10 research outputs found

    Scale Normalized Radial Fourier Transform as a Robust Image Descriptor

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    International audienceWe present a new visual descriptor that combines a multi-scale Laplacian Profile with a Radial Discrete Fourier Transform. This descriptor exists at every position and scale in an image and provides a local feature vector that is both discriminant and robust to changes in orientation and scale. It has a variable description length, and thus can be easily adapted for a variety of applications, ranging from simple detection tasks on low power computing platforms to complex tasks requiring highly discriminant detectors. To demonstrate the discriminant power of this descriptor we employ it in its most compact form to construct a cascade of linear classifiers for detecting people in images. We compare this detector to cascades classifiers constructed using Haar wavelets, Gaussian derivatives and variable size block HOG descriptors. Our experiments show that a cascade with this descriptor performs well against the other three detectors when tested using a common publicly available data set. We examine the stability of the descriptor to changes in image rotation and scaling for different description lengths

    Multiscale Shape Description with Laplacian Profile and Fourier Transform

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    International audienceWe propose a new local multiscale image descriptor of vari-able size. The descriptor combines Laplacian of Gaussian values at dif-ferent scales with a Radial Fourier Transform. This descriptor provides a compact description of the appearance of a local neighborhood in a manner that is robust to changes in scale and orientation. We evaluate this descriptor by measuring repeatability and recall against 1-precision with the Affine Covariant Features benchmark dataset and as well as with a set of textureless images from the MIRFLICKR Retrieval Evalu-ation dataset. Experiments reveal performance competitive to the state of the art, while providing a more compact representation

    Pedestrian detection in far infrared images

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    Detection of people in images is a relatively new field of research, but has been widely accepted. The applications are multiple, such as self-labeling of large databases, security systems and pedestrian detection in intelligent transportation systems. Within the latter, the purpose of a pedestrian detector from a moving vehicle is to detect the presence of people in the path of the vehicle. The ultimate goal is to avoid a collision between the two. This thesis is framed with the advanced driver assistance systems, passive safety systems that warn the driver of conditions that may be adverse. An advanced driving assistance system module, aimed to warn the driver about the presence of pedestrians, using computer vision in thermal images, is presented in this thesis. Such sensors are particularly useful under conditions of low illumination.The document is divided following the usual parts of a pedestrian detection system: development of descriptors that define the appearance of people in these kind of images, the application of these descriptors to full-sized images and temporal tracking of pedestrians found. As part of the work developed in this thesis, database of pedestrians in the far infrared spectrum is presented. This database has been used in developing an evaluation of pedestrian detection systems as well as for the development of new descriptors. These descriptors use techniques for the systematic description of the shape of the pedestrian as well as methods to achieve invariance to contrast, illumination or ambient temperature. The descriptors are analyzed and modified to improve their performance in a detection problem, where potential candidates are searched for in full size images. Finally, a method for tracking the detected pedestrians is proposed to reduce the number of miss-detections that occurred at earlier stages of the algorithm. --La detección de personas en imágenes es un campo de investigación relativamente nuevo, pero que ha tenido una amplia acogida. Las aplicaciones son múltiples, tales como auto-etiquetado de grandes bases de datos, sistemas de seguridad y detección de peatones en sistemas inteligentes de transporte. Dentro de este último, la detección de peatones desde un vehículo móvil tiene como objetivo detectar la presencia de personas en la trayectoria del vehículo. EL fin último es evitar una colisión entre ambos. Esta tesis se enmarca en los sistemas avanzados de ayuda a la conducción; sistemas de seguridad pasivos, que advierten al conductor de condiciones que pueden ser adversas. En esta tesis se presenta un módulo de ayuda a la conducción destinado a advertir de la presencia de peatones, mediante el uso de visión por computador en imágenes térmicas. Este tipo de sensores resultan especialmente útiles en condiciones de baja iluminación. El documento se divide siguiendo las partes habituales de una sistema de detección de peatones: desarrollo de descriptores que defina la apariencia de las personas en este tipo de imágenes, la aplicación de estos en imágenes de tamano completo y el seguimiento temporal de los peatones encontrados. Como parte del trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis se presenta una base de datos de peatones en el espectro infrarrojo lejano. Esta base de datos ha sido utilizada para desarrollar una evaluación de sistemas de detección de peatones, así como para el desarrollo de nuevos descriptores. Estos integran técnicas para la descripción sistemática de la forma del peatón, así como métodos para la invariancia al contraste, la iluminación o la temperatura externa. Los descriptores son analizados y modificados para mejorar su rendimiento en un problema de detección, donde se buscan posibles candidatos en una imagen de tamano completo. Finalmente, se propone una método de seguimiento de los peatones detectados para reducir el número de fallos que se hayan producido etapas anteriores del algoritmo

    SAMM: A Spontaneous Micro-Facial Movement Dataset

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    Micro-facial expressions are spontaneous, involuntary movements of the face when a person experiences an emotion but attempts to hide their facial expression, most likely in a high-stakes environment. Recently, research in this field has grown in popularity, however publicly available datasets of micro-expressions have limitations due to the difficulty of naturally inducing spontaneous micro-expressions. Other issues include lighting, low resolution and low participant diversity. We present a newly developed spontaneous micro-facial movement dataset with diverse participants and coded using the Facial Action Coding System. The experimental protocol addresses the limitations of previous datasets, including eliciting emotional responses from stimuli tailored to each participant. Dataset evaluation was completed by running preliminary experiments to classify micro-movements from non-movements. Results were obtained using a selection of spatio-temporal descriptors and machine learning. We further evaluate the dataset on emerging methods of feature difference analysis and propose an Adaptive Baseline Threshold that uses individualised neutral expression to improve the performance of micro-movement detection. In contrast to machine learning approaches, we outperform the state of the art with a recall of 0.91. The outcomes show the dataset can become a new standard for micro-movement data, with future work expanding on data representation and analysis

    Face Detection by Cascade of Gaussian Derivates Classifiers Calculated With a Half-Octave Pyramid

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    This paper presents a method for object detection based on a cascade of scale and orientation normalized Gaussian derivative classifiers learnt with Adaboost. Normalized Gaussian derivatives provide a small but powerful feature set for rapid learning using Adaboost. Real time detection is made possible by use of a fast integer coefficient algorithm that computes a half-octave Gaussian pyramid with linear algorithmic complexity using a cascade of binomial kernel filters. The method is demonstrated by training a boosted classifier for frontal face detection using standard data sets. Experiments demonstrate that this approach can provide detection rates that are comparable or superior to those obtained with integral images while dramatically reducing the required training effort

    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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    This open access handbook provides the first comprehensive overview of biometrics exploiting the shape of human blood vessels for biometric recognition, i.e. vascular biometrics, including finger vein recognition, hand/palm vein recognition, retina recognition, and sclera recognition. After an introductory chapter summarizing the state of the art in and availability of commercial systems and open datasets/open source software, individual chapters focus on specific aspects of one of the biometric modalities, including questions of usability, security, and privacy. The book features contributions from both academia and major industrial manufacturers

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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