6 research outputs found

    Detection of Student Drowsiness Using Ensemble Regression Trees in Online Learning During a COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Online lectures are mandatory to deal with the implementation of education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This significant change certainly creates a different experience for students. Regarding online learning, several public health experts and ophthalmologists say that residual radiation from electronic screens is causing an epidemic of eye fatigue. Research on smart classrooms actually appeared several years ago, but in reality it has not been implemented according to the planned concept. The current smart classroom research environment only uses outdated methods, which make the computer system incongruent (such as decision trees in video feeds) or only to the level of empirical studies or blueprints, which are not much help for other academic footing or reference materials. to students. This study aims to build an intelligent system that can evaluate students' attention during online classes, use teaching videos as learning feeds and input for predictions and also use advanced algorithms in several computational domains, namely face segmentation, landmarking, PERCLOS observations, Yawning and decision analysis using Ensemble Regression Trees to detect students' sleepiness, which is expected to patch up the shortcomings of the PERCLOS algorithm and the problems found in the single regression tree-based implementation. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, the system developed has been able to observe sleepy objects in learning videos with an accuracy of 80% so that later it can be a lesson for teachers why there are students who are sleepy during online classes either because of uninteresting material or other reasons

    Contrasting methods for classifying microtext statements containing mathametics

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    Published ArticleQueries received by tutors on the Dr Math mathematics tutoring service are created in a domain-specific form of microtext. The aim of the service is to help South African school learners to master mathematical concepts, but not all of the queries received on the service contain content relevant to the tutoring process. This paper contrasts various methods to classify learner queries automatically as relevant or not, in order to determine whether such a process could approximate human judgement. A back-propagation artificial neural network, a decision tree, a Bayesian filter, a k-means clustering algorithm and a rule-based filter are compared. The results of the classification techniques are contrasted with the results of three human coders, using the metrics of precision, recall, F-measure and the Pearson correlation co-efficient. Both the rule-based filter and neural network deliver classification results which closely reflect the classifications made by the human coders

    Local quality-based matching of faces for watchlist screening applications

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    Video surveillance systems are often exploited by safety organizations for enhanced security and situational awareness. A key application in video surveillance is watchlist screening where target individuals are enrolled to a still-to-video Face Recognition (FR) system using single still images captured a priori under controlled conditions. Watchlist Screening is a very challenging application. Indeed, the latter must provide accurate decisions and timely recognition using limited number of reference faces for the system’s enrolment. This issue is often called the "Single Sample Per Person" (SSPP) problem. Added to that, uncontrolled factors such as variations in illumination pose and occlusion is unpreventable in real case video surveillance which causes the degradation of the FR system’s performance. Another major problem in such applications is the camera interoperability. This means that there is a huge gap between the camera used for taking the still images and the camera used for taking the video surveillance footage in terms of quality and resolution. This issue hinders the classification process then decreases the system‘s performance. Controlled and uniform lighting is indispensable for having good facial captures that contributes in the recognition performance of the system. However, in reality, facial captures are poor in illumination factor and are severely affecting the system’s performance. This is why it is important to implement a FR system which is invariant to illumination changes. The first part of this Thesis consists in investigating different illumination normalization (IN) techniques that are applied at the pre-processing level of the still-to-video FR. Afterwards IN techniques are compared to each other in order to pinpoint the most suitable technique for illumination invariance. In addition, patch-based methods for template matching extracts facial features from different regions which offers more discriminative information and deals with occlusion issues. Thus, local matching is applied for the still-to-video FR system. For that, a profound examination is needed on the manner of applying these IN techniques. Two different approaches were conducted: the global approach which consists in performing IN on the image then performs local matching and the local approach which consists in primarily dividing the images into non overlapping patches then perform on individually on each patch each IN technique. The results obtained after executing these experiments have shown that the Tan and Triggs (TT) and Multi ScaleWeberfaces are likely to offer better illumination invariance for the still-to-video FR system. In addition to that, these outperforming IN techniques applied locally on each patch have shown to improve the performance of the FR compared to the global approach. The performance of a FR system is good when the training data and the operation data are from the same distribution. Unfortunately, in still-to-video FR systems this is not satisfied. The training data are still, high quality, high resolution and frontal images. However, the testing data are video frames, low quality, low resolution and varying head pose images. Thus, the former and the latter do not have the same distribution. To address this domain shift, the second part of this Thesis consists in presenting a new technique of dynamic regional weighting exploiting unsupervised domain adaptation and contextual information based on quality. The main contribution consists in assigning dynamic weights that is specific to a camera domain.This study replaces the static and predefined manner of assigning weights. In order to assess the impact of applying local weights dynamically, results are compared to a baseline (no weights) and static weighting technique. This context based approach has proven to increase the system’s performance compared to the static weighting that is dependent on the dataset and the baseline technique which consists of having no weights. These experiments are conducted and validated using the ChokePoint Dataset. As for the performance of the still-to-video FR system, it is evaluated using performance measures, Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and Precision-Recall (PR) curve analysis

    A mathematics rendering model to support chat-based tutoring

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    Dr Math is a math tutoring service implemented on the chat application Mxit. The service allows school learners to use their mobile phones to discuss mathematicsrelated topics with human tutors. Using the broad user-base provided by Mxit, the Dr Math service has grown to consist of tens of thousands of registered school learners. The tutors on the service are all volunteers and the learners far outnumber the available tutors at any given time. School learners on the service use a shorthand language-form called microtext, to phrase their queries. Microtext is an informal form of language which consists of a variety of misspellings and symbolic representations, which emerge spontaneously as a result of the idiosyncrasies of a learner. The specific form of microtext found on the Dr Math service contains mathematical questions and example equations, pertaining to the tutoring process. Deciphering the queries, to discover their embedded mathematical content, slows down the tutoring process. This wastes time that could have been spent addressing more learner queries. The microtext language thus creates an unnecessary burden on the tutors. This study describes the development of an automated process for the translation of Dr Math microtext queries into mathematical equations. Using the design science research paradigm as a guide, three artefacts are developed. These artefacts take the form of a construct, a model and an instantiation. The construct represents the creation of new knowledge as it provides greater insight into the contents and structure of the language found on a mobile mathematics tutoring service. The construct serves as the basis for the creation of a model for the translation of microtext queries into mathematical equations, formatted for display in an electronic medium. No such technique currently exists and therefore, the model contributes new knowledge. To validate the model, an instantiation was created to serve as a proof-of-concept. The instantiation applies various concepts and techniques, such as those related to natural language processing, to the learner queries on the Dr Math service. These techniques are employed in order to translate an input microtext statement into a mathematical equation, structured by using mark-up language. The creation of the instantiation thus constitutes a knowledge contribution, as most of these techniques have never been applied to the problem of translating microtext into mathematical equations. For the automated process to have utility, it should perform on a level comparable to that of a human performing a similar translation task. To determine how closely related the results from the automated process are to those of a human, three human participants were asked to perform coding and translation tasks. The results of the human participants were compared to the results of the automated process, across a variety of metrics, including agreement, correlation, precision, recall and others. The results from the human participants served as the baseline values for comparison. The baseline results from the human participants were compared with those of the automated process. Krippendorff’s α was used to determine the level of agreement and Pearson’s correlation coefficient to determine the level of correlation between the results. The agreement between the human participants and the automated process was calculated at a level deemed satisfactory for exploratory research and the level of correlation was calculated as moderate. These values correspond with the calculations made as the human baseline. Furthermore, the automated process was able to meet or improve on all of the human baseline metrics. These results serve to validate that the automated process is able to perform the translation at a level comparable to that of a human. The automated process is available for integration into any requesting application, by means of a publicly accessible web service