21 research outputs found

    A New Methodology for Multiscale Myocardial Deformation and Strain Analysis Based on Tagging MRI

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    Myocardial deformation and strain can be investigated using suitably encoded cine MRI that admits disambiguation of material motion. Practical limitations currently restrict the analysis to in-plane motion in cross-sections of the heart (2D + time), but the proposed method readily generalizes to 3D + time. We propose a new, promising methodology, which departs from a multiscale algorithm that exploits local scale selection so as to obtain a robust estimate for the velocity gradient tensor field. Time evolution of the deformation tensor is governed by a first-order ordinary differential equation, which is completely determined by this velocity gradient tensor field. We solve this matrix-ODE analytically and present results obtained from healthy volunteers as well as from patient data. The proposed method requires only off-the-shelf algorithms and is readily applicable to planar or volumetric tagging MRI sampled on arbitrary coordinate grids

    A novel hierarchical template matching model for cardiac motion estimation

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    Cardiovascular disease diagnosis and prognosis can be improved by measuring patient-specific in-vivo local myocardial strain using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Local myocardial strain can be determined by tracking the movement of sample muscles points during cardiac cycle using cardiac motion estimation model. The tracking accuracy of the benchmark Free Form Deformation (FFD) model is greatly affected due to its dependency on tunable parameters and regularisation function. Therefore, Hierarchical Template Matching (HTM) model, which is independent of tunable parameters, regularisation function, and image-specific features, is proposed in this article. HTM has dense and uniform points correspondence that provides HTM with the ability to estimate local muscular deformation with a promising accuracy of less than half a millimetre of cardiac wall muscle. As a result, the muscles tracking accuracy has been significantly (p<0.001) improved (30%) compared to the benchmark model. Such merits of HTM provide reliably calculated clinical measures which can be incorporated into the decision-making process of cardiac disease diagnosis and prognosis

    Hierarchical template matching for 3D myocardial tracking and cardiac strain estimation

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    Myocardial tracking and strain estimation can non-invasively assess cardiac functioning using subject-specific MRI. As the left-ventricle does not have a uniform shape and functioning from base to apex, the development of 3D MRI has provided opportunities for simultaneous 3D tracking, and 3D strain estimation. We have extended a Local Weighted Mean (LWM) transformation function for 3D, and incorporated in a Hierarchical Template Matching model to solve 3D myocardial tracking and strain estimation problem. The LWM does not need to solve a large system of equations, provides smooth displacement of myocardial points, and adapt local geometric differences in images. Hence, 3D myocardial tracking can be performed with 1.49 mm median error, and without large error outliers. The maximum error of tracking is up to 24% reduced compared to benchmark methods. Moreover, the estimated strain can be insightful to improve 3D imaging protocols, and the computer code of LWM could also be useful for geo-spatial and manufacturing image analysis researchers

    3D Winding Number: Theory and Application to Medical Imaging

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    We develop a new formulation, mathematically elegant, to detect critical points of 3D scalar images. It is based on a topological number, which is the generalization to three dimensions of the 2D winding number. We illustrate our method by considering three different biomedical applications, namely, detection and counting of ovarian follicles and neuronal cells and estimation of cardiac motion from tagged MR images. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation emphasizes the reliability of the results

    Myocardial tissue tagging with cardiovascular magnetic resonance

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    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is currently the gold standard for assessing both global and regional myocardial function. New tools for quantifying regional function have been recently developed to characterize early myocardial dysfunction in order to improve the identification and management of individuals at risk for heart failure. Of particular interest is CMR myocardial tagging, a non-invasive technique for assessing regional function that provides a detailed and comprehensive examination of intra-myocardial motion and deformation. Given the current advances in gradient technology, image reconstruction techniques, and data analysis algorithms, CMR myocardial tagging has become the reference modality for evaluating multidimensional strain evolution in the human heart. This review presents an in depth discussion on the current clinical applications of CMR myocardial tagging and the increasingly important role of this technique for assessing subclinical myocardial dysfunction in the setting of a wide variety of myocardial disease processes

    Technological innovations in magnetic resonance for early detection of cardiovascular diseases

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    Most recent technical innovations in cardiovascular MR imaging (CMRI) are presented in this review. They include hardware and software developments, and novelties in parametric mapping. All these recent improvements lead to high spatial and temporal resolution and quantitative information on the heart structure and function. They make it achievable ambitious goals in the field of mapletic resonance, such as the early detection of cardiovascular pathologies. In this review article, we present recent innovations in CMRI, emphasizing the progresses performed and the solutions proposed to some yet opened technical problems

    Evaluation of left ventricle strains by applying SPAMM cardiac MRI techniques

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2017As doenças cardiovasculares são uma das maiores causas de morte no mundo, causando aproximadamente 17.5 milhões de mortes por ano, o que corresponde a 31% de todas as mortes no mundo. Estas doenças caracterizam-se pela diminuição da contração da parede do miocárdio durante o ciclo cardíaco. Uma das doenças mais comuns é a cardiomiopatia dilatada (DCM), onde o músculo cardíaco fica mais fino e fraco, e as cavidades cardíacas ficam aumentadas. Consequentemente, a capacidade de deformação do miocárdio é diminuída, o que impossibilita o coração de bombear eficientemente o sangue para as restantes partes do corpo. Esta condição é maioritariamente genética, mas também pode ser provocada por diferentes causas como infeções virais, inflamações ou lesões. A análise da deformação da parede do miocárdio aquando do ciclo cardíaco possibilita não só a identificação das deformações normais do miocárdio aquando da sua contração, mas também das deformações anormais devido a doenças cardíacas. A técnica de ressonância magnética cardíaca (CMR) é não invasiva e tem uma elevada resolução espacial, sendo por isso indispensável no estudo destas deformações. Esta técnica permite detetar essas mesmas características da contração e distensão do músculo cardíaco, possibilitando a análise das deformações e a respetiva distinção entre os pacientes saudáveis e os pacientes com cardiomiopatia dilatada. Nesta doença, observa-se o estreitamento das paredes do miocárdio e a dilatação das cavidades cardíacas, como é o caso do ventrículo esquerdo, o que se observa pelo aumento do seu diâmetro. O resultado é um decréscimo significativo na tensão e deformação da parede do miocárdio, o que impacta negativamente na eficiência da sístole ventricular. A técnica de Modulação Espacial da Magnetização (SPAMM) tem vindo a ser proposta para a visualização do movimento e deslocamento da parede do miocárdio no seu plano de imagem, através da criação de padrões de linhas e grelhas com magnetização alterada na imagem. Estes padrões são marcadores que seguem a deformação do músculo cardíaco. Ao serem detetados e seguidos durante o ciclo cardíaco, estes marcadores contribuem para o estudo do movimento da parede do miocárdio aquando da sua contração. A amostra usada nesta tese consistiu em imagens de ressonância magnética cardíaca de 9 indivíduos, 3 dos quais são saudáveis e os outros 6 são pacientes com DCM. As imagens foram adquiridas pelo Hospital Motol em Praga (República Checa) e analisadas pelo Instituto de Informática, Robótica and Cibernética da Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica em Praga. A tese proposta teve como objetivo o estudo da deformação radial no ventrículo esquerdo através da automatização na deteção dos marcadores presentes no mesmo, assim como no seu seguimento ao longo do ciclo cardíaco. Pela análise das deformações de voluntários saudáveis e de pacientes com cardiomiopatia dilatada, é possível comparar os seus padrões de deformação cardíaca de modo a analisar as diferenças entre os dois. Pelo estudo das deformações, sabe-se que um valor positivo de deformação corresponde a um espessamento de um objeto e um valor negativo corresponde ao seu encurtamento, relativamente ao seu tamanho inicial. Durante a contração do miocárdio, é normal observar-se um espessamento e encurtamento da parede do ventrículo esquerdo. Assim sendo, as deformações radiais tomam valores positivos devido ao espessamento da parede e as circunferenciais tomam valores negativos devido ao encurtamento da parede. Os métodos de deteção dos marcadores foram aplicados com sucesso nos sujeitos saudáveis e com cardiomiopatia dilatada, sendo que estes marcadores foram também corretamente seguidos ao longo do ciclo cardíaco, durante a sístole e a diástole. Nos sujeitos saudáveis, foi observado um intervalo de deformações radiais entre 18.63 % e 43.84 %, enquanto que em pacientes com cardiomiopatia dilatada, os valores de deformação radial variaram entre 10.73 % e 14.14 %. De notar que os valores das deformações radiais são positivos e, por isso, confirmam o espessamento da parede do ventrículo esquerdo aquando da sua contração. Assim sendo, os resultados desta dissertação vão de encontro com os resultados dos testes feitos anteriormente em voluntários saudáveis e com cardiomiopatia dilatada, visto que os intervalos de deformações são semelhantes para os dois grupos. Ao comparar-se as deformações dos dois grupos pelo teste estatístico Mann-Whitney, verificou-se uma diferença significativa (p<0.05) nos valores das deformações entre os mesmos. Assim sendo, esta tese também confirma que os pacientes com a doença cardíaca têm valores mais baixos de deformação em relação aos indivíduos saudáveis, tal como é comprovado pelo facto da doença cardiomiopatia dilatada ser caracterizada pela diminuição da deformação do miocárdio durante o ciclo cardíaco. Pela comparação dos diferentes segmentos ao longo das secções básica, média e apical do ventrículo esquerdo, foi também observado que nos pacientes com cardiomiopatia dilatada, a deformação mínima correspondeu ao segmento inferolateral da base do ventrículo e que a deformação máxima se deu no segmento anteroseptal da secção média do ventrículo. Em contrapartida, nos indivíduos saudáveis, o mínimo da deformação foi no segmento anterior e o máximo da deformação correspondeu ao segmento inferoseptal, ambos os segmentos pertencentes à secção média do ventrículo esquerdo. Estes resultados foram também observados em estudos anteriores relativos a pacientes com cardiomiopatia dilatada. Relativamente à análise das deformações circunferenciais, foi observado que, nos sujeitos saudáveis, o intervalo das deformações esteve entre -32.17 % e -24.33 %, enquanto que nos pacientes com cardiomiopatia dilatada, o intervalo foi de -15.92 % a -8.17 %. O valor negativo da deformação circunferencial é devido ao encurtamento da parede do ventrículo esquerdo, sendo que este valor se encontra em conformidade com o correto comportamento da parede do ventrículo durante a contração do miocárdio, tal como observado em estudos anteriores. Para alem destes factos, também se verificou que o máximo da deformação circunferencial foi dado na secção media do ventrículo esquerdo, enquanto que o mínimo foi na secção apical do mesmo. Ao comparar-se as deformações circunferenciais, pelo teste estatístico Mann-Whitney, durante a systole e entre os dois grupos de sujeitos, verificou-se existe uma diminuição significativa (p<0.05) do seu valor absoluto nos pacientes, relativamente aos sujeitos saudáveis. Adicionalmente, também foi estudado o efeito do género (masculino / feminino) nas deformações dos pacientes com cardiomiopatia dilatada. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que as deformações do ventrículo esquerdo são maiores no género masculino, em relação ao género feminino. Contudo, outros estudos realizados anteriormente não relataram qualquer relação entre as deformações do miocárdio e o género (masculino / feminino) dos respetivos pacientes. Com esta dissertação foi possível concluir que o estudo das deformações no ventrículo esquerdo é um parâmetro importante na avaliação da contratilidade do coração. O facto de a Ressonância magnética ser uma técnica não invasiva e da técnica de Modulação espacial da magnetização permitir criar um padrão de grelha que facilmente acompanha movimentos na parede do músculo, possibilitou a eficiente deteção das deformações na parede do ventrículo esquerdo. Uma outra conclusão importante deste estudo é o facto da doença cardiomiopatia dilatada provocar uma diminuição da capacidade de deformação do coração, visto que a doença é caracterizada pelo estreitamento da parede do miocardio e por uma dilatação das cavidades cardíacas, especialmente dos ventrículos. Este facto está na origem da diminuição das deformações radiais e circunferenciais, em relação às deformações dos pacientes saudáveis. Foi também observado que a secção do ventrículo esquerdo responsável pela maior deformação é a secção média, pois foi nesta secção que se observou um maior número de valores máximos de deformação. Por fim, nesta tese também se confirma que durante a contração do miocárdio, a deformação radial teve valores positivos e a deformação circunferencial teve valores negativos, o que comprova que houve um espessamento e encurtamento da parede do ventrículo esquerdo durante a sua contração. Assim sendo, verifica-se que ao longo desta dissertação foi possível analisar a relação da deformação do ventrículo esquerdo com a doença cardiomiopatia dilatada e consequentemente, avaliar se a deformação calculada é normal ou devido à doença cardíaca. Como tal, a partir deste estudo foi possível facilitar a deteção das deformações, bem como fazer a sua análise para contribuição do estudo das doenças cardíacas, tal como a cardiomiopatia dilatada. Como trabalho futuro, poderá estudar-se como detetar automaticamente o ventrículo esquerdo e como calcular eficientemente as suas deformações. Assim, poderá também aprofundar-se o estudo e a análise da doença cardiomiopatia dilatada e de outras doenças cardíacas.Cardiovascular diseases are one of the main causes of death in the world. These diseases modify the myocardial wall contraction during cardiac cycle. One of the most common types of these diseases is the dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), in which the heart muscle becomes weaker and the heart cavities are enlarged. Consequently, the heart deformation capability is decreased, which prevents it from pumping blood efficiently. This condition can be genetic or due to various causes such as viral infections, inflammation or injuries. The analysis of cardiac wall deformation enables identifying normal or abnormal deformations due to heart disease. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is able to detect the characteristic abnormalities of DCM, which are the wall thinning and dilation of heart chambers, more specifically the increasing of ventricle diameter. The result is a significant decrease in wall stress and strain, which has a negative impact on systolic ventricular performance. The Spatial Modulation of Magnetization (SPAMM) technique has been proposed for imaging myocardial motion within the plane of the image by creating a pattern of lines or grids with altered magnetization on the image. These patterns are tags that deform according to the heart muscle deformation and can be detected and tracked for wall motion studying. The sample used in this thesis was composed by cardiac MRI scans of 9 subjects, 3 of which were healthy subjects and the other 6 were patients with DCM. The scans were acquired by Motol Hospital in Prague (Czech Republic) and analyzed in the Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Prague. The proposed thesis intended to assess the left ventricle (LV) radial and circumferential strains by automatically detecting LV tags and tracking those during cardiac cycle. By analyzing the heart strains from healthy subjects and patients with DCM, it is possible to compare both patterns of cardiac deformation within the cardiac cycle in order to analyze the differences between them. Positive strain values describe myocardial thickening and negative values describe its shortening, related to its original length. During myocardial contraction, the radial strain is positive due to myocardial thickening, and the circumferential strain is negative due to myocardial shortening. The tracking methods were successfully applied on heathy and DCM patients and the tags were successfully detected during systole and diastole. A comparison between the strains, by Mann-Whitney statistical test, during the cardiac cycle in both sets of subjects, identified a significant difference (p<0.05) between them. It was observed that in healthy subjects, the radial strain varied from 18.63 % to 43.84 %, while in DCM patients, the radial strain varied from 10.73 % to 14.14 %. The radial strains are positive values, as the LV thickens during myocardial contraction. The results of this thesis are in agreement with previous studies done with DCM and healthy subjects, as the ranges of deformations are similar in both sets of subjects. Moreover, this thesis also confirms that DCM patients have lower radial strain values than healthy subjects, as DCM is characterized by a decrease in heart muscle strain during the cardiac cycle. By comparing several segments in the different sections of the heart, it was also observed that in DCM patients, the minimum deformation was on the inferolateral segment of the base, while the maximum was on the anteroseptal segment of the middle section. However, in healthy subjects, the minimum deformation was on the anterior segment and the maximum was on the inferoseptal segment, both in the middle section of the left ventricle. This result was also observed in previous studies. Regarding to the circumferential strains analysis, it was observed that in healthy subjects, the average circumferential strain range was from -32.17 % to -24.33 %, while in DCM patients, it was from -15.92 % to -8.17 %. The negative value of the circumferential strain means that there was a LV wall shortening and this is in conformity with the correct behavior of LV during myocardial contraction. Moreover, in healthy subjects, the mid section of LV has the major strain, while in DCM patients, it is the apical section. A comparison between the circumferential strains during systole in both sets of subjects supports the previous studies results, in which the circumferential stains values are negative during systole. Additionally, the results of Mann-Whitney statistical test also shown significant lower absolute (p<0.05) values on DCM patients, when comparing to healthy subjects. Additionally, the effect of the gender (male/ female) on the strains was also investigated on the DCM patients and the results suggest that in women, the LV strain is lower than in men. Despite these results, the other studies did not report any conclusion related to this effect. It is possible to state that the study of the LV strain is an important parameter in the evaluation of the cardiac contractility. A non-invasive assessment of LV by MRI and the superimposed grid created by SPAMM improved the tracking of LV wall strains. Another important conclusion of this study was that DCM decreases the deformation capabilities of the heart, as it is responsible for the wall thinning and dilation of heart chambers, causing a decrease in wall radial and circumferential strains. Moreover, it was observed that the major section responsible for the myocardial deformation was the middle section of the LV. Finally, this thesis also confirmed that during myocardial contraction, the radial strain values are positive due to the myocardial thickening and the circumferential values are negative due to the myocardial shortening. A need to automatically detect the LV and also to efficiently calculate the LV strains in a short time can be developed as a future work, which will also improve the analysis of DCM disease and other cardiac diseases


