9 research outputs found

    One-factorizations of the complete graph Kp+1K_{p+1} arising from parabolas

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    There are three types of affine regular polygons in AG(2, q): ellipse, hyperbola and parabola. The first two cases have been investigated in previous papers. In this note, a particular class of geometric one-factorizations of the complete graph Kn arising from parabolas is constructed and described in full detail. With the support of computer aided investigation, it is also conjectured that up to isomorphisms this is the only one-factorization where each one-factor is either represented by a line or a parabola

    Coloring decompositions of complete geometric graphs

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    A decomposition of a non-empty simple graph GG is a pair [G,P][G,P], such that PP is a set of non-empty induced subgraphs of GG, and every edge of GG belongs to exactly one subgraph in PP. The chromatic index χ′([G,P])\chi'([G,P]) of a decomposition [G,P][G,P] is the smallest number kk for which there exists a kk-coloring of the elements of PP in such a way that: for every element of PP all of its edges have the same color, and if two members of PP share at least one vertex, then they have different colors. A long standing conjecture of Erd\H{o}s-Faber-Lov\'asz states that every decomposition [Kn,P][K_n,P] of the complete graph KnK_n satisfies χ′([Kn,P])≤n\chi'([K_n,P])\leq n. In this paper we work with geometric graphs, and inspired by this formulation of the conjecture, we introduce the concept of chromatic index of a decomposition of the complete geometric graph. We present bounds for the chromatic index of several types of decompositions when the vertices of the graph are in general position. We also consider the particular case in which the vertices are in convex position and present bounds for the chromatic index of a few types of decompositions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Factorizations of complete multigraphs

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    In this paper, several general results are obtained on the Oberwolfach problem that provide isomorphic 2-factorizations of 2K. One consequence of these results is that the existence of a 2-factorization in which each 2-factor of 2K consists of one cycle of length x and one of length n-x is completely settled. The techniques used to obtain these results are novel, using for example the Lindner-Rodger generalizations of Marshall Hall's classic embedding theorem for incomplete latin squares

    11-factorizations of complete multigraphs arising from finite geometry

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    Some interesting classes of 11-factorizations and 11-hyperfactorizations of the complete graph K2nK_{2n} are related to ovals in finite projective planes. We construct a new infinite family of 11-factorizations of complete multigraphs arising from some combinatorial properties of ovals and unitals in projective planes over finite fields

    A note on m-factorizations of complete multigraphs arising from designs

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    One-factorizations of complete multigraphs arising from maximal (k;n)(k;n)-arcs in PG(2,2h)\mathrm{PG}(2,2^{h})

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    A new class of one-factorizations of the complete multigraph λK2h+1+2\lambda K_{2^{h+1}+2} is constructed for every λ=2k\lambda =2^{k}, with 1≤k≤h1\leq k\leq h. Furthermore, some connections with blocking sets in PG(2,2h)\mathrm{PG}(2,2^{h}) are established