12 research outputs found

    Correlation bound for distant parts of factor of IID processes

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    We study factor of i.i.d. processes on the dd-regular tree for d3d \geq 3. We show that if such a process is restricted to two distant connected subgraphs of the tree, then the two parts are basically uncorrelated. More precisely, any functions of the two parts have correlation at most k(d1)/(d1)kk(d-1) / (\sqrt{d-1})^k, where kk denotes the distance of the subgraphs. This result can be considered as a quantitative version of the fact that factor of i.i.d. processes have trivial 1-ended tails.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Correlation bounds for distant parts of factor of IID processes

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    We study factor of i.i.d. processes on the d-regular tree for d ≥ 3. We show that if such a process is restricted to two distant connected subgraphs of the tree, then the two parts are basically uncorrelated. More precisely, any functions of the two parts have correlation at most , where k denotes the distance between the subgraphs. This result can be considered as a quantitative version of the fact that factor of i.i.d. processes have trivial 1-ended tails

    Entropy inequalities for factors of iid

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    This paper is concerned with certain invariant random processes (called factors of IID) on infinite trees. Given such a process, one can assign entropies to different finite subgraphs of the tree. There are linear inequalities between these entropies that hold for any factor of IID process (e.g. "edge versus vertex" or "star versus edge"). These inequalities turned out to be very useful: they have several applications already, the most recent one is the Backhausz-Szegedy result on the eigenvectors of random regular graphs. We present new entropy inequalities in this paper. In fact, our approach provides a general "recipe" for how to find and prove such inequalities. Our key tool is a generalization of the edge-vertex inequality for a broader class of factor processes with fewer symmetries

    Suboptimality of local algorithms for a class of max-cut problems

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    We show that in random K -uniform hypergraphs of constant average degree, for even K ≥ 4 , local algorithms defined as factors of i.i.d. can not find nearly maximal cuts, when the average degree is sufficiently large. These algorithms have been used frequently to obtain lower bounds for the max-cut problem on random graphs, but it was not known whether they could be successful in finding nearly maximal cuts. This result follows from the fact that the overlap of any two nearly maximal cuts in such hypergraphs does not take values in a certain nontrivial interval—a phenomenon referred to as the overlap gap property—which is proved by comparing diluted models with large average degree with appropriate fully connected spin glass models and showing the overlap gap property in the latter setting

    Local Problems on Trees from the Perspectives of Distributed Algorithms, Finitary Factors, and Descriptive Combinatorics

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    Mutual information decay for factors of iid

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    This paper is concerned with factor of i.i.d. processes on the d-regular tree for d≥3. We study the mutual information of the values on two given vertices. If the vertices are neighbors (i.e., their distance is 1), then a known inequality between the entropy of a vertex and the entropy of an edge provides an upper bound for the (normalized) mutual information. In this paper we obtain upper bounds for vertices at an arbitrary distance k, of order (d−1)−k/2. Although these bounds are sharp, we also show that an interesting phenomenon occurs here: for any fixed process the rate of decay of the mutual information is much faster, essentially of order (d−1)−k

    Entropy inequalities for factors of iid

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    This paper is concerned with certain invariant random processes (called factors of IID) on infinite trees. Given such a process, one can assign entropies to different finite subgraphs of the tree. There are linear inequalities between these entropies that hold for any factor of IID process (e.g. "edge versus vertex" or "star versus edge"). These inequalities turned out to be very useful: they have several applications already, the most recent one is the Backhausz-Szegedy result on the eigenvectors of random regular graphs. We present new entropy inequalities in this paper. In fact, our approach provides a general "recipe" for how to find and prove such inequalities. Our key tool is a generalization of the edge-vertex inequality for a broader class of factor processes with fewer symmetries

    Entropy and expansion

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    Shearer's inequality bounds the sum of joint entropies of random variables in terms of the total joint entropy. We give another lower bound for the same sum in terms of the individual entropies when the variables are functions of independent random seeds. The inequality involves a constant characterizing the expansion properties of the system. Our results generalize to entropy inequalities used in recent work in invariant settings, including the edge-vertex inequality for factor-of-IID processes, Bowen's entropy inequalities, and Bollob\'as's entropy bounds in random regular graphs. The proof method yields inequalities for other measures of randomness, including covariance. As an application, we give upper bounds for independent sets in both finite and infinite graphs

    On the almost eigenvectors of random regular graphs

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    Let d >= 3 be fixed and G be a large random d-regular graph on n vertices. We show that if n is large enough then the entry distribution of every almost eigenvector of G(with entry sum 0 and normalized to have length root n) is close to some Gaussian distribution N(0, sigma) in the weak topology where 0 <= sigma <= 1. Our theorem holds even in the stronger sense when many entries are looked at simultaneously in small random neighborhoods of the graph. Furthermore, we also get the Gaussianity of the joint distribution of several almost eigenvectors if the corresponding eigenvalues are close. Our proof uses graph limits and information theory. Our results have consequences for factor of i.i.d. processes on the infinite regular tree. In particular, we obtain that if an invariant eigenvector process on the infinite d-regular tree is in the weak closure of factor of i.i.d. processes then it has Gaussian distribution