12 research outputs found

    Adaptació a l'EEES de les assignatures de genètica i millora genètica a la llicenciatura de veterinària

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    L'adaptació a l'EEES de les assignatures de Genètica i Millora Genètica impartides a la llicenciatura de Veterinària ha implicat l'adopció de profunds canvis en la manera d'impartir la docència i avaluar els coneixements. En primer lloc, les pràctiques d'aula d'informàtica de Genètica han deixat de ser assistencials per convertir-se en treballs d'autoaprenentatge on els estudiants han d'utilitzar determinats programaris per resoldre un seguit de qüestions plantejades pel professor amb l'ajut d'un manual de pràctiques. Igualment, s'ha elaborat un manual de pràctiques de laboratori i diverses coleccions de problemes resolts per fomentar l'autoaprenentatge. Finalment, s'ha implementat un sistema d'avaluació continuada amb la realització de tres (Genètica) i dos (Millora Genètica) exàmens parcials de problemes. La valoració del manual de pràctiques de laboratori per part dels estudiants ha estat positivaThe adaptation to the European Space of Higher Education of Genetics and Animal Breeding and Genetics, two subjects taught at the Veterinary Medicine Faculty, has involved deep changes in teaching as well as in the evaluation of the student's knowledge. First, practical work at the informatics room has been replaced by self-learning exercises where students use different types of software to solve diverse questions, with the aid of a manual prepared by the professor, aimed to evaluate their understanding and skills in this area. Moreover, a laboratory manual has been prepared together with a collection of solved problems to increase the self-learning capabilities of the students. Finally, a continuous evaluation scheme has been implemented by performing three (Genetics) and two (Animal Breeding and Genetics) partial exams. Students evaluated these teaching strategies very positively. Specifically, the laboratory manual received an evaluation of 3.43 over 5 and the collection of solved problems of 4.47 over 5. The exercises based on the use of software were, in general, well executed with average marks of 7.9 (Genetics) and 7.7 (Animal Breeding and Genetics). The marks of the partial exams were also very satisfactory. In summary, these teaching improvements have increased markedly the general performance and academic achievement. of students. This work has been performed in the fraework of project "Teaching materials for Genetics and Animal Breeding in the framework of Veterinary Sciences" funded by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

    Many quantitative trait loci for feather growth in an F broiler × layer cross collocate with body weight loci

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    1. A genome-wide scan of 467 F progeny of a broiler x layer cross was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting the rate of growth of the tail, wing and back feathers, and the width of the breast feather tract, at three weeks of age. 2. Correlations between the traits ranged from 0·36 to 0·61. Males had longer tail and wing feathers and shorter back feathers than females. Breast feather tract width was greater in females than males. 3. QTL effects were generally additive and accounted for 11 to 45% of sex average feather lengths of the breeds, and 100% of the breast feather tract width. Positive and negative alleles were inherited from both lines, whereas the layer allele was larger than the broiler allele after adjusting for body weight. 4. A total of 4 genome-significant and 4 suggestive QTL were detected. At three or 6 weeks of age, 5 of the QTL were located in similar regions as QTL for body weight. 5. Analysis of a model with body weight at three weeks as a covariate identified 5 genome significant and 6 suggestive QTL, of which only two were coincident with body weight QTL. One QTL for feather length at 148 cM on GGA1 was identified at a similar location in the unadjusted analysis. 6. The results suggest that the rate of feather growth is largely controlled by body weight QTL, and that QTL specific for feather growth also exist

