19 research outputs found

    Enhancing computer-aided plagiarism detection

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    WASTK: A Weighted Abstract Syntax Tree Kernel Method for Source Code Plagiarism Detection

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    Issues Related to the Detection of Source Code Plagiarism in Students Assignments

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    Detecting similarity or plagiarism in the academic research publications, source code, etc. has been a long time complex and time consuming task. Several algorithms, tools and websites exist that try to find plagiarism or possible plagiarism in those human creative products. In this paper we used source code plagiarism detection tools to assess the level of plagiarism in source codes. We also investigated issues related to accuracy and challenges in detecting possible plagiarism in students\u27 assignments. In a second study, we evaluated some tools against detecting possible plagiarism in research papers. Results showed that such process or decision is not binary to make and that subjectivity is high. In addition, there is a need to tune plagiarism detection tools to give criticality or weights by users of those tools to categorize and classify different levels of seriousness for committing plagiarism

    Same Difference: Detecting Collusion by Finding Unusual Shared Elements

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    Pam Green, Peter Lane, Austen Rainer, Sven-Bodo Scholz, Steve Bennett, ‘Same Difference: Detecting Collusion by Finding Unusual Shared Elements’, paper presented at the 5th International Plagiarism Conference, Sage Gateshead, Newcastle, UK, 17-18 July, 2012.Many academic staff will recognise that unusual shared elements in student submissions trigger suspicion of inappropriate collusion. These elements may be odd phrases, strange constructs, peculiar layout, or spelling mistakes. In this paper we review twenty-nine approaches to source-code plagiarism detection, showing that the majority focus on overall file similarity, and not on unusual shared elements, and that none directly measure these elements. We describe an approach to detecting similarity between files which focuses on these unusual similarities. The approach is token-based and therefore largely language independent, and is tested on a set of student assignments, each one consisting of a mix of programming languages. We also introduce a technique for visualising one document in relation to another in the context of the group. This visualisation separates code which is unique to the document, that shared by just the two files, code shared by small groups, and uninteresting areas of the file.Peer reviewe

    Faster repetition-aware compressed suffix trees based on Block Trees

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    The suffix tree is a fundamental data structure in stringology, but its space usage, though linear, is an important problem in applications like Bioinformatics. We design and implement a new compressed suffix tree (CST) targeted to highly repetitive texts, such as large genomic collections of the same species. Our first contribution is to enhance the Block Tree, a data structure that captures the repetitiveness of its input sequence, to represent the topology of trees with large repeated subtrees. Our so-called Block-Tree Compressed Topology (BT-CT) data structure augments the Block Tree nodes with data that speeds up tree navigation. Our Block-Tree CST (BT-CST), in turn, uses the BT-CT to compress the topology of the suffix tree, and also replaces the sampling of the suffix array and its inverse with grammar-and/or Block-Tree-based representations of those arrays. Our experimental results show that BT-CTs reach navigation speeds comparable to compact tree representations that are insensitive to repetitiveness, while using 2-10 times less space on the topologies of the suffix trees of repetitive collections. Our BT-CST is slightly larger than previous repetition-aware suffix trees based on grammar-compressed topologies, but outperforms them in time, often by orders of magnitude.(c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Choosing Code Segments to Exclude from Code Similarity Detection

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    When student programs are compared for similarity as a step in the detection of academic misconduct, certain segments of code are always sure to be similar but are no cause for suspicion. Some of these segments are boilerplate code (e.g. public static void main String [] args) and some will be code that was provided to students as part of the assessment specification. This working group explores these and other types of code that are legitimately common in student assessments and can therefore be excluded from similarity checking. From their own institutions, working group members collected assessment submissions that together encompass a wide variety of assessment tasks in a wide variety of programming languages. The submissions were analysed to determine what sorts of code segment arose frequently in each assessment task. The group has found that common code can arise in programming assessment tasks when it is required for compilation purposes; when it reflects an intuitive way to undertake part or all of the task in question; when it can be legitimately copied from external sources; and when it has been suggested by people with whom many of the students have been in contact. A further finding is that the nature and size of the common code fragments vary with course level and with task complexity. An informal survey of programming educators confirms the group's findings and gives some reasons why various educators include code when setting programming assignments.Peer reviewe

    Detecting Source Code Plagiarism on .NET Programming Languages using Low-level Representation and Adaptive Local Alignment

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    Even though there are various source code plagiarism detection approaches, only a few works which are focused on low-level representation for deducting similarity. Most of them are only focused on lexical token sequence extracted from source code. In our point of view, low-level representation is more beneficial than lexical token since its form is more compact than the source code itself. It only considers semantic-preserving instructions and ignores many source code delimiter tokens. This paper proposes a source code plagiarism detection which rely on low-level representation. For a case study, we focus our work on .NET programming languages with Common Intermediate Language as its low-level representation. In addition, we also incorporate Adaptive Local Alignment for detecting similarity. According to Lim et al, this algorithm outperforms code similarity state-of-the-art algorithm (i.e. Greedy String Tiling) in term of effectiveness. According to our evaluation which involves various plagiarism attacks, our approach is more effective and efficient when compared with standard lexical-token approach

    Process Model Improvement for Source Code Plagiarism Detection in Student Programming Assignments

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    In programming courses there are various ways in which students attempt to cheat. The most commonly used method is copying source code from other students and making minimal changes in it, like renaming variable names. Several tools like Sherlock, JPlag and Moss have been devised to detect source code plagiarism. However, for larger student assignments and projects that involve a lot of source code files these tools are not so effective. Also, issues may occur when source code is given to students in class so they can copy it. In such cases these tools do not provide satisfying results and reports. In this study, we present an improved process model for plagiarism detection when multiple student files exist and allowed source code is present. In the research in this paper we use the Sherlock detection tool, although the presented process model can be combined with any plagiarism detection engine. The proposed model is tested on assignments in three courses in two subsequent academic years