1,265 research outputs found

    CAPTCHA Accessibility Study of Online Forums

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    The rise of online forums has benefited disabled users, who take advantage of better communications and more inclusion into society. However, even with accessibility laws that are supposed to provide disabled people the same equal access as non-disabled users, sites have erected technical barriers, such as CAPTCHAs, that prevent users from taking full advantage of site capability. This study analyzes 150 online forums to determine if sites use CAPTCHAs, and what types are used. Each variety presents accessibility problems to disabled users and the results of the research show that most sites use text-based CAPTCHAs, but rarely provide alternatives that would help users with visual disabilities. The research presents alternatives that site designers may wish to consider in order to allow more disabled users to access their sites

    A survey of assistive technologies and applications for blind users on mobile platforms: a review and foundation for research

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    This paper summarizes recent developments in audio and tactile feedback based assistive technologies targeting the blind community. Current technology allows applications to be efficiently distributed and run on mobile and handheld devices, even in cases where computational requirements are significant. As a result, electronic travel aids, navigational assistance modules, text-to-speech applications, as well as virtual audio displays which combine audio with haptic channels are becoming integrated into standard mobile devices. This trend, combined with the appearance of increasingly user- friendly interfaces and modes of interaction has opened a variety of new perspectives for the rehabilitation and training of users with visual impairments. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of these developments based on recent advances in basic research and application development. Using this overview as a foundation, an agenda is outlined for future research in mobile interaction design with respect to users with special needs, as well as ultimately in relation to sensor-bridging applications in genera

    Include 2011 : The role of inclusive design in making social innovation happen.

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    Include is the biennial conference held at the RCA and hosted by the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design. The event is directed by Jo-Anne Bichard and attracts an international delegation

    Inclusive Intelligent Learning Management System Framework - Application of Data Science in Inclusive Education

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Data ScienceBeing a disabled student the author faced higher education with a handicap which as experience studying during COVID 19 confinement periods matched the findings in recent research about the importance of digital accessibility through more e-learning intensive academic experiences. Narrative and systematic literature reviews enabled providing context in World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, legal and standards framework and information technology and communication state-of-the art. Assessing Portuguese higher education institutions’ web sites alerted to the fact that only outlying institutions implemented near perfect, accessibility-wise, websites. Therefore a gap was identified in how accessible the Portuguese higher education websites are, the needs of all students, including those with disabilities, and even the accessibility minimum legal requirements for digital products and the services provided by public or publicly funded organizations. Having identified a problem in society and exploring the scientific base of knowledge for context and state of the art was a first stage in the Design Science Research methodology, to which followed development and validation cycles of an Inclusive Intelligent Learning Management System Framework. The framework blends various Data Science study fields contributions with accessibility guidelines compliant interface design and content upload accessibility compliance assessment. Validation was provided by a focus group whose inputs were considered for the version presented in this dissertation. Not being the purpose of the research to deliver a complete implementation of the framework and lacking consistent data to put all the modules interacting with each other, the most relevant modules were tested with open data as proof of concept. The rigor cycle of DSR started with the inclusion of the previous thesis on Atlântica University Institute Scientific Repository and is to be completed with the publication of this thesis and the already started PhD’s findings in relevant journals and conferences

    Challenges and Solutions on Assistive Technologies: Electronic systems design for people with disabilities

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    This work of PhD Thesis focuses on technology dedicated to persons with disabilities. This category of devices is known in the academic field and also on the market with the term of Assistive Technology. This name in fact indicates a series of technological solutions that can assist people with disabilities during everyday life and often return to the user one or more skills such as walk, talk, play or trivially change channels when watching television. In the elaborate some of the major contributions made by the candidate to the field of Assistive Technology are presented. However, to better understand the dynamics and the scene of the Assistive Technology worldwide, also the most important and current issues of this field, both technological and economics, are described

    Aplicación dos produtos de apoio de alta tecnoloxía no desempeño ocupacional das persoas con discapacidade visual: scoping review

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    [Resumo] Introdución: As persoas con discapacidade visual poden experimentar dificultades na realización de diferentes ocupacións cotiás. A tecnoloxía de apoio (TA) debe actuar coma un facilitador na participación desta poboación en actividades desexadas. Obxectivo: Coñecer se os produtos de apoio de alta tecnoloxía dan resposta ás dificultades no desempeño ocupacional coas que se atopan máis frecuentemente as persoas con discapacidade visual no seu día a día. Metodoloxía: Seguiuse unha metodoloxía de revisión de alcance. A busca bibliográfica foi levada a cabo nas bases de datos CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science. As variables temáticas establecéronse seguindo os compoñentes propostos polo Modelo da Actividade Humana e da Tecnoloxía de Apoio. Para a súa análise empregouse un enfoque mixto. Resultados: Na mostra incluíronse un total de 44 estudos. En moitos casos, non se especificou certa información relativa ás persoas participantes. A TA analizada centrouse principalmente na detección e na evitación de obstáculos, facilitando a mobilidade funcional. Os dispositivos reciben a información mediante sistemas de cámaras para transmitirlla á persoa por son. A TA está deseñada para contextos tanto interiores coma exteriores da vida diaria, e foi testada maiormente en ambientes reais. Conclusión: Os produtos de apoio de alta tecnoloxía están dirixidos principalmente a facilitar a mobilidade funcional, a participación social, e a lectura das persoas con discapacidade visual. En menor medida, abordaron a educación, o deporte e as tarefas do fogar. Así, non se centraron noutras actividades relevantes como a condución ou o emprego.[Resumen] Introducción: Las personas con discapacidad visual pueden experimentan dificultades en la realización de diferentes ocupaciones cotidianas. La tecnología de apoyo (TA) debe actuar como un facilitador en la participación de esta población en actividades deseadas. Objetivo: Conocer si los productos de apoyo de alta tecnología dan respuesta a las dificultades en el desempeño ocupacional con las que se encuentran más frecuentemente las personas con discapacidad visual en su día a día. Metodología: Se siguió una metodología de revisión de alcance. La búsqueda bibliográfica se llevó a cabo en las bases de datos CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science. Las variables temáticas se establecieron siguiendo los componentes propuestos por el Modelo de la Actividad Humana y la Tecnología de Apoyo. Para su análisis se empleó un enfoque mixto. Resultados: En la muestra se incluyeron un total de 44 estudios. En muchos casos, no se especificó cierta información relativa a las personas participantes. La TA analizada se centró principalmente en la detección y evitación de obstáculos, facilitando la movilidad funcional. Los dispositivos reciben la información mediante sistemas de cámaras para transmitírsela a la persona por audio. La TA está diseñada para contextos tanto interiores como exteriores de la vida diaria, y fue testada mayormente en ambientes reales. Conclusión: Los productos de apoyo de alta tecnología están dirigidos principalmente a facilitar la movilidad funcional, la participación social, y la lectura de las personas con discapacidad visual. En menor medida, abordaron la educación, el deporte, o las tareas del hogar. Así, no se centraron en otras actividades relevantes como la conducción o el empleo.[Abstract] Background: People with visual impairment can have difficulties in performing different daily occupations. Assistive technology (AT) should be an enabler in the participation of these population’s desired activities. Aim: To know if high-tech assistive devices respond to difficulties in the occupational performance that people with visual impairment most frequently experiment in their day-to-day lives. Methodology: A methodology of Scoping Review was used. The bibliographic search was carried out in the databases CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science. Thematic variables were established following the components proposed by the Human Activity Assistive Technology Model. For their analyses, a mixed methods approach was used. Results: A total of 44 studies were included in the sample. In many cases, certain information regarding the participants was not specified. The analyzed AT focused mainly on the detection and avoidance of obstacles, facilitating functional mobility. The devices receive the information through camera systems to transmit it to the person by audio. The AT is designed for indoor and outdoor contexts of everyday life, and it was mostly tested in real-world environments. Conclusion: The high-tech assistive devices are primarily aimed at facilitating the functional mobility, social participation, and reading of people with visual impairment. To a lesser extent, they addressed education, sports, or housework. However, they did not focus on other relevant activities such as driving or working.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.FCS). Asistencia e investigación sanitaria. Especialidade en Reeducación Funcional, Autonomía Persoal e Calidade de Vida. Curso 2020-202

    Accessible Autonomy: Exploring Inclusive Autonomous Vehicle Design and Interaction for People who are Blind and Visually Impaired

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    Autonomous vehicles are poised to revolutionize independent travel for millions of people experiencing transportation-limiting visual impairments worldwide. However, the current trajectory of automotive technology is rife with roadblocks to accessible interaction and inclusion for this demographic. Inaccessible (visually dependent) interfaces and lack of information access throughout the trip are surmountable, yet nevertheless critical barriers to this potentially lifechanging technology. To address these challenges, the programmatic dissertation research presented here includes ten studies, three published papers, and three submitted papers in high impact outlets that together address accessibility across the complete trip of transportation. The first paper began with a thorough review of the fully autonomous vehicle (FAV) and blind and visually impaired (BVI) literature, as well as the underlying policy landscape. Results guided prejourney ridesharing needs among BVI users, which were addressed in paper two via a survey with (n=90) transit service drivers, interviews with (n=12) BVI users, and prototype design evaluations with (n=6) users, all contributing to the Autonomous Vehicle Assistant: an award-winning and accessible ridesharing app. A subsequent study with (n=12) users, presented in paper three, focused on prejourney mapping to provide critical information access in future FAVs. Accessible in-vehicle interactions were explored in the fourth paper through a survey with (n=187) BVI users. Results prioritized nonvisual information about the trip and indicated the importance of situational awareness. This effort informed the design and evaluation of an ultrasonic haptic HMI intended to promote situational awareness with (n=14) participants (paper five), leading to a novel gestural-audio interface with (n=23) users (paper six). Strong support from users across these studies suggested positive outcomes in pursuit of actionable situational awareness and control. Cumulative results from this dissertation research program represent, to our knowledge, the single most comprehensive approach to FAV BVI accessibility to date. By considering both pre-journey and in-vehicle accessibility, results pave the way for autonomous driving experiences that enable meaningful interaction for BVI users across the complete trip of transportation. This new mode of accessible travel is predicted to transform independent travel for millions of people with visual impairment, leading to increased independence, mobility, and quality of life