46 research outputs found


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    This study aims to describe the implementation of digital libraries in universities. This research is a descriptive study with a literature review method. Five articles were selected that discussed the differences and similarities in user satisfaction between undergraduate and postgraduate students regarding the existence of digital libraries. This study discusses similarities, dissimilarities, provides views, compares and summarizes selected articles. It was found that there are differences and similarities in user perceptions in the use of higher education digital libraries, factors that influence user satisfaction with digital libraries such as system quality, information, and services, digital library affinity, perceived ease and satisfaction felt by users. The five selected articles stated that in a group of academics in which there were undergraduate and postgraduate students had different perceptions of digital libraries. Undergraduate students tend to emphasize speed of access, while postgraduate students prioritize the validity and up-to-date of an information source to meet their needs for information. The results of this study are expected to be a material consideration for policy makers in planning the development of digital libraries so that they are right on target so that their utilization can be maximize

    Penerapan Perpustakaan Digital Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pengguna Perpustakaan di Era Revolusi 4.0

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    Tujuan artikel ilmiah ini untuk mengetahui dan menelaah tentang penerapan perpustakaan digital dalam upaya meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna perpustakaan di era revolusi 4.0. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan literatur review, dengan menelaah sumber data dari 10 jurnal nasional maupun 10 jurnal internasional. Penelitian ini tidak memiliki lokasi penelitian yang spesifik, sehingga memerlukan metode studi literatur dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil telaah dari beberapa jurnal, menyatakan bahwa penerapan layanan perpustakaan digital mampu meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna di era revolusi 4.0. Dengan adanya layanan perpustakaan digital yang didukung oleh faktor kualitas informasi yang komprehensif, kualitas sistem layanan yang efisien, serta kualitas layanan jasa yang sesuai dengan harapan pengguna. Sehingga dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna dan meningkatkan akses pengunjung terhadap layanan digital yang disediakan perpustakaan. Kata Kunci: perpustakaan digital, kepuasan pengguna, revolusi industri 4.

    The Determinants of Satisfaction and Loyalty to Digital Libraries: Islamic Economics Student Perspective in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence the satisfaction and loyalty of Islamic economics students in Indonesia to digital libraries. To test the structural and measurement models, the Partial Least Square Structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was used. Online questionnaires were distributed to purposively selected respondents throughout Indonesia, consisting of all major islands. In total, there were 104 respondents collected. This study found that the Perceived Usefulness variable had no significant effect on digital library user satisfaction for Islamic economics students in Indonesia. while the Perceived Ease of Use variable has a significant effect on user satisfaction. In addition, user satisfaction also has a significant influence on user loyalty of digital libraries for Islamic economics students in Indonesia

    The Impact and Efficiency of Electronic Libraries In Various Districts of Punjab, Pakistan

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    The present research study is conducted with the aim to assess and analyze the impact of electronic libraries (EL) by using usability criteria which include consistency, efficiency, learning and satisfaction in digital learning and reading stimulus among the general public and youth in specific. The structural equation modeling (SEM) of variables like effectiveness (EEF), efficiency (EFT), learning ability (LER) and performance & satisfaction (PES) was followed by research design. Survey was conducted in divisional headquarters of the Punjab province to collect data. The population was N=270 persons from 9 out of 20 districts having EL facilities. The findings revealed that E-Libraries have a positive correlation between productivity, effectiveness, learning and success. Performance, efficacy and learning capacity had a substantial and positive influence on user’s satisfaction. The study found that the provision of a conducive atmosphere that ensures productivity, effectiveness and learning capacity plays a vital role in enhancing performance of EL. It is proposed that we follow more efficient and dynamic methods in order to support the concept of EL for promotion of culture of digital learning philosophy among the public

    Evaluation of Digital Library Services at Virtual Faculties of Universities in Iran from the Perspective of Graduate Students

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    This paper was conducted to evaluate digital library services of virtual faculties of Medical Universities in Iran from the perspective of graduate students of e-learning. This study was an applied survey conducted among graduate students studying in the virtual centers in Ministry of Health and Medical Education and Ministry of Science Research and Technology in 2017-2018. The instrument of the study was a questionnaire, the inter-item reliability of which was measured, by Cronbach\u27s alpha coefficient (0.90). The reliability was measured by using Pearson correlation coefficient (0.79). A sample size of 378 students was selected through Cochran formula and Morgan table. The data were collected through email, online and in-person. The study was performed in 9 months (June to February 2018) and 257 completed questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS software version 18. The findings indicated 63.3 % and 36.2 % of participants belonged to MOHME and MOSRT .There were 44.7% of women and 54.9% of men. 79.3% of the virtual education centers of MOHME and 45.2% of the centers of MOSRT have been affiliated with the Central Library.The most used sources of information, in MOHME with 48.8% and in MOSRT with 63.4%, were databases. In MOHME with 31.1%, the main problem was the excessive amount of unrelated information on Internet sites, and in MOSRT with 53.8%, it was the limited availability and lending of resources from libraries with a significant level (pvalue\u3e0.001). Students in both groups used library resources aimed at doing homework assignments (MOHME was 76.8% MOSRT 57.3%), and theses (MOHME with 57.9% and MOSRT with 51.6%. Considering the results, specific measures should be taken to improve the access to online library resources and services for students. Resources such as textbooks, theses, relevant websites and required information of virtual students should be taken into consideration

    Keeping Search Configuration Options Open

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    Modern discovery layers allow for a wide variety of design configurations. One essential consideration when creating a search environment is the complexity of search options available to the end user. This multi-campus study took a big data approach and examined 4 years of data collected from the California State University (CSU) libraries and compared user search query behavior across all libraries. There is a lot of research that suggests reducing cognitive overload results in a better user experience. Understanding how users search is key to designing a library which is more accessible to all. When configuring your library catalog, certain questions must be answered, such as whether to cater to advanced librarian query behavior or adopt a simpler, commercial-style approach. Designing for all users involves considering a diverse userbase with a wide range of abilities, keeping edge cases in mind, and building from proven web design principles. Get tips and learnings from this talk

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan QR Code sebagai Alat Transaksi: Studi pada Generasi Z

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    NABILLA RAMADHANI. Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan QR Code sebagai Alat Transaksi: Studi pada Generasi Z. Jakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bisnis, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2023. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan sebagai salah satu bahan uji dari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan QR Code pada generasi Z di Jabodetabek. Adapun lima variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived security, satisfaction, dan continuance intention. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik non-probability sampling, dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner tertutup secara daring menggunakan skala likert 5 poin. Populasi yang digunakan adalah generasi Z dari rentang usia 17-27 tahun, pernah menggunakan QRIS, dan berdomisili di Jabodetabek. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan sebanyak 215 responden terpilih. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SEM (Structural Equation Model) dengan dua aplikasi, yaitu: IBM SPSS 25 dan AMOS 21. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perceived usefulness dan perceived ease of use berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap satisfaction. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security, dan satisfaction berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap continuance intention. Serta, perceived usefulness dan perceived ease of use berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap continuance intention dan dimediasi melalui satisfaction. Kata kunci: Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived security, satisfaction, continuance intention, generasi Z, Jabodetabek

    Analyzing the Effect of Delighting Services on the Loyalty of Public Library Users: A Case Study

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    Purpose: This study seeks to investigate the effect of delighting services on the loyalty of public library users. Methodology: This is a survey study and its statistical population consists of the users of public libraries in Mashhad. The integrated model is used in this study and the structural equations related to the indicators in the research model are investigated. The goodness of research model fitting suggests the special place of the delighting service and its effect on the components of trust, commitment, satisfaction, and loyalty of users. Findings: Furthermore, the finding\u27s show that the delighting services affect commitment, satisfaction and, consequently, the loyalty of user. If library services are delighting, then the trust of users will be gained and the users will feel committed to the library; therefore, their satisfaction will ultimately result in their loyalty to the library


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    Tax e-filing system quality is vital, directly shaping tax process efficiency and user convenience. This study aims to examine the effect of tax e-filing system quality on taxpayer satisfaction using perceived usefulness as a mediating variable. To gather data, 300 questionnaires were distributed to taxpayers, resulting in participation from 230 respondents.The findings of our study demonstrated a positive effect of tax e-filing system quality on both user satisfaction and perceived usefulness, and that perceived usefulness has a positively significant effect on user satisfaction. Furthermore, this study confirmed that perceived usefulness as a mediating variable in the e-filing system quality and user satisfaction relationship. The study enhances tax system theory by revealing the mediating role of perceived usefulness, and it practically suggests improving e-filing systems for increased taxpayer satisfaction and efficient tax collection