government support has a more significant influence on the older generation than the younger generation, who tend to be more influenced by peers or family. However, both generations emphasized how the network externalities influenced the continuance usage in this service. This result implies the importance of e-wallet service providers to expand the network and collaborating with various actors to retain customers

    Deductions from a Sub-Saharan African bank’s tweets: A sentiment analysis approach

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    The upsurge in social media websites has in no doubt triggered a huge source of data for mining interesting expressions on a variety of subjects. These expressions on social media websites empower firms and individuals to discover varied interpretations regarding the opinions expressed. In Sub-Saharan Africa, financial institutions are making the needed technological investments required to remain competitive in today’s challenging global business environment. Twitter as one of the digital communication tools has in recent times been integrated into the marketing communication tools of banks to augment the free flow of information. In this light, the purpose of the present study is to perform a sentiment analysis on a large dataset of tweets associated with the Ecobank Group, a prominent pan-African bank in sub-Saharan Africa using four different sentiment lexicons to determine the best lexicon based on its performance. Our results show that Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner (VADER) outperforms all the other three lexicons based on accuracy and computational efficiency. Additionally, we generated a word cloud to visually examine the terms in the positive and negative sentiment categories based on VADER. Our approach demonstrates that in today’s world of empowered customers, firms need to focus on customer engagement to enhance customer experience via social media channels (e.g., Twitter) since the meaning of competitive advantage has shifted from purely competing over price and product to building loyalty and trust. In theory, the study contributes to broadening the scope of online banking given the interplay of consumer sentiments via the social media channel. Limitations and future research directions are discussed at the end of the paper. © 2020, © 2020 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/CebiaTech/2020/001
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