5 research outputs found

    Faithful reproduction of network experiments

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    The proliferation of cloud computing has compelled the research community to rethink fundamental aspects of network systems and architectures. However, the tools commonly used to evaluate new ideas have not kept abreast of the latest developments. Common simulation and emulation frameworks fail to provide scalability, fidelity, reproducibility and execute unmodified code, all at the same time. We present SELENA, a Xen-based network emulation framework that offers fully reproducible experiments via its automation interface and supports the use of unmodified guest operating systems. This allows out-of-the-box compatibility with common applications and OS components, such as network stacks and filesystems. In order to faithfully emulate faster and larger networks, SELENA adopts the technique of time-dilation and transparently slows down the passage of time for guest operating systems. This technique effectively virtualizes the availability of host’s hardware resources and allows the replication of scenarios with increased I/O and computational demands. Users can directly control the tradeoff between fidelity and running-times via intuitive tuning knobs. We evaluate the ability of SELENA to faithfully replicate the behaviour of real systems and compare it against existing popular experimentation platforms. Our results suggest that SELENA can accurately model networks with aggregate link speeds of 44 Gbps or more, while improving by four times the execution time in comparison to ns3 and exhibits near-linear scaling properties.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACM via http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2658260.265827

    Faster Control Plane Experimentation with Horse

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    Simulation and emulation are popular approaches for experimentation in Computer Networks. However, due to their respective inherent drawbacks, existing solutions cannot perform both fast and realistic control plane experiments. To close this gap, we introduce Horse. Horse is a hybrid solution with an emulated control plane, for realism, and simulated data plane, for speed. Our decoupling of the control and data plane allows us to speed up the experiments without sacrificing control plane realism

    Software-driven definition of virtual testbeds to validate emergent network technologies

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    This paper is an extended version of our paper published in XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL 2017), Valencia, Spain, 27–29 September 2017, “Definición de Testbeds Virtualizados Utilizando Perfiles de Actividad de Red”The lack of privileged access to emergent and operational deployments is one of the key matters during validation and testing of novel telecommunication systems and technologies. This matter jeopardizes the repeatability of experiments, which results in burdens for innovation and research in these areas. In this light, we present a method and architecture to make the software-driven definition of virtual testbeds easier. As distinguishing features, our proposal can mimic operational deployments by using high-dimensional activity patterns. These activity patterns shape the effect of a control module that triggers agents for the generation of network traffic. This solution exploits the capabilities of network emulation and virtualization systems, which nowadays can be easily deployed in commodity servers. With this, we accomplish a reproducible definition of realistic experimental conditions and the introduction of real agent implementations in a cost-effective fashion. We evaluate our solution in a case study that is comprised of the validation of a network-monitoring tool for Voice over IP (VoIP) deployments. Our experimental results support the viability of the method and illustrate how this formulation can improve the experimentation in emergent technologies.This work has been partially funded by the SpanishMinistry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund under the projects TRÁFICA (MINECO/FEDER TEC2015-69417-C2-1-R) and RACING DRONES (MINECO/FEDER RTC-2016-4744-7

    An SDN-inspired Model for Faster Network Experimentation.

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