7 research outputs found

    Construction of a complete set of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moment invariants for pattern recognition applications

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    International audienceThe completeness property of a set of invariant descriptors is of fundamental importance from the theoretical as well as the practical points of view. In this paper, we propose a general approach to construct a complete set of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moment (OFMM) invariants. By establishing a relationship between the OFMMs of the original image and those of the image having the same shape but distinct orientation and scale, a complete set of scale and rotation invariants is derived. The efficiency and the robustness to noise of the method for recognition tasks are shown by comparing it with some existing methods on several data sets

    Analysis of the image moments sensitivity for the application in pattern recognition problems

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    Momenti slike su numerički deskriptori koji sadrže informaciju o svojstvima invarijantnim na translaciju, rotaciju, promjenu skale i neke oblike distorzije, a njihova analiza je jedna od metoda koje se često koriste pri analizi slika i raspoznavanju uzoraka. U okviru ove radnje razvijeni su algoritmi za računanje geometrijskih, Legendreovih, Zernikeovih, Fourier – Mellinovih te tri tipa Fourier – Jacobijevih momenata, kao i iz njih definiranih invarijanti slike u programskom jeziku MatLab uz rješavanje inverznog problema rekonstrukcije početnog ulaza. Za sve tipove momenata osim najjednostavnijih geometrijskih definirani su vektori osjetljivosti na rotaciju i promjenu skale čije su komponente oni članovi skupa koji nose značajnije informacije o ulaznoj slici. Primjenom novih deskriptora na klasifikaciju rukom pisanih slova i identifikacijskih fotografija osoba pokazano je da je relevantna informacija o ulazu na taj način sačuvana, a njihov je izračun znatno brži i jednostavniji uz zadržanu sposobnost jednoznačnog raspoznavanja uzoraka. Korištenjem momenata slike i vektora osjetljivosti analizirani su znakovi s dvaju glagoljskih spomenika te utvrđeno postojanje mješavine znakova trokutastog i okruglog modela glagoljice. Metoda je primijenjena i na klasifikaciju tragova puzanja ličinki mutanata vinske mušice za potrebe proučavanja odgovora živčanog sustava na različite podražaje.Image moments are numerical descriptors invariant to translation, rotation, change of scale and some types of image distortion and their analysis is one of the most often used methods in image processing and pattern recognition. In this work, algorithms for calculation of geometric, Legendre, Zernike, Fourier – Mellin and three types of Fourier – Jacobi moments were implemented in MatLab. Hu's, affine and blur invariants were also obtained as well as inverse problem of input image reconstruction solved. For each type of image moments exept geometric ones the set of sensitivity vectors for rotation and scale were defined. Their components are those image moments which describe more important features of the input image. These new descriptors were applied for classification of handwritten letters and identifying personal photos. It was shown that the process of such descriptor calculation is much faster and simpler while preserving all the relevant information about input image. Using this method, the signs carved in two glagolitic inscriptions were analyzed and the mixture of triangular and round glagolitic letters found. The method was also applied to classification of the mutant fruit fly larvae crawling trails which is needed in studying responses of the nervous system to different stimuli

    A discrete hidden Markov model for the recognition of handwritten Farsi words

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    Handwriting recognition systems (HRS) have been researched for more than 50 years. Designing a system to recognize specific words in a handwritten clean document is still a difficult task and the challenge is to achieve a high recognition rate. Previously, most of the research in the handwriting recognition domain was conducted on Chinese and Latin languages, while recently more people have shown an interest in the Indo-Iranian script recognition systems. In this thesis, we present an automatic handwriting recognition system for Farsi words. The system was trained, validated and tested on the CENPARMI Farsi Dataset, which was gathered during this research. CENPARMI's Farsi Dataset is unique in terms of its huge number of images (432,357 combined grayscale and binary), inclusion of all possible handwriting types (Dates, Words, Isolated Characters, Isolated Digits, Numeral Strings, Special Symbols, Documents), the variety of cursive styles, the number of writers (400) and the exclusive participation of Native Farsi speakers in the gathering of data. The words were first preprocessed. Concavity and Distribution features were extracted and the codebook was calculated by the vector quantization method. A Discrete Hidden Markov Model was chosen as the classifier because of the cursive nature of the Farsi script. Finally, encouraging recognition rates of98.76% and 96.02% have been obtained for the Training and Testing sets, respectivel

    Analysis of the image moments sensitivity for the application in pattern recognition problems

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    Momenti slike su numerički deskriptori koji sadrže informaciju o svojstvima invarijantnim na translaciju, rotaciju, promjenu skale i neke oblike distorzije, a njihova analiza je jedna od metoda koje se često koriste pri analizi slika i raspoznavanju uzoraka. U okviru ove radnje razvijeni su algoritmi za računanje geometrijskih, Legendreovih, Zernikeovih, Fourier – Mellinovih te tri tipa Fourier – Jacobijevih momenata, kao i iz njih definiranih invarijanti slike u programskom jeziku MatLab uz rješavanje inverznog problema rekonstrukcije početnog ulaza. Za sve tipove momenata osim najjednostavnijih geometrijskih definirani su vektori osjetljivosti na rotaciju i promjenu skale čije su komponente oni članovi skupa koji nose značajnije informacije o ulaznoj slici. Primjenom novih deskriptora na klasifikaciju rukom pisanih slova i identifikacijskih fotografija osoba pokazano je da je relevantna informacija o ulazu na taj način sačuvana, a njihov je izračun znatno brži i jednostavniji uz zadržanu sposobnost jednoznačnog raspoznavanja uzoraka. Korištenjem momenata slike i vektora osjetljivosti analizirani su znakovi s dvaju glagoljskih spomenika te utvrđeno postojanje mješavine znakova trokutastog i okruglog modela glagoljice. Metoda je primijenjena i na klasifikaciju tragova puzanja ličinki mutanata vinske mušice za potrebe proučavanja odgovora živčanog sustava na različite podražaje.Image moments are numerical descriptors invariant to translation, rotation, change of scale and some types of image distortion and their analysis is one of the most often used methods in image processing and pattern recognition. In this work, algorithms for calculation of geometric, Legendre, Zernike, Fourier – Mellin and three types of Fourier – Jacobi moments were implemented in MatLab. Hu's, affine and blur invariants were also obtained as well as inverse problem of input image reconstruction solved. For each type of image moments exept geometric ones the set of sensitivity vectors for rotation and scale were defined. Their components are those image moments which describe more important features of the input image. These new descriptors were applied for classification of handwritten letters and identifying personal photos. It was shown that the process of such descriptor calculation is much faster and simpler while preserving all the relevant information about input image. Using this method, the signs carved in two glagolitic inscriptions were analyzed and the mixture of triangular and round glagolitic letters found. The method was also applied to classification of the mutant fruit fly larvae crawling trails which is needed in studying responses of the nervous system to different stimuli

    Évaluation de la qualité des documents anciens numérisés

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    Les travaux de recherche présentés dans ce manuscrit décrivent plusieurs apports au thème de l évaluation de la qualité d images de documents numérisés. Pour cela nous proposons de nouveaux descripteurs permettant de quantifier les dégradations les plus couramment rencontrées sur les images de documents numérisés. Nous proposons également une méthodologie s appuyant sur le calcul de ces descripteurs et permettant de prédire les performances d algorithmes de traitement et d analyse d images de documents. Les descripteurs sont définis en analysant l influence des dégradations sur les performances de différents algorithmes, puis utilisés pour créer des modèles de prédiction à l aide de régresseurs statistiques. La pertinence, des descripteurs proposés et de la méthodologie de prédiction, est validée de plusieurs façons. Premièrement, par la prédiction des performances de onze algorithmes de binarisation. Deuxièmement par la création d un processus automatique de sélection de l algorithme de binarisation le plus performant pour chaque image. Puis pour finir, par la prédiction des performances de deux OCRs en fonction de l importance du défaut de transparence (diffusion de l encre du recto sur le verso d un document). Ce travail sur la prédiction des performances d algorithmes est aussi l occasion d aborder les problèmes scientifiques liés à la création de vérités-terrains et d évaluation de performances.This PhD. thesis deals with quality evaluation of digitized document images. In order to measure the quality of a document image, we propose to create new features dedicated to the characterization of most commons degradations. We also propose to use these features to create prediction models able to predict the performances of different types of document analysis algorithms. The features are defined by analyzing the impact of a specific degradation on the results of an algorithm and then used to create statistical regressors.The relevance of the proposed features and predictions models, is analyzed in several experimentations. The first one aims to predict the performance of different binarization methods. The second experiment aims to create an automatic procedure able to select the best binarization method for each image. At last, the third experiment aims to create a prediction model for two commonly used OCRs. This work on performance prediction algorithms is also an opportunity to discuss the scientific problems of creating ground-truth for performance evaluation.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF