21 research outputs found

    Social Interactions Mediated by the Internet and the Big- Five: a Cross-Country Analysis

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    This study analyzes the possible relationship between personality traits, in terms of Big Five (extraversion, agreeableness, responsibility, emotional stability and openness to experience), and social interactions mediated by digital platforms in different socioeconomic and cultural contexts. We considered data from a questionnaire and the experience of using a chatbot, as a mean of requesting and offering help, with students from 4 universities: University of Trento (Italy), the National University of Mongolia, the School of Economics of London (United Kingdom) and the Universidad Cat\'olica Nuestra Se\~nora de la Asunci\'on (Paraguay). The main findings confirm that personality traits may influence social interactions and active participation in groups. Therefore, they should be taken into account to enrich the recommendation of matching algorithms between people who ask for help and people who could respond not only on the basis of their knowledge and skills.Comment: 5 page

    Excessive facebook use among Portuguese university students: contributes of the adaptation of the bergen Facebook addiction

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    One of the emerging topics in behavioral additions are social networks and particularly the addiction to Facebook. In recent years several instruments have been presented to evaluate these behaviors that urges for the adaptation to different contexts and populations. In this study we present the psychometric properties of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (Andreassen et al., 2012) with Portuguese university students in two studies with samples of 442 and 196 participants to whom the instrument was applied with other measures of addition to Internet intensive use of Facebook adapted to Portuguese context. The results allow us to find good validity and internal consistency, as well as temporary stability of the instrument. They also allow us to finding gender differences in the two studies, a correlation with age and academic performance. The results are discussed based on the literature and future studies are suggested.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo das Redes Sociais: Perspectivas Teóricas para uma Análise

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    Currently, the online social networks have been studied by diverse studies and research. As a consequence, there is a lot of research in data bases that highligts analytical interest in social media through certain specific conceptual frameworks and theoretical referents. As a result, this paper aims to show two specific frameworks that allow to understand and to study social networks around the problem of machines and their relationship with social and political problems. These frameworks, hence, allow to analyze other problems beyond the main problems and topics that are common in the studies that appear in specialized journals. In sum, the aim is to expose two frameworks that allow to answer questions like: What is an online social network? And what is its relation to the social and political spheres?Las actuales redes sociales digitales se han convertido en un foco de múltiples análisis y temas de investigación. Como consecuencia, circulan en las diversas bases de datos múltiples investigaciones que privilegian marcos conceptuales y referentes teóricos sobre ciertos temas de interés en el análisis de las redes sociales. Frente a esto, el objetivo del presente artículo es mostrar dos marcos conceptuales diferentes desde los cuales se pueden analizar las redes sociales, que se distancian de las miradas, los temas y los marcos teóricos privilegiados sobre el estudio de las redes sociales más abundantes, y que a su vez permiten comprender su relación con las máquinas y los problemas socio-políticos. Con ello, se pretende aportar elementos teóricos a investigaciones que giren en torno a preguntas como ¿qué son las redes sociales y cómo se las puede estudiar en torno a problemas socio-políticos?Atualmente, as redes sociais online têm sido estudadas por diversos estudos e pesquisas. Como conseqüência, existem muitas pesquisas nas bases de dados baseadas em estruturas específicas e principais em detrimento de outras. Como resultado, este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar duas estruturas específicas que permitem compreender e estudar as redes sociais em torno do problema da máquina e sua relação com problemas sociais e políticos. Essas estruturas, portanto, disponibilizam a análise de outros problemas além dos principais problemas e tópicos comuns nos estudos que aparecem em periódicos especializados. Em resumo, o objetivo é expor duas estruturas que permitem responder a perguntas como: O que é uma rede social online? E, qual é a relação com os panoramas sociais e políticos

    Examining the core knowledge on facebook

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    Percepciones del uso de redes sociales y sus efectos en las relaciones interpersonales de estudiantes de pregrado de una Universidad privada de Medellín

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    Objetivo -- Identificar las percepciones sobre el uso de redes sociales y sus efectos en las relaciones interpersonales de estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad privada de Medellín -- Se analiza el uso de estas redes sociales desde sus percepciones frente a los usos y fines que le dan a estas redes y los efectos que tienen en sus relaciones (amistosas, familiares, intimas y consigo mismos) -- Método -- Estudio cualitativo exploratorio basado en ocho entrevistas a profundidad con estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad de Medellín -- Resultados -- Cada red social tiene un fin definido, Instagram suple un rol de relacionamiento, Twitter cumple un rol tanto informativo como reflexivo y WhatsApp es visto como una herramienta esencial a las comunicaciones -- En cuanto a las percepciones que se tiene sobre el uso de estas en primera instancia se puede ver que permite mantener y ampliar las conexiones interpersonales y permite una inmediatez en la conexión, en lo negativo se puede ver que la inmediatez se vuelve desgastante, y se genera una brecha entre la vida real y la vida virtual tanto en el ser como en los tiempos -- En cuanto a la presencialidad de las relaciones son una herramienta que permite el encuentro pero que a su vez genera distanciamientos durante el mismo; también vuelve a surgir la brecha que existe entre el ser virtual y el ser real que no siempre son coherentes -- Finalmente, frente a los efectos en las relaciones de los sujetos se nota que permite una mayor cercanía y calidez, y una mayor claridad en los inicios de una relación romántica; los efectos negativos siendo lo proclive que son estas comunicaciones a los malentendidos, la presencia del FoMO, la creación de redes amplias, pero no profundas y la exteriorización constante de la vida -- Conclusiones -- Los efectos positivos se pueden sintetizar en una mayor conexión con los otros, capacidad para mantenerse informado al propio ritmo, y disponibilidad inmediata de la red de apoyo de los sujetos -- Los efectos negativos se pueden sintetizar en agobio por la demanda constante, malentendidos por la ausencia del lenguaje implícito, FoMO y la creación de una segunda vida que existe en un tiempo diferente a la vida “real

    Modern Political Participation Online vs Offline: New Opportunities — Previous Activity?

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    The paper is devoted to the study of the features of political participation in the modern information society. In the context of the rapid digitalization of the political space, the analysis of existing and emerging forms of political participation is of particular relevance.The aim of the paper is to study the impact of an individual’s internal attitudes on his/her willingness to participate in socially significant events, both online and offline. The influence of internal attitudes of individuals is considered in the paper through the prism of two factors: the perception of social media as the main channel for the expression of civic interests (perception factor) and people’s attitude to the idea of the possibility of a single political leader appearing in social media space (leadership factor).Poll among students was chosen as the main applied research method, since students are an active users of modern social media.The poll results show that almost half of active users of social media are ready to participate in social processes both online and offline. In addition, the vast majority of respondents perceive the Internet platforms of modern social media as the main channel and mechanism for expressing civic activity. The poll results also showed that half of active users deny the possibility of a single political leader appearing in the social media space (although there is a large proportion of those who, on the contrary, agree with this idea — more than a third of all respondents). Cross-analysis of the poll data confirmed the assumption indicated in the work, according to which the individuals perception of social media as a communicative channel effective for the purpose of civic participation, contributes to their readiness to participate in socially significant events online. At the same time, the study of the impact of the leadership factor on individuals’ readiness for various forms of political participation did not form an unambiguous opinion on the nature of this impact and requires further study. This study demonstrates that activity in social media does not contribute to the socio-political passivity of their users