157 research outputs found

    CarRing IV- Real-time Computer Network

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    Ob in der Automobil-, Avionik- oder Automatisierungstechnik, die Fortschritte in der Echtzeitkommunikation richten sich auf weitere Verbesserungen bereits existierender Lösungen. Im Kfz-Bereich führen die steigenden Zahlen computerbasierter Systeme, Anwendungen und Anschlüsse sowie die Verwendung mehrerer proprietärer Kommunikationsstandards zu einem immer komplexeren Kabelbaum. Ursächlich hierfür sind inkompatible Standards, wodurch nicht nur die Kosten, sondern auch das Gewicht und damit der Kraftstoffverbrauch negativ beeinflusst werden. Im ersten Teil der Dissertation wird das Echtzeitprotokoll von CarRing IV (CRIV) vorgestellt. Es bietet isochrone und harte Echtzeitgarantien, ohne dass eine netzwerkweite Synchronisation erforderlich ist. Mit bis zu 16 Knoten pro Ring kann ein CR-IV-Netz aus bis zu 256 Ringen bestehen, die durch Router miteinander verbunden sind. CR-IV verwendet ein reduziertes OSI-Modell (Schichten 1-3, 7), das für seine Anwendungsbereiche sowohl typisch als auch vorteilhaft ist. Außerdem unterstützt es sowohl ereignis- als auch zeitgesteuerte Kommunikationsparadigmen. Der Transparent-Modus ermöglicht es CR-IV, als Backbone für bestehende Netze zu verwenden, wodurch Inkompatibilitätsprobleme beseitigt werden und der Wechsel zu einer einheitlicheren Netzlösung erleichtert wird. Mit dieser Funktionalität können Nutzergeräte über ein CR-IV-Netz miteinander verbunden werden, ohne dass der Nutzer eingreifen oder etwas ändern muss. Durch Multicast unterstützt CRIV auch die Emulation von Feldbussen. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation stellt den anderen wichtigen Aspekt von CR-IV vor. Alle Schichten des OSI-Modells sind in einem FPGA mit Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) ohne Hard- oder Softprozessoren implementiert. Das Register-Transfer-Level (RTL)-Hardwaredesign von CR-IV wird mit einem neuen Ansatz erstellt, der am besten als tokenbasierter Datenfluss beschrieben werden kann. Der Ansatz ist sowohl vertikal als auch horizontal skalierbar. Er verwendet lose gekoppelte Processing Elements (PEs), die stateless arbeiten, sowie Arbiter/Speicherzuordnungspaare. Durch die granulare Kontrolle und die Aufteilung aller Aspekte einer Lösung eignet sich der Ansatz für die Implementierung anderer Software-Level-Lösungen in Hardware. Viele Testszenarios werden durchgeführt, um die in CR-IV erzielten Ergebnisse zu verdeutlichen und zu überprüfen. Diese Szenarien reichen von direkten Leistungsmessungen bis hin zu verhaltensspezifischen Tests. Zusätzlich wird eine Labor-Demo erstellt, die grundsätzlich auf ein Proof of Concept zielt. Die Demo stellt einen praktischen Test anstelle szenariospezifischer Tests dar. Alle Testszenarien und die Labor-Demo werden mit den Prototyp-Boards des Projekts durchgef¨uhrt, d.h. es sind keine Simulationstests. Die Ergebnisse stellen die realistischen Leistungen von CR-IV mit bis zu 13,61 Gbit/s dar.Whether be it automotive, avionics or automation, advances in their respective real-time communication technology focus on further improving preexisting solutions. For in-vehicle communication, the ever-increasing number of computer-based systems, applications and connections as well as the use of multiple proprietary communication standards results in an increasingly complex wiring harness. This is in-part due to those standards being incompatible with one another. In addition to cost, this also impacts weight, which in turn affects fuel consumption. The work presented in this thesis is in-part theoretical and in-part applied. The former is represented by a new protocol, while the latter corresponds to the protocol’s hardware implementation. In the first part of the thesis, the real-time communication protocol of CarRing IV (CR-IV) is presented. It provides isochronous and hard real-time guarantees without requiring network-wide clock synchronization. With up to 16 nodes per ring, a CR-IV network can consist of as many as 256 rings interconnected by routers. CR-IV uses a reduced OSI model (layers 1-3, 7), which is both typical of and preferable for its application areas. Moreover, it supports both event- and time-triggered communication paradigms. The transparent mode feature allows CR-IV to act as a backbone for existing networks, thereby addressing incompatibility concerns and easing the transition into a more unified network solution. Using this feature, user devices can communicate with one another via a CR-IV network without requiring user interference, or any user device or application changes. Combined with the protocol’s reliable multicast, the feature extends CR-IV’s capabilities to include field bus emulation. The second part of the thesis presents the other important aspect of CR-IV. All of its OSI model layers are implemented in a FPGA using Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) without relying-on or including any hard or soft processors. CR-IV’s Register-Transfer Level (RTL) hardware design is created using a new approach that can best be described as token-based data-flow. The approach is both vertically and horizontally scalable. It uses stateless and loosely coupled Processing Elements (PEs) as well as arbiter/memory allocation pairs. By having granular control and compartmentalizing every aspect of a solution, the approach lends itself to being used for implementing other software-level solutions in hardware. Many test scenarios are conducted to both highlight and examine the results achieved in CR-IV. Those scenarios range from direct performance measurements to behavior-specific tests. Moreover, a lab-demo is created that essentially amounts to a proof of concept. The demo represents a practical test as opposed to a scenariospecific one. Whether be it test scenarios or the lab-demo, all are carried-out using the project’s prototype boards, i.e. no simulation tests. The results obtained represent CR-IV’s real-world realistic outcomes with up to 13.61 Gbps

    Reserva de recursos em automotive ethernet

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesIn recent years, automotive industry has undergone major changes, being able to highlight not only the growing development of electronic systems in increasingly and varied features and contexts, as well as to cope with its growing interaction between with the driver and the outside world. Due to the huge amount of traffic involved in these system communications, networking technologies used so far are starting to be less appealing and the industry began to consider alternatives, economically more competitive as is the case of Ethernet. The use of Ethernet technology in automotive domains faces some challenges, namely with time constraints compliance and well defined resource requirements. The emergence of AVB (Audio Video Bridging) protocols, is trying to tackle some of these problems of having dynamic Quality of Service management in automotive Ethernet networks. One example of such protocols is the signalling protocol (SRP Stream Reservation Protocol), which could be used for providing a resource reservation mechanism in an automotive Ethernet domain. To test the feasibility of such recent methods, simulation tools are of paramount importance. This work presents an implementation of the SRP (Stream Reservation Protocol) in Omnet++, taking into account some of its constraints. It is described the fundamental aspects of this model implementation, as well as some functional tests.Nos últimos anos, a industria automóvel tem sofrido grandes evoluções, podendo-se destacar não só o crescente desenvolvimento de sistemas eletrónicos em contextos e funcionalidades cada vez mais variados, como também a crescente interacção deste com o condutor e o mundo exterior. Devido ao enorme aumento de tráfego envolvido nas comunicações que compõem esses sistemas, as tecnologias de redes usadas até então deixaram de ser tão apelativas e passaram-se a considerar alternativas económicamente mais competitivas como é o caso da Ethernet. O uso de redes Ethernet em âmbito automóvel levanta alguns problemas, nomeadamente no cumprimento de limites temporais e requisitos de recursos bem definidos. O aparecimento de protocolos AVB (Audio Video Bridging) vem tentar colmatar vários problemas de gestão dinâmica de Qualidade de Serviço das redes Ethernet no domínio automóvel. O protocol de sinalização SRP (Stream Reservation Protocol) pode ser adaptado para redes Ethernet no contexto automóvel para proporcionar um mecanismo de reserva de recursos. Para testar a viabilidade de métodos tão recentes, as ferramentes de simulação são de uma importância vital. Este trabalho apresententa uma implemetação do protocolo SRP (Stream Reservation Protocol) em ambiente de simulação OMNeT++. São apresentados os aspectos fundamentais do modelo implemetado bem como alguns testes funcionais de validação deste

    Low-Latency Hard Real-Time Communication over Switched Ethernet

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    With the upsurge in the demand for high-bandwidth networked real-time applications in cost-sensitive environments, a key issue is to take advantage of developments of commodity components that offer a multiple of the throughput of classical real-time solutions. It was the starting hypothesis of this dissertation that with fine grained traffic shaping as the only means of node cooperation, it should be possible to achieve lower guaranteed delays and higher bandwidth utilization than with traditional approaches, even though Switched Ethernet does not support policing in the switches as other network architectures do. This thesis presents the application of traffic shaping to Switched Ethernet and validates the hypothesis. It shows, both theoretically and practically, how commodity Switched Ethernet technology can be used for low-latency hard real-time communication, and what operating-system support is needed for an efficient implementation

    Enhancing the efficiency of electricity utilization through home energy management systems within the smart grid framework

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    The concept behind smart grids is the aggregation of “intelligence” into the grid, whether through communication systems technologies that allow broadcast/data reception in real-time, or through monitoring and systems control in an autonomous way. With respect to the technological advancements, in recent years there has been a significant increment in devices and new strategies for the implementation of smart buildings/homes, due to the growing awareness of society in relation to environmental concerns and higher energy costs, so that energy efficiency improvements can provide real gains within modern society. In this perspective, the end-users are seen as active players with the ability to manage their energy resources, for example, microproduction units, domestic loads, electric vehicles and their participation in demand response events. This thesis is focused on identifying application areas where such technologies could bring benefits for their applicability, such as the case of wireless networks, considering the positive and negative points of each protocol available in the market. Moreover, this thesis provides an evaluation of dynamic prices of electricity and peak power, using as an example a system with electric vehicles and energy storage, supported by mixed-integer linear programming, within residential energy management. This thesis will also develop a power measuring prototype designed to process and determine the main electrical measurements and quantify the electrical load connected to a low voltage alternating current system. Finally, two cases studies are proposed regarding the application of model predictive control and thermal regulation for domestic applications with cooling requirements, allowing to minimize energy consumption, considering the restrictions of demand, load and acclimatization in the system

