3,791 research outputs found

    A Process to Create Dynamic Landscape Paintings Using Barycentric Shading with Control Paintings

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    In this work, we present a process that uses a Barycentric shading method to create dynamic landscape paintings that change based on the time of day. Our process allows for the creation of dynamic paintings for any time of the day using simply a limited number of control paintings. To create a proof of concept, we have used landscape paintings of Edgar Payne, one of the leading landscape painters of the American West. His specific style of painting that blends Impressionism with the style of other painters of the AmericanWest is particularly appropriate for the demonstration of the power of our Barycentric shading method

    Real-Time Sky Color with Effect of Sun’s Position

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    In the rendering of outdoor scenes in virtual environments, the sun's position, sky color, clouds, shadow, trees, grass etc play very important roles in making it realistic. In this paper Sky color and the sun’s position are combined. Specific longitude, latitude, date and time are required parameters to calculate the exact position of the sun. The sun's position is calculated based on Julian dating; the sky’s color is created by Perez modeling. A functional application is designed to show the position of the sun and then sky color in arbitrary location, date and time. It can be possible to use this application in commercial games for outdoor rendering and for teachers to teach some part of physics about earth orbit and effect of the sun on the sky and it can be used in building design

    Manipulating Attributes of Natural Scenes via Hallucination

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    In this study, we explore building a two-stage framework for enabling users to directly manipulate high-level attributes of a natural scene. The key to our approach is a deep generative network which can hallucinate images of a scene as if they were taken at a different season (e.g. during winter), weather condition (e.g. in a cloudy day) or time of the day (e.g. at sunset). Once the scene is hallucinated with the given attributes, the corresponding look is then transferred to the input image while preserving the semantic details intact, giving a photo-realistic manipulation result. As the proposed framework hallucinates what the scene will look like, it does not require any reference style image as commonly utilized in most of the appearance or style transfer approaches. Moreover, it allows to simultaneously manipulate a given scene according to a diverse set of transient attributes within a single model, eliminating the need of training multiple networks per each translation task. Our comprehensive set of qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach against the competing methods.Comment: Accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Graphic

    Outdoor 3D illumination in real time environments: A novel approach

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    Comprehensive enlightenment is one of the fundamental components that virtualize the real environment. Accordingly, sky shading is one of the important components considered in the virtualization process. This research introduces the Dobashi method of sky luminance; additionally, Radiosity Caster Culling is applied to the virtual objects as the second thought for outside illumination. Pre-Computed Radiance Transfer is connected to ascertain the division of patches. Moreover, for real sky shading, the Perez model is utilized. By pre-ascertaining sky shading vitality and outside light, the vitality of the entire open air is figured ahead of time. The open air vitality is shared on virtual articles to make the situations more practical. Commercial videos and cartoon creators could utilize the strategy to produce real outside situations. © 2017

    ReLiShaft: realistic real-time light shaft generation taking sky illumination into account

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    © 2018 The Author(s) Rendering atmospheric phenomena is known to have its basis in the fields of atmospheric optics and meteorology and is increasingly used in games and movies. Although many researchers have focused on generating and enhancing realistic light shafts, there is still room for improvement in terms of both qualification and quantification. In this paper, a new technique, called ReLiShaft, is presented to generate realistic light shafts for outdoor rendering. In the first step, a realistic light shaft with respect to the sun position and sky colour in any specific location, date and time is constructed in real-time. Then, Hemicube visibility-test radiosity is employed to reveal the effect of a generated sky colour on environments. Two different methods are considered for indoor and outdoor rendering, ray marching based on epipolar sampling for indoor environments, and filtering on regular epipolar of z-partitioning for outdoor environments. Shadow maps and shadow volumes are integrated to consider the computational costs. Through this technique, the light shaft colour is adjusted according to the sky colour in any specific location, date and time. The results show different light shaft colours in different times of day in real-time

    Moarabisque: the essence of Arabia : a motion graphics piece that promotes the diverse Saudi Arabian arts and culture

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    Moarabisque: The essence of Arabia is an Arabian custom designed motion graphics series . This Series is inspired by the diverse geography, architecture, arts, and culture of the Arabian Peninsula. These series are merged together as a cohesive motion graphics piece that visually reflects and promotes the varied Arabian culture through arts, architecture, music, and Islamic iconography. The final motion graphics video will introduce a series of visual icons that are of vital importance to religious and cultural values of Muslims; especially the Arabic nation. These icons delineate the characteristics of the Arabian culture; an Islamic civilized culture that emerged from the Arabian Desert and is visually rich in arts, architecture, and heritage. My thesis is an endeavor to implement motion graphics as an effectual multimedia tool. This tool will visually reflect and promote the inimitable culture and distinctive art of Saudi Arabia. The thesis comprises four distinct motion graphics videos. These videos will visually showcase various aspects and sceneries of the Saudi architectural heritage, artistic aura, and cultural ambiance to the intended audience. This will help them establish a strong sense of visual awareness towards not only my culture but also the aesthetic values surrounding it

    DEsignBench: Exploring and Benchmarking DALL-E 3 for Imagining Visual Design

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    We introduce DEsignBench, a text-to-image (T2I) generation benchmark tailored for visual design scenarios. Recent T2I models like DALL-E 3 and others, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in generating photorealistic images that align closely with textual inputs. While the allure of creating visually captivating images is undeniable, our emphasis extends beyond mere aesthetic pleasure. We aim to investigate the potential of using these powerful models in authentic design contexts. In pursuit of this goal, we develop DEsignBench, which incorporates test samples designed to assess T2I models on both "design technical capability" and "design application scenario." Each of these two dimensions is supported by a diverse set of specific design categories. We explore DALL-E 3 together with other leading T2I models on DEsignBench, resulting in a comprehensive visual gallery for side-by-side comparisons. For DEsignBench benchmarking, we perform human evaluations on generated images in DEsignBench gallery, against the criteria of image-text alignment, visual aesthetic, and design creativity. Our evaluation also considers other specialized design capabilities, including text rendering, layout composition, color harmony, 3D design, and medium style. In addition to human evaluations, we introduce the first automatic image generation evaluator powered by GPT-4V. This evaluator provides ratings that align well with human judgments, while being easily replicable and cost-efficient. A high-resolution version is available at https://github.com/design-bench/design-bench.github.io/raw/main/designbench.pdf?download=Comment: Project page at https://design-bench.github.io

    Lost Shadows

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    There are thousands of pages of technical argumentation on lighting. We could say that there is already a legacy of technical lighting. It is the result of the activity of technically oriented people. In the 1900, CIE was founded to research oil socks and their properties. Standardization got a huge boost in 1931 when CIE introduced international trichromatic colorimetry system, known as “CIE System”. Engineers became active in illumination engineering societies. Sadly, the more visual skills of the lighting designer started to ebb. The lighting design work shifted from the hands of visually oriented people to the hands of technically oriented people. Engineers have done a good job as far as the quantity and distribution of light, but lighting design is at the same time unbalanced and skewed. Because of this, projects also look technical and often suffer from lack of visual beauty. It is good to look at and study lighting with open eyes, and to not judge earlier activities, solutions, norms or recommendations. It is also good to carefully study existing solutions and their connection to technical lighting recommendations. It opens doors for better architectural lighting design solutions. Recommendations are really only recommendations, not solutions for lighting design projects. They are only one tool, which must be used very carefully. Projects late in this thesis work are good examples to help to understand recommendations and put them in the right perspective as a helping tool. This thesis work is focusing on finding back the tools for beautiful architectural lighting solutions. It is not easy task after decades in darkness and under the influence of strong technical lighting eras. Thesis is divided in 2 parts. Part 1 is the core of my Thesis in nutshell and Part 2 has more detailed information for readers who want to learn more on architectural lighting design

    Interpretacija projektantskih rešenja primenom digitalne grafike

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    Contemporary design solutions that move the boundaries of creativity include the use of digital graphics, in order to get innovative graphical interpretation which includes interventions in space using various element, materials and plants, which requires the use of a combination of different software packages .This paper analyzes the combination of the available graphical software for interpretation projects in the context of landscape architecture profession. Model 'Garden' was created in the 'SketchUp' software for the purpose of visual questionnaire and detailed research work in programs for visualization: 'Photoshop' , 'Lumion' and '3DMax'. Combining the two research methods: study graphic interpretation, 'learning by doing' method in software for digital graphic and research public opinion questionnaire ('Single stimulus' method) led to the results which give recommendations for the use of a combination of appropriate software packages.Savremena dizajnerska rešenja koja pomeraju granice kreativnosti podrazumevaju upotrebu digitalne grafike, u svrhu dobiijanja inovativnih grafičkih interpretacija. Pejzažna arhitektura je transdisciplinarna struka, koja podrazumeva intervencije u prostoru upotrebom različitih elemenata, materijala i biljaka, što zahteva upotrebu i kombinaciju različitih softverskih paketa. Ovaj rad se bavi istraživanjem kombinacija dostupnih grafičkih softvera za interpretaciju projekata u okviru pejzažnoarhitektonske struke. Model 'Vrt' je izrađen u 'SketchUp' softveru za potrebe izrade vizuelnog upitnika kao i detaljnijeg istraživanja rada u programima za vizuelizaciju: 'Photoshop', 'Lumion' i '3DMax'. Kombinacijom dve istraživačke metode: istraživanjem grafičke interpretacije, učenjem kroz rad ('Learning by doing') u softverima za digitalnu grafiku i istraživanjem mišljenja javnog mnjenja upitnikom ('Single stimulans' metodom) došlo se do rezultata koji daju preporuke za upotrebu kombinacije adekvatnih softverskih paketa