23 research outputs found

    Foundational Extensible Corecursion

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under well-behaved operations, including constructors. Corecursive functions that are well behaved can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor's expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic

    Categorical Semantics for Functional Reactive Programming with Temporal Recursion and Corecursion

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    Functional reactive programming (FRP) makes it possible to express temporal aspects of computations in a declarative way. Recently we developed two kinds of categorical models of FRP: abstract process categories (APCs) and concrete process categories (CPCs). Furthermore we showed that APCs generalize CPCs. In this paper, we extend APCs with additional structure. This structure models recursion and corecursion operators that are related to time. We show that the resulting categorical models generalize those CPCs that impose an additional constraint on time scales. This constraint boils down to ruling out ω\omega-supertasks, which are closely related to Zeno's paradox of Achilles and the tortoise.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2014, arXiv:1406.153

    Synthesizing Functional Reactive Programs

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    Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is a paradigm that has simplified the construction of reactive programs. There are many libraries that implement incarnations of FRP, using abstractions such as Applicative, Monads, and Arrows. However, finding a good control flow, that correctly manages state and switches behaviors at the right times, still poses a major challenge to developers. An attractive alternative is specifying the behavior instead of programming it, as made possible by the recently developed logic: Temporal Stream Logic (TSL). However, it has not been explored so far how Control Flow Models (CFMs), as synthesized from TSL specifications, can be turned into executable code that is compatible with libraries building on FRP. We bridge this gap, by showing that CFMs are indeed a suitable formalism to be turned into Applicative, Monadic, and Arrowized FRP. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our translations on a real-world kitchen timer application, which we translate to a desktop application using the Arrowized FRP library Yampa, a web application using the Monadic threepenny-gui library, and to hardware using the Applicative hardware description language ClaSH.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1712.0024

    Temporal Stream Logic: Synthesis beyond the Bools

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    Reactive systems that operate in environments with complex data, such as mobile apps or embedded controllers with many sensors, are difficult to synthesize. Synthesis tools usually fail for such systems because the state space resulting from the discretization of the data is too large. We introduce TSL, a new temporal logic that separates control and data. We provide a CEGAR-based synthesis approach for the construction of implementations that are guaranteed to satisfy a TSL specification for all possible instantiations of the data processing functions. TSL provides an attractive trade-off for synthesis. On the one hand, synthesis from TSL, unlike synthesis from standard temporal logics, is undecidable in general. On the other hand, however, synthesis from TSL is scalable, because it is independent of the complexity of the handled data. Among other benchmarks, we have successfully synthesized a music player Android app and a controller for an autonomous vehicle in the Open Race Car Simulator (TORCS.

    Infinitary λ\lambda-Calculi from a Linear Perspective (Long Version)

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    We introduce a linear infinitary λ\lambda-calculus, called Λ\ell\Lambda_{\infty}, in which two exponential modalities are available, the first one being the usual, finitary one, the other being the only construct interpreted coinductively. The obtained calculus embeds the infinitary applicative λ\lambda-calculus and is universal for computations over infinite strings. What is particularly interesting about Λ\ell\Lambda_{\infty}, is that the refinement induced by linear logic allows to restrict both modalities so as to get calculi which are terminating inductively and productive coinductively. We exemplify this idea by analysing a fragment of Λ\ell\Lambda built around the principles of SLL\mathsf{SLL} and 4LL\mathsf{4LL}. Interestingly, it enjoys confluence, contrarily to what happens in ordinary infinitary λ\lambda-calculi

    Approximation of Nested Fixpoints

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    The question addressed in this paper is how to correctly approximate infinite data given by systems of simultaneous corecursive definitions. We devise a categorical framework for reasoning about regular datatypes, that is, datatypes closed under products, coproducts and fixpoints. We argue that the right methodology is on one hand coalgebraic (to deal with possible nontermination and infinite data) and on the other hand 2-categorical (to deal with parameters in a disciplined manner). We prove a coalgebraic version of Bekic lemma that allows us to reduce simultaneous fixpoints to a single fix point. Thus a possibly infinite object of interest is regarded as a final coalgebra of a many-sorted polynomial functor and can be seen as a limit of finite approximants. As an application, we prove correctness of a generic function that calculates the approximants on a large class of data types

    Type Theories for Reactive Programming

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    Foundational extensible corecursion: a proof assistant perspective

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under “friendly” operations, including constructors. Friendly corecursive functions can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor’s expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic

    Foundational extensible corecursion: a proof assistant perspective

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under “friendly” operations, including constructors. Friendly corecursive functions can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor’s expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic