69 research outputs found

    Silicon Nitride Deposition, Chromium Corrosion Mechanisms and Source/Drain Parasitic Resistance in Amorphous Silicon Thin Film transistors

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    Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) based thin film transistors (TFTs) are finding increased application as switching elements in active-matrix liquid crystal displays (AMLCDs). Extensive research has been focussed on optimizing fabrication conditions to improve materials quality and on reducing channel length to increase device speed. However, the basic physics and chemistry have not yet been fully understood. In addition, little attention has been paid to the significant effect of source/drain parasitics. The work described in this thesis is closely related to the speed and stability issues on the discrete device level. Specifically, the influence of gate nitride deposition and its NH3 plasma treatment has been studied. The competing effects of nitridation reaction and radiation damage were found to cause an interesting trade-off between the device stability and speed. Further effort was devoted to the analysis of an important TFT failure phenomenon. Both electrical and spectroscopic techniques were utilized for gate Cr corrosion studies. It was determined that the corrosion was largely promoted by the CF4 plasma exposure of Cr during the fabrication. Finally, new test structures were designed, fabricated and characterized to study the source/drain parasitic resistance

    Design of Wireless Power Transfer and Data Telemetry System for Biomedical Applications

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    With the advancement of biomedical instrumentation technologies sensor based remote healthcare monitoring system is gaining more attention day by day. In this system wearable and implantable sensors are placed outside or inside of the human body. Certain sensors are needed to be placed inside the human body to acquire the information on the vital physiological phenomena such as glucose, lactate, pH, oxygen, etc. These implantable sensors have associated circuits for sensor signal processing and data transmission. Powering the circuit is always a crucial design issue. Batteries cannot be used in implantable sensors which can come in contact with the blood resulting in serious health risks. An alternate approach is to supply power wirelessly for tether-less and battery- less operation of the circuits.Inductive power transfer is the most common method of wireless power transfer to the implantable sensors. For good inductive coupling, the inductors should have high inductance and high quality factor. But the physical dimensions of the implanted inductors cannot be large due to a number of biomedical constraints. Therefore, there is a need for small sized and high inductance, high quality factor inductors for implantable sensor applications. In this work, design of a multi-spiral solenoidal printed circuit board (PCB) inductor for biomedical application is presented. The targeted frequency for power transfer is 13.56 MHz which is within the license-free industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band. A figure of merit based optimization technique has been utilized to optimize the PCB inductors. Similar principal is applied to design on-chip inductor which could be a potential solution for further miniaturization of the implantable system. For layered human tissue the optimum frequency of power transfer is 1 GHz for smaller coil size. For this reason, design and optimization of multi-spiral solenoidal integrated inductors for 1 GHz frequency is proposed. Finally, it is demonstrated that the proposed inductors exhibit a better overall performance in comparison with the conventional inductors for biomedical applications

    Modeling and simulation of VLSI interconnections with moments

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    Also issued as Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1989.Includes bibliographical references.Supported in part by the Joint Services Electronics Program. DAAL03-86-K-0002Steven Paul McCormick

    Local Epitaxial Overgrowth for Stacked Complementary MOS Transistor Pairs

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    A three-dimensional silicon processing technology for CMOS circuits was developed and characterized. The first fully depleted SOI devices with individually biasable gates on both sides of the silicon film were realized. A vertically stacked CMOS Inverter built by lateral overgrowth was reported for the first time. Nucleation-free epitaxial lateral overgrowth of silicon over thin oxides was developed for both a pancake and a barrel-type epitaxy reactor: This process was optimized to limit damage to gate oxides and minimize dopant diffusion within the Substrate. Autodoping from impurities of the MOS transistors built in the substrate was greatly reduced. A planarisation technique was developed to reduce the silicon film thickness from 13μm to below 0.5μm for full depletion. Chemo-mechanical polishing was modified to yield an automatic etch stop with the corresponding control and uniformity of the silicon film. The resulting wafer topography is more planar than in a conventional substrate CMOS process. PMOS transistors which match the current drive of bulk NM0S devices of equal geometry were characterized, despite the three-times lower hole mobility. Devices realized in the substrate, at the bottom and on top of the SOI film were essentially indistinguishable from bulk devices. A novel device with two insulated gates controlling the same channel was characterized. Inverters were realized both as joint-gate configuration and with symmetric performance of n- and p-channel. These circuits were realized in the area of a single NMOS transistor

    Index to 1986 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 11, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1986 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    A simple p-well CMOS fabrication process

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    This research focused on the development of a p-well CMOS fabrication process that has fast turnaround time, is relatively inexpensive, and is easy to use. Most current CMOS fabrication processes use either n-well or twin-well techniques in order to provide better device isolation and improved circuit performance. However, these processes suffer the disadvantages of being very complex and requiring high levels of control for most of the steps. An alternative route is to use a p-well process, which has the attractive characteristics of process simplicity, making it viable for use in an undergraduate laboratory setting. This project has focused on the development of a p-well process that could be implemented in the teaching laboratories at Microelectronics Research Center at ISU. The development included the design and fabrication the photomasks that define the transistor patterns and the design and development of the process sequence for building simple CMOS integrated circuits. After a series of development runs, working CMOS devices were achieved. The fabricated transistors had a gate oxide layer thickness of 350Å. Transistor width/length ratios were 10 [mu]m/5 [mu]m, 20 [mu]m/5 [mu]m, 40 [mu]m/5 [mu]m, 20 [mu]m/10 [mu]m, 40 [mu]m/10 [mu]m, and 80 [mu]m/10 [mu]m. A single layer of metal interconnects was used. Test structures and some simple demonstration circuits (inverters and gates) were included in the fabrication. The devices and circuits worked as expected, and the performance was relatively uniform over different wafers. NMOS transistors had the average threshold voltage are about 2.12 Volts, a field effect mobility of 220 cm2/Vs, and an early voltage of 325 Volts. On the other hand, the values for PMOS are -1.15 Volts, 250 cm2/Vs, and 84.62 Volts respectively

    Variability analysis of FinFET AC/RF performances through efficient physics-based simulations for the optimization of RF CMOS stages

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    A nearly insatiable appetite for the latest electronic device enables the electronic technology sector to maintain research momentum. The necessity for advancement with miniaturization of electronic devices is the need of the day. Aggressive downscaling of electronic devices face some fundamental limits and thus, buoy up the change in device geometry. MOSFETs have been the leading contender in the electronics industry for years, but the dire need for miniaturization is forcing MOSFET to be scaled to nano-scale and in sub-50 nm scale. Short channel effects (SCE) become dominant and adversely affect the performance of the MOSFET. So, the need for a novel structure was felt to suppress SCE to an acceptable level. Among the proposed devices, FinFETs (Fin Field Effect Transistors) were found to be most effective to counter-act SCE in electronic devices. Today, many industries are working on electronic circuits with FinFETs as their primary element.One of limitation which FinFET faces is device variability. The purpose of this work was to study the effect that different sources of parameter fluctuations have on the behavior and characteristics of FinFETs. With deep literature review, we have gained insight into key sources of variability. Different sources of variations, like random dopant fluctuation, line edge roughness, fin variations, workfunction variations, oxide thickness variation, and source/drain doping variations, were studied and their impact on the performance of the device was studied as well. The adverse effect of these variations fosters the great amount of research towards variability modeling. A proper modeling of these variations is required to address the device performance metric before the fabrication of any new generation of the device on the commercial scale. The conventional methods to address the characteristics of a device under variability are Monte-Carlo-like techniques. In Monte Carlo analysis, all process parameters can be varied individually or simultaneously in a more realistic approach. The Monte Carlo algorithm takes a random value within the range of each process parameter and performs circuit simulations repeatedly. The statistical characteristics are estimated from the responses. This technique is accurate but requires high computational resources and time. Thus, efforts are being put by different research groups to find alternative tools. If the variations are small, Green’s Function (GF) approach can be seen as a breakthrough methodology. One of the most open research fields regards "Variability of FinFET AC performances". One reason for the limited AC variability investigations is the lack of commercially available efficient simulation tools, especially those based on accurate physics-based analysis: in fact, the only way to perform AC variability analysis through commercial TCAD tools like Synopsys Sentaurus is through the so-called Monte Carlo approach, that when variations are deterministic, is more properly referred to as incremental analysis, i.e., repeated solutions of the device model with varying physical parameters. For each selected parameter, the model must be solved first in DC operating condition (working point, WP) and then linearized around the WP, hence increasing severely the simulation time. In this work, instead, we used GF approach, using our in-house Simulator "POLITO", to perform AC variability analysis, provided that variations are small, alleviating the requirement of double linearization and reducing the simulation time significantly with a slight trade-off in accuracy. Using this tool we have, for the first time addressed the dependency of FinFET AC parameters on the most relevant process variations, opening the way to its application to RF circuits. This work is ultimately dedicated to the successful implementation of RF stages in commercial applications by incorporating variability effects and controlling the degradation of AC parameters due to variability. We exploited the POLITO (in-house simulator) limited to 2D structures, but this work can be extended to the variability analysis of 3D FinFET structure. Also variability analysis of III-V Group structures can be addressed. There is also potentiality to carry out the sensitivity analysis for the other source of variations, e.g., thermal variations

    Composite power semiconductor switches for high-power applications

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    It is predicted that 80 % of the world’s electricity will flow through power electronic based converters by 2030, with a growing demand for renewable technolo gies and the highest levels of efficiency at every stage from generation to load. At the heart of a power electronic converter is the power semiconductor switch which is responsible for controlling and modulating the flow of power from the input to the output. The requirements for these power semiconductor switches are vast, and include: having an extremely low level of conduction and switching losses; being a low source of electromagnetic noise, and not being susceptible to external Electromagnetic Interference (EMI); and having a good level of ruggedness and reliability. These high-performance switches must also be economically viable and not have an unnecessarily large manufacturing related carbon footprint. This thesis investigates the switching performance of the two main semiconductor switches used in high-power applications — the well-established Silicon (Si)-Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) and the state-of-the-art Wide-Bandgap (WBG) Silicon-Carbide (SiC)-Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET). The SiC-MOSFET is ostensibly a better device than the Si-IGBT due to the lower level of losses, however the cost of the device is far greater and there are characteristics which can be troublesome, such as the high levels of oscillatory behaviour at the switching edges which can cause serious Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) issues. The operating mechanism of these devices, the materials which are used to make them, and their auxiliary components are critically analysed and discussed. This includes a head-to-head comparison of the two high-capacity devices in terms of their losses and switching characteristics. The design of a high-power Double-Pulse Test Rig (DPTR) and the associated high-bandwidth measurement platform is presented. This test rig is then extensively used throughout this thesis to experimentally characterise the switching performance of the aforementioned high-capacity power semiconductor devices. A hybrid switch concept — termed “The Diverter” — is investigated, with the motivation of achieving improved switching performance without the high-cost of a full SiC solution. This comprises a fully rated Si-IGBT as the main conduction device and a part-rated SiC-MOSFET which is used at the turn-off. The coordinated switching scheme for the Si/SiC-Diverter is experimentally examined to determine the required timings which yield the lowest turn-off loss and the lowest level of oscillatory behaviour and other EMI precursors. The thermal stress imposed on the part-rated SiC-MOSFET is considered in a junction temperature simulation and determined to be negligible. This concept is then analysed in a grid-tied converter simulation and compared to a fully rated SiC-MOSFET and Si-IGBT. A conduction assistance operating mode, which solely uses the part-rated SiC-MOSFET when within its rating, is also investigated. Results show that the Diverter achieves a significantly lower level of losses compared to a Si-IGBT and only marginally higher than a full SiC solution. This is achieved at a much lower cost than a full SiC solution and may also provide a better method of achieving high-current SiC switche

    Index to 1981 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 6, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1981 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences