393 research outputs found

    Final Report of the ModSysC2020 Working Group - Data, Models and Theories for Complex Systems: new challenges and opportunities

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    Final Report of the ModSysC2020 Working Group at University Montpellier 2At University Montpellier 2, the modeling and simulation of complex systems has been identified as a major scientific challenge and one of the priority axes in interdisciplinary research, with major potential impact on training, economy and society. Many research groups and laboratories in Montpellier are already working in that direction, but typically in isolation within their own scientific discipline. Several local actions have been initiated in order to structure the scientific community with interdisciplinary projects, but with little coordination among the actions. The goal of the ModSysC2020 (modeling and simulation of complex systems in 2020) working group was to analyze the local situation (forces and weaknesses, current projects), identify the critical research directions and propose concrete actions in terms of research projects, equipment facilities, human resources and training to be encouraged. To guide this perspective, we decomposed the scientific challenge into four main themes, for which there is strong background in Montpellier: (1) modeling and simulation of complex systems; (2) algorithms and computing; (3) scientific data management; (4) production, storage and archiving of data from the observation of the natural and biological media. In this report, for each theme, we introduce the context and motivations, analyze the situation in Montpellier, identify research directions and propose specific actions in terms of interdisciplinary research projects and training. We also provide an analysis of the socio-economical aspects of modeling and simulation through use cases in various domains such as life science and healthcare, environmental science and energy. Finally, we discuss the importance of revisiting students training in fundamental domains such as modeling, computer programming and database which are typically taught too late, in specialized masters

    Statistical modeling of radiometric error propagation in support of hyperspectral imaging inversion and optimized ground sensor network design

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    A method is presented that attempts to isolate the relative magnitudes of various error sources present in common algorithms for inverting the effects of atmospheric scattering and absorption on solar irradiance and determine in what ways, if any, operational ground truth measurement systems can be employed to reduce the overall error in retrieved reflectance factor. Error modeling and propagation methodology is developed for each link in the imaging chain, and representative values are determined for the purpose of exercising the model and observing the system behavior in response to a wide variety of inputs. Three distinct approaches to modelbased atmospheric inversion are compared in a common reflectance error space, where each contributor to the overall error in retrieved reflectance is examined in relation to the others. The modeling framework also allows for performance predictions resulting from the incorporation of operational ground truth measurements. Regimes were identified in which uncertainty in water vapor and aerosols were each found to dominate error contributions to final retrieved reflectance. Cloud cover was also shown to be a significant contributor, while state-of-the-industry hyperspectral sensors were confirmed to not be error drivers. Accordingly, instruments for measuring water vapor, aerosols, and downwelled sky radiance were identified as key to improving reflectance retrieval beyond current performance by current inversion algorithms

    Laboratory directed research and development. FY 1995 progress report

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    Aiding the conservation of two wooden Buddhist sculptures with 3D imaging and spectroscopic techniques

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    The conservation of Buddhist sculptures that were transferred to Europe at some point during their lifetime raises numerous questions: while these objects historically served a religious, devotional purpose, many of them currently belong to museums or private collections, where they are detached from their original context and often adapted to western taste. A scientific study was carried out to address questions from Museo d'Arte Orientale of Turin curators in terms of whether these artifacts might be forgeries or replicas, and how they may have transformed over time. Several analytical techniques were used for materials identification and to study the production technique, ultimately aiming to discriminate the original materials from those added within later interventions

    Meteoroid Orbital Analysis: Connecting Meteorites and Asteroids

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    Since people started studying meteorites, scientists have attempted to better understand the parent bodies they originated from. Although, this is difficult because, unlike a terrestrial rock, you do not have access to the outcrop. The Near-Earth Object (NEO) population is the source of all meteorites found on Earth. Using the orbital data collected from the Desert Fireball Network, my work clarified the connections between meteorites and their source NEOs. I primarily did this analysis by employing rigorous numerical modeling techniques to constrain the dynamical and physical properties of asteroidal debris

    Graduate School of Engineering and Management Catalog 2018-2019

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    The Graduate Catalog represents the offerings, programs, and requirements in effect at the time of publication

    Spectral LADAR: Active Range-Resolved Imaging Spectroscopy

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    Imaging spectroscopy using ambient or thermally generated optical sources is a well developed technique for capturing two dimensional images with high per-pixel spectral resolution. The per-pixel spectral data is often a sufficient sampling of a material's backscatter spectrum to infer chemical properties of the constituent material to aid in substance identification. Separately, conventional LADAR sensors use quasi-monochromatic laser radiation to create three dimensional images of objects at high angular resolution, compared to RADAR. Advances in dispersion engineered photonic crystal fibers in recent years have made high spectral radiance optical supercontinuum sources practical, enabling this study of Spectral LADAR, a continuous polychromatic spectrum augmentation of conventional LADAR. This imaging concept, which combines multi-spectral and 3D sensing at a physical level, is demonstrated with 25 independent and parallel LADAR channels and generates point cloud images with three spatial dimensions and one spectral dimension. The independence of spectral bands is a key characteristic of Spectral LADAR. Each spectral band maintains a separate time waveform record, from which target parameters are estimated. Accordingly, the spectrum computed for each backscatter reflection is independently and unambiguously range unmixed from multiple target reflections that may arise from transmission of a single panchromatic pulse. This dissertation presents the theoretical background of Spectral LADAR, a shortwave infrared laboratory demonstrator system constructed as a proof-of-concept prototype, and the experimental results obtained by the prototype when imaging scenes at stand off ranges of 45 meters. The resultant point cloud voxels are spectrally classified into a number of material categories which enhances object and feature recognition. Experimental results demonstrate the physical level combination of active backscatter spectroscopy and range resolved sensing to produce images with a level of complexity, detail, and accuracy that is not obtainable with data-level registration and fusion of conventional imaging spectroscopy and LADAR. The capabilities of Spectral LADAR are expected to be useful in a range of applications, such as biomedical imaging and agriculture, but particularly when applied as a sensor in unmanned ground vehicle navigation. Applications to autonomous mobile robotics are the principal motivators of this study, and are specifically addressed

    CIRA annual report 2003-2004

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