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    Accounting for respiration motion during imaging helps improve targeting precision in radiation therapy. Respiratory motion can be a major source of error in determining the position of thoracic and upper abdominal tumor targets during radiotherapy. Thus, extracting respiratory motion is a key task in radiation therapy planning. Respiration-correlated or four-dimensional CT (4DCT) imaging techniques have been recently integrated into imaging systems for verifying tumor position during treatment and managing respiration-induced tissue motion. The quality of the 4D reconstructed volumes is highly affected by the respiratory signal extracted and the phase sorting method used. This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, two image-based respiratory signal extraction methods are proposed and evaluated. Those methods are able to extract the respiratory signals from CBCT images without using external sources, implanted markers or even dependence on any structure in the images such as the diaphragm. The first method, called Local Intensity Feature Tracking (LIFT), extracts the respiratory signal depending on feature points extracted and tracked through the sequence of projections. The second method, called Intensity Flow Dimensionality Reduction (IFDR), detects the respiration signal by computing the optical flow motion of every pixel in each pair of adjacent projections. Then, the motion variance in the optical flow dataset is extracted using linear and non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques to represent a respiratory signal. Experiments conducted on clinical datasets showed that the respiratory signal was successfully extracted using both proposed methods and it correlates well with standard respiratory signals such as diaphragm position and the internal markers’ signal. In the second part of this thesis, 4D-CBCT reconstruction based on different phase sorting techniques is studied. The quality of the 4D reconstructed images is evaluated and compared for different phase sorting methods such as internal markers, external markers and image-based methods (LIFT and IFDR). Also, a method for generating additional projections to be used in 4D-CBCT reconstruction is proposed to reduce the artifacts that result when reconstructing from an insufficient number of projections. Experimental results showed that the feasibility of the proposed method in recovering the edges and reducing the streak artifacts

    Flow Imaging Using MRI: Quantification and Analysis

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    A complex and challenging problem in flow study is to obtain quantitative flow information in opaque systems, for example, blood flow in biological systems and flow channels in chemical reactors. In this regard, MRI is superior to the conventional optical flow imaging or ultrasonic Doppler imaging. However, for high speed flows, complex flow behaviors and turbulences make it difficult to image and analyze the flows. In MR flow imaging, MR tagging technique has demonstrated its ability to simultaneously visualize motion in a sequence of images. Moreover, a quantification method, namely HARmonic Phase (HARP) analysis, can extract a dense velocity field from tagged MR image sequence with minimal manual intervention. In this work, we developed and validated two new MRI methods for quantification of very rapid flows. First, HARP was integrated with a fast MRI imaging method called SEA (Single Echo Acquisition) to image and analyze high velocity flows. Second, an improved HARP method was developed to deal with tag fading and data noise in the raw MRI data. Specifically, a regularization method that incorporates the law of flow dynamics in the HARP analysis was developed. Finally, the methods were validated using results from the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and the conventional optimal flow imaging based on particle image velocimetry (PIV). The results demonstrated the improvement from the quantification using solely the conventional HARP method

    Myocardial tagging by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance: evolution of techniques--pulse sequences, analysis algorithms, and applications

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    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) tagging has been established as an essential technique for measuring regional myocardial function. It allows quantification of local intramyocardial motion measures, e.g. strain and strain rate. The invention of CMR tagging came in the late eighties, where the technique allowed for the first time for visualizing transmural myocardial movement without having to implant physical markers. This new idea opened the door for a series of developments and improvements that continue up to the present time. Different tagging techniques are currently available that are more extensive, improved, and sophisticated than they were twenty years ago. Each of these techniques has different versions for improved resolution, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), scan time, anatomical coverage, three-dimensional capability, and image quality. The tagging techniques covered in this article can be broadly divided into two main categories: 1) Basic techniques, which include magnetization saturation, spatial modulation of magnetization (SPAMM), delay alternating with nutations for tailored excitation (DANTE), and complementary SPAMM (CSPAMM); and 2) Advanced techniques, which include harmonic phase (HARP), displacement encoding with stimulated echoes (DENSE), and strain encoding (SENC). Although most of these techniques were developed by separate groups and evolved from different backgrounds, they are in fact closely related to each other, and they can be interpreted from more than one perspective. Some of these techniques even followed parallel paths of developments, as illustrated in the article. As each technique has its own advantages, some efforts have been made to combine different techniques together for improved image quality or composite information acquisition. In this review, different developments in pulse sequences and related image processing techniques are described along with the necessities that led to their invention, which makes this article easy to read and the covered techniques easy to follow. Major studies that applied CMR tagging for studying myocardial mechanics are also summarized. Finally, the current article includes a plethora of ideas and techniques with over 300 references that motivate the reader to think about the future of CMR tagging