29 research outputs found

    Multi-Core Parallel Routing

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    The recent increase in the amount of data (i.e., big data) led to higher data volumes to be transferred and processed over the network. Also, over the last years, the deployment of multi-core routers has grown rapidly. However, such big data transfers are not leveraging the powerful multi-core routers to the extent possible, particularly in the key function of routing. Our main goal is to find a way so we can use these cores more effectively and efficiently in routing the big data transfers. In this dissertation, we propose a novel approach to parallelize data transfers by leveraging the multi-core CPUs in the routers. Legacy routing protocols, e.g. OSPF for intra-domain routing, send data from source to destination on a shortest single path. We describe an end-to-end method to distribute data optimally on flows by using multiple paths. We generate new virtual topology substrates from the underlying router topology and perform shortest path routing on each substrate. With this framework, even though calculating shortest paths could be done with well-known techniques such as OSPF's Dijkstra implementation, finding optimal substrates so as to maximize the aggregate throughput over multiple end-to-end paths is still an NP-hard problem. We focus our efforts on solving the problem and design heuristics for substrate generation from a given router topology. Our heuristics' interim goal is to generate substrates in such a way that the shortest path between a source-destination pair on each substrate minimally overlaps with each other. Once these substrates are determined, we assign each substrate to a core in routers and employ a multi-path transport protocol, like MPTCP, to perform end-to-end parallel transfers

    Dual-Mode Congestion Control Mechanism for Video Services

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    Recent studies have shown that video services represent over half of Internet traffic, with a growing trend. Therefore, video traffic plays a major role in network congestion. Currently on the Internet, congestion control is mainly implemented through overprovisioning and TCP congestion control. Although some video services use TCP to implement their transport services in a manner that actually works, TCP is not an ideal protocol for use by all video applications. For example, UDP is often considered to be more suitable for use by real-time video applications. Unfortunately, UDP does not implement congestion control. Therefore, these UDP-based video services operate without any kind of congestion control support unless congestion control is implemented on the application layer. There are also arguments against massive overprovisioning. Due to these factors, there is still a need to equip video services with proper congestion control.Most of the congestion control mechanisms developed for the use of video services can only offer either low priority or TCP-friendly real-time services. There is no single congestion control mechanism currently that is suitable and can be widely used for all kinds of video services. This thesis provides a study in which a new dual-mode congestion control mechanism is proposed. This mechanism can offer congestion control services for both service types. The mechanism includes two modes, a backward-loading mode and a real-time mode. The backward-loading mode works like a low-priority service where the bandwidth is given away to other connections once the load level of a network is high enough. In contrast, the real-time mode always demands its fair share of the bandwidth.The behavior of the new mechanism and its friendliness toward itself, and the TCP protocol, have been investigated by means of simulations and real network tests. It was found that this kind of congestion control approach could be suitable for video services. The new mechanism worked acceptably. In particular, the mechanism behaved toward itself in a very friendly way in most cases. The averaged TCP fairness was at a good level. In the worst cases, the faster connections received about 1.6 times as much bandwidth as the slower connections

    Location-aware mechanism for efficient video delivery over wireless mesh networks

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    Due to their flexibility, ease of use, low-cost and fast deployment, wireless Mesh Networks have been widely accepted as an alternative to wired network for last-mile connectivity. When used in conjunction with Peer-to-Peer data transfer solutions, many innovative applications and services such as distributed storage, resource sharing, live TV broadcasting or Video on Demand can be supported without any centralized administration. However, in order to achieve a good quality of service in such variable, error-prone and resource-constrained wireless multi-hop environments, it is important that the associated Peer-to-Peer overlay is not only aware of the availability, but also of the location and available path link quality of its peers and services. This thesis proposes a wireless location-aware Chord-based overlay mechanism for Wireless Mesh Networks (WILCO) based on a novel geographical multi-level ID mapping and an improved finger table. The proposed scheme exploits the location information of mesh routers to decrease the number of hops the overlay messages traverse in the physical topology. Analytical and simulation results demonstrate that in comparison to the original Chord, WILCO has significant benefits: it reduces the number of lookup messages, has symmetric lookup on keys in both the forward and backward direction of the Chord ring and achieves a stretch factor of O(1). On top of this location-aware overlay, a WILCO-based novel video segment seeking algorithm is proposed to make use of the multi-level WILCO ID location-awareness to locate and retrieve requested video segments from the nearest peer in order to improve video quality. An enhanced version of WILCO segment seeking algorithm (WILCO+) is proposed to mitigate the sometimes suboptimal selection of the WILCO video segment seeking algorithm by extracting coordinates from WILCO ID to enable location-awareness. Analytical and simulation results illustrate that the proposed scheme outperforms the existing state-of-the-art solutions in terms of PSNR and packet loss with different background traffic loads. While hop count is frequently strongly correlated to Quality of Service, the link quality of the underlying network will also have a strong influence on content retrieval quality. As a result, a Cross-layer Wireless Link Quality-aware Overlay peer selection mechanism (WLO) is proposed. The proposed cross-layer mechanism uses a Multiplication Selector Metric (MSM) to select the best overlay peer. The proposed MSM overcomes the two issues facing the traditional summation-based metric, namely, the difficulty of bottleneck link identification and the influence of hop count on behavior. Simulation results show that WLO outperforms the existing state-of-the-art solutions in terms of video quality at different background loads and levels of topology incompleteness. Real life emulation-based tests and subjective video quality assessments are also performed to show that the simulation results are closely matched by the real-life emulation-based results and to illustrate the significant impact of overlay peer selection on the user perceived video quality

    Empowering Cloud Data Centers with Network Programmability

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    Cloud data centers are a critical infrastructure for modern Internet services such as web search, social networking and e-commerce. However, the gradual slow-down of Moore’s law has put a burden on the growth of data centers’ performance and energy efficiency. In addition, the increasing of millisecond-scale and microsecond-scale tasks also bring higher requirements to the throughput and latency for the cloud applications. Today’s server-based solutions are hard to meet the performance requirements in many scenarios like resource management, scheduling, high-speed traffic monitoring and testing. In this dissertation, we study these problems from a network perspective. We investigate a new architecture that leverages the programmability of new-generation network switches to improve the performance and reliability of clouds. As programmable switches only provide very limited memory and functionalities, we exploit compact data structures and deeply co-design software and hardware to best utilize the resource. More specifically, this dissertation presents four systems: (i) NetLock: A new centralized lock management architecture that co-designs programmable switches and servers to simultaneously achieve high performance and rich policy support. It provides orders-of-magnitude higher throughput than existing systems with microsecond-level latency, and supports many commonly-used policies such as performance isolation. (ii) HCSFQ: A scalable and practical solution to implement hierarchical fair queueing on commodity hardware at line rate. Instead of relying on a hierarchy of queues with complex queue management, HCSFQ does not keep per-flow states and uses only one queue to achieve hierarchical fair queueing. (iii) AIFO: A new approach for programmable packet scheduling that only uses a single FIFO queue. AIFO utilizes an admission control mechanism to approximate PIFO which is theoretically ideal but hard to implement with commodity devices. (iv) Lumina: A tool that enables fine-grained analysis of hardware network stack. By exploiting network programmability to emulate various network scenarios, Lumina is able to help users understand the micro-behaviors of hardware network stacks

    Validation, Calibration, and Evaluation of ITS Technologies on the Borman Corridor

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    Position-Based Multicast for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

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    In general, routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) can be classified into topology-based protocols and position-based protocols. While for unicast routing many proposals for both classes exist, the existing approaches to multicast routing basically implement topology-based algorithms and only a few of them make use of the geographic positions of the network nodes. These have in common that the sending node has to precalculate the multicast tree over which the packets are distributed and store it in each packet header. This involves two main issues: (a) These approaches are not very flexible with regard to topological changes which abandons the advantages that position-based routing has against topology-based routing, and (b) they do not scale with the number of receivers, since every one of them has to be named in the packet header. This thesis solves these issues and further advances position-based multicast routing. Position-Based Multicast (PBM) enhances the flexibility of position-based multicast routing by following the forwarding principle of position-based unicast routing. It transfers the choice of the next hops in the tree from the sender to the forwarding nodes. Based on the positions of their neighboring nodes, these are able to determine the most suitable next hop(s) at the moment when the packet is being forwarded. The scalability with respect to the number of receiving nodes in a group is solved by Scalable Position-Based Multicast (SPBM). It includes a membership management fulfilling different tasks at once. First, it administers group memberships in order to provide multicast sources with information on whether nodes are subscribed to a specific group. Second, it implements a location service providing the multicast sources with the positions of the subscribed receiver nodes. And third, it geographically aggregates membership data in order to achieve the desired scalability. The group management features two modes of operation: The proactive variant produces a bounded overhead scaling well with the size of the network. The reactive alternative, in contrast, reaches low worst-case join delays but does not limit the overhead. Contention-Based Multicast Forwarding (CBMF) addresses the problems that appear in highly mobile networks induced by outdated position information. Instead of basing forwarding decisions on a perception that may no longer be up to date, the packets are addressed only to the final destination; no explicit next hops are specified. The receiving nodes, which are candidate next hops, then decide by means of contention which of them are the most suitable next hop(s) for a packet. Not only is the decision made based on the most currently available data, but this procedure also saves the regular sending of beacon messages, thus reducing the overhead. The lack of multicast congestion control is another unsolved problem obstructing high-bandwidth data transmission. Sending out more and more packets to a multicast group lets the performance decrease. Backpressure Multicast Congestion Control (BMCC) takes care that the network does not need to handle more packets than it is able to. It achieves this by limiting the packet queues on the intermediate hops. A forwarder may not forward the next packet of a stream before it has noticed---by overhearing the transmission of the next hop---that the previous packet has succeeded. If there is congestion in an area, backpressure is implicitly built up towards the source, which then stops sending out packets until the congestion is released. BMCC takes care that every receiving node will receive packets at the same rate. An alternative mode of operation, BMCC with Backpressure Pruning (BMCC-BP) allows the cutting of congested branches for single packets, permitting a higher rate for uncongested receivers. Besides presenting protocols for multicast communication in MANETs, this thesis also describes implementations of two of the above-mentioned protocols. The first one is an implementation of SPBM for the Linux kernel that allows IP applications to send data via UDP to a group of receivers in an ad-hoc network. The implementation resides between the MAC layer and the network/IP layer of the network stack. It is compatible with unmodified standard kernels of versions 2.4 and 2.6, and may be compiled for x86 or ARM processor architectures. The second implementation is an implementation of CBMF for the ScatterWeb MSB430 sensor nodes. Due to their low-level programmability they allow an integration of the routing protocol with the medium access control. The absence of periodic beacon messages makes the protocol especially suitable for energy-constrained sensor networks. Furthermore, other constraints like limited memory and computational power demand special consideration as well