40 research outputs found

    Throughput/Area-Efficient Accelerator of Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication over GF(2233) on FPGA

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    This paper presents a throughput/area-efficient hardware accelerator architecture for elliptic curve point multiplication (ECPM) computation over GF(2233). The throughput of the proposed accelerator design is optimized by reducing the total clock cycles using a bit-parallel Karatsuba modular multiplier. We employ two techniques to minimize the hardware resources: (i) a consolidated arithmetic unit where we combine a single modular adder, multiplier, and square block instead of having multiple modular operators, and (ii) an Itoh–Tsujii inversion algorithm by leveraging the existing hardware resources of the multiplier and square units for multiplicative inverse computation. An efficient finite-state-machine (FSM) controller is implemented to facilitate control functionalities. To evaluate and compare the results of the proposed accelerator architecture against state-of-the-art solutions, a figure-of-merit (FoM) metric in terms of throughput/area is defined. The implementation results after post-place-and-route simulation are reported for reconfigurable field-programmable gate array (FPGA) devices. Particular to Virtex-7 FPGA, the accelerator utilizes 3584 slices, needs 7208 clock cycles, operates on a maximum frequency of 350 MHz, computes one ECPM operation in 20.59 s, and the calculated value of FoM is 13.54. Consequently, the results and comparisons reveal that our accelerator suits applications that demand throughput and area-optimized ECPM implementations

    Low-Resource and Fast Elliptic Curve Implementations over Binary Edwards Curves

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    Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is an ideal choice for low-resource applications because it provides the same level of security with smaller key sizes than other existing public key encryption schemes. For low-resource applications, designing efficient functional units for elliptic curve computations over binary fields results in an effective platform for an embedded co-processor. This thesis investigates co-processor designs for area-constrained devices. Particularly, we discuss an implementation utilizing state of the art binary Edwards curve equations over mixed point addition and doubling. The binary Edwards curve offers the security advantage that it is complete and is, therefore, immune to the exceptional points attack. In conjunction with Montgomery ladder, such a curve is naturally immune to most types of simple power and timing attacks. Finite field operations were performed in the small and efficient Gaussian normal basis. The recently presented formulas for mixed point addition by K. Kim, C. Lee, and C. Negre at Indocrypt 2014 were found to be invalid, but were corrected such that the speed and register usage were maintained. We utilize corrected mixed point addition and doubling formulas to achieve a secure, but still fast implementation of a point multiplication on binary Edwards curves. Our synthesis results over NIST recommended fields for ECC indicate that the proposed co-processor requires about 50% fewer clock cycles for point multiplication and occupies a similar silicon area when compared to the most recent in literature

    Design and analysis of efficient and secure elliptic curve cryptoprocessors

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems have attracted many researchers and have been included in many standards such as IEEE, ANSI, NIST, SEC and WTLS. The ability to use smaller keys and computationally more efficient algorithms compared with earlier public key cryptosystems such as RSA and ElGamal are two main reasons why elliptic curve cryptosystems are becoming more popular. They are considered to be particularly suitable for implementation on smart cards or mobile devices. Power Analysis Attacks on such devices are considered serious threat due to the physical characteristics of these devices and their use in potentially hostile environments. This dissertation investigates elliptic curve cryptoprocessor architectures for curves defined over GF(2m) fields. In this dissertation, new architectures that are suitable for efficient computation of scalar multiplications with resistance against power analysis attacks are proposed and their performance evaluated. This is achieved by exploiting parallelism and randomized processing techniques. Parallelism and randomization are controlled at different levels to provide more efficiency and security. Furthermore, the proposed architectures are flexible enough to allow designers tailor performance and hardware requirements according to their performance and cost objectives. The proposed architectures have been modeled using VHDL and implemented on FPGA platform

    Diseño de criptoprocesadores de curva elíptica sobre gf(2^163) usando bases normales gaussianas

