69 research outputs found

    Facile Quantification and Identification Techniques for Reducing Gases over a Wide Concentration Range Using a MOS Sensor in Temperature-Cycled Operation

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    Dedicated methods for quantification and identification of reducing gases based on model-based temperature-cycled operation (TCO) using a single commercial MOS gas sensor are presented. During high temperature phases the sensor surface is highly oxidized, yielding a significant sensitivity increase after switching to lower temperatures (differential surface reduction, DSR). For low concentrations, the slope of the logarithmic conductance during this low-temperature phase is evaluated and can directly be used for quantification. For higher concentrations, the time constant for reaching a stable conductance during the same low-temperature phase is evaluated. Both signals represent the reaction rate of the reducing gas on the strongly oxidized surface at this low temperature and provide a linear calibration curve, which is exceptional for MOS sensors. By determining these reaction rates on different low-temperature plateaus and applying pattern recognition, the resulting footprint can be used for identification of different gases. All methods are tested over a wide concentration range from 10 ppb to 100 ppm (4 orders of magnitude) for four different reducing gases (CO, H2, ammonia and benzene) using randomized gas exposures

    Dynamic operation, efficient calibration, and advanced data analysis of gas sensors : from modelling to real-world operation

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    This thesis demonstrates the use of dynamic operation, efficient calibration and advanced data analysis using metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) gas sensors as an example – from modeling to real-world operation. The necessary steps for an applicationspecific, selective indoor volatile organic compound (VOC) measurement system are addressed, analyzed and improved. Factors such as sensors, operation, electronics and calibration are considered. The developed methods and tools are universally transferable to other gas sensors and applications. The basis for selective measurement is temperature cyclic operation (TCO). The model-based understanding of a semiconductor gas sensor in TCO for the optimized development of operating modes and data evaluation is addressed and, for example, the tailored and stable detection of short gas pulses is developed. Two successful interlaboratory tests for the measurement of VOCs in independent laboratories are described. Selective measurements of VOCs in the laboratory and in the field are successfully demonstrated. Calibrations using the proposed techniques of randomized design of experiment (DoE), model-based data evaluation and calibration with machine learning methods are employed. The calibrated models are compared with analytical measurements using release tests. The high agreement of the results is unique in current research.Diese Thesis zeigt den Einsatz von dynamischem Betrieb, effizienter Kalibrierung, und fortschrittlicher Datenanalyse am Beispiel von Metalloxid Halbleiter (MOS) Gassensoren – von der Modellierung bis zum realen Betrieb. Die notwendigen Schritte für ein anwendungsspezifisches, selektives Messystem für flüchtige organische Verbindungen (VOC) im Innenraum werden adressiert, analysiert und verbessert. Faktoren wie z.B. Sensoren, Funktionsweise, Elektronik und Kalibrierung werden berücksichtigt. Die entwickelten Methoden und Tools sind universell auf andere Gassensoren und Anwendungen übertragbar. Grundlage für die selektive Messung ist der temperaturzyklische Betrieb (TCO). Auf das modellbasierte Verständnis eines Halbleitergassensors im TCO für die optimierte Entwicklung von Betriebsmodi und Datenauswertung wird eingegangen und z.B. die maßgeschneiderte und stabile Detektion von kurzen Gaspulsen entwickelt. Zwei erfolgreiche Ringversuche zur Messung von VOCs in unabhängigen Laboren werden beschrieben. Selektive Messungen verschiedener VOCs im Labor und im Feld werden erfolgreich demonstriert. Dabei kommen Kalibrierungen mit den vorgeschlagenen Techniken des randomisierten Design of Experiment (DoE), der modellbasierten Datenauswertung und Kalibrierung mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens zum Einsatz. Die kalibrierten Modelle werden anhand von Freisetzungstests mit analytischen Messungen verglichen. Die hohe Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse ist einzigartig in der aktuellen Forschung

    Siloxane treatment of metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors in temperature-cycled operation – sensitivity and selectivity

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    The impact of a hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) treatment on the response of doped SnO2 sensors is investigated for acetone, carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The sensor was operated in temperature cycles based on the DSR concept (differential surface reduction). According to this concept, the rate constants for the reduction and oxidation of the surface after fast temperature changes can be evaluated and used for quantification of reducing gases as well as quantification and compensation of sensor poisoning by siloxanes, which is shown in this work. Increasing HMDSO exposure reduces the rate constants and therefore the sensitivity of the sensor more and more for all processes. On the other hand, while the rate constants for acetone and carbon monoxide are reduced nearly to zero already for short treatments, the hydrogen sensitivity remains fairly stable, which greatly increases the selectivity. During repeated HMDSO treatment the quasistatic sensitivity, i.e. equilibrium sensitivity at one point during the temperature cycle, rises at first for all gases but then drops rapidly for acetone and carbon monoxide, which can also be explained by reduced rate constants for oxygen chemisorption on the sensor surface when considering the generation of surface charge

    High-Performance VOC Quantification for IAQ Monitoring Using Advanced Sensor Systems and Deep Learning

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    With air quality being one target in the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations, accurate monitoring also of indoor air quality is more important than ever. Chemiresistive gas sensors are an inexpensive and promising solution for the monitoring of volatile organic com pounds, which are of high concern indoors. To fully exploit the potential of these sensors, advanced operating modes, calibration, and data evaluation methods are required. This contribution outlines a systematic approach based on dynamic operation (temperature-cycled operation), randomized calibration (Latin hypercube sampling), and the use of advances in deep neural networks originally developed for natural language processing and computer vision, applying this approach to volatile organic compound measurements for indoor air quality monitoring. This paper discusses the pros and cons of deep neural networks for volatile organic compound monitoring in a laboratory en vironment by comparing the quantification accuracy of state-of-the-art data evaluation methods with a 10-layer deep convolutional neural network (TCOCNN). The overall performance of both methods was compared for complex gas mixtures with several volatile organic compounds, as well as interfering gases and changing ambient humidity in a comprehensive lab evaluation. Furthermore, both were tested under realistic conditions in the field with additional release tests of volatile organic compounds. The results obtained during field testing were compared with analytical measurements, namely the gold standard gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis based on Tenax sampling, as well as two mobile systems, a gas chromatograph with photo-ionization detection for volatile organic compound monitoring and a gas chromatograph with a reducing compound photometer for the monitoring of hydrogen. The results showed that the TCOCNN outperforms state-of-the-art data evaluation methods, for example for critical pollutants such as formaldehyde, achieving an uncertainty of around 11 ppb even in complex mixtures, and offers a more robust volatile organic compound quantification in a laboratory environment, as well as in real ambient air for most targets

    Measuring Hydrogen in Indoor Air with a Selective Metal Oxide Semiconductor Sensor

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    Hydrogen is a ubiquitous but often neglected gas. In analytical measurements hydrogen—as a harmless gas—often is not considered so no studies on hydrogen in indoor air can be found. For metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) gas sensors that are increasingly pushed into the application as TVOC (total volatile organic compounds) sensors, hydrogen is a severe disturbance. On the other hand, hydrogen can be an intentional choice as indicator for human presence similar to carbon dioxide. We present a field-study on hydrogen in indoor air using selective MOS sensors accompanied by an analytical reference device for hydrogen with an accuracy of 10 ppb. Selectivity is achieved by siloxane treatment combined with temperature cycled operation and training with a complex lab calibration using randomized gas mixtures, yielding an uncertainty of 40–60 ppb. The feasibility is demonstrated by release tests with several gases inside a room and by comparison to the reference device. The results show that selective MOS sensors can function as cheap and available hydrogen detectors. Fluctuations in hydrogen concentration without human presence are measured over several days to gain insight in this highly relevant parameter for indoor air quality. The results indicate that the topic needs further attention and that the usage of hydrogen as indicator for human presence might be precluded by other sources and fluctuations

    Field Study of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors in Temperature Cycled Operation for Selective VOC Monitoring in Indoor Air

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    More and more metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) gas sensors with digital interfaces are entering the market for indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring. These sensors are intended to measure volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air, an important air quality factor. However, their standard operating mode often does not make full use of their true capabilities. More sophisticated operation modes, extensive calibration and advanced data evaluation can significantly improve VOC measurements and, furthermore, achieve selective measurements of single gases or at least types of VOCs. This study provides an overview of the potential and limits of MOS gas sensors for IAQ monitoring using temperature cycled operation (TCO), calibration with randomized exposure and data-based models trained with advanced machine learning. After lab calibration, a commercial digital gas sensor with four different gas-sensitive layers was tested in the field over several weeks. In addition to monitoring normal ambient air, release tests were performed with compounds that were included in the lab calibration, but also with additional VOCs. The tests were accompanied by different analytical systems (GC-MS with Tenax sampling, mobile GC-PID and GC-RCP). The results show quantitative agreement between analytical systems and the MOS gas sensor system. The study shows that MOS sensors are highly suitable for determining the overall VOC concentrations with high temporal resolution and, with some restrictions, also for selective measurements of individual components

    Random gas mixtures for efficient gas sensor calibration

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    Applications like air quality, fire detection and detection of explosives require selective and quantitative measurements in an ever-changing background of interfering gases. One main issue hindering the successful implementation of gas sensors in real-world applications is the lack of appropriate calibration procedures for advanced gas sensor systems. This article presents a calibration scheme for gas sensors based on statistically distributed gas profiles with unique randomized gas mixtures. This enables a more realistic gas sensor calibration including masking effects and other gas interactions which are not considered in classical sequential calibration. The calibration scheme is tested with two different metal oxide semiconductor sensors in temperature-cycled operation using indoor air quality as an example use case. The results are compared to a classical calibration strategy with sequentially increasing gas concentrations. While a model trained with data from the sequential calibration performs poorly on the more realistic mixtures, our randomized calibration achieves significantly better results for the prediction of both sequential and randomized measurements for, for example, acetone, benzene and hydrogen. Its statistical nature makes it robust against overfitting and well suited for machine learning algorithms. Our novel method is a promising approach for the successful transfer of gas sensor systems from the laboratory into the field. Due to the generic approach using concentration distributions the resulting performance tests are versatile for various applications

    Influence of measurement uncertainty on machine learning results demonstrated for a smart gas sensor

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    Humans spend most of their lives indoors, so indoor air quality (IAQ) plays a key role in human health. Thus, human health is seriously threatened by indoor air pollution, which leads to 3.8 Ă— 106 deaths annually, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). With the ongoing improvement in life quality, IAQ monitoring has become an important concern for researchers. However, in machine learning (ML), measurement uncertainty, which is critical in hazardous gas detection, is usually only estimated using cross-validation and is not directly addressed, and this will be the main focus of this paper. Gas concentration can be determined by using gas sensors in temperature-cycled operation (TCO) and ML on the measured logarithmic resistance of the sensor. This contribution focuses on formaldehyde as one of the most relevant carcinogenic gases indoors and on the sum of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), i.e., acetone, ethanol, formaldehyde, and toluene, measured in the data set as an indicator for IAQ. As gas concentrations are continuous quantities, regression must be used. Thus, a previously published uncertainty-aware automated ML toolbox (UA-AMLT) for classification is extended for regression by introducing an uncertainty-aware partial least squares regression (PLSR) algorithm. The uncertainty propagation of the UA-AMLT is based on the principles described in the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and its supplements. Two different use cases are considered for investigating the influence on ML results in this contribution, namely model training with raw data and with data that are manipulated by adding artificially generated white Gaussian or uniform noise to simulate increased data uncertainty, respectively. One of the benefits of this approach is to obtain a better understanding of where the overall system should be improved. This can be achieved by either improving the trained ML model or using a sensor with higher precision. Finally, an increase in robustness against random noise by training a model with noisy data is demonstrated

    Improving the performance of gas sensor systems with advanced data evaluation, operation, and calibration methods

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    In order to facilitate the widespread use of gas sensors, some challenges must still be overcome. Many of those are related to the reliable quantification of ultra-low concentrations of specific compounds in a background of other gases. This thesis focuses on three important items in the measurement chain: sensor material and operating modes, evaluation of the resulting data, and test gas generation for efficient sensor calibration. New operating modes and materials for gas-sensitive field-effect transistors have been investigated. Tungsten trioxide as gate oxide can improve the selectivity to hazardous volatile organic compounds like naphthalene even in a strong and variable ethanol background. The influence of gate bias and ultraviolet light has been studied with respect to the transport of oxygen anions on the sensor surface and was used to improve classification and quantification of different gases. DAV3E, an internationally recognized MATLAB-based toolbox for the evaluation of cyclic sensor data, has been developed and published as opensource. It provides a user-friendly graphical interface and specially tailored algorithms from multivariate statistics. The laboratory tests conducted during this project have been extended with an interlaboratory study and a field test, both yielding valuable insights for future, more complex sensor calibration. A novel, efficient calibration approach has been proposed and evaluated with ten different gas sensor systems.Vor der weitverbreiteten Nutzung von Gassensoren stehen noch einige Herausforderungen, insbesondere die zuverlässige Messung ultrakleiner Konzentrationen bestimmter Substanzen vor einem Hintergrund anderer Gase. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf drei wichtige Glieder der erforderlichen Messkette: Material und Betriebsweise von Sensoren, Auswertung der anfallenden Daten sowie Generierung von Testgasen zur effizienten Kalibrierung. Neue Betriebsmodi und Materialien für gassensitive Feldeffekttransistoren wurden getestet. Wolframtrioxid kann als Gateoxid die Selektivität für flüchtige organische Verbindungen wie Naphthalin in einem variierenden Ethanolhintergrund verbessern. Der Einfluss von Gate-Bias und ultravioletter Strahlung auf die Bewegung von Sauerstoffionen auf der Oberfläche wurde untersucht und genutzt, um die Klassifizierung und Quantifizierung von Gasen zu verbessern. Eine international anerkannte MATLAB-Toolbox zur Auswertung zyklischer Sensordaten, DAV3E, wurde entwickelt und als open source veröffentlicht. Sie stellt eine nutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und speziell angepasste Algorithmen der multivariaten Statistik zur Verfügung. Die Laborexperimente wurden ergänzt durch vergleichende Messungen in zwei unabhängigen Laboren und einen Feldtest, womit wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die künftig notwendige, komplexe Kalibrierung von Sensoren gewonnen wurden. Ein neuartiger, effizienter Kalibrieransatz wurde vorgestellt und mit zehn unterschiedlichen Sensorsystemen evaluiert
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