4,242 research outputs found

    Feature Match for Medical Images

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    This paper represents an algorithm for Feature Match, a summed up estimated approximate nearest neighbor field (ANNF) calculation system, between a source and target image. The proposed calculation can estimate ANNF maps between any image sets, not as a matter of course related. This generalization is accomplished through proper spatial-range changes. To register ANNF maps, worldwide shading adjustment is connected as a reach change on the source picture. Image patches from the pair of pictures are approximated utilizing low-dimensional elements, which are utilized alongside KD-tree to appraise the ANNF map. This ANNF guide is further enhanced in view of picture coherency and spatial changes. The proposed generalization, empowers to handle a more extensive scope of vision applications, which have not been handled utilizing the ANNF structure. Here one such application is outlined namely: optic plate discovery .This application manages restorative imaging, where optic circles are found in retinal pictures utilizing a sound optic circle picture as regular target picture. ANNF mappings is used in this application and is shown experimentally that the proposed approaches are faster and accurate, compared with the state-of the-art techniques

    A New Texture Synthesis Algorithm Based on Wavelet Packet Tree

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    This paper presents an efficient texture synthesis based on wavelet packet tree (TSWPT). It has the advantage of using a multiresolution representation with a greater diversity of bases functions for the nonlinear time series applications such as fractal images. The input image is decomposed into wavelet packet coefficients, which are rearranged and organized to form hierarchical trees called wavelet packet trees. A 2-step matching, that is, coarse matching based on low-frequency wavelet packet coefficients followed by fine matching based on middle-high-frequency wavelet packet coefficients, is proposed for texture synthesis. Experimental results show that the TSWPT algorithm is preferable, especially in terms of computation time

    Transfer of albedo and local depth variation to photo-textures

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    Acquisition of displacement and albedo maps for full building façades is a difficult problem and traditionally achieved through a labor intensive artistic process. In this paper, we present a material appearance transfer method, Transfer by Analogy, designed to infer surface detail and diffuse reflectance for textured surfaces like the present in building façades. We begin by acquiring small exemplars (displacement and albedo maps), in accessible areas, where capture conditions can be controlled. We then transfer these properties to a complete phototexture constructed from reference images and captured under diffuse daylight illumination. Our approach allows super-resolution inference of albedo and displacement from information in the photo-texture. When transferring appearance from multiple exemplars to façades containing multiple materials, our approach also sidesteps the need for segmentation. We show how we use these methods to create relightable models with a high degree of texture detail, reproducing the visually rich self-shadowing effects that would normally be difficult to capture using just simple consumer equipment. Copyright © 2012 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc

    Optimized synthesis of art patterns and layered textures

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    Biophysical mechanisms of membrane perturbation and signal transduction produced by proteins and peptides

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    My primary research interest is focused on the field of cellular electrical activity, ranging from the ion channels that generates it, up to the study of intracellular processes regulating it, and new generation of drugs. For this purpose, during my Ph.D. I have learnt and improved different cutting-edge techniques, i.e. the patch-clamp technique, the fluorescence imaging, and the synthesis and use of model membranes. Moreover, to explore particular aspects of these molecular mechanisms and to overcome the issues raised during the investigations, non-conventional strategies were employed, even requiring the development of specific devices not commercially available. In summary, my Ph.D. thesis is focused on two projects: the biophysical characterization of a particular class of membrane active peptides, and the modulation of visual phototransduction in vertebrate cones. In the first project, I investigated the mechanism of membrane perturbation of cell-penetrating and antimicrobial peptides using the patch-clamp technique. Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are short peptides that are able to cross the cell membrane via energy-dependent and/or independent mechanisms, with low toxicity and without the use of specific receptors. This ability is preserved even when CPPs are conjugated with a large cargo, thus representing an innovative pharmacological tool for the diffusion of large and hydrophilic drugs into the cells. Despite the mechanism of cellular uptake is still debated in literature, it has been proved that it can occur by either direct translocation or endocytosis. In the latter case, though, the cargo-peptide complex often remains trapped inside the endocytic vesicles and is not able to reach its therapeutic target. A possible solution to this problem could be found in another class of small peptides, similar to CPPs, i.e. the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). AMPs are 12-50 amino acids long peptides, which represent an essential part in the innate immune system in most organisms. Indeed, they are among the first defensive molecules released during infections and their activity is direct thorough the membrane of bacteria, causing its destruction and consequently the death of the pathogen. Therefore, the ability of AMPs to disrupt biological membranes could be exploited to improve the CPPs escape from the endocytic vesicles in addition to, of course, their application as a novel class of antibiotics. The idea is to conjugate the CPP with a molecule that possess an antimicrobial activity, which can destroy the vesicle membrane, and help the complex to reach its target once it has been internalized in the cell. On this ground, the first project I carried out regards the study of a novel chimeric peptide, CM18-Tat11, composed of the antimicrobial peptide CM18 (a cecropin-mellitin hybrid peptide) linked to the cell-penetrating peptide Tat11 (derived from the basic domain of HIV-1 Tat protein). In particular, I investigated the membrane perturbing activity of this peptide (and of its elements) using the patch-clamp technique and operating under strictly physiological conditions. This study has been carried out by recording the ion current flowing through the channels formed by these peptides (if any), once inserted in the membrane of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. In these experiments, the peptides were applied to (and removed from) the extracellular CHO membrane in ~50 ms with a computer-controlled microperfusion system. Therefore, besides assessing ion channel characteristics, the dynamics of pore formation and disaggregation could be precisely evaluated as well. I found that CM18-Tat11 produces a large and irreversible plasma membrane lysis, at concentration where CM18 and Tat11 give instead a nearly reversible membrane permeabilization and no perturbation, respectively. Furthermore, using the same method, I studied the biophysical characteristic of another antimicrobial peptide, called CM12, which sequence was obtained from the optimization of CM18. When applied on CHO, CM12 and CM18 produce voltage-independent membrane permeabilization, and no single-channel events were detected at low peptides concentration. These results indicate that both peptides form pores according to a toroidal model, in which the lipid layer bends continuously through the pore so that the core is formed by both lipid head groups and the peptides. Finally, I have studied the single-channels properties generated by the pore-forming peptide alamethicin (Alm) F50/5 and its [L-Glu(OMe)7,18,19] analog inserted in a natural membrane and in giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). The possibility to compare the channel activity in the precisely controlled lipid environment of GUVs, with the one recorded in a natural membrane, will open new possibilities in the biophysical characterization of the pores. The second project of this thesis is focused on the study of the physiological role of the calcium sensor GCAP3 (guanylate cyclase activated protein 3) in the phototransduction cascade in zebrafish. I pursued this study simulating the over expressions and the knockdown of this protein, through the delivery of zGCAP3, or of its monoclonal antibody, into zebrafish cone cytoplasm, while recording their photorensponses with the patch-clamp technique. The proteins were administered inside the cone via the patch pipette thanks to an intracellular perfusion system developed in this thesis. This system allows the delivery of exogenous molecules inside the cell with a controlled timing, by expelling them with a small teflon tube inserted into the pipette lumen controlled by a microperfusion apparatus. Results indicated that the increase in the concentration in zGCAP3 did not altered significantly the light response, while the perfusion with the antibody anti-zGCAP3 caused the progressive fall of the dark current, together with the progressive slowing down of the flash response kinetics. The surprising lack of an effect of zGCAP3 incorporation, suggests that the endogenous number of zGCAP3 is saturating, therefore any further increase of this sensor is ineffective. However, the effects of the antibody can be explained as an inhibition of the target enzyme of zGCAP3, which is the guanylate cyclase (GC). Finally, no experiments mentioned above would have been accomplished without the development of a “pressure-polishing” system, which makes it possible to modify the geometry of the patch-clamp pipette. The pipette shank (the final part of the pipette) is, in fact, very long and tapered, thus generating a high resistance to the passage of ions and molecules, and making very difficult to perfuse efficiently the cell with the internal perfusion. The pressure polishing setup I developed enlarged the patch pipette shank, using a calibrated combination of heat and air pressure. These pipettes minimized errors in membrane potential control and allowed the insertion of teflon tubes in the pipette lumen very close to its tip
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