8,924 research outputs found

    Learning Aligned Cross-Modal Representations from Weakly Aligned Data

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    People can recognize scenes across many different modalities beyond natural images. In this paper, we investigate how to learn cross-modal scene representations that transfer across modalities. To study this problem, we introduce a new cross-modal scene dataset. While convolutional neural networks can categorize cross-modal scenes well, they also learn an intermediate representation not aligned across modalities, which is undesirable for cross-modal transfer applications. We present methods to regularize cross-modal convolutional neural networks so that they have a shared representation that is agnostic of the modality. Our experiments suggest that our scene representation can help transfer representations across modalities for retrieval. Moreover, our visualizations suggest that units emerge in the shared representation that tend to activate on consistent concepts independently of the modality.Comment: Conference paper at CVPR 201

    Relieving Triplet Ambiguity: Consensus Network for Language-Guided Image Retrieval

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    Language-guided image retrieval enables users to search for images and interact with the retrieval system more naturally and expressively by using a reference image and a relative caption as a query. Most existing studies mainly focus on designing image-text composition architecture to extract discriminative visual-linguistic relations. Despite great success, we identify an inherent problem that obstructs the extraction of discriminative features and considerably compromises model training: \textbf{triplet ambiguity}. This problem stems from the annotation process wherein annotators view only one triplet at a time. As a result, they often describe simple attributes, such as color, while neglecting fine-grained details like location and style. This leads to multiple false-negative candidates matching the same modification text. We propose a novel Consensus Network (Css-Net) that self-adaptively learns from noisy triplets to minimize the negative effects of triplet ambiguity. Inspired by the psychological finding that groups perform better than individuals, Css-Net comprises 1) a consensus module featuring four distinct compositors that generate diverse fused image-text embeddings and 2) a Kullback-Leibler divergence loss, which fosters learning among the compositors, enabling them to reduce biases learned from noisy triplets and reach a consensus. The decisions from four compositors are weighted during evaluation to further achieve consensus. Comprehensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate that Css-Net can alleviate triplet ambiguity, achieving competitive performance on benchmarks, such as +2.77%+2.77\% R@10 and +6.67%+6.67\% R@50 on FashionIQ.Comment: 11 page

    Affective Music Information Retrieval

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    Much of the appeal of music lies in its power to convey emotions/moods and to evoke them in listeners. In consequence, the past decade witnessed a growing interest in modeling emotions from musical signals in the music information retrieval (MIR) community. In this article, we present a novel generative approach to music emotion modeling, with a specific focus on the valence-arousal (VA) dimension model of emotion. The presented generative model, called \emph{acoustic emotion Gaussians} (AEG), better accounts for the subjectivity of emotion perception by the use of probability distributions. Specifically, it learns from the emotion annotations of multiple subjects a Gaussian mixture model in the VA space with prior constraints on the corresponding acoustic features of the training music pieces. Such a computational framework is technically sound, capable of learning in an online fashion, and thus applicable to a variety of applications, including user-independent (general) and user-dependent (personalized) emotion recognition and emotion-based music retrieval. We report evaluations of the aforementioned applications of AEG on a larger-scale emotion-annotated corpora, AMG1608, to demonstrate the effectiveness of AEG and to showcase how evaluations are conducted for research on emotion-based MIR. Directions of future work are also discussed.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables, author versio

    A Framework for Personalized Utility-Aware IP-Based Multimedia Consumption

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    Providing transparent and augmented use of multimedia con-tent across a wide range of networks and devices is still a challenging task within the multimedia research community. Multimedia adaptation was figured out as a core concept to overcome this issue. Most multimedia adaptation engines for providing Universal Multimedia Access (UMA) scale the content under consideration of terminal capabilities and re-source constraints but do not really consider individual user preferences. This paper introduces an adaptive multimedia framework which offers the user a personalized content vari-ation for satisfying his/her individual utility preferences. 1

    Affective games:a multimodal classification system

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    Affective gaming is a relatively new field of research that exploits human emotions to influence gameplay for an enhanced player experience. Changes in player’s psychology reflect on their behaviour and physiology, hence recognition of such variation is a core element in affective games. Complementary sources of affect offer more reliable recognition, especially in contexts where one modality is partial or unavailable. As a multimodal recognition system, affect-aware games are subject to the practical difficulties met by traditional trained classifiers. In addition, inherited game-related challenges in terms of data collection and performance arise while attempting to sustain an acceptable level of immersion. Most existing scenarios employ sensors that offer limited freedom of movement resulting in less realistic experiences. Recent advances now offer technology that allows players to communicate more freely and naturally with the game, and furthermore, control it without the use of input devices. However, the affective game industry is still in its infancy and definitely needs to catch up with the current life-like level of adaptation provided by graphics and animation

    Automatic semantic video annotation in wide domain videos based on similarity and commonsense knowledgebases

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel framework for automatic Semantic Video Annotation. As this framework detects possible events occurring in video clips, it forms the annotating base of video search engine. To achieve this purpose, the system has to able to operate on uncontrolled wide-domain videos. Thus, all layers have to be based on generic features. This framework aims to bridge the "semantic gap", which is the difference between the low-level visual features and the human's perception, by finding videos with similar visual events, then analyzing their free text annotation to find a common area then to decide the best description for this new video using commonsense knowledgebases. Experiments were performed on wide-domain video clips from the TRECVID 2005 BBC rush standard database. Results from these experiments show promising integrity between those two layers in order to find expressing annotations for the input video. These results were evaluated based on retrieval performance