661 research outputs found

    Surface Acoustic Wave Based Magnetic Sensors

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    Advanced Piezoelectric Transduction for Acoustic Sensing and Data Transmission

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    The work developed in this thesis targets two applications relative to piezoelectric transduction for sensing and data transmission purposes. The first project is based on a Surface Acoustic Wave device measuring strains in two directions along a plane. Such a device has been manufactured using microfabrication methods and tested on a loaded beam to determine its accuracy, while comparing the experimental output with the expected theoretical results. The second project involves data transmission across a metallic barrier through piezoelectric transduction. A theoretical model has been derived to describe the electric and mechanical behaviors of the channels before comparing it with numerical and experimental results. Different approaches modifying the mechanical structure and the connected electric circuits have been pursued with the objective of reducing the amplitude variations down to 2 dB over large bandwidths for low carrier frequencies (below 10MHz). Transducer designs in the shape of staircases have been proposed for channels with high carrier frequencies (above 100 MHz) in order to communicate over bandwidths larger than 100 MHz within which the amplitude variations are limited to 3 dB.Ph.D

    Backscatter Transponder Based on Frequency Selective Surface for FMCW Radar Applications

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    This paper describes an actively-controlled frequency selective surface (FSS) to implement a backscatter transponder. The FSS is composed by dipoles loaded with switching PIN diodes. The transponder exploits the change in the radar cross section (RCS) of the FSS with the bias of the diodes to modulate the backscattered response of the tag to the FMCW radar. The basic operation theory of the system is explained here. An experimental setup based on a commercial X-band FMCW radar working as a reader is proposed to measure the transponders. The transponder response can be distinguished from the interference of non-modulated clutter, modulating the transponder’s RCS. Some FSS with different number of dipoles are studied, as a proof of concept. Experimental results at several distances are provided

    Chipless Wireless High-Temperature Sensing in Time-Variant Environments

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    The wireless sensing of various physical quantities is demanded in numerous applications. A usual wireless sensor is based on the functionality of semiconductor Integrated Circuits (ICs), which enable the radio communication. These ICs may limit the application potential of the sensor in certain specific applications. One of these applications stands in the focus of this thesis: the operation in harsh environments, e.g., at high temperatures above 175°C, where most available sensors fail. Chipless wireless sensors are researched to exceed such chip-based limitations. A chipless sensor is setup as an entirely electro-magnetic circuit, and uses passive Radio Frequency (RF) backscatter principles to encode and transmit the measured value. Chipless sensors that target harsh environment operation are facing two important challenges: First, the disturbance by clutter, caused by time-variant reflections of the interrogation signal in the sensor environment and second, the design of suitable measurand transducers. These challenges are addressed in the thesis. To overcome the first challenge, three basic chipless sensor concepts feasible for operation in clutter environments are introduced. The concepts are realized by demonstrator designs of three temperature sensors and are proofed by wireless indoor measurements. A channel estimation method is presented that dynamically estimates and suppresses clutter signals to reduce measurement errors. To overcome the second challenge, measurand-sensitive dielectric materials are used as measurement transducers, and are being characterized by a novel high-temperature microwave dielectric characterization method. Complex permittivity characterization results in temperatures up to 900°C are presented. Finally, in-depth description and discussion of the three chipless concepts is given as well as a performance comparison in wireless indoor measurement scenarios. The first concept is based on polarization separation between the wanted sensor backscatter signal and unwanted clutter. The second concept separates tag and clutter signals in the frequency domain by using harmonic radar. The third concept exploits the slow decay of high-Q resonances in order to achieve the desired separation in time domain. This concept’s realization is based on dielectric resonators and has demon- strated the capability of wirelessly measuring temperatures up to 800°C without requiring an optical line-of-sight. This performance significantly exceeds temperature- and detection-limitations of commercially available sensors at the current state-of-the-art

    Microfabricated liquid density sensors using polyimide-guided surface acoustic waves

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    The simultaneous measurements of liquid density and refractive index on the same liquid sample are desirable. This thesis investigates the development of a micro- fabricated liquid density sensor that can be integrated into existing refractometers. A discussion of density sensing techniques and review of suitable sensors is given, leading to the choice of a Love mode surface acoustic wave (SAW) device. Love modes are formed by focussing the acoustic energy in a thin waveguide layer on a surface acoustic wave device. The horizontal-shear wave motion reduces attenuation in liquid environments, and the high surface energy density theoretically gives the highest sensitivity of all SAW devices. This study follows the development of a Love mode liquid density sensor using a polyimide waveguide layer. The novel use of polyimide offers simple and cheap fabrication, and theoretically gives a very high sensitivity to surface loading due to its low acoustic velocity. Love mode devices were fabricated with different polyimide waveguide thicknesses. The optimum thickness for a compromise between low loss and high sensitivity was 0.90 - 1.0 ÎŒm. These devices exhibited a linear shift in frequency with the liquid density-viscosity product for low viscosities. The response was smaller for high viscosities due to non-Newtonian liquid behaviour. Dual delay-line structures with a smooth 'reference' and corrugated 'sense' delay- lines were used to trap the liquid and separate the density from the density-viscosity product. A sensitivity up to 0.13 ÎŒgcm(^-3)Hz(^-1) was obtained. This is the highest density sensitivity obtained from an acoustic mode sensor. Experimental results show a zero temperature coefficient of frequency is possible using polyimide waveguides. These are the first Love mode devices that demonstrate temperature independence, highlighting the importance of polyimide as a new waveguide material

    Multifunctional Orthogonally-Frequency-Coded Saw Strain Sensor

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    A multifunctional strain sensor based on Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Orthogonal Frequency Coding (OFC) technology on a Langasite substrate has been investigated. Second order transmission matrix models have been developed and verified. A new parameterizable library of SAW components was created to automate the layout process. Using these new tools, a SAW strain sensor with OFC reflectors was designed, fabricated and tested. The Langasite coefficients of velocity for strain (ÎłS = 1.699) and Temperature (ÎłT = 2.562) were experimentally determined. The strain and temperature characterization of this strain sensor, along with the coefficients of velocity, have been used to demonstrate both the ability to sense strain and the capability for temperature compensation. The temperature-compensated SAW OFC strain sensor has been used to detect anomalous strain conditions that are indicators of fastener failures during structural health monitoring of aircraft panels with and without noise on a NASA fastener failure test stand. The changes in strain that are associated with single fastener failures were measured up to a distance of 80 cm between the sensor and the removed fastener. The SAW OFC strain sensor was demonstrated to act as an impact sensor with and without noise on the fastener failure test stand. The average measured signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 50, is comparable to the 29.1 SNR of an acoustic emission sensor. The simultaneous use of a high pass filter for impact detection, while a low pass filter is used for strain or fastener failure, demonstrates the multifunctional capabilities of the SAW OFC sensor to act as both as a fastener failure detector and as an impact detector

    Development of a compact wireless SAW Pirani vacuum microsensor with extended range and sensitivity

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    Vakuumsensoren haben nach wie vor einen begrenzten Messbereich und erfordern eine aufwendige Verkabelung sowie eine komplexe Integration in Vakuumkammern. Ein kompakter Sensor, der in der Lage ist, den Erfassungsbereich zwischen Hochvakuum und AtmosphĂ€rendruck zu erweitern und dabei drahtlos zu arbeiten, ist Ă€ußerst wĂŒnschenswert. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf dem Entwurf, der Simulation, der Herstellung und der experimentellen Validierung eines drahtlosen kompakten Vakuum-Mikrosensors mit erweiterter Reichweite und Empfindlichkeit. ZunĂ€chst wurde ein neuer Sensor unter Verwendung vorhandener und neu entwickelter Komponenten entworfen. Zweitens wurden die Sensorkomponenten simuliert, um ihre Parameter zu optimieren. Drittens wurde ein Prototyp unter Verwendung der verfĂŒgbaren Mikrobearbeitungs- und Halbleitertechnologien hergestellt und montiert. Viertens wurde der Prototyp unter Umgebungs- und Vakuumbedingungen charakterisiert, um seine Leistungen zu validieren. FĂŒr das Wandlerprinzip wurden zwei Techniken kombiniert, nĂ€mlich Pirani-Sensorik und akustische OberflĂ€chenwellen. Das Design der Sensorkomponenten bestand aus vier Einheiten: Sensoreinheit, Heizeinheit, Abfrageeinheit und GehĂ€use. Alle Einheiten wurden in einen kompakten WĂŒrfel eingebaut. Einige Komponenten wurden neu entwickelt, wĂ€hrend andere gekauft, modifiziert und dann miteinander verbunden wurden. Die Sensoreinheit besteht aus einem neuen Chip mit verbesserter Sensorleistung dank eines optimierten VerhĂ€ltnisses von OberflĂ€che zu Volumen. Die Heizeinheit wurde aus zwei induktiv gekoppelten Spulen und der zugehörigen Konditionierungselektronik zusammengesetzt. Die Abfrageeinheit wurde mit einer Mikro-Patch-Antenne hergestellt. Ein wĂŒrfelförmiges PolymergehĂ€use wurde entwickelt, um alle Komponenten in einer Vakuumkammer unterzubringen. Zweitens wurde die Simulation des Verhaltens der Sensorkomponenten behandelt. Die fĂŒr die Druckmessung verantwortliche WĂ€rmeĂŒbertragung des Sensorchips wurde vom Hochvakuum bis zum AtmosphĂ€rendruck untersucht, um seine Abmessungen zu optimieren. Die Verwendung eines hĂ€ngenden Lithium-Niobat-Chips mit Y-Z-Schnitt und einem TCF von 94 ppm/K fĂŒhrte zu einer verbesserten Leistung in einem Messbereich zwischen \num{d-4}~Pa und \num{e5}~Pa. Die elektronische Kopplung der Heizspulen wurde ebenfalls simuliert, um die LeistungsĂŒbertragung und den Kopplungsabstand zu optimieren. Der dritte Teil betrifft die Herstellungs- und Montageschritte des Prototyps unter Verwendung der verfĂŒgbaren Halbleitertechnologien und -ausrĂŒstung. Ein SAW Chip wurde mit einer 100~nm dicken Goldschicht an der Unterseite gesputtert, um den Heizwiderstand zu bilden, und mit Hilfe von Drahtbonding elektrisch mit dem Rest des Sensors verbunden. Es wurde eine Leiterplatte vorbereitet, die die Heiz- und Sensoreinheit enthĂ€lt. Ein kubisches GehĂ€usewurde aus PTFE hergestellt. Viertens wurden die Sensorkomponenten zunĂ€chst separat charakterisiert, um ihre Leistungen zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, und dann zusammen unter Umgebungsbedingungen. SpĂ€ter wurde der Sensor im Vakuum integriert, und es wurde ein druckabhĂ€ngiges Verhalten des Sensorchips beobachtet. Die Relevanz eines drahtlosen Übertragungsverfahrens wurde den herkömmlichen drahtgebundenen Methoden gegenĂŒbergestellt. Die Ergebnisse der experimentellen Arbeiten außerhalb und innerhalb des Vakuums zeigten die Machbarkeit und Relevanz des neuen Konzepts
