421 research outputs found

    Face Recognition Technique Using Gabor Wavelets And Singular Value Decomposition

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    Gabor Wavelets (GWs) (also known as Gabor filter) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) have been studied extensively in the area of face recognition. In this project, face recognition system is developed using combination of GWs and SVD. Both techniques are used to extract facial features from the human facial image and presented in the form of feature vector. For GWs, only 12 out of 40 GWs are selected to extract facial features from the facial images. This offers the advantage of reducing computational time of feature extraction. As for SVD, only the first five singular values are selected and its associated right singular vectors are used as the facial feature vectors. The use of SVD in addition to the GWs increases the reliability of the face recognition system. In the face verification and matching stage, the similarity level between facial images is determined by computing the distance between the resulting facial feature vectors obtained from GWs and SVD respectively. Overall, the Gabor-SVD based face recognition technique showed constructive and promising result in recognizing the valid user and rejecting invalid users on the JAFFE database

    Face Recognition Technique Using Gabor Wavelets And Singular Value Decomposition

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    Gabor Wavelets (GWs) (also known as Gabor filter) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) have been studied extensively in the area of face recognition. In this project, face recognition system is developed using combination of GWs and SVD. Both techniques are used to extract facial features from the human facial image and presented in the form of feature vector. For GWs, only 12 out of 40 GWs are selected to extract facial features from the facial images. This offers the advantage of reducing computational time of feature extraction. As for SVD, only the first five singular values are selected and its associated right singular vectors are used as the facial feature vectors. The use of SVD in addition to the GWs increases the reliability of the face recognition system. In the face verification and matching stage, the similarity level between facial images is determined by computing the distance between the resulting facial feature vectors obtained from GWs and SVD respectively. Overall, the Gabor-SVD based face recognition technique showed constructive and promising result in recognizing the valid user and rejecting invalid users on the JAFFE database

    Robust thermal face recognition using region classifiers

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    This paper presents a robust approach for recognition of thermal face images based on decision level fusion of 34 different region classifiers. The region classifiers concentrate on local variations. They use singular value decomposition (SVD) for feature extraction. Fusion of decisions of the region classifier is done by using majority voting technique. The algorithm is tolerant against false exclusion of thermal information produced by the presence of inconsistent distribution of temperature statistics which generally make the identification process difficult. The algorithm is extensively evaluated on UGC-JU thermal face database, and Terravic facial infrared database and the recognition performance are found to be 95.83% and 100%, respectively. A comparative study has also been made with the existing works in the literature

    Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing

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    In recent years, a large amount of multi-disciplinary research has been conducted on sparse models and their applications. In statistics and machine learning, the sparsity principle is used to perform model selection---that is, automatically selecting a simple model among a large collection of them. In signal processing, sparse coding consists of representing data with linear combinations of a few dictionary elements. Subsequently, the corresponding tools have been widely adopted by several scientific communities such as neuroscience, bioinformatics, or computer vision. The goal of this monograph is to offer a self-contained view of sparse modeling for visual recognition and image processing. More specifically, we focus on applications where the dictionary is learned and adapted to data, yielding a compact representation that has been successful in various contexts.Comment: 205 pages, to appear in Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Visio

    Appearance Based Stage Recognition of Drosophila Embryos

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    Stages in Drosophila development denote the time after fertilization at which certain specific events occur in the developmental cycle. Stage information of a host embryo, as well as spatial information of a gene expression region is indispensable input for the discovery of the pattern of gene-gene interaction. Manual labeling of stages is becoming a bottleneck under the circumstance of high throughput embryo images. Automatic recognition based on the appearances of embryos is becoming a more desirable scheme. This problem, however, is very challenging due to severe variations of illumination and gene expressions. In this research thesis, we propose an appearance based recognition method using orientation histograms and Gabor filter. Furthermore, we apply Principal Component Analysis to reduce the dimension of the low-level features, aiming to accelerate the speed of recognition. With the experiments on BDGP images, we show the promise of the proposed method

    An Analysis of Facial Expression Recognition Techniques

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    In present era of technology , we need applications which could be easy to use and are user-friendly , that even people with specific disabilities use them easily. Facial Expression Recognition has vital role and challenges in communities of computer vision, pattern recognition which provide much more attention due to potential application in many areas such as human machine interaction, surveillance , robotics , driver safety, non- verbal communication, entertainment, health- care and psychology study. Facial Expression Recognition has major importance ration in face recognition for significant image applications understanding and analysis. There are many algorithms have been implemented on different static (uniform background, identical poses, similar illuminations ) and dynamic (position variation, partial occlusion orientation, varying lighting )conditions. In general way face expression recognition consist of three main steps first is face detection then feature Extraction and at last classification. In this survey paper we discussed different types of facial expression recognition techniques and various methods which is used by them and their performance measures

    Heterogeneous Techniques used in Face Recognition: A Survey

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    Face Recognition has become one of the important areas of research in computer vision. Human Communication is a combination of both verbal and non-verbal. For interaction in the society, face serve as the primary canvas used to express distinct emotions non-verbally. The face of one person provides the most important natural means of communication. In this paper, we will discuss the various works done in the area of face recognition where focus is on intelligent approaches like PCA, LDA, DFLD, SVD, GA etc. In the current trend, combination of these existing techniques are being taken into consideration and are discussed in this paper.Keywords: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Direct Fractional LDA (DFLD

    Color Face Recognition Using Quaternion Principal Component Analysis (Q-PCA)

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