2,928 research outputs found

    On Resource Pooling and Separation for LRU Caching

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    Caching systems using the Least Recently Used (LRU) principle have now become ubiquitous. A fundamental question for these systems is whether the cache space should be pooled together or divided to serve multiple flows of data item requests in order to minimize the miss probabilities. In this paper, we show that there is no straight yes or no answer to this question, depending on complex combinations of critical factors, including, e.g., request rates, overlapped data items across different request flows, data item popularities and their sizes. Specifically, we characterize the asymptotic miss probabilities for multiple competing request flows under resource pooling and separation for LRU caching when the cache size is large. Analytically, we show that it is asymptotically optimal to jointly serve multiple flows if their data item sizes and popularity distributions are similar and their arrival rates do not differ significantly; the self-organizing property of LRU caching automatically optimizes the resource allocation among them asymptotically. Otherwise, separating these flows could be better, e.g., when data sizes vary significantly. We also quantify critical points beyond which resource pooling is better than separation for each of the flows when the overlapped data items exceed certain levels. Technically, we generalize existing results on the asymptotic miss probability of LRU caching for a broad class of heavy-tailed distributions and extend them to multiple competing flows with varying data item sizes, which also validates the Che approximation under certain conditions. These results provide new insights on improving the performance of caching systems

    Efficient Modeling of Random Sampling-Based LRU Cache

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    The Miss Ratio Curve (MRC) is an important metric and effective tool for caching system performance prediction and optimization. Since the Least Recently Used (LRU) replacement policy is the de facto policy for many existing caching systems, most previous studies on efficient MRC construction are predominantly focused on the LRU replacement policy. Recently, the random sampling-based replacement mechanism, as opposed to replacement relying on the rigid LRU data structure, gains more popularity due to its lightweight and flexibility. To approximate LRU, at replacement times, the system randomly selects K objects and replaces the least recently used object among the sample. Redis implements this approximated LRU policy. We observe that there can exist a significant miss ratio gap between exact LRU and random sampling-based LRU under different sampling size K; therefore existing LRU MRC construction techniques cannot be directly applied to random sampling based LRU cache without loss of accuracy. In this thesis, we present a new probabilistic stack algorithm named KRR which can be used to accurately model random sampling based-LRU cache with arbitrary sampling size K. We propose two efficient stack update algorithms which reduce the expected running time of KRR from O(NM) to O(Nlog^2M) and O(NlogM), respectively, where N is the workload length and M is the number of distinct objects. Our implementation generates accurate miss ratio curves for both fixed and variable block size cache. Furthermore, we adopt spatial sampling which further reduces the running time of KRR by several orders of magnitude, and thus enables practical, low overhead online application of KRR

    Towards Design and Analysis For High-Performance and Reliable SSDs

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    NAND Flash-based Solid State Disks have many attractive technical merits, such as low power consumption, light weight, shock resistance, sustainability of hotter operation regimes, and extraordinarily high performance for random read access, which makes SSDs immensely popular and be widely employed in different types of environments including portable devices, personal computers, large data centers, and distributed data systems. However, current SSDs still suffer from several critical inherent limitations, such as the inability of in-place-update, asymmetric read and write performance, slow garbage collection processes, limited endurance, and degraded write performance with the adoption of MLC and TLC techniques. To alleviate these limitations, we propose optimizations from both specific outside applications layer and SSDs\u27 internal layer. Since SSDs are good compromise between the performance and price, so SSDs are widely deployed as second layer caches sitting between DRAMs and hard disks to boost the system performance. Due to the special properties of SSDs such as the internal garbage collection processes and limited lifetime, traditional cache devices like DRAM and SRAM based optimizations might not work consistently for SSD-based cache. Therefore, for the outside applications layer, our work focus on integrating the special properties of SSDs into the optimizations of SSD caches. Moreover, our work also involves the alleviation of the increased Flash write latency and ECC complexity due to the adoption of MLC and TLC technologies by analyzing the real work workloads

    mPart: Miss Ratio Curve Guided Partitioning in Key-Value Stores

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    Web applications employ key-value stores to cache the data that is most commonly accessed. The cache improves an web application’s performance by serving its requests from memory, avoiding fetching them from the backend database. Since the memory space is limited, maximizing the memory utilization is a key to delivering the best performance possible. This has lead to the use of multi-tenant systems, allowing applications to share cache space. In addition, application data access patterns change over time, so the system should be adaptive in its memory allocation. In this thesis, we address both multi-tenancy (where a single cache is used for mul- tiple applications) and dynamic workloads (changing access patterns) using a model that relates the cache size to the application miss ratio, known as a miss ratio curve. Intuitively, the larger the cache, the less likely the system will need to fetch the data from the database. Our efficient, online construction of the miss ratio curve allows us to determine a near optimal memory allocation given the available system memory, while adapting to changing data access patterns. We show that our model outper- forms an existing state-of-the-art sharing model, Memshare, in terms of cache hit ratio and does so at a lower time cost. We show that average hit ratio is consistently 1 percentage point greater and 99.9th percentile latency is reduced by as much as 2.9% under standard web application workloads containing millions of requests

    Performance analysis of a caching algorithm for a catch-up television service

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    The catch-up TV (CUTV) service allows users to watch video content that was previously broadcast live on TV channels and later placed on an on-line video store. Upon a request from a user to watch a recently missed episode of his/her favourite TV series, the content is streamed from the video server to the customer's receiver device. This requires that an individual flow is set up for the duration of the video, and since it is hard to impossible to employ multicast streaming for this purpose (as users seldomly issue a request for the same episode at the same time), these flows are unicast. In this paper, we demonstrate that with the growing popularity of the CUTV service, the number of simultaneously running unicast flows on the aggregation parts of the network threaten to lead to an unwieldy increase in required bandwidth. Anticipating this problem and trying to alleviate it, the network operators deploy caches in strategic places in the network. We investigate the performance of such a caching strategy and the impact of its size and the cache update logic. We first analyse and model the evolution of video popularity over time based on traces we collected during 10 months. Through simulations we compare the performance of the traditional least-recently used and least-frequently used caching algorithms to our own algorithm. We also compare their performance with a "perfect" caching algorithm, which knows and hence does not have to estimate the video request rates. In the experimental data, we see that the video parameters from the popularity evolution law can be clustered. Therefore, we investigate theoretical models that can capture these clusters and we study the impact of clustering on the caching performance. Finally, some considerations on the optimal cache placement are presented

    Bicriteria data compression

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    The advent of massive datasets (and the consequent design of high-performing distributed storage systems) have reignited the interest of the scientific and engineering community towards the design of lossless data compressors which achieve effective compression ratio and very efficient decompression speed. Lempel-Ziv's LZ77 algorithm is the de facto choice in this scenario because of its decompression speed and its flexibility in trading decompression speed versus compressed-space efficiency. Each of the existing implementations offers a trade-off between space occupancy and decompression speed, so software engineers have to content themselves by picking the one which comes closer to the requirements of the application in their hands. Starting from these premises, and for the first time in the literature, we address in this paper the problem of trading optimally, and in a principled way, the consumption of these two resources by introducing the Bicriteria LZ77-Parsing problem, which formalizes in a principled way what data-compressors have traditionally approached by means of heuristics. The goal is to determine an LZ77 parsing which minimizes the space occupancy in bits of the compressed file, provided that the decompression time is bounded by a fixed amount (or vice-versa). This way, the software engineer can set its space (or time) requirements and then derive the LZ77 parsing which optimizes the decompression speed (or the space occupancy, respectively). We solve this problem efficiently in O(n log^2 n) time and optimal linear space within a small, additive approximation, by proving and deploying some specific structural properties of the weighted graph derived from the possible LZ77-parsings of the input file. The preliminary set of experiments shows that our novel proposal dominates all the highly engineered competitors, hence offering a win-win situation in theory&practice

    Exploring the Memory-Bandwidth Tradeoff in an Information-Centric Network

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    An information-centric network should realize significant economies by exploiting a favourable memory-bandwidth tradeoff: it is cheaper to store copies of popular content close to users than to fetch them repeatedly over the Internet. We evaluate this tradeoff for some simple cache network structures under realistic assumptions concerning the size of the content catalogue and its popularity distribution. Derived cost formulas reveal the relative impact of various cost, traffic and capacity parameters, allowing an appraisal of possible future network architectures. Our results suggest it probably makes more sense to envisage the future Internet as a loosely interconnected set of local data centers than a network like today's with routers augmented by limited capacity content stores.Comment: Proceedings of ITC 25 (International Teletraffic Congress), Shanghai, September, 201

    Distributed Selfish Coaching

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    Although cooperation generally increases the amount of resources available to a community of nodes, thus improving individual and collective performance, it also allows for the appearance of potential mistreatment problems through the exposition of one node's resources to others. We study such concerns by considering a group of independent, rational, self-aware nodes that cooperate using on-line caching algorithms, where the exposed resource is the storage at each node. Motivated by content networking applications -- including web caching, CDNs, and P2P -- this paper extends our previous work on the on-line version of the problem, which was conducted under a game-theoretic framework, and limited to object replication. We identify and investigate two causes of mistreatment: (1) cache state interactions (due to the cooperative servicing of requests) and (2) the adoption of a common scheme for cache management policies. Using analytic models, numerical solutions of these models, as well as simulation experiments, we show that on-line cooperation schemes using caching are fairly robust to mistreatment caused by state interactions. To appear in a substantial manner, the interaction through the exchange of miss-streams has to be very intense, making it feasible for the mistreated nodes to detect and react to exploitation. This robustness ceases to exist when nodes fetch and store objects in response to remote requests, i.e., when they operate as Level-2 caches (or proxies) for other nodes. Regarding mistreatment due to a common scheme, we show that this can easily take place when the "outlier" characteristics of some of the nodes get overlooked. This finding underscores the importance of allowing cooperative caching nodes the flexibility of choosing from a diverse set of schemes to fit the peculiarities of individual nodes. To that end, we outline an emulation-based framework for the development of mistreatment-resilient distributed selfish caching schemes. Our framework utilizes a simple control-theoretic approach to dynamically parameterize the cache management scheme. We show performance evaluation results that quantify the benefits from instantiating such a framework, which could be substantial under skewed demand profiles.National Science Foundation (CNS Cybertrust 0524477, CNS NeTS 0520166, CNS ITR 0205294, EIA RI 0202067); EU IST (CASCADAS and E-NEXT); Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship of the EU (MOIF-CT-2005-007230
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