    European Information Technology Observatory 1998

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    Acesso banda larga sem fios em ambientes heterogéneos de próxima geração

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaO acesso ubíquo à Internet é um dos principais desafios para os operadores de telecomunicações na próxima década. O número de utilizadores da Internet está a crescer exponencialmente e o paradigma de acesso "always connected, anytime, anywhere" é um requisito fundamental para as redes móveis de próxima geração. A tecnologia WiMAX, juntamente com o LTE, foi recentemente reconhecida pelo ITU como uma das tecnologias de acesso compatíveis com os requisitos do 4G. Ainda assim, esta tecnologia de acesso não está completamente preparada para ambientes de próxima geração, principalmente devido à falta de mecanismos de cross-layer para integração de QoS e mobilidade. Adicionalmente, para além das tecnologias WiMAX e LTE, as tecnologias de acesso rádio UMTS/HSPA e Wi-Fi continuarão a ter um impacto significativo nas comunicações móveis durante os próximos anos. Deste modo, é fundamental garantir a coexistência das várias tecnologias de acesso rádio em termos de QoS e mobilidade, permitindo assim a entrega de serviços multimédia de tempo real em redes móveis. Para garantir a entrega de serviços multimédia a utilizadores WiMAX, esta Tese propõe um gestor cross-layer WiMAX integrado com uma arquitectura de QoS fim-a-fim. A arquitectura apresentada permite o controlo de QoS e a comunicação bidireccional entre o sistema WiMAX e as entidades das camadas superiores. Para além disso, o gestor de cross-layer proposto é estendido com eventos e comandos genéricos e independentes da tecnologia para optimizar os procedimentos de mobilidade em ambientes WiMAX. Foram realizados testes para avaliar o desempenho dos procedimentos de QoS e mobilidade da arquitectura WiMAX definida, demonstrando que esta é perfeitamente capaz de entregar serviços de tempo real sem introduzir custos excessivos na rede. No seguimento das extensões de QoS e mobilidade apresentadas para a tecnologia WiMAX, o âmbito desta Tese foi alargado para ambientes de acesso sem-fios heterogéneos. Neste sentido, é proposta uma arquitectura de mobilidade transparente com suporte de QoS para redes de acesso multitecnologia. A arquitectura apresentada integra uma versão estendida do IEEE 802.21 com suporte de QoS, bem como um gestor de mobilidade avançado integrado com os protocolos de gestão de mobilidade do nível IP. Finalmente, para completar o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito desta Tese, é proposta uma extensão aos procedimentos de decisão de mobilidade em ambientes heterogéneos para incorporar a informação de contexto da rede e do terminal. Para validar e avaliar as optimizações propostas, foram desenvolvidos testes de desempenho num demonstrador inter-tecnologia, composta pelas redes de acesso WiMAX, Wi-Fi e UMTS/HSPA.Ubiquitous Internet access is one of the main challenges for the telecommunications industry in the next decade. The number of users accessing the Internet is growing exponentially and the network access paradigm of “always connected, anytime, anywhere” is a central requirement for the so-called Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN). WiMAX, together with LTE, was recently recognized by ITU as one of the compliant access technologies for 4G. Nevertheless, WiMAX is not yet fully prepared for next generation environments, mainly due to the lack of QoS and mobility crosslayer procedures to support real-time multimedia services delivery. Furthermore, besides the 4G compliant WiMAX and LTE radio access technologies, UMTS/HSPA and Wi-Fi will also have a significant impact in the mobile communications during the next years. Therefore, it is fundamental to ensure the coexistence of multiple radio access technologies in what QoS and mobility procedures are concerned, thereby allowing the delivery of real-time services in mobile networks. In order to provide the WiMAX mobile users with the demanded multimedia services, it is proposed in this Thesis a WiMAX cross-layer manager integrated in an end-to-end all-IP QoS enabled architecture. The presented framework enables the QoS control and bidirectional communication between WiMAX and the upper layer network entities. Furthermore, the proposed cross-layer framework is extended with media independent events and commands to optimize the mobility procedures in WiMAX environments. Tests were made to evaluate the QoS and mobility performance of the defined architecture, demonstrating that it is perfectly capable of handling and supporting real time services without introducing an excessive cost in the network. Following the QoS and mobility extensions provided for WiMAX, the scope of this Thesis is broaden and a seamless mobility architecture with QoS support in heterogeneous wireless access environments is proposed. The presented architecture integrates an extended version of the IEEE 802.21 framework with QoS support, as well as an advanced mobility manager integrated with the IP level mobility management protocols. Finally, to complete the work within the framework of this Thesis, it is proposed an extension to the handover decisionmaking processes in heterogeneous access environments through the integration of context information from both the network entities and the enduser. Performance tests were developed in a real testbed to validate the proposed optimizations in an inter-technology handover scenario involving WiMAX, Wi-Fi and UMTS/HSPA