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    This paper presents the efficient hardware implementation of cryptoprocessors that carry out the scalar multiplication kP over finite field GF(2163) using two digit-level multipliers. The finite field arithmetic operations were implemented using Gaussian normal basis (GNB) representation, and the scalar multiplication kP was implemented using Lopez-Dahab algorithm, 2-NAF halve-and-add algorithm and w-tNAF method for Koblitz curves. The processors were designed using VHDL description, synthesized on the Stratix-IV FPGA using Quartus II 12.0 and verified using SignalTAP II and Matlab. The simulation results show that the cryptoprocessors present a very good performance to carry out the scalar multiplication kP. In this case, the computation times of the multiplication kP using Lopez-Dahab, 2-NAF halve-and-add and 16-tNAF for Koblitz curves were 13.37 µs, 16.90 µs and 5.05 µs, respectively.En este trabajo se presenta la implementación eficiente en hardware de criptoprocesadores que permiten llevar a cabo la multiplicación escalar kP sobre el campo finito GF(2163) usando dos multiplicadores a nivel de digito. Las operaciones aritméticas de campo finito fueron implementadas usando la representación de bases normales Gaussianas (GNB), y la multiplicación escalar kP fue implementada usando el algoritmo de López-Dahab, el algoritmo de bisección de punto 2-NAF y el método w-tNAF para curvas de Koblitz. Los criptoprocesadores fueron diseñados usando descripción VHDL, sintetizados en el FPGA Stratix-IV usando Quartus II 12.0 y verificados usando SignalTAP II y Matlab. Los resultados de simulación muestran que los criptoprocesadores presentan un muy buen desempeño para llevar a cabo la multiplicación escalar kP. En este caso, los tiempos de computo de la multiplicación kP usando Lopez-Dahab, bisección de punto 2-NAF y 16-tNAF para curvas de Koblitz fueron 13.37 µs, 16.90 µs and 5.05 µs, respectivamente

    Reconfigurable elliptic curve cryptography

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECC) have been proposed as an alternative to other established public key cryptosystems such as RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman). ECC provide more security per bit than other known public key schemes based on the discrete logarithm problem. Smaller key sizes result in faster computations, lower power consumption and memory and bandwidth savings, thus making ECC a fast, flexible and cost-effective solution for providing security in constrained environments. Implementing ECC on reconfigurable platform combines the speed, security and concurrency of hardware along with the flexibility of the software approach. This work proposes a generic architecture for elliptic curve cryptosystem on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) that performs an elliptic curve scalar multiplication in 1.16milliseconds for GF (2163), which is considerably faster than most other documented implementations. One of the benefits of the proposed processor architecture is that it is easily reprogrammable to use different algorithms and is adaptable to any field order. Also through reconfiguration the arithmetic unit can be optimized for different area/speed requirements. The mathematics involved uses binary extension field of the form GF (2n) as the underlying field and polynomial basis for the representation of the elements in the field. A significant gain in performance is obtained by using projective coordinates for the points on the curve during the computation process

    Elliptic curve cryptosystem over optimal extension fields for computationally constrained devices

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    Data security will play a central role in the design of future IT systems. The PC has been a major driver of the digital economy. Recently, there has been a shift towards IT applications realized as embedded systems, because they have proved to be good solutions for many applications, especially those which require data processing in real time. Examples include security for wireless phones, wireless computing, pay-TV, and copy protection schemes for audio/video consumer products and digital cinemas. Most of these embedded applications will be wireless, which makes the communication channel vulnerable. The implementation of cryptographic systems presents several requirements and challenges. For example, the performance of algorithms is often crucial, and guaranteeing security is a formidable challenge. One needs encryption algorithms to run at the transmission rates of the communication links at speeds that are achieved through custom hardware devices. Public-key cryptosystems such as RSA, DSA and DSS have traditionally been used to accomplish secure communication via insecure channels. Elliptic curves are the basis for a relatively new class of public-key schemes. It is predicted that elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECCs) will replace many existing schemes in the near future. The main reason for the attractiveness of ECC is the fact that significantly smaller parameters can be used in ECC than in other competitive system, but with equivalent levels of security. The benefits of having smaller key size include faster computations, and reduction in processing power, storage space and bandwidth. This makes ECC ideal for constrained environments where resources such as power, processing time and memory are limited. The implementation of ECC requires several choices, such as the type of the underlying finite field, algorithms for implementing the finite field arithmetic, the type of the elliptic curve, algorithms for implementing the elliptic curve group operation, and elliptic curve protocols. Many of these selections may have a major impact on overall performance. In this dissertation a finite field from a special class called the Optimal Extension Field (OEF) is chosen as the underlying finite field of implementing ECC. OEFs utilize the fast integer arithmetic available on modern microcontrollers to produce very efficient results without resorting to multiprecision operations or arithmetic using polynomials of large degree. This dissertation discusses the theoretical and implementation issues associated with the development of this finite field in a low end embedded system. It also presents various improvement techniques for OEF arithmetic. The main objectives of this dissertation are to --Implement the functions required to perform the finite field arithmetic operations. -- Implement the functions required to generate an elliptic curve and to embed data on that elliptic curve. -- Implement the functions required to perform the elliptic curve group operation. All of these functions constitute a library that could be used to implement any elliptic curve cryptosystem. In this dissertation this library is implemented in an 8-bit AVR Atmel microcontroller.Dissertation (MEng (Computer Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2006.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Bit Serial Systolic Architectures for Multiplicative Inversion and Division over GF(2<sup>m</sup>)

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    Systolic architectures are capable of achieving high throughput by maximizing pipelining and by eliminating global data interconnects. Recursive algorithms with regular data flows are suitable for systolization. The computation of multiplicative inversion using algorithms based on EEA (Extended Euclidean Algorithm) are particularly suitable for systolization. Implementations based on EEA present a high degree of parallelism and pipelinability at bit level which can be easily optimized to achieve local data flow and to eliminate the global interconnects which represent most important bottleneck in todays sub-micron design process. The net result is to have high clock rate and performance based on efficient systolic architectures. This thesis examines high performance but also scalable implementations of multiplicative inversion or field division over Galois fields GF(2m) in the specific case of cryptographic applications where field dimension m may be very large (greater than 400) and either m or defining irreducible polynomial may vary. For this purpose, many inversion schemes with different basis representation are studied and most importantly variants of EEA and binary (Stein's) GCD computation implementations are reviewed. A set of common as well as contrasting characteristics of these variants are discussed. As a result a generalized and optimized variant of EEA is proposed which can compute division, and multiplicative inversion as its subset, with divisor in either polynomial or triangular basis representation. Further results regarding Hankel matrix formation for double-basis inversion is provided. The validity of using the same architecture to compute field division with polynomial or triangular basis representation is proved. Next, a scalable unidirectional bit serial systolic array implementation of this proposed variant of EEA is implemented. Its complexity measures are defined and these are compared against the best known architectures. It is shown that assuming the requirements specified above, this proposed architecture may achieve a higher clock rate performance w. r. t. other designs while being more flexible, reliable and with minimum number of inter-cell interconnects. The main contribution at system level architecture is the substitution of all counter or adder/subtractor elements with a simpler distributed and free of carry propagation delays structure. Further a novel restoring mechanism for result sequences of EEA is proposed using a double delay element implementation. Finally, using this systolic architecture a CMD (Combined Multiplier Divider) datapath is designed which is used as the core of a novel systolic elliptic curve processor. This EC processor uses affine coordinates to compute scalar point multiplication which results in having a very small control unit and negligible with respect to the datapath for all practical values of m. The throughput of this EC based on this bit serial systolic architecture is comparable with designs many times larger than itself reported previously