    Bone mineral density QTL at sexual maturity and end of lay

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    1. An F cross of a broiler male line and a White Leghorn layer line was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for bone density at the onset of lay and at the end of the laying period. A total of 686 measures of humeral bone density were available for analysis.2. There was no evidence for epistasis.3. Genome-wide significant QTL for bone density at the onset of lay were identified on chromosomes 1 (311 cM) and 8 (2 cM) and on chromosomes 1 (311 cM), 3 (57 cM) and 8 (2 cM) with a covariate for the number of yellow follicles (a proxy for the concentration of circulating oestrogen).4. Evidence for only 4 chromosome-wide suggestive QTL were detected at the end of lay (72 weeks).5. Analysis of the combined data confirmed two genome-wide suggestive QTL on chromosome 1 (137 and 266 cM) and on chromosomes 8 (2 cM) and 9 (10 cM) in analyses with or without the covariate.6. Positive QTL alleles came from the broiler line with the exception of 2 suggestive QTL at the onset of lay on chromosomes 3 and 5 in an analysis with the covariate.7. In general, QTL acted additively, except that dominant effects were identified for three suggestive QTL at the onset of lay on chromosomes 3 (57 and 187 cM) and 5 (9 cM).8. The significant QTL in this study were at similar locations to QTL identified in a range of crosses in other publications, suggesting that they are prime candidates for the search for genes and mutations that could be used as selection criteria to improve bone strength and decrease fractures in commercial laying hens

    Farm animal genomics and informatics: an update

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    Farm animal genomics is of interest to a wide audience of researchers because of the utility derived from understanding how genomics and proteomics function in various organisms. Applications such as xenotransplantation, increased livestock productivity, bioengineering new materials, products and even fabrics are several reasons for thriving farm animal genome activity. Currently mined in rapidly growing data warehouses, completed genomes of chicken, fish and cows are available but are largely stored in decentralized data repositories. In this paper, we provide an informatics primer on farm animal bioinformatics and genome project resources which drive attention to the most recent advances in the field. We hope to provide individuals in biotechnology and in the farming industry with information on resources and updates concerning farm animal genome projects

    Characterization and refinement of growth related quantitative trait loci in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) using a comparative approach

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    The identification of genetic markers for traits of interest for aquaculture, such as growth, is an important step for the establishment of breeding programmes. As more genomic information becomes available the possibility of applying comparative genomics to identify and refine quantitative trait locus (QTLs) and potentially identify candidate genes responsible for the QTL effect may accelerate genetic improvement in established and new aquaculture species. Here we report such an approach on growth related traits in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), an important species for European aquaculture. A genetic map was generated with markers targeted to previously identified QTL for growth which reduced distance and improved resolution in these regions. A total of 36 significant QTLs were identified when morphometric traits were considered individually in maternal half sibs, paternal half sibs and sib-pair analysis. Twenty seven new markers targeted to the growth QTLs, obtained by comparative mapping, reduced the average distance between markers from 23.4, 9.1, and 5.8 cM in the previous map to 3.4, 2.2, and 5.2 cM, on linkage group (LG) LG4, LG6 and LG15 respectively. Lists of genes embedded in the QTL - 591 genes in LG4, 234 genes in LG6 and 450 genes in LG15 - were obtained from the European sea bass genome. Comparative mapping revealed conserved gene synteny across teleost fishes. Functional protein association network analysis with the gene products of the 3 linkage groups revealed a large global association network including 42 gene products. Strikingly the association network was populated with genes of known biological importance for growth and body weight in terrestrial farm animals, such as elements of the signaling pathways for Jak-STAT, MAPK, adipocytokine and insulin, growth hormone, IGFI and II. This study demonstrates the feasibility of a comparative genomics combined with functional gene annotation to refine the resolution of QTL and the establishment of hypothesis to accelerate discovery of putative responsible genes.Statement of relevance: This study demonstrates the feasibility of a comparative genomics approach, combined with functional annotation to refine the resolution of QTL and establishment of hypothesis to accelerate discovery of candidate genes. As production of genomic data is becoming more accessible, the implementation of this strategy will rapidly and efficiently provide the tools required for genetic selection in new candidate aquaculture species. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Genetic loci inherited from hens lacking maternal behaviour both inhibit and paradoxically promote this behaviour

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    International audienceBackground A major step towards the success of chickens as a domesticated species was the separation between maternal care and reproduction. Artificial incubation replaced the natural maternal behaviour of incubation and, thus, in certain breeds, it became possible to breed chickens with persistent egg production and no incubation behaviour; a typical example is the White Leghorn strain. Conversely, some strains, such as the Silkie breed, are prized for their maternal behaviour and their willingness to incubate eggs. This is often colloquially known as broodiness.ResultsUsing an F2 linkage mapping approach and a cross between White Leghorn and Silkie chicken breeds, we have mapped, for the first time, genetic loci that affect maternal behaviour on chromosomes 1, 5, 8, 13, 18 and 19 and linkage group E22C19W28. Paradoxically, heterozygous and White Leghorn homozygous genotypes were associated with an increased incidence of incubation behaviour, which exceeded that of the Silkie homozygotes for most loci. In such cases, it is likely that the loci involved are associated with increased egg production. Increased egg production increases the probability of incubation behaviour occurring because egg laying must precede incubation. For the loci on chromosomes 8 and 1, alleles from the Silkie breed promote incubation behaviour and influence maternal behaviour (these explain 12 and 26 % of the phenotypic difference between the two founder breeds, respectively).ConclusionsThe over-dominant locus on chromosome 5 coincides with the strongest selective sweep reported in chickens and together with the loci on chromosomes 1 and 8, they include genes of the thyrotrophic axis. This suggests that thyroid hormones may play a critical role in the loss of incubation behaviour and the improved egg laying behaviour of the White Leghorn breed. Our findings support the view that loss of maternal incubation behaviour in the White Leghorn breed is the result of selection for fertility and egg laying persistency and against maternal incubation behaviour

    Genetic studies of incubation behaviour and morphological traits in chickens

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    Finding the genes that underlie variation in production and developmental traits has important economic applications. Incubation behaviour represents a loss of production in conventional breeds of chicken adapted to local conditions and was what motivated this thesis. The Mendelian traits of comb type, crest, Silkie and normal feathers, feathered leg, fibromelanosis, comb colour, skin and shank colour, feather colour and patterns are of interest because of the insight they give to genes and development and were also investigated in the thesis.We used White Leghorn and Silkie lines of chicken to detect the genetic loci controlling incubation behaviour and Mendelian traits using linkage based analysis in an F2 cross. The evidence for QTL affecting incubation status over the whole period on chromosome 5 was strong (P <0.05). After the addition of 218 new informative SNP markers across the genome including chromosome 5 the 95% confidence interval spanned a region around 45 cM having previously been 95 cM. Three other suggestive QTL for incubation status were found after the addition of SNP markers on chromosome 1, 18, 19, E22C19W28 at 70, 0, 1 and 13cM respectively. The mode of action of the incubation status QTL indicates that the White Leghorn allele was either promoting incubation behaviour or that heterozygotes have performance that exceeds the homozygotes except the QTL on chromosome 1 where the Silkie allele is promoting incubation behaviour as might be expected. A highly significant QTL (P <0.01) for early incubation behaviour (25 -30 weeks) was found on chromosome 8 at 18 cM. This QTL has an additive effect with the possession of a Silkie allele increasing the likelihood of incubation behaviour. Other suggestive QTL for early incubation behaviour were found on chromosome 26 and 1 at 0 and 66cM respectively.For Mendelian traits, genome wide significant (P <0.01) genetic loci for comb type, crest type and feather type was found on chromosome 7 at 77cM, linkage group E22C19W28 at 7cM and on chromosome 3 at 169cM respectively. Significant genetic loci (P <0.01) for leg colour and skin colour were found on chromosome 20 at 56cM and 60cM respectively. In the present study, loci for all feather patterns were found on E22C19W28 even after removing animals carrying the dominant white alleles, suggesting dominant white or another allele at the locus was still influential.Comb type and incubation behaviour were investigated at the gene level. Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) is believed to be involved in the process of domestication and was found at the peak position of the most significant QTL on chromosome 5 for incubation behaviour. Functional exploration of Wnt genes as a candidate gene for comb type was investigated by in -situ hybridization in Silkie and White Leghorn embryos. The Wnt6 gene showed expression in the region of the presumptive comb development of embryos.In conclusion, for the first time genetic loci that explain maternal behaviour have been described. The coincidence of the incubation behaviour locus on chromosome 5 with the site of the strongest selective sweep in poultry, the TSHR, and the coincidence of QTL on chromosome 1 and 8 with thyroid hormone activity it would appear that the thyrotrophic axis may be critical to the loss of incubation behaviour and improved reproductive performance with domestication. Further analysis of these loci should be able to produce markers that can reduce the propensity for birds to incubate. Comb type marker might allow introgression of this trait to prevent comb damage in commercial hens

    Genetic studies of ascites in broiler